* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers; use CodeIgniter\I18n\Time; use CodeIgniter\Session\Exceptions\SessionException; use Config\Session as SessionConfig; use Redis; use RedisException; use ReturnTypeWillChange; /** * Session handler using Redis for persistence */ class RedisHandler extends BaseHandler { private const DEFAULT_PORT = 6379; private const DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = 'tcp'; /** * phpRedis instance * * @var Redis|null */ protected $redis; /** * Key prefix * * @var string */ protected $keyPrefix = 'ci_session:'; /** * Lock key * * @var string|null */ protected $lockKey; /** * Key exists flag * * @var bool */ protected $keyExists = false; /** * Number of seconds until the session ends. * * @var int */ protected $sessionExpiration = 7200; /** * @param string $ipAddress User's IP address * * @throws SessionException */ public function __construct(SessionConfig $config, string $ipAddress) { parent::__construct($config, $ipAddress); // Store Session configurations $this->sessionExpiration = ($config->expiration === 0) ? (int) ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') : $config->expiration; // Add sessionCookieName for multiple session cookies. $this->keyPrefix .= $config->cookieName . ':'; $this->setSavePath(); if ($this->matchIP === true) { $this->keyPrefix .= $this->ipAddress . ':'; } } protected function setSavePath(): void { if (empty($this->savePath)) { throw SessionException::forEmptySavepath(); } if (preg_match('#(?:(tcp|tls)://)?([^:?]+)(?:\:(\d+))?(\?.+)?#', $this->savePath, $matches)) { if (! isset($matches[4])) { $matches[4] = ''; // Just to avoid undefined index notices below } $this->savePath = [ 'protocol' => ! empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : self::DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, 'host' => $matches[2], 'port' => empty($matches[3]) ? self::DEFAULT_PORT : $matches[3], 'password' => preg_match('#auth=([^\s&]+)#', $matches[4], $match) ? $match[1] : null, 'database' => preg_match('#database=(\d+)#', $matches[4], $match) ? (int) $match[1] : 0, 'timeout' => preg_match('#timeout=(\d+\.\d+|\d+)#', $matches[4], $match) ? (float) $match[1] : 0.0, ]; preg_match('#prefix=([^\s&]+)#', $matches[4], $match) && $this->keyPrefix = $match[1]; } else { throw SessionException::forInvalidSavePathFormat($this->savePath); } } /** * Re-initialize existing session, or creates a new one. * * @param string $path The path where to store/retrieve the session * @param string $name The session name */ public function open($path, $name): bool { if (empty($this->savePath)) { return false; } $redis = new Redis(); if (! $redis->connect($this->savePath['protocol'] . '://' . $this->savePath['host'], ($this->savePath['host'][0] === '/' ? 0 : $this->savePath['port']), $this->savePath['timeout'])) { $this->logger->error('Session: Unable to connect to Redis with the configured settings.'); } elseif (isset($this->savePath['password']) && ! $redis->auth($this->savePath['password'])) { $this->logger->error('Session: Unable to authenticate to Redis instance.'); } elseif (isset($this->savePath['database']) && ! $redis->select($this->savePath['database'])) { $this->logger->error('Session: Unable to select Redis database with index ' . $this->savePath['database']); } else { $this->redis = $redis; return true; } return false; } /** * Reads the session data from the session storage, and returns the results. * * @param string $id The session ID * * @return false|string Returns an encoded string of the read data. * If nothing was read, it must return false. */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function read($id) { if (isset($this->redis) && $this->lockSession($id)) { if (! isset($this->sessionID)) { $this->sessionID = $id; } $data = $this->redis->get($this->keyPrefix . $id); if (is_string($data)) { $this->keyExists = true; } else { $data = ''; } $this->fingerprint = md5($data); return $data; } return ''; } /** * Writes the session data to the session storage. * * @param string $id The session ID * @param string $data The encoded session data */ public function write($id, $data): bool { if (! isset($this->redis)) { return false; } if ($this->sessionID !== $id) { if (! $this->releaseLock() || ! $this->lockSession($id)) { return false; } $this->keyExists = false; $this->sessionID = $id; } if (isset($this->lockKey)) { $this->redis->expire($this->lockKey, 300); if ($this->fingerprint !== ($fingerprint = md5($data)) || $this->keyExists === false) { if ($this->redis->set($this->keyPrefix . $id, $data, $this->sessionExpiration)) { $this->fingerprint = $fingerprint; $this->keyExists = true; return true; } return false; } return $this->redis->expire($this->keyPrefix . $id, $this->sessionExpiration); } return false; } /** * Closes the current session. */ public function close(): bool { if (isset($this->redis)) { try { $pingReply = $this->redis->ping(); if (($pingReply === true) || ($pingReply === '+PONG')) { if (isset($this->lockKey)) { $this->releaseLock(); } if (! $this->redis->close()) { return false; } } } catch (RedisException $e) { $this->logger->error('Session: Got RedisException on close(): ' . $e->getMessage()); } $this->redis = null; return true; } return true; } /** * Destroys a session * * @param string $id The session ID being destroyed */ public function destroy($id): bool { if (isset($this->redis, $this->lockKey)) { if (($result = $this->redis->del($this->keyPrefix . $id)) !== 1) { $this->logger->debug('Session: Redis::del() expected to return 1, got ' . var_export($result, true) . ' instead.'); } return $this->destroyCookie(); } return false; } /** * Cleans up expired sessions. * * @param int $max_lifetime Sessions that have not updated * for the last max_lifetime seconds will be removed. * * @return false|int Returns the number of deleted sessions on success, or false on failure. */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function gc($max_lifetime) { return 1; } /** * Acquires an emulated lock. * * @param string $sessionID Session ID */ protected function lockSession(string $sessionID): bool { $lockKey = $this->keyPrefix . $sessionID . ':lock'; // PHP 7 reuses the SessionHandler object on regeneration, // so we need to check here if the lock key is for the // correct session ID. if ($this->lockKey === $lockKey) { return $this->redis->expire($this->lockKey, 300); } $attempt = 0; do { $ttl = $this->redis->ttl($lockKey); assert(is_int($ttl)); if ($ttl > 0) { sleep(1); continue; } if (! $this->redis->setex($lockKey, 300, (string) Time::now()->getTimestamp())) { $this->logger->error('Session: Error while trying to obtain lock for ' . $this->keyPrefix . $sessionID); return false; } $this->lockKey = $lockKey; break; } while (++$attempt < 30); if ($attempt === 30) { log_message('error', 'Session: Unable to obtain lock for ' . $this->keyPrefix . $sessionID . ' after 30 attempts, aborting.'); return false; } if ($ttl === -1) { log_message('debug', 'Session: Lock for ' . $this->keyPrefix . $sessionID . ' had no TTL, overriding.'); } $this->lock = true; return true; } /** * Releases a previously acquired lock */ protected function releaseLock(): bool { if (isset($this->redis, $this->lockKey) && $this->lock) { if (! $this->redis->del($this->lockKey)) { $this->logger->error('Session: Error while trying to free lock for ' . $this->lockKey); return false; } $this->lockKey = null; $this->lock = false; } return true; } }