'use strict'; /*! * Module dependencies. */ const ArrayType = require('./array'); const CastError = require('../error/cast'); const DocumentArrayElement = require('./DocumentArrayElement'); const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; const SchemaDocumentArrayOptions = require('../options/SchemaDocumentArrayOptions'); const SchemaType = require('../schematype'); const discriminator = require('../helpers/model/discriminator'); const handleIdOption = require('../helpers/schema/handleIdOption'); const handleSpreadDoc = require('../helpers/document/handleSpreadDoc'); const utils = require('../utils'); const getConstructor = require('../helpers/discriminator/getConstructor'); const InvalidSchemaOptionError = require('../error/invalidSchemaOption'); const arrayAtomicsSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arrayAtomicsSymbol; const arrayPathSymbol = require('../helpers/symbols').arrayPathSymbol; const documentArrayParent = require('../helpers/symbols').documentArrayParent; let MongooseDocumentArray; let Subdocument; /** * SubdocsArray SchemaType constructor * * @param {String} key * @param {Schema} schema * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} schemaOptions * @inherits SchemaArray * @api public */ function DocumentArrayPath(key, schema, options, schemaOptions) { if (schema.options && schema.options.timeseries) { throw new InvalidSchemaOptionError(key, 'timeseries'); } const schemaTypeIdOption = DocumentArrayPath.defaultOptions && DocumentArrayPath.defaultOptions._id; if (schemaTypeIdOption != null) { schemaOptions = schemaOptions || {}; schemaOptions._id = schemaTypeIdOption; } if (schemaOptions != null && schemaOptions._id != null) { schema = handleIdOption(schema, schemaOptions); } else if (options != null && options._id != null) { schema = handleIdOption(schema, options); } const EmbeddedDocument = _createConstructor(schema, options); EmbeddedDocument.prototype.$basePath = key; ArrayType.call(this, key, EmbeddedDocument, options); this.schema = schema; this.schemaOptions = schemaOptions || {}; this.$isMongooseDocumentArray = true; this.Constructor = EmbeddedDocument; EmbeddedDocument.base = schema.base; const fn = this.defaultValue; if (!('defaultValue' in this) || fn !== void 0) { this.default(function() { let arr = fn.call(this); if (arr != null && !Array.isArray(arr)) { arr = [arr]; } // Leave it up to `cast()` to convert this to a documentarray return arr; }); } const $parentSchemaType = this; this.$embeddedSchemaType = new DocumentArrayElement(key + '.$', { required: this && this.schemaOptions && this.schemaOptions.required || false, $parentSchemaType }); this.$embeddedSchemaType.caster = this.Constructor; this.$embeddedSchemaType.schema = this.schema; } /** * This schema type's name, to defend against minifiers that mangle * function names. * * @api public */ DocumentArrayPath.schemaName = 'DocumentArray'; /** * Options for all document arrays. * * - `castNonArrays`: `true` by default. If `false`, Mongoose will throw a CastError when a value isn't an array. If `true`, Mongoose will wrap the provided value in an array before casting. * * @api public */ DocumentArrayPath.options = { castNonArrays: true }; /*! * Inherits from ArrayType. */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype = Object.create(ArrayType.prototype); DocumentArrayPath.prototype.constructor = DocumentArrayPath; DocumentArrayPath.prototype.OptionsConstructor = SchemaDocumentArrayOptions; /*! * ignore */ function _createConstructor(schema, options, baseClass) { Subdocument || (Subdocument = require('../types/ArraySubdocument')); // compile an embedded document for this schema function EmbeddedDocument() { Subdocument.apply(this, arguments); if (this.__parentArray == null || this.__parentArray.getArrayParent() == null) { return; } this.$session(this.__parentArray.getArrayParent().$session()); } schema._preCompile(); const proto = baseClass != null ? baseClass.prototype : Subdocument.prototype; EmbeddedDocument.prototype = Object.create(proto); EmbeddedDocument.prototype.