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// Copyright (c) 2011, Chris Umbel, James Coglan
// Polygon class - depends on Vector, Plane, Polygon.Vertex and LinkedList.
var Sylvester = require('./sylvester');
function Polygon() {}
Polygon.prototype = {
// Returns the vertex at the given position on the vertex list, numbered from 1.
v: function(i) {
return this.vertices.at(i - 1).data;
// Returns the node in the vertices linked list that refers to the given vertex.
nodeFor: function(vertex) {
return this.vertices.withData(vertex);
// Returns a new polygon with the same vertices as the receiver. The vertices
// will not be duplicates, they refer to the same objects as the vertices in this
// polygon, but the linked list and nodes used to point to them are separate and
// can be manipulated independently of this one.
dup: function() {
return Polygon.create(this.vertices, this.plane);
// Translates the polygon by the given vector and returns the polygon.
translate: function(vector) {
var P = vector.elements || vector;
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
var E = node.data.elements;
node.data.setElements([E[0] + P[0], E[1] + P[1], E[2] + (P[2] || 0)]);
this.plane = this.plane.translate(vector);
this.updateTrianglePlanes(function(plane) { return plane.translate(vector); });
return this;
// Rotates the polygon about the given line and returns the polygon.
rotate: function(t, line) {
var R = Matrix.Rotation(t, line.direction);
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
node.data.setElements(node.data.rotate(R, line).elements);
this.plane = this.plane.rotate(R, line);
this.updateTrianglePlanes(function(plane) { return plane.rotate(R, line); });
return this;
// Scales the polygon relative to the given point and returns the polygon.
scale: function(k, point) {
var P = point.elements || point;
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
var E = node.data.elements;
P[0] + k * (E[0] - P[0]),
P[1] + k * (E[1] - P[1]),
(P[2] || 0) + k * (E[2] - (P[2] || 0))
var anchor = this.vertices.first.data;
this.updateTrianglePlanes(function(plane) { return Plane.create(anchor, plane.normal); });
return this;
// Updates the plane properties of all the cached triangles belonging to
// the polygon according to the given function. For example, suppose you
// just rotated the polygon, you should call:
// poly.updateTrianglePlanes(function(plane) { return plane.rotate(t, line); });
// This method is called automatically by Polygon.translate, Polygon.rotate
// and Polygon.scale transformation methods.
updateTrianglePlanes: function(fn) {
var i;
if (this.cached.triangles !== null) {
i = this.cached.triangles.length;
while (i--) {
this.cached.triangles[i].plane = fn(this.cached.triangles[i].plane);
if (this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements !== null) {
i = this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements.length;
while (i--) {
this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements[i].plane = fn(this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements[i].plane);
// Returns true iff the polygon is a triangle
isTriangle: function() {
return this.vertices.length == 3;
// Returns a collection of triangles used for calculating area and center of mass.
// Some of the triangles will not lie inside the polygon - this collection is essentially
// a series of itervals in a surface integral, so some are 'negative'. If you want the
// polygon broken into constituent triangles, use toTriangles(). This method is used
// because it's much faster than toTriangles().
// The triangles generated share vertices with the original polygon, so they transform
// with the polygon. They are cached after first calculation and should remain in sync
// with changes to the parent polygon.
trianglesForSurfaceIntegral: function() {
if (this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements !== null) { return this.cached.surfaceIntegralElements; }
var triangles = [];
var firstVertex = this.vertices.first.data;
var plane = this.plane;
this.vertices.each(function(node, i) {
if (i < 2) { return; }
var points = [firstVertex, node.prev.data, node.data];
// If the vertices lie on a straigh line, give the polygon's own plane. If the
// element has no area, it doesn't matter which way its normal faces.
triangles.push(Polygon.create(points, Plane.fromPoints(points) || plane));
return this.setCache('surfaceIntegralElements', triangles);
// Returns the area of the polygon. Requires that the polygon
// be converted to triangles, so use with caution.
