
548 lines
16 KiB

* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
use CodeIgniter\Files\Exceptions\FileNotFoundException;
use Config\DocTypes;
use Config\Mimes;
// CodeIgniter HTML Helpers
if (! function_exists('ul')) {
* Unordered List
* Generates an HTML unordered list from an single or
* multi-dimensional array.
* @param array|object|string $attributes HTML attributes string, array, object
function ul(array $list, $attributes = ''): string
return _list('ul', $list, $attributes);
if (! function_exists('ol')) {
* Ordered List
* Generates an HTML ordered list from an single or multi-dimensional array.
* @param array|object|string $attributes HTML attributes string, array, object
function ol(array $list, $attributes = ''): string
return _list('ol', $list, $attributes);
if (! function_exists('_list')) {
* Generates the list
* Generates an HTML ordered list from an single or multi-dimensional array.
* @param array $list
* @param array|object|string $attributes string, array, object
function _list(string $type = 'ul', $list = [], $attributes = '', int $depth = 0): string
// Set the indentation based on the depth
$out = str_repeat(' ', $depth)
// Write the opening list tag
. '<' . $type . stringify_attributes($attributes) . ">\n";
// Cycle through the list elements. If an array is
// encountered we will recursively call _list()
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
$out .= str_repeat(' ', $depth + 2) . '<li>';
if (! is_array($val)) {
$out .= $val;
} else {
$out .= $key
. "\n"
. _list($type, $val, '', $depth + 4)
. str_repeat(' ', $depth + 2);
$out .= "</li>\n";
// Set the indentation for the closing tag and apply it
return $out . str_repeat(' ', $depth) . '</' . $type . ">\n";
if (! function_exists('img')) {
* Image
* Generates an image element
* @param array|string $src Image source URI, or array of attributes and values
* @param bool $indexPage Whether to treat $src as a routed URI string
* @param array|object|string $attributes Additional HTML attributes
function img($src = '', bool $indexPage = false, $attributes = ''): string
if (! is_array($src)) {
$src = ['src' => $src];
if (! isset($src['src'])) {
$src['src'] = $attributes['src'] ?? '';
if (! isset($src['alt'])) {
$src['alt'] = $attributes['alt'] ?? '';
$img = '<img';
// Check for a relative URI
if (! preg_match('#^([a-z]+:)?//#i', $src['src']) && strpos($src['src'], 'data:') !== 0) {
if ($indexPage === true) {
$img .= ' src="' . site_url($src['src']) . '"';
} else {
$img .= ' src="' . slash_item('baseURL') . $src['src'] . '"';
// Append any other values
foreach ($src as $key => $value) {
$img .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
// Prevent passing completed values to stringify_attributes
if (is_array($attributes)) {
unset($attributes['alt'], $attributes['src']);
return $img . stringify_attributes($attributes) . _solidus() . '>';
if (! function_exists('img_data')) {
* Image (data)
* Generates a src-ready string from an image using the "data:" protocol
* @param string $path Image source path
* @param string|null $mime MIME type to use, or null to guess
function img_data(string $path, ?string $mime = null): string
if (! is_file($path) || ! is_readable($path)) {
throw FileNotFoundException::forFileNotFound($path);
// Read in file binary data
$handle = fopen($path, 'rb');
$data = fread($handle, filesize($path));
// Encode as base64
$data = base64_encode($data);
// Figure out the type (Hail Mary to JPEG)
$mime ??= Mimes::guessTypeFromExtension(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) ?? 'image/jpg';
return 'data:' . $mime . ';base64,' . $data;
if (! function_exists('doctype')) {
* Doctype
* Generates a page document type declaration
* Examples of valid options: html5, xhtml-11, xhtml-strict, xhtml-trans,
* xhtml-frame, html4-strict, html4-trans, and html4-frame.
* All values are saved in the doctypes config file.
