
530 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of CodeIgniter 4 framework.
* (c) CodeIgniter Foundation <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace CodeIgniter\Debug;
use CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter;
use CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\BaseCollector;
use CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\Config;
use CodeIgniter\Debug\Toolbar\Collectors\History;
use CodeIgniter\Format\JSONFormatter;
use CodeIgniter\Format\XMLFormatter;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\DownloadResponse;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\RequestInterface;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time;
use Config\Services;
use Config\Toolbar as ToolbarConfig;
use Kint\Kint;
* Displays a toolbar with bits of stats to aid a developer in debugging.
* Inspiration:
class Toolbar
* Toolbar configuration settings.
* @var ToolbarConfig
protected $config;
* Collectors to be used and displayed.
* @var BaseCollector[]
protected $collectors = [];
public function __construct(ToolbarConfig $config)
$this->config = $config;
foreach ($config->collectors as $collector) {
if (! class_exists($collector)) {
'Toolbar collector does not exist (' . $collector . ').'
. ' Please check $collectors in the app/Config/Toolbar.php file.'
$this->collectors[] = new $collector();
* Returns all the data required by Debug Bar
* @param float $startTime App start time
* @param IncomingRequest $request
* @return string JSON encoded data
public function run(float $startTime, float $totalTime, RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): string
$data = [];
// Data items used within the view.
$data['url'] = current_url();
$data['method'] = strtoupper($request->getMethod());
$data['isAJAX'] = $request->isAJAX();
$data['startTime'] = $startTime;
$data['totalTime'] = $totalTime * 1000;
$data['totalMemory'] = number_format(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 3);
$data['segmentDuration'] = $this->roundTo($data['totalTime'] / 7);
$data['segmentCount'] = (int) ceil($data['totalTime'] / $data['segmentDuration']);
$data['CI_VERSION'] = CodeIgniter::CI_VERSION;
$data['collectors'] = [];
foreach ($this->collectors as $collector) {
$data['collectors'][] = $collector->getAsArray();
foreach ($this->collectVarData() as $heading => $items) {
$varData = [];
if (is_array($items)) {
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$varData[esc($key)] = esc($value);
} else {
$oldKintMode = Kint::$mode_default;
$oldKintCalledFrom = Kint::$display_called_from;
Kint::$mode_default = Kint::MODE_RICH;
Kint::$display_called_from = false;
$kint = @Kint::dump($value);
$kint = substr($kint, strpos($kint, '</style>') + 8);
Kint::$mode_default = $oldKintMode;
Kint::$display_called_from = $oldKintCalledFrom;
$varData[esc($key)] = $kint;
$data['vars']['varData'][esc($heading)] = $varData;
if (isset($_SESSION)) {
foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
// Replace the binary data with string to avoid json_encode failure.
if (is_string($value) && preg_match('~[^\x20-\x7E\t\r\n]~', $value)) {
$value = 'binary data';
$data['vars']['session'][esc($key)] = is_string($value) ? esc($value) : '<pre>' . esc(print_r($value, true)) . '</pre>';
foreach ($request->getGet() as $name => $value) {
$data['vars']['get'][esc($name)] = is_array($value) ? '<pre>' . esc(print_r($value, true)) . '</pre>' : esc($value);
foreach ($request->getPost() as $name => $value) {
$data['vars']['post'][esc($name)] = is_array($value) ? '<pre>' . esc(print_r($value, true)) . '</pre>' : esc($value);
foreach ($request->headers() as $header) {
$data['vars']['headers'][esc($header->getName())] = esc($header->getValueLine());
foreach ($request->getCookie() as $name => $value) {
$data['vars']['cookies'][esc($name)] = esc($value);
$data['vars']['request'] = ($request->isSecure() ? 'HTTPS' : 'HTTP') . '/' . $request->getProtocolVersion();
$data['vars']['response'] = [
'statusCode' => $response->getStatusCode(),
'reason' => esc($response->getReasonPhrase()),
'contentType' => esc($response->getHeaderLine('content-type')),
'headers' => [],
foreach ($response->headers() as $header) {
$data['vars']['response']['headers'][esc($header->getName())] = esc($header->getValueLine());
$data['config'] = Config::display();
return json_encode($data);
* Called within the view to display the timeline itself.
