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Title to copyright in this software, database and 28 any associated documentation shall at all times remain with 29 Princeton University and LICENSEE agrees to preserve same. aah v 1 1 @ 1 0 00867440 abacinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02172822 abandon v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 5 02232813 02232523 02080923 00614907 00615748 abase v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01803805 abash v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01796126 abate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00246175 00245945 abbreviate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00244786 00244635 abdicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02384340 abduce v 1 1 @ 1 0 01017875 abduct v 2 5 ! @ ~ + ; 2 0 01473673 01452020 aberrate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02668154 02667847 abet v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02554908 abhor v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01778347 abide v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 2 02643286 00670017 abide_by v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02547977 02462665 abjure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00800379 ablactate v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01189491 ablate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00276265 00177588 abnegate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02217856 01118693 00760087 abolish v 1 3 ! ~ + 1 1 02432181 abominate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01778347 abort v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 00354493 00059834 00059670 abound v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 1 02721154 02721470 abound_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02721798 about-face v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01913035 00690810 abrade v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01256577 01254215 abrase v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01256577 abreact v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01819438 abridge v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00244786 00237729 abrogate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02484173 abscise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01257919 01257786 abscond v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02077642 abseil v 1 3 @ * ; 1 0 01927051 absent v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00422488 absolve v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 00905665 00904187 absorb v 9 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 9 7 01542421 00603650 02221342 01541851 00396604 02771422 00602438 01473153 00601765 absquatulate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02077642 abstain v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 02468849 01198570 abstract v 4 2 @ + 4 3 00694095 02281711 00736610 01010315 abuse v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02522260 00203575 00846978 00203918 abut v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01469607 aby v 1 1 @ 1 0 02526175 abye v 1 1 @ 1 0 02526175 accede v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00879879 02386539 00805801 accelerate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00439133 00440298 accent v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01015376 00985365 accentuate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01015376 00985365 accept v 11 5 ! @ ~ $ + 11 7 00688348 02240906 00799359 00721155 02241406 02306786 00670723 02747421 02215404 02214718 00720413 access v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02253616 02011431 accession v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01001613 acclaim v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 00863389 00863593 acclimate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00394379 acclimatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00394379 acclimatize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00394379 accommodate v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 02708690 00300361 01186986 02738673 02657519 00887446 00483824 accompany v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 4 02722040 02029396 01732234 02722642 accomplish v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01644397 02531751 accord v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02705946 02260076 accost v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00992687 00783699 account v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02613467 02270039 00967067 00869308 account_for v 2 1 @ 2 2 02641114 00941652 accouter v 1 1 @ 1 0 02347012 accoutre v 1 1 @ 1 0 02347012 accredit v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 02480958 02481195 00729753 accrete v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00397231 00159176 accrue v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00155677 02234838 acculturate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00159688 accumulate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02309962 00158612 accurse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00866574 accuse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00844668 00845147 accustom v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00274244 ace v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02528247 01115792 01087541 01080152 acerbate v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 01777456 00271239 acetify v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02201136 00265761 acetylate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00525379 00525163 acetylise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00525379 00525163 acetylize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00525379 00525163 ache v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02125976 01809651 02126629 achieve v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02531751 achromatise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00525610 achromatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00525610 acid-wash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01540059 acidify v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 02201136 00265761 acidulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02201136 acknowledge v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 00818972 00894219 01060995 00893988 00742454 00594278 acquaint v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00902866 00875857 00834439 acquiesce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00805801 acquire v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 02215637 00525762 00094214 02701220 02293158 00599310 00546637 acquit v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 1 00905999 02523827 act v 10 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 10 5 02372362 00010428 01723161 01098310 00013608 02750852 02531113 02424173 01725433 01723780 act_as v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 02677402 00013608 act_involuntarily v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00010234 act_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02381520 02381722 act_out v 2 1 @ 2 2 01726522 01726324 act_reflexively v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00010234 act_superior v 1 1 @ 1 0 02599707 act_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 02523321 02126987 act_upon v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02542223 action v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02588127 01644397 activate v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 2 01647199 00191014 00191717 00191331 00191218 actualise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01648288 00989902 actualize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01648288 00989902 actuate v 2 4 @ > $ + 2 1 01647199 01653541 acuminate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00393929 ad-lib v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01732719 adapt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00300361 00150107 add v 6 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 6 5 00182551 01029183 02329474 00642490 00951320 02751047 add_on v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00183902 01331387 add_to v 1 1 @ 1 0 00157155 add_together v 2 4 @ ~ $ ; 2 0 00951320 00642490 