* @param string $type The doctype to be generated
function doctype(string $type = 'html5'): string
$config = new DocTypes();
$doctypes = $config->list;
return $doctypes[$type] ?? false;
if (! function_exists('script_tag')) {
* Script
* Generates link to a JS file
* @param array|string $src Script source or an array of attributes
* @param bool $indexPage Should indexPage be added to the JS path
function script_tag($src = '', bool $indexPage = false): string
$cspNonce = csp_script_nonce();
$cspNonce = $cspNonce ? ' ' . $cspNonce : $cspNonce;
$script = '<script' . $cspNonce . ' ';
if (! is_array($src)) {
$src = ['src' => $src];
foreach ($src as $k => $v) {
if ($k === 'src' && ! preg_match('#^([a-z]+:)?//#i', $v)) {
if ($indexPage === true) {
$script .= 'src="' . site_url($v) . '" ';
} else {
$script .= 'src="' . slash_item('baseURL') . $v . '" ';
} else {
// for attributes without values, like async or defer, use NULL.
$script .= $k . (null === $v ? ' ' : '="' . $v . '" ');
return rtrim($script) . '></script>';
if (! function_exists('link_tag')) {
* Link
* Generates link tag
* @param array<string, bool|string>|string $href Stylesheet href or an array
* @param bool $indexPage should indexPage be added to the CSS path.
function link_tag(
$href = '',
string $rel = 'stylesheet',
string $type = 'text/css',
string $title = '',
string $media = '',
bool $indexPage = false,
string $hreflang = ''
): string {
$attributes = [];
// extract fields if needed
if (is_array($href)) {
$rel = $href['rel'] ?? $rel;
$type = $href['type'] ?? $type;
$title = $href['title'] ?? $title;
$media = $href['media'] ?? $media;
$hreflang = $href['hreflang'] ?? '';
$indexPage = $href['indexPage'] ?? $indexPage;
$href = $href['href'] ?? '';
if (! preg_match('#^([a-z]+:)?//#i', $href)) {
$attributes['href'] = $indexPage ? site_url($href) : slash_item('baseURL') . $href;
} else {
$attributes['href'] = $href;
if ($hreflang !== '') {
$attributes['hreflang'] = $hreflang;
$attributes['rel'] = $rel;
if ($type !== '' && $rel !== 'canonical' && $hreflang === '' && ! ($rel === 'alternate' && $media !== '')) {
$attributes['type'] = $type;
if ($media !== '') {
$attributes['media'] = $media;
if ($title !== '') {
$attributes['title'] = $title;
return '<link' . stringify_attributes($attributes) . _solidus() . '>';
if (! function_exists('video')) {
* Video
* Generates a video element to embed videos. The video element can
* contain one or more video sources
* @param array|string $src Either a source string or an array of sources
* @param string $unsupportedMessage The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function video($src, string $unsupportedMessage = '', string $attributes = '', array $tracks = [], bool $indexPage = false): string
if (is_array($src)) {
return _media('video', $src, $unsupportedMessage, $attributes, $tracks);
$video = '<video';
if (_has_protocol($src)) {
$video .= ' src="' . $src . '"';
} elseif ($indexPage === true) {
$video .= ' src="' . site_url($src) . '"';
} else {
$video .= ' src="' . slash_item('baseURL') . $src . '"';
if ($attributes !== '') {
$video .= ' ' . $attributes;
$video .= ">\n";
foreach ($tracks as $track) {
$video .= _space_indent() . $track . "\n";
if ($unsupportedMessage !== '') {
$video .= _space_indent()
. $unsupportedMessage
. "\n";
return $video . "</video>\n";
if (! function_exists('audio')) {
* Audio
* Generates an audio element to embed sounds
* @param array|string $src Either a source string or an array of sources
* @param string $unsupportedMessage The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser.