$__setSchema(schema); EmbeddedDocument.schema = schema; EmbeddedDocument.prototype.constructor = EmbeddedDocument; EmbeddedDocument.$isArraySubdocument = true; EmbeddedDocument.events = new EventEmitter(); EmbeddedDocument.base = schema.base; // apply methods for (const i in schema.methods) { EmbeddedDocument.prototype[i] = schema.methods[i]; } // apply statics for (const i in schema.statics) { EmbeddedDocument[i] = schema.statics[i]; } for (const i in EventEmitter.prototype) { EmbeddedDocument[i] = EventEmitter.prototype[i]; } EmbeddedDocument.options = options; return EmbeddedDocument; } /** * Adds a discriminator to this document array. * * #### Example: * * const shapeSchema = Schema({ name: String }, { discriminatorKey: 'kind' }); * const schema = Schema({ shapes: [shapeSchema] }); * * const docArrayPath = parentSchema.path('shapes'); * docArrayPath.discriminator('Circle', Schema({ radius: Number })); * * @param {String} name * @param {Schema} schema fields to add to the schema for instances of this sub-class * @param {Object|string} [options] If string, same as `options.value`. * @param {String} [options.value] the string stored in the `discriminatorKey` property. If not specified, Mongoose uses the `name` parameter. * @param {Boolean} [options.clone=true] By default, `discriminator()` clones the given `schema`. Set to `false` to skip cloning. * @see discriminators https://mongoosejs.com/docs/discriminators.html * @return {Function} the constructor Mongoose will use for creating instances of this discriminator model * @api public */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.discriminator = function(name, schema, options) { if (typeof name === 'function') { name = utils.getFunctionName(name); } options = options || {}; const tiedValue = utils.isPOJO(options) ? options.value : options; const clone = typeof options.clone === 'boolean' ? options.clone : true; if (schema.instanceOfSchema && clone) { schema = schema.clone(); } schema = discriminator(this.casterConstructor, name, schema, tiedValue); const EmbeddedDocument = _createConstructor(schema, null, this.casterConstructor); EmbeddedDocument.baseCasterConstructor = this.casterConstructor; try { Object.defineProperty(EmbeddedDocument, 'name', { value: name }); } catch (error) { // Ignore error, only happens on old versions of node } this.casterConstructor.discriminators[name] = EmbeddedDocument; return this.casterConstructor.discriminators[name]; }; /** * Performs local validations first, then validations on each embedded doc * * @api private */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.doValidate = function(array, fn, scope, options) { // lazy load MongooseDocumentArray || (MongooseDocumentArray = require('../types/DocumentArray')); const _this = this; try { SchemaType.prototype.doValidate.call(this, array, cb, scope); } catch (err) { return fn(err); } function cb(err) { if (err) { return fn(err); } let count = array && array.length; let error; if (!count) { return fn(); } if (options && options.updateValidator) { return fn(); } if (!utils.isMongooseDocumentArray(array)) { array = new MongooseDocumentArray(array, _this.path, scope); } // handle sparse arrays, do not use array.forEach which does not // iterate over sparse elements yet reports array.length including // them :( function callback(err) { if (err != null) { error = err; } --count || fn(error); } for (let i = 0, len = count; i < len; ++i) { // sidestep sparse entries let doc = array[i]; if (doc == null) { --count || fn(error); continue; } // If you set the array index directly, the doc might not yet be // a full fledged mongoose subdoc, so make it into one. if (!(doc instanceof Subdocument)) { const Constructor = getConstructor(_this.casterConstructor, array[i]); doc = array[i] = new Constructor(doc, array, undefined, undefined, i); } if (options != null && options.validateModifiedOnly && !doc.$isModified()) { --count || fn(error); continue; } doc.