* * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace CodeIgniter\Database\OCI8; use CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder; use CodeIgniter\Database\Exceptions\DatabaseException; use CodeIgniter\Database\RawSql; /** * Builder for OCI8 */ class Builder extends BaseBuilder { /** * Identifier escape character * * @var string */ protected $escapeChar = '"'; /** * ORDER BY random keyword * * @var array */ protected $randomKeyword = [ '"DBMS_RANDOM"."RANDOM"', ]; /** * COUNT string * * @used-by CI_DB_driver::count_all() * @used-by BaseBuilder::count_all_results() * * @var string */ protected $countString = 'SELECT COUNT(1) '; /** * Limit used flag * * If we use LIMIT, we'll add a field that will * throw off num_fields later. * * @var bool */ protected $limitUsed = false; /** * A reference to the database connection. * * @var Connection */ protected $db; /** * Generates a platform-specific insert string from the supplied data. */ protected function _insertBatch(string $table, array $keys, array $values): string { $sql = $this->QBOptions['sql'] ?? ''; // if this is the first iteration of batch then we need to build skeleton sql if ($sql === '') { $insertKeys = implode(', ', $keys); $hasPrimaryKey = in_array('PRIMARY', array_column($this->db->getIndexData($table), 'type'), true); // ORA-00001 measures $sql = 'INSERT' . ($hasPrimaryKey ? '' : ' ALL') . ' INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $insertKeys . ")\n{:_table_:}"; $this->QBOptions['sql'] = $sql; } if (isset($this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData'])) { $data = $this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData']; } else { $data = implode( " FROM DUAL UNION ALL\n", array_map( static fn ($value) => 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', array_map( static fn ($key, $index) => $index . ' ' . $key, $keys, $value )), $values ) ) . " FROM DUAL\n"; } return str_replace('{:_table_:}', $data, $sql); } /** * Generates a platform-specific replace string from the supplied data */ protected function _replace(string $table, array $keys, array $values): string { $fieldNames = array_map(static fn ($columnName) => trim($columnName, '"'), $keys); $uniqueIndexes = array_filter($this->db->getIndexData($table), static function ($index) use ($fieldNames) { $hasAllFields = count(array_intersect($index->fields, $fieldNames)) === count($index->fields); return ($index->type === 'PRIMARY') && $hasAllFields; }); $replaceableFields = array_filter($keys, static function ($columnName) use ($uniqueIndexes) { foreach ($uniqueIndexes as $index) { if (in_array(trim($columnName, '"'), $index->fields, true)) { return false; } } return true; }); $sql = 'MERGE INTO ' . $table . "\n USING (SELECT "; $sql .= implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($columnName, $value) => $value . ' ' . $columnName, $keys, $values)); $sql .= ' FROM DUAL) "_replace" ON ( '; $onList = []; $onList[] = '1 != 1'; foreach ($uniqueIndexes as $index) { $onList[] = '(' . implode(' AND ', array_map(static fn ($columnName) => $table . '."' . $columnName . '" = "_replace"."' . $columnName . '"', $index->fields)) . ')'; } $sql .= implode(' OR ', $onList) . ') WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET '; $sql .= implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($columnName) => $columnName . ' = "_replace".' . $columnName, $replaceableFields)); $sql .= ' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (' . implode(', ', $replaceableFields) . ') VALUES '; return $sql . (' (' . implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($columnName) => '"_replace".' . $columnName, $replaceableFields)) . ')'); } /** * Generates a platform-specific truncate string from the supplied data * * If the database does not support the truncate() command, * then this method maps to 'DELETE FROM table' */ protected function _truncate(string $table): string { return 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' . $table; } /** * Compiles a delete string and runs the query * * @param mixed $where * * @return mixed * * @throws DatabaseException */ public function delete($where = '', ?int $limit = null, bool $resetData = true) { if ($limit !== null && $limit !