protected function renderTimeline(array $collectors, float $startTime, int $segmentCount, int $segmentDuration, array &$styles): string
$rows = $this->collectTimelineData($collectors);
$styleCount = 0;
// Use recursive render function
return $this->renderTimelineRecursive($rows, $startTime, $segmentCount, $segmentDuration, $styles, $styleCount);
* Recursively renders timeline elements and their children.
protected function renderTimelineRecursive(array $rows, float $startTime, int $segmentCount, int $segmentDuration, array &$styles, int &$styleCount, int $level = 0, bool $isChild = false): string
$displayTime = $segmentCount * $segmentDuration;
$output = '';
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$hasChildren = isset($row['children']) && ! empty($row['children']);
$isQuery = isset($row['query']) && ! empty($row['query']);
// Open controller timeline by default
$open = $row['name'] === 'Controller';
if ($hasChildren || $isQuery) {
$output .= '<tr class="timeline-parent' . ($open ? ' timeline-parent-open' : '') . '" id="timeline-' . $styleCount . '_parent" onclick="ciDebugBar.toggleChildRows(\'timeline-' . $styleCount . '\');">';
} else {
$output .= '<tr>';
$output .= '<td class="' . ($isChild ? 'debug-bar-width30' : '') . '" style="--level: ' . $level . ';">' . ($hasChildren || $isQuery ? '<nav></nav>' : '') . $row['name'] . '</td>';
$output .= '<td class="' . ($isChild ? 'debug-bar-width10' : '') . '">' . $row['component'] . '</td>';
$output .= '<td class="' . ($isChild ? 'debug-bar-width10 ' : '') . 'debug-bar-alignRight">' . number_format($row['duration'] * 1000, 2) . ' ms</td>';
$output .= "<td class='debug-bar-noverflow' colspan='{$segmentCount}'>";
$offset = ((((float) $row['start'] - $startTime) * 1000) / $displayTime) * 100;
$length = (((float) $row['duration'] * 1000) / $displayTime) * 100;
$styles['debug-bar-timeline-' . $styleCount] = "left: {$offset}%; width: {$length}%;";
$output .= "<span class='timer debug-bar-timeline-{$styleCount}' title='" . number_format($length, 2) . "%'></span>";
$output .= '</td>';
$output .= '</tr>';
// Add children if any
if ($hasChildren || $isQuery) {
$output .= '<tr class="child-row" id="timeline-' . ($styleCount - 1) . '_children" style="' . ($open ? '' : 'display: none;') . '">';
$output .= '<td colspan="' . ($segmentCount + 3) . '" class="child-container">';
$output .= '<table class="timeline">';
$output .= '<tbody>';
if ($isQuery) {
// Output query string if query
$output .= '<tr>';
$output .= '<td class="query-container" style="--level: ' . ($level + 1) . ';">' . $row['query'] . '</td>';
$output .= '</tr>';
} else {
// Recursively render children
$output .= $this->renderTimelineRecursive($row['children'], $startTime, $segmentCount, $segmentDuration, $styles, $styleCount, $level + 1, true);
$output .= '</tbody>';
$output .= '</table>';
$output .= '</td>';
$output .= '</tr>';
return $output;
* Returns a sorted array of timeline data arrays from the collectors.
* @param array $collectors
protected function collectTimelineData($collectors): array
$data = [];
// Collect it
foreach ($collectors as $collector) {
if (! $collector['hasTimelineData']) {
$data = array_merge($data, $collector['timelineData']);
// Sort it
$sortArray = [
array_column($data, 'start'), SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC,
array_column($data, 'duration'), SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC,
// Add end time to each element
array_walk($data, static function (&$row) {
$row['end'] = $row['start'] + $row['duration'];
// Group it
$data = $this->structureTimelineData($data);
return $data;
* Arranges the already sorted timeline data into a parent => child structure.
protected function structureTimelineData(array $elements): array
// We define ourselves as the first element of the array
$element = array_shift($elements);
// If we have children behind us, collect and attach them to us
while ($elements !== [] && $elements[array_key_first($elements)]['end'] <= $element['end']) {
$element['children'][] = array_shift($elements);
// Make sure our children know whether they have children, too
if (isset($element['children'])) {
$element['children'] = $this->structureTimelineData($element['children']);
// If we have no younger siblings, we can return
if ($elements === []) {
return [$element];
// Make sure our younger siblings know their relatives, too
return array_merge([$element], $this->structureTimelineData($elements));
* Returns an array of data from all of the modules
* that should be displayed in the 'Vars' tab.
protected function collectVarData(): array
if (! ($this->config->collectVarData ?? true)) {
return [];
$data = [];
foreach ($this->collectors as $collector) {
if (! $collector->hasVarData()) {
$data = array_merge($data, $collector->getVarData());
return $data;
* Rounds a number to the nearest incremental value.
protected function roundTo(float $number, int $increments = 5): float
$increments = 1 / $increments;
return ceil($number * $increments) / $increments;
* Prepare for debugging..
