/*! * Module dependencies. */ 'use strict'; const MongooseBuffer = require('../types/buffer'); const SchemaType = require('../schematype'); const CastError = SchemaType.CastError; const utils = require('../utils'); const handleBitwiseOperator = require('./operators/bitwise'); const UUID_FORMAT = /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}/i; const Binary = MongooseBuffer.Binary; /** * Helper function to convert the input hex-string to a buffer * @param {String} hex The hex string to convert * @returns {Buffer} The hex as buffer * @api private */ function hex2buffer(hex) { // use buffer built-in function to convert from hex-string to buffer const buff = hex != null && Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'); return buff; } /** * Helper function to convert the buffer input to a string * @param {Buffer} buf The buffer to convert to a hex-string * @returns {String} The buffer as a hex-string * @api private */ function binary2hex(buf) { // use buffer built-in function to convert from buffer to hex-string const hex = buf != null && buf.toString('hex'); return hex; } /** * Convert a String to Binary * @param {String} uuidStr The value to process * @returns {MongooseBuffer} The binary to store * @api private */ function stringToBinary(uuidStr) { // Protect against undefined & throwing err if (typeof uuidStr !== 'string') uuidStr = ''; const hex = uuidStr.replace(/[{}-]/g, ''); // remove extra characters const bytes = hex2buffer(hex); const buff = new MongooseBuffer(bytes); buff._subtype = 4; return buff; } /** * Convert binary to a uuid string * @param {Buffer|Binary|String} uuidBin The value to process * @returns {String} The completed uuid-string * @api private */ function binaryToString(uuidBin) { // i(hasezoey) dont quite know why, but "uuidBin" may sometimes also be the already processed string let hex; if (typeof uuidBin !== 'string' && uuidBin != null) { hex = binary2hex(uuidBin); const uuidStr = hex.substring(0, 8) + '-' + hex.substring(8, 8 + 4) + '-' + hex.substring(12, 12 + 4) + '-' + hex.substring(16, 16 + 4) + '-' + hex.substring(20, 20 + 12); return uuidStr; } return uuidBin; } /** * UUIDv1 SchemaType constructor. * * @param {String} key * @param {Object} options * @inherits SchemaType * @api public */ function SchemaUUID(key, options) { SchemaType.call(this, key, options, 'UUID'); this.getters.push(function(value) { // For populated if (value != null && value.$__ != null) { return value; } return binaryToString(value); }); } /** * This schema type's name, to defend against minifiers that mangle * function names. * * @api public */ SchemaUUID.schemaName = 'UUID'; SchemaUUID.defaultOptions = {}; /*! * Inherits from SchemaType. */ SchemaUUID.prototype = Object.create(SchemaType.prototype); SchemaUUID.prototype.constructor = SchemaUUID; /*! * ignore */ SchemaUUID._cast = function(value) { if (value == null) { return value; } function newBuffer(initbuff) { const buff = new MongooseBuffer(initbuff); buff._subtype = 4; return buff; } if (typeof value === 'string') { if (UUID_FORMAT.test(value)) { return stringToBinary(value); } else { throw new CastError(SchemaUUID.schemaName, value, this.path); } } if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { return newBuffer(value); } if (value instanceof Binary) { return newBuffer(value.value(true)); } // Re: gh-647 and gh-3030, we're ok with casting using `toString()` // **unless** its the default Object.toString, because "[object Object]" // doesn't really qualify as useful data if (value.toString && value.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) { if (UUID_FORMAT.test(value.toString())) { return stringToBinary(value.toString()); } } throw new CastError(SchemaUUID.schemaName, value, this.path); }; /** * Attaches a getter for all UUID instances. * * #### Example: * * // Note that `v` is a string by default * mongoose.Schema.UUID.get(v => v.toUpperCase()); * * const Model = mongoose.model('Test', new Schema({ test: 'UUID' })); * new Model({ test: uuid.v4() }).test; // UUID with all uppercase * * @param {Function} getter * @return {this} * @function get * @static * @api public */ SchemaUUID.get = SchemaType.get; /** * Sets a default option for all UUID instances. * * #### Example: * * // Make all UUIDs have `required` of true by default. * mongoose.Schema.UUID.set('required', true); * * const User = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({ test: mongoose.UUID })); * new User({ }).validateSync().errors.test.message; // Path `test` is required. * * @param {String} option The option you'd like to set the value for * @param {Any} value value for option * @return {undefined} * @function set * @static * @api public */ SchemaUUID.set = SchemaType.set; /** * Get/set the function used to cast arbitrary values to UUIDs. * * #### Example: * * // Make Mongoose refuse to cast UUIDs with 0 length * const original = mongoose.Schema.Types.UUID.cast(); * mongoose.UUID.cast(v => { * assert.ok(typeof v === "string" && v.length > 0); * return original(v); * }); * * // Or disable casting entirely * mongoose.UUID.cast(false); * * @param {Function} [caster] * @return {Function} * @function get * @static * @api public */ SchemaUUID.cast = function cast(caster) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._cast; } if (caster === false) { caster = this._defaultCaster; } this._cast = caster; return this._cast; }; /*! * ignore */ SchemaUUID._checkRequired = v => v != null; /** * Override the function the required validator uses to check whether a string * passes the `required` check. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Function} * @function checkRequired * @static * @api public */ SchemaUUID.checkRequired = SchemaType.checkRequired; /** * Check if the given value satisfies a required validator. * * @param {Any} value * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ SchemaUUID.prototype.checkRequired = function checkRequired(value) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { value = binaryToString(value); } return value != null && UUID_FORMAT.test(value); }; /** * Casts to UUID * * @param {Object} value * @param {Object} doc * @param {Boolean} init whether this is an initialization cast * @api private */ SchemaUUID.prototype.cast = function(value, doc, init) { if (utils.isNonBuiltinObject(value) && SchemaType._isRef(this, value, doc, init)) { return this._castRef(value, doc, init); } let castFn; if (typeof this._castFunction === 'function') { castFn = this._castFunction; } else if (typeof this.constructor.cast === 'function') { castFn = this.constructor.cast(); } else { castFn = SchemaUUID.cast(); } try { return castFn(value); } catch (error) { throw new CastError(SchemaUUID.schemaName, value, this.path, error, this); } }; /*! * ignore */ function handleSingle(val) { return this.cast(val); } /*! * ignore */ function handleArray(val) { return val.map((m) => { return this.cast(m); }); } SchemaUUID.prototype.$conditionalHandlers = utils.options(SchemaType.prototype.$conditionalHandlers, { $bitsAllClear: handleBitwiseOperator, $bitsAnyClear: handleBitwiseOperator, $bitsAllSet: handleBitwiseOperator, $bitsAnySet: handleBitwiseOperator, $all: handleArray, $gt: handleSingle, $gte: handleSingle, $in: handleArray, $lt: handleSingle, $lte: handleSingle, $ne: handleSingle, $nin: handleArray }); /** * Casts contents for queries. * * @param {String} $conditional * @param {any} val * @api private */ SchemaUUID.prototype.castForQuery = function($conditional, val, context) { let handler; if ($conditional != null) { handler = this.$conditionalHandlers[$conditional]; if (!handler) throw new Error('Can\'t use ' + $conditional + ' with UUID.'); return handler.call(this, val, context); } else { return this.cast(val); } }; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = SchemaUUID;