== 0) { $this->QBLimit = $limit; } return parent::delete($where, null, $resetData); } /** * Generates a platform-specific delete string from the supplied data */ protected function _delete(string $table): string { if ($this->QBLimit) { $this->where('rownum <= ', $this->QBLimit, false); $this->QBLimit = false; } return parent::_delete($table); } /** * Generates a platform-specific update string from the supplied data */ protected function _update(string $table, array $values): string { $valStr = []; foreach ($values as $key => $val) { $valStr[] = $key . ' = ' . $val; } if ($this->QBLimit) { $this->where('rownum <= ', $this->QBLimit, false); } return 'UPDATE ' . $this->compileIgnore('update') . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $valStr) . $this->compileWhereHaving('QBWhere') . $this->compileOrderBy(); } /** * Generates a platform-specific LIMIT clause. */ protected function _limit(string $sql, bool $offsetIgnore = false): string { $offset = (int) ($offsetIgnore === false ? $this->QBOffset : 0); if (version_compare($this->db->getVersion(), '12.1', '>=')) { // OFFSET-FETCH can be used only with the ORDER BY clause if (empty($this->QBOrderBy)) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY 1'; } return $sql . ' OFFSET ' . $offset . ' ROWS FETCH NEXT ' . $this->QBLimit . ' ROWS ONLY'; } $this->limitUsed = true; $limitTemplateQuery = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT INNER_QUERY.*, ROWNUM RNUM FROM (%s) INNER_QUERY WHERE ROWNUM < %d)' . ($offset ? ' WHERE RNUM >= %d' : ''); return sprintf($limitTemplateQuery, $sql, $offset + $this->QBLimit + 1, $offset); } /** * Resets the query builder values. Called by the get() function */ protected function resetSelect() { $this->limitUsed = false; parent::resetSelect(); } /** * Generates a platform-specific batch update string from the supplied data */ protected function _updateBatch(string $table, array $keys, array $values): string { $sql = $this->QBOptions['sql'] ?? ''; // if this is the first iteration of batch then we need to build skeleton sql if ($sql === '') { $constraints = $this->QBOptions['constraints'] ?? []; if ($constraints === []) { if ($this->db->DBDebug) { throw new DatabaseException('You must specify a constraint to match on for batch updates.'); } return ''; // @codeCoverageIgnore } $updateFields = $this->QBOptions['updateFields'] ?? $this->updateFields($keys, false, $constraints)->QBOptions['updateFields'] ?? []; $alias = $this->QBOptions['alias'] ?? '"_u"'; // Oracle doesn't support ignore on updates so we will use MERGE $sql = 'MERGE INTO ' . $table . "\n"; $sql .= "USING (\n{:_table_:}"; $sql .= ') ' . $alias . "\n"; $sql .= 'ON (' . implode( ' AND ', array_map( static fn ($key, $value) => ( ($value instanceof RawSql && is_string($key)) ? $table . '.' . $key . ' = ' . $value : ( $value instanceof RawSql ? $value : $table . '.' . $value . ' = ' . $alias . '.' . $value ) ), array_keys($constraints), $constraints ) ) . ")\n"; $sql .= "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE\n"; $sql .= "SET\n"; $sql .= implode( ",\n", array_map( static fn ($key, $value) => $table . '.' . $key . ($value instanceof RawSql ? ' = ' . $value : ' = ' . $alias . '.' . $value), array_keys($updateFields), $updateFields ) ); $this->QBOptions['sql'] = $sql; } if (isset($this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData'])) { $data = $this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData']; } else { $data = implode( " UNION ALL\n", array_map( static fn ($value) => 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', array_map( static fn ($key, $index) => $index . ' ' . $key, $keys, $value )) . ' FROM DUAL', $values ) ) . "\n"; } return str_replace('{:_table_:}', $data, $sql); } /** * Generates a platform-specific upsertBatch string from the supplied data * * @throws DatabaseException */ protected function _upsertBatch(string $table, array $keys, array $values): string { $sql = $this->QBOptions['sql'] ?? ''; // if this is the first iteration of batch then we need to build skeleton sql if ($sql === '') { $constraints = $this->QBOptions['constraints'] ?? []; if (empty($constraints)) { $fieldNames = array_map(static fn ($columnName) => trim($columnName, '"'), $keys); $uniqueIndexes = array_filter($this->db->getIndexData($table), static function ($index) use ($fieldNames) { $hasAllFields = count(array_intersect($index->fields, $fieldNames)) === count($index->fields); return ($index->type === 'PRIMARY' || $index->type === 'UNIQUE') && $hasAllFields; }); // only take first index foreach ($uniqueIndexes as $index) { $constraints = $index->fields; break; } $constraints = $this->onConstraint($constraints)->QBOptions['constraints'] ?? []; } if (empty($constraints)) { if ($this->db->DBDebug) { throw new DatabaseException('No constraint found for upsert.'); } return ''; // @codeCoverageIgnore } $alias = $this->QBOptions['alias'] ?? '"_upsert"'; $updateFields = $this->QBOptions['updateFields'] ?? $this->updateFields($keys, false, $constraints)->QBOptions['updateFields'] ?? []; $sql = 'MERGE INTO ' . $table . "\nUSING (\n{:_table_:}"; $sql .= ") {$alias}\nON ("; $sql .= implode( ' AND ', array_map( static fn ($key, $value) => ( ($value instanceof RawSql && is_string($key)) ? $table . '.' . $key . ' = ' . $value : ( $value instanceof RawSql ? $value : $table . '.' . $value . ' = ' . $alias . '.' . $value ) ), array_keys($constraints), $constraints ) ) . ")\n"; $sql .= "WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET\n"; $sql .= implode( ",\n", array_map( static fn ($key, $value) => $key . ($value instanceof RawSql ? " = {$value}" : " = {$alias}.{$value}"), array_keys($updateFields), $updateFields ) ); $sql .= "\nWHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (" . implode(', ', $keys) . ")\nVALUES "; $sql .= (' (' . implode(', ', array_map(static fn ($columnName) => "{$alias}.{$columnName}", $keys)) . ')'); $this->QBOptions['sql'] = $sql; } if (isset($this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData'])) { $data = $this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData']; } else { $data = implode( " FROM DUAL UNION ALL\n", array_map( static fn ($value) => 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', array_map( static fn ($key, $index) => $index . ' ' . $key, $keys, $value )), $values ) ) . " FROM DUAL\n"; } return str_replace('{:_table_:}', $data, $sql); } /** * Generates a platform-specific batch update string from the supplied data */ protected function _deleteBatch(string $table, array $keys, array $values): string { $sql = $this->QBOptions['sql'] ?? ''; // if this is the first iteration of batch then we need to build skeleton sql if ($sql === '') { $constraints = $this->QBOptions['constraints'] ?? []; if ($constraints === []) { if ($this->db->DBDebug) { throw new DatabaseException('You must specify a constraint to match on for batch deletes.'); // @codeCoverageIgnore } return ''; // @codeCoverageIgnore } $alias = $this->QBOptions['alias'] ?? '_u'; $sql = 'DELETE ' . $table . "\n"; $sql .= "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM (\n{:_table_:}"; $sql .= ') ' . $alias . "\n"; $sql .= 'WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', array_map( static fn ($key, $value) => ( $value instanceof RawSql ? $value : ( is_string($key) ? $table . '.' . $key . ' = ' . $alias . '.' . $value : $table . '.' . $value . ' = ' . $alias . '.' . $value ) ), array_keys($constraints), $constraints ) ); // convert binds in where foreach ($this->QBWhere as $key => $where) { foreach ($this->binds as $field => $bind) { $this->QBWhere[$key]['condition'] = str_replace(':' . $field . ':', $bind[0], $where['condition']); } } $sql .= ' ' . str_replace( 'WHERE ', 'AND ', $this->compileWhereHaving('QBWhere') ) . ')'; $this->QBOptions['sql'] = $sql; } if (isset($this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData'])) { $data = $this->QBOptions['setQueryAsData']; } else { $data = implode( " FROM DUAL UNION ALL\n", array_map( static fn ($value) => 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', array_map( static fn ($key, $index) => $index . ' ' . $key, $keys, $value )), $values ) ) . " FROM DUAL\n"; } return str_replace('{:_table_:}', $data, $sql); } /** * Gets column names from a select query */ protected function fieldsFromQuery(string $sql): array { return $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM (' . $sql . ') "_u_" WHERE ROWNUM = 1')->getFieldNames(); } }