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function audio($src, string $unsupportedMessage = '', string $attributes = '', array $tracks = [], bool $indexPage = false): string
if (is_array($src)) {
return _media('audio', $src, $unsupportedMessage, $attributes, $tracks);
$audio = '<audio';
if (_has_protocol($src)) {
$audio .= ' src="' . $src . '"';
} elseif ($indexPage === true) {
$audio .= ' src="' . site_url($src) . '"';
} else {
$audio .= ' src="' . slash_item('baseURL') . $src . '"';
if ($attributes !== '') {
$audio .= ' ' . $attributes;
$audio .= '>';
foreach ($tracks as $track) {
$audio .= "\n" . _space_indent() . $track;
if ($unsupportedMessage !== '') {
$audio .= "\n" . _space_indent() . $unsupportedMessage . "\n";
return $audio . "</audio>\n";
if (! function_exists('_media')) {
* Generate media based tag
* @param string $unsupportedMessage The message to display if the media tag is not supported by the browser.
function _media(string $name, array $types = [], string $unsupportedMessage = '', string $attributes = '', array $tracks = []): string
$media = '<' . $name;
if ($attributes === '') {
$media .= '>';
} else {
$media .= ' ' . $attributes . '>';
$media .= "\n";
foreach ($types as $option) {
$media .= _space_indent() . $option . "\n";
foreach ($tracks as $track) {
$media .= _space_indent() . $track . "\n";
if ($unsupportedMessage !== '') {
$media .= _space_indent() . $unsupportedMessage . "\n";
return $media . ('</' . $name . ">\n");
if (! function_exists('source')) {
* Source
* Generates a source element that specifies multiple media resources
* for either audio or video element
* @param string $src The path of the media resource
* @param string $type The MIME-type of the resource with optional codecs parameters
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function source(string $src, string $type = 'unknown', string $attributes = '', bool $indexPage = false): string
if (! _has_protocol($src)) {
$src = $indexPage === true ? site_url($src) : slash_item('baseURL') . $src;
$source = '<source src="' . $src
. '" type="' . $type . '"';
if ($attributes !== '') {
$source .= ' ' . $attributes;
return $source . _solidus() . '>';
if (! function_exists('track')) {
* Track
* Generates a track element to specify timed tracks. The tracks are
* formatted in WebVTT format.
* @param string $src The path of the .VTT file
function track(string $src, string $kind, string $srcLanguage, string $label): string
return '<track src="' . $src
. '" kind="' . $kind
. '" srclang="' . $srcLanguage
. '" label="' . $label
. '"' . _solidus() . '>';
if (! function_exists('object')) {
* Object
* Generates an object element that represents the media
* as either image or a resource plugin such as audio, video,
* Java applets, ActiveX, PDF and Flash
* @param string $data A resource URL
* @param string $type Content-type of the resource
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function object(string $data, string $type = 'unknown', string $attributes = '', array $params = [], bool $indexPage = false): string
if (! _has_protocol($data)) {
$data = $indexPage === true ? site_url($data) : slash_item('baseURL') . $data;
$object = '<object data="' . $data . '" '
. $attributes . '>';
if ($params !== []) {
$object .= "\n";
foreach ($params as $param) {
$object .= _space_indent() . $param . "\n";
return $object . "</object>\n";
if (! function_exists('param')) {
* Param
* Generates a param element that defines parameters
* for the object element.
* @param string $name The name of the parameter
* @param string $value The value of the parameter
* @param string $type The MIME-type
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function param(string $name, string $value, string $type = 'ref', string $attributes = ''): string
return '<param name="' . $name
. '" type="' . $type
. '" value="' . $value
. '" ' . $attributes . _solidus() . '>';
if (! function_exists('embed')) {
* Embed
* Generates an embed element
* @param string $src The path of the resource to embed
* @param string $type MIME-type
* @param string $attributes HTML attributes
function embed(string $src, string $type = 'unknown', string $attributes = '', bool $indexPage = false): string
if (! _has_protocol($src)) {
$src = $indexPage === true ? site_url($src) : slash_item('baseURL') . $src;
return '<embed src="' . $src
. '" type="' . $type . '" '
. $attributes . _solidus() . ">\n";
if (! function_exists('_has_protocol')) {
* Test the protocol of a URI.
* @return false|int
function _has_protocol(string $url)
return preg_match('#^([a-z]+:)?//#i', $url);
if (! function_exists('_space_indent')) {
* Provide space indenting.
function _space_indent(int $depth = 2): string
return str_repeat(' ', $depth);