area: function() {
if (this.isTriangle()) {
// Area is half the modulus of the cross product of two sides
var A = this.vertices.first, B = A.next, C = B.next;
A = A.data.elements; B = B.data.elements; C = C.data.elements;
return 0.5 * Vector.create([
(A[1] - B[1]) * (C[2] - B[2]) - (A[2] - B[2]) * (C[1] - B[1]),
(A[2] - B[2]) * (C[0] - B[0]) - (A[0] - B[0]) * (C[2] - B[2]),
(A[0] - B[0]) * (C[1] - B[1]) - (A[1] - B[1]) * (C[0] - B[0])
} else {
var trigs = this.trianglesForSurfaceIntegral(), area = 0;
var i = trigs.length;
while (i--) {
area += trigs[i].area() * trigs[i].plane.normal.dot(this.plane.normal);
return area;
// Returns the centroid of the polygon. Requires division into
// triangles - use with caution
centroid: function() {
if (this.isTriangle()) {
var A = this.v(1).elements, B = this.v(2).elements, C = this.v(3).elements;
return Vector.create([(A[0] + B[0] + C[0])/3, (A[1] + B[1] + C[1])/3, (A[2] + B[2] + C[2])/3]);
} else {
var A, M = 0, V = Vector.Zero(3), P, C, trigs = this.trianglesForSurfaceIntegral();
var i = trigs.length;
while (i--) {
A = trigs[i].area() * trigs[i].plane.normal.dot(this.plane.normal);
M += A;
P = V.elements;
C = trigs[i].centroid().elements;
V.setElements([P[0] + C[0] * A, P[1] + C[1] * A, P[2] + C[2] * A]);
return V.x(1/M);
// Returns the polygon's projection on the given plane as another polygon
projectionOn: function(plane) {
var points = [];
this.vertices.each(function(node) { points.push(plane.pointClosestTo(node.data)); });
return Polygon.create(points);
// Removes the given vertex from the polygon as long as it's not triangular.
removeVertex: function(vertex) {
if (this.isTriangle()) { return; }
var node = this.nodeFor(vertex);
if (node === null) { return null; }
// Previous and next entries in the main vertex list
var prev = node.prev, next = node.next;
var prevWasConvex = prev.data.isConvex(this);
var nextWasConvex = next.data.isConvex(this);
if (node.data.isConvex(this)) {
} else {
// Deal with previous vertex's change of class
if (prevWasConvex != prev.data.isConvex(this)) {
if (prevWasConvex) {
this.reflexVertices.append(new LinkedList.Node(prev.data));
} else {
this.convexVertices.append(new LinkedList.Node(prev.data));
// Deal with next vertex's change of class
if (nextWasConvex != next.data.isConvex(this)) {
if (nextWasConvex) {
this.reflexVertices.append(new LinkedList.Node(next.data));
} else {
this.convexVertices.append(new LinkedList.Node(next.data));
return this;
// Returns true iff the point is strictly inside the polygon
contains: function(point) {
return this.containsByWindingNumber(point);
// Returns true iff the given point is strictly inside the polygon using the winding number method
containsByWindingNumber: function(point) {
var P = point.elements || point;
if (!this.plane.contains(P)) { return false; }
if (this.hasEdgeContaining(P)) { return false; }
var V, W, A, B, theta = 0, dt, loops = 0, self = this;
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
V = node.data.elements;
W = node.next.data.elements;
A = Vector.create([V[0] - P[0], V[1] - P[1], V[2] - (P[2] || 0)]);
B = Vector.create([W[0] - P[0], W[1] - P[1], W[2] - (P[2] || 0)]);
dt = A.angleFrom(B);
if (dt === null || dt === 0) { return; }
theta += (A.cross(B).isParallelTo(self.plane.normal) ? 1 : -1) * dt;
if (theta >= 2 * Math.PI - Sylvester.precision) { loops++; theta -= 2 * Math.PI; }
if (theta <= -2 * Math.PI + Sylvester.precision) { loops--; theta += 2 * Math.PI; }
return loops != 0;
// Returns true if the given point lies on an edge of the polygon
// May cause problems with 'hole-joining' edges
hasEdgeContaining: function(point) {
var P = (point.elements || point);
var success = false;