$__validate(callback); } } }; /** * Performs local validations first, then validations on each embedded doc. * * #### Note: * * This method ignores the asynchronous validators. * * @return {MongooseError|undefined} * @api private */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.doValidateSync = function(array, scope, options) { const schemaTypeError = SchemaType.prototype.doValidateSync.call(this, array, scope); if (schemaTypeError != null) { return schemaTypeError; } const count = array && array.length; let resultError = null; if (!count) { return; } // handle sparse arrays, do not use array.forEach which does not // iterate over sparse elements yet reports array.length including // them :( for (let i = 0, len = count; i < len; ++i) { // sidestep sparse entries let doc = array[i]; if (!doc) { continue; } // If you set the array index directly, the doc might not yet be // a full fledged mongoose subdoc, so make it into one. if (!(doc instanceof Subdocument)) { const Constructor = getConstructor(this.casterConstructor, array[i]); doc = array[i] = new Constructor(doc, array, undefined, undefined, i); } if (options != null && options.validateModifiedOnly && !doc.$isModified()) { continue; } const subdocValidateError = doc.validateSync(); if (subdocValidateError && resultError == null) { resultError = subdocValidateError; } } return resultError; }; /*! * ignore */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.getDefault = function(scope, init, options) { let ret = typeof this.defaultValue === 'function' ? this.defaultValue.call(scope) : this.defaultValue; if (ret == null) { return ret; } if (options && options.skipCast) { return ret; } // lazy load MongooseDocumentArray || (MongooseDocumentArray = require('../types/DocumentArray')); if (!Array.isArray(ret)) { ret = [ret]; } ret = new MongooseDocumentArray(ret, this.path, scope); for (let i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) { const Constructor = getConstructor(this.casterConstructor, ret[i]); const _subdoc = new Constructor({}, ret, undefined, undefined, i); _subdoc.$init(ret[i]); _subdoc.isNew = true; // Make sure all paths in the subdoc are set to `default` instead // of `init` since we used `init`. Object.assign(_subdoc.$__.activePaths.default, _subdoc.$__.activePaths.init); _subdoc.$__.activePaths.init = {}; ret[i] = _subdoc; } return ret; }; const _toObjectOptions = Object.freeze({ transform: false, virtuals: false }); const initDocumentOptions = Object.freeze({ skipId: false, willInit: true }); /** * Casts contents * * @param {Object} value * @param {Document} document that triggers the casting * @api private */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.cast = function(value, doc, init, prev, options) { // lazy load MongooseDocumentArray || (MongooseDocumentArray = require('../types/DocumentArray')); // Skip casting if `value` is the same as the previous value, no need to cast. See gh-9266 if (value != null && value[arrayPathSymbol] != null && value === prev) { return value; } let selected; let subdoc; options = options || {}; const path = options.path || this.path; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { if (!init && !DocumentArrayPath.options.castNonArrays) { throw new CastError('DocumentArray', value, this.path, null, this); } // gh-2442 mark whole array as modified if we're initializing a doc from // the db and the path isn't an array in the document if (!!doc && init) { doc.markModified(path); } return this.cast([value], doc, init, prev, options); } // We need to create a new array, otherwise change tracking will // update the old doc (gh-4449) if (!options.skipDocumentArrayCast || utils.isMongooseDocumentArray(value)) { value = new MongooseDocumentArray(value, path, doc); } if (prev != null) { value[arrayAtomicsSymbol] = prev[arrayAtomicsSymbol] || {}; } if (options.arrayPathIndex != null) { value[arrayPathSymbol] = path + '.' + options.arrayPathIndex; } const rawArray = utils.isMongooseDocumentArray(value) ? value.__array : value; const len = rawArray.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!rawArray[i]) { continue; } const Constructor = getConstructor(this.casterConstructor, rawArray[i]); // Check if the document has a different schema (re gh-3701) if (rawArray[i].