
402 lines
11 KiB

'use strict';
* Module dependencies
const checkEmbeddedDiscriminatorKeyProjection =
const get = require('./helpers/get');
const getDiscriminatorByValue =
const isDefiningProjection = require('./helpers/projection/isDefiningProjection');
const clone = require('./helpers/clone');
const isPathSelectedInclusive = require('./helpers/projection/isPathSelectedInclusive');
* Prepare a set of path options for query population.
* @param {Query} query
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Array}
exports.preparePopulationOptions = function preparePopulationOptions(query, options) {
const _populate = query.options.populate;
const pop = Object.keys(_populate).reduce((vals, key) => vals.concat([_populate[key]]), []);
// lean options should trickle through all queries
if (options.lean != null) {
.filter(p => (p && p.options && p.options.lean) == null)
pop.forEach(opts => {
opts._localModel = query.model;
return pop;
* Prepare a set of path options for query population. This is the MongooseQuery
* version
* @param {Query} query
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Array}
exports.preparePopulationOptionsMQ = function preparePopulationOptionsMQ(query, options) {
const _populate = query._mongooseOptions.populate;
const pop = Object.keys(_populate).reduce((vals, key) => vals.concat([_populate[key]]), []);
// lean options should trickle through all queries
if (options.lean != null) {
.filter(p => (p && p.options && p.options.lean) == null)
const session = query && query.options && query.options.session || null;
if (session != null) {
pop.forEach(path => {
if (path.options == null) {
path.options = { session: session };
if (!('session' in path.options)) {
path.options.session = session;
const projection = query._fieldsForExec();
pop.forEach(p => {
p._queryProjection = projection;
pop.forEach(opts => {
opts._localModel = query.model;
return pop;
* If the document is a mapped discriminator type, it returns a model instance for that type, otherwise,
* it returns an instance of the given model.
* @param {Model} model
* @param {Object} doc
* @param {Object} fields
* @return {Document}
exports.createModel = function createModel(model, doc, fields, userProvidedFields, options) {
model.hooks.execPreSync('createModel', doc);
const discriminatorMapping = model.schema ?
model.schema.discriminatorMapping :
const key = discriminatorMapping && discriminatorMapping.isRoot ?
discriminatorMapping.key :
const value = doc[key];
if (key && value && model.discriminators) {
const discriminator = model.discriminators[value] || getDiscriminatorByValue(model.discriminators, value);
if (discriminator) {
const _fields = clone(userProvidedFields);
exports.applyPaths(_fields, discriminator.schema);
return new discriminator(undefined, _fields, true);
const _opts = {
skipId: true,
isNew: false,
willInit: true
if (options != null && 'defaults' in options) {
_opts.defaults = options.defaults;
return new model(undefined, fields, _opts);
* ignore
exports.createModelAndInit = function createModelAndInit(model, doc, fields, userProvidedFields, options, populatedIds, callback) {
const initOpts = populatedIds ?
{ populated: populatedIds } :
const casted = exports.createModel(model, doc, fields, userProvidedFields, options);
try {
casted.$init(doc, initOpts, callback);
} catch (error) {
callback(error, casted);
* ignore
exports.applyPaths = function applyPaths(fields, schema) {
// determine if query is selecting or excluding fields
let exclude;
let keys;
const minusPathsToSkip = new Set();
if (fields) {
keys = Object.keys(fields);
// Collapse minus paths
const minusPaths = [];
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
const key = keys[i];
if (keys[i][0] !== '-') {
delete fields[key];
if (key === '-_id') {
fields['_id'] = 0;
} else {
keys = Object.keys(fields);
for (let keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keys.length; ++keyIndex) {
if (keys[keyIndex][0] === '+') {
const field = fields[keys[keyIndex]];
// Skip `$meta` and `$slice`
if (!isDefiningProjection(field)) {
// `_id: 1, name: 0` is a mixed inclusive/exclusive projection in
// MongoDB 4.0 and earlier, but not in later versions.
if (keys[keyIndex] === '_id' && keys.length > 1) {
exclude = !field;
// Potentially add back minus paths based on schema-level path config
// and whether the projection is inclusive
for (const path of minusPaths) {
const type = schema.path(path);
// If the path isn't selected by default or the projection is not
// inclusive, minus path is treated as equivalent to `key: 0`.
// But we also allow using `-name` to remove `name` from an inclusive
// projection if `name` has schema-level `select: true`.
if ((!type || !type.selected) || exclude !== false) {
fields[path] = 0;
} else if (type && type.selected && exclude === false) {
// Make a note of minus paths that are overwriting paths that are
// included by default.