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
if (Line.Segment.create(node.data, node.next.data).contains(P)) { success = true; }
return success;
// Returns an array of 3-vertex polygons that the original has been split into
// Stores the first calculation for faster retrieval later on
toTriangles: function() {
if (this.cached.triangles !== null) { return this.cached.triangles; }
return this.setCache('triangles', this.triangulateByEarClipping());
// Implementation of ear clipping algorithm
// Found in 'Triangulation by ear clipping', by David Eberly
// at http://www.geometrictools.com
// This will not deal with overlapping sections - contruct your polygons sensibly
triangulateByEarClipping: function() {
var poly = this.dup(), triangles = [], success, convexNode, mainNode, trig;
while (!poly.isTriangle()) {
success = false;
while (!success) {
success = true;
// Ear tips must be convex vertices - let's pick one at random
convexNode = poly.convexVertices.randomNode();
mainNode = poly.vertices.withData(convexNode.data);
// For convex vertices, this order will always be anticlockwise
trig = Polygon.create([mainNode.data, mainNode.next.data, mainNode.prev.data], this.plane);
// Now test whether any reflex vertices lie within the ear
poly.reflexVertices.each(function(node) {
// Don't test points belonging to this triangle. node won't be
// equal to convexNode as node is reflex and vertex is convex.
if (node.data != mainNode.prev.data && node.data != mainNode.next.data) {
if (trig.contains(node.data) || trig.hasEdgeContaining(node.data)) { success = false; }
// Need to do this to renumber the remaining vertices
triangles.push(Polygon.create(poly.vertices, this.plane));
return triangles;
// Sets the polygon's vertices
setVertices: function(points, plane) {
var pointSet = points.toArray ? points.toArray() : points;
this.plane = (plane && plane.normal) ? plane.dup() : Plane.fromPoints(pointSet);
if (this.plane === null) { return null; }
this.vertices = new LinkedList.Circular();
// Construct linked list of vertices. If each point is already a polygon
// vertex, we reference it rather than creating a new vertex.
var i = pointSet.length, newVertex;
while (i--) {
newVertex = pointSet[i].isConvex ? pointSet[i] : new Polygon.Vertex(pointSet[i]);
this.vertices.prepend(new LinkedList.Node(newVertex));
return this;
// Constructs lists of convex and reflex vertices based on the main vertex list.
populateVertexTypeLists: function() {
this.convexVertices = new LinkedList.Circular();
this.reflexVertices = new LinkedList.Circular();
var self = this;
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
// Split vertices into convex / reflex groups
// The LinkedList.Node class wraps each vertex so it can belong to many linked lists.
self[node.data.type(self) + 'Vertices'].append(new LinkedList.Node(node.data));
// Gives the polygon its own local set of vertex points, allowing it to be
// transformed independently of polygons it may be sharing vertices with.
copyVertices: function() {
this.vertices.each(function(node) {
node.data = new Polygon.Vertex(node.data);
// Clear any cached properties
clearCache: function() {
this.cached = {
triangles: null,
surfaceIntegralElements: null
// Set cached value and return the value
setCache: function(key, value) {
this.cached[key] = value;
return value;
// Returns a string representation of the polygon's vertices.
inspect: function() {
var points = [];
this.vertices.each(function(node) { points.push(node.data.inspect()); });
return points.join(' -> ');
// Constructor function
Polygon.create = function(points, plane) {
var P = new Polygon();
return P.setVertices(points, plane);
module.exports = Polygon;