$__ != null && !(rawArray[i] instanceof Constructor)) { const spreadDoc = handleSpreadDoc(rawArray[i], true); if (rawArray[i] !== spreadDoc) { rawArray[i] = spreadDoc; } else { rawArray[i] = rawArray[i].toObject({ transform: false, // Special case: if different model, but same schema, apply virtuals // re: gh-7898 virtuals: rawArray[i].schema === Constructor.schema }); } } if (rawArray[i] instanceof Subdocument) { if (rawArray[i][documentArrayParent] !== doc) { if (init) { const subdoc = new Constructor(null, value, initDocumentOptions, selected, i); rawArray[i] = subdoc.$init(rawArray[i]); } else { const subdoc = new Constructor(rawArray[i], value, undefined, undefined, i); rawArray[i] = subdoc; } } // Might not have the correct index yet, so ensure it does. if (rawArray[i].__index == null) { rawArray[i].$setIndex(i); } } else if (rawArray[i] != null) { if (init) { if (doc) { selected || (selected = scopePaths(this, doc.$__.selected, init)); } else { selected = true; } subdoc = new Constructor(null, value, initDocumentOptions, selected, i); rawArray[i] = subdoc.$init(rawArray[i]); } else { if (prev && typeof prev.id === 'function') { subdoc = prev.id(rawArray[i]._id); } if (prev && subdoc && utils.deepEqual(subdoc.toObject(_toObjectOptions), rawArray[i])) { // handle resetting doc with existing id and same data subdoc.set(rawArray[i]); // if set() is hooked it will have no return value // see gh-746 rawArray[i] = subdoc; } else { try { subdoc = new Constructor(rawArray[i], value, undefined, undefined, i); // if set() is hooked it will have no return value // see gh-746 rawArray[i] = subdoc; } catch (error) { throw new CastError('embedded', rawArray[i], value[arrayPathSymbol], error, this); } } } } } return value; }; /*! * ignore */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.clone = function() { const options = Object.assign({}, this.options); const schematype = new this.constructor(this.path, this.schema, options, this.schemaOptions); schematype.validators = this.validators.slice(); if (this.requiredValidator !== undefined) { schematype.requiredValidator = this.requiredValidator; } schematype.Constructor.discriminators = Object.assign({}, this.Constructor.discriminators); return schematype; }; /*! * ignore */ DocumentArrayPath.prototype.applyGetters = function(value, scope) { return SchemaType.prototype.applyGetters.call(this, value, scope); }; /** * Scopes paths selected in a query to this array. * Necessary for proper default application of subdocument values. * * @param {DocumentArrayPath} array the array to scope `fields` paths * @param {Object|undefined} fields the root fields selected in the query * @param {Boolean|undefined} init if we are being created part of a query result * @api private */ function scopePaths(array, fields, init) { if (!(init && fields)) { return undefined; } const path = array.path + '.'; const keys = Object.keys(fields); let i = keys.length; const selected = {}; let hasKeys; let key; let sub; while (i--) { key = keys[i]; if (key.startsWith(path)) { sub = key.substring(path.length); if (sub === '$') { continue; } if (sub.startsWith('$.')) { sub = sub.substring(2); } hasKeys || (hasKeys = true); selected[sub] = fields[key]; } } return hasKeys && selected || undefined; } /*! * ignore */ DocumentArrayPath.defaultOptions = {}; /** * Sets a default option for all DocumentArray instances. * * #### Example: * * // Make all numbers have option `min` equal to 0. * mongoose.Schema.DocumentArray.set('_id', false); * * @param {String} option The name of the option you'd like to set (e.g. trim, lowercase, etc...) * @param {Any} value The value of the option you'd like to set. * @return {void} * @function set * @static * @api public */ DocumentArrayPath.set = SchemaType.set; /** * Attaches a getter for all DocumentArrayPath instances * * @param {Function} getter * @return {this} * @function get * @static * @api public */ DocumentArrayPath.get = SchemaType.get; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = DocumentArrayPath;