// if selecting, apply default schematype select:true fields
// if excluding, apply schematype select:false fields
const selected = [];
const excluded = [];
const stack = [];
switch (exclude) {
case true:
for (const fieldName of excluded) {
fields[fieldName] = 0;
case false:
if (schema &&
schema.paths['_id'] &&
schema.paths['_id'].options &&
schema.paths['_id'].options.select === false) {
fields._id = 0;
for (const fieldName of selected) {
if (minusPathsToSkip.has(fieldName)) {
if (isPathSelectedInclusive(fields, fieldName)) {
fields[fieldName] = fields[fieldName] || 1;
case undefined:
if (fields == null) {
// Any leftover plus paths must in the schema, so delete them (gh-7017)
for (const key of Object.keys(fields || {})) {
if (key.startsWith('+')) {
delete fields[key];
// user didn't specify fields, implies returning all fields.
// only need to apply excluded fields and delete any plus paths
for (const fieldName of excluded) {
if (fields[fieldName] != null) {
// Skip applying default projections to fields with non-defining
// projections, like `$slice`
fields[fieldName] = 0;
function analyzeSchema(schema, prefix) {
prefix || (prefix = '');
// avoid recursion
if (stack.indexOf(schema) !== -1) {
return [];
const addedPaths = [];
schema.eachPath(function(path, type) {
if (prefix) path = prefix + '.' + path;
if (type.$isSchemaMap || path.endsWith('.$*')) {
const plusPath = '+' + path;
const hasPlusPath = fields && plusPath in fields;
if (type.options && type.options.select === false && !hasPlusPath) {
let addedPath = analyzePath(path, type);
// arrays
if (addedPath == null && !Array.isArray(type) && type.$isMongooseArray && !type.$isMongooseDocumentArray) {
addedPath = analyzePath(path, type.caster);
if (addedPath != null) {
// nested schemas
if (type.schema) {
const _addedPaths = analyzeSchema(type.schema, path);
// Special case: if discriminator key is the only field that would
// be projected in, remove it.
if (exclude === false) {
checkEmbeddedDiscriminatorKeyProjection(fields, path, type.schema,
selected, _addedPaths);
return addedPaths;
function analyzePath(path, type) {
if (fields == null) {
// If schema-level selected not set, nothing to do
if (typeof type.selected !== 'boolean') {
// User overwriting default exclusion
if (type.selected === false && fields[path]) {
// If set to 0, we're explicitly excluding the discriminator key. Can't do this for all fields,
// because we have tests that assert that using `-path` to exclude schema-level `select: true`
// fields counts as an exclusive projection. See gh-11546
if (exclude && type.selected && path === schema.options.discriminatorKey && fields[path] != null && !fields[path]) {
delete fields[path];
if (exclude === false && type.selected && fields[path] != null && !fields[path]) {
delete fields[path];
const plusPath = '+' + path;
const hasPlusPath = fields && plusPath in fields;
if (hasPlusPath) {
// forced inclusion
delete fields[plusPath];
// if there are other fields being included, add this one
// if no other included fields, leave this out (implied inclusion)
if (exclude === false && keys.length > 1 && !~keys.indexOf(path)) {
fields[path] = 1;
// check for parent exclusions
const pieces = path.split('.');
let cur = '';
for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; ++i) {
cur += cur.length ? '.' + pieces[i] : pieces[i];
if (excluded.indexOf(cur) !== -1) {
// Special case: if user has included a parent path of a discriminator key,
// don't explicitly project in the discriminator key because that will
// project out everything else under the parent path
if (!exclude && (type && type.options && type.options.$skipDiscriminatorCheck || false)) {
let cur = '';
for (let i = 0; i < pieces.length; ++i) {
cur += (cur.length === 0 ? '' : '.') + pieces[i];
const projection = get(fields, cur, false) || get(fields, cur + '.$', false);
if (projection && typeof projection !== 'object') {
(type.selected ? selected : excluded).push(path);
return path;
* Set each path query option to lean
* @param {Object} option
function makeLean(val) {
return function(option) {
option.options || (option.options = {});
if (val != null && Array.isArray(val.virtuals)) {
val = Object.assign({}, val);
val.virtuals = val.virtuals.
filter(path => typeof path === 'string' && path.startsWith(option.path + '.')).
map(path => path.slice(option.path.length + 1));
option.options.lean = val;