
37 lines
1.8 KiB

--config <file> .......... alternate nodemon.json config file to use
--exitcrash .............. exit on crash, allows nodemon to work with other watchers
-i, --ignore ............. ignore specific files or directories
--no-colors .............. disable color output
--signal <signal> ........ use specified kill signal instead of default (ex. SIGTERM)
-w, --watch path ......... watch directory "dir" or files. use once for each
directory or file to watch
--no-update-notifier ..... opt-out of update version check
-C, --on-change-only ..... execute script on change only, not startup
--cwd <dir> .............. change into <dir> before running the script
-e, --ext ................ extensions to look for, ie. "js,pug,hbs"
-I, --no-stdin ........... nodemon passes stdin directly to child process
--spawn .................. force nodemon to use spawn (over fork) [node only]
-x, --exec app ........... execute script with "app", ie. -x "python -v"
-- <your args> ........... to tell nodemon stop slurping arguments
-d, --delay n ............ debounce restart for "n" seconds
-L, --legacy-watch ....... use polling to watch for changes (typically needed
when watching over a network/Docker)
-P, --polling-interval ... combined with -L, milliseconds to poll for (default 100)
--dump ................... print full debug configuration
-h, --help ............... default help
--help <topic> ........... help on a specific feature. Try "--help topics"
-q, --quiet .............. minimise nodemon messages to start/stop only
-v, --version ............ current nodemon version
-V, --verbose ............ show detail on what is causing restarts
> Note that any unrecognised arguments are passed to the executing command.