* @return void
public function prepare(?RequestInterface $request = null, ?ResponseInterface $response = null)
* @var IncomingRequest|null $request
if (CI_DEBUG && ! is_cli()) {
$app = Services::codeigniter();
$request ??= Services::request();
$response ??= Services::response();
// Disable the toolbar for downloads
if ($response instanceof DownloadResponse) {
$toolbar = Services::toolbar(config(ToolbarConfig::class));
$stats = $app->getPerformanceStats();
$data = $toolbar->run(
// Updated to microtime() so we can get history
$time = sprintf('%.6f', Time::now()->format('U.u'));
if (! is_dir(WRITEPATH . 'debugbar')) {
mkdir(WRITEPATH . 'debugbar', 0777);
write_file(WRITEPATH . 'debugbar/debugbar_' . $time . '.json', $data, 'w+');
$format = $response->getHeaderLine('content-type');
// Non-HTML formats should not include the debugbar
// then we send headers saying where to find the debug data
// for this response
if ($request->isAJAX() || strpos($format, 'html') === false) {
$response->setHeader('Debugbar-Time', "{$time}")
->setHeader('Debugbar-Link', site_url("?debugbar_time={$time}"));
$oldKintMode = Kint::$mode_default;
Kint::$mode_default = Kint::MODE_RICH;
$kintScript = @Kint::dump('');
Kint::$mode_default = $oldKintMode;
$kintScript = substr($kintScript, 0, strpos($kintScript, '</style>') + 8);
$kintScript = ($kintScript === '0') ? '' : $kintScript;
$script = PHP_EOL
. '<script ' . csp_script_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_loader" '
. 'data-time="' . $time . '" '
. 'src="' . site_url() . '?debugbar"></script>'
. '<script ' . csp_script_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_dynamic_script"></script>'
. '<style ' . csp_style_nonce() . ' id="debugbar_dynamic_style"></style>'
. $kintScript
if (strpos($response->getBody(), '<head>') !== false) {
'<head>' . $script,
* Inject debug toolbar into the response.
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @return void
public function respond()
if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing') {
$request = Services::request();
// If the request contains '?debugbar then we're
// simply returning the loading script
if ($request->getGet('debugbar') !== null) {
header('Content-Type: application/javascript');
include $this->config->viewsPath . 'toolbarloader.js';
$output = ob_get_clean();
$output = str_replace('{url}', rtrim(site_url(), '/'), $output);
echo $output;
// Otherwise, if it includes ?debugbar_time, then
// we should return the entire debugbar.
if ($request->getGet('debugbar_time')) {
// Negotiate the content-type to format the output
$format = $request->negotiate('media', ['text/html', 'application/json', 'application/xml']);
$format = explode('/', $format)[1];
$filename = sanitize_filename('debugbar_' . $request->getGet('debugbar_time'));
$filename = WRITEPATH . 'debugbar/' . $filename . '.json';
if (is_file($filename)) {
// Show the toolbar if it exists
echo $this->format(file_get_contents($filename), $format);
// Filename not found
exit; // Exit here is needed to avoid loading the index page
* Format output
protected function format(string $data, string $format = 'html'): string
$data = json_decode($data, true);
if ($this->config->maxHistory !== 0 && preg_match('/\d+\.\d{6}/s', (string) Services::request()->getGet('debugbar_time'), $debugbarTime)) {
$history = new History();
$data['collectors'][] = $history->getAsArray();
$output = '';
switch ($format) {
case 'html':
$data['styles'] = [];
$parser = Services::parser($this->config->viewsPath, null, false);
include $this->config->viewsPath . 'toolbar.tpl.php';
$output = ob_get_clean();
case 'json':
$formatter = new JSONFormatter();
$output = $formatter->format($data);
case 'xml':
$formatter = new XMLFormatter();
$output = $formatter->format($data);
return $output;