add_up v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 02633444 00951320 02651091 02625692 addict v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01167606 addle v 2 1 @ 2 0 00622204 00211073 address v 10 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 10 5 00899077 00991233 00992844 01153447 01163215 02607453 02253826 01035399 00992687 00465600 adduce v 1 1 @ 1 0 01017875 adduct v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01451829 adhere v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 3 02724053 00487493 01223449 02644929 02644714 01359453 adjoin v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01469607 01208316 00183528 adjourn v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 1 00364950 02433334 adjudge v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00824028 adjudicate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02506927 00700621 adjure v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00761702 00757376 adjust v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 00296959 00465234 00150107 00298848 00701100 admeasure v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02300043 administer v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 4 02436818 02314601 02299397 00080825 02609574 administrate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02436818 admire v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01831800 02169125 admit v 8 5 ! @ ~ $ + 8 4 00818972 02508185 02454712 02241406 02751361 02747557 02738673 02677068 admix v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00397609 admonish v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 00872241 00872857 00825727 adolesce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00253596 adopt v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 5 02351891 02351720 02386868 00525762 00414120 01705170 00603217 adore v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01781734 adorn v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01679858 02754802 02391817 adsorb v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01543020 adulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00882039 adulterate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00488684 adumbrate v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01008466 00929682 advance v 12 4 ! @ ~ + 12 8 01996535 00877337 00498142 02560630 01997958 01113439 00249545 00559448 02402779 02288794 01998320 00158030 advantage v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02518934 advect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02106933 adventure v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02550045 02550969 advert v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 02174871 01028737 01026199 advertise v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00977934 00978685 advertize v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00978685 00977934 advise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00874568 00875364 00876925 advocate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00876672 00829391 aerate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02117374 00191331 00185610 aerify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00443222 aerosolise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01380605 01380423 aerosolize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01380423 01380605 aestivate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00016176 affect v 5 5 @ ~ > $ + 5 4 00137133 00019441 02682907 00839722 01771801 affiance v 1 1 @ 1 0 00888123 affiliate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02595401 02440158 affirm v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 00667804 01013058 01013752 affix v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 2 01359073 01331387 01300869 afflict v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01801741 00260813 afford v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 01195161 02344167 02750326 02363033 afforest v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01570669 affranchise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02482558 affright v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 0 01783082 affront v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00850100 age v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 2 00249398 00248912 00250565 agenise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00518445 agenize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00518445 agglomerate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01487340 agglutinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01224580 01224248 aggrade v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01310431 aggrandise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00958437 aggrandize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00958437 aggravate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00208618 01824839 aggregate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02633636 01387824 aggress v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01120867 aggrieve v 2 3 @ > ; 2 0 02519545 01801593 aggroup v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01092289 agitate v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 2 02591135 01766380 02595732 01897981 01893603 01422127 agnise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00730579 agnize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00730579 agonise v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 01798534 01798374 agonize v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 01798534 01798374 agree v 7 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 7 4 00807038 00766267 02663315 02705946 02747668 02296096 01037402 aid v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02553283 00081834 ail v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00078418 00070587 aim v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 7 01153576 00710809 01028984 00714920 01153025 00957504 00707283 air v 6 5 @ ~ > + ; 6 1 02117374 00975760 00975088 00956640 00489965 00489706 air-condition v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02336571 02336322 air-cool v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02336322 air-drop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01492516 air-freight v 1 1 @ 1 0 01955018 air-ship v 1 1 @ 1 0 01955018 air-slake v 1 1 @ 1 0 00215220 air_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 02117374 00489706 airbrush v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01366023 airfreight v 1 1 @ 1 0 01955018 airlift v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01454668 airmail v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01033999 airt v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01957193 alarm v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01786469 00874096 alchemise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00139406 alchemize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00139406 alcoholise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00139728 00139549 alcoholize v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01179031 00139728 00139549 alert v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00874096 alibi v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00895262 alien v 1 1 @ 1 0 02225792 alienate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01827478 02225792 01827830 alight v 2 1 @ 2 1 01982714 01982590 align v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 3 00465234 02664945 00735655 00466966 aliment v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01206811 aline v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00465234 alkalify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00265980 alkalinise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00134706 00134545 alkalinize v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00134706 00134545 alkalise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00265980 alkalize v 1 4 ! @ + ; 1 0 00265980 allay v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 01819152 01206641 allege v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01018011 allegorise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00625935 00135093 allegorize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00625935 00135093 alleviate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00063866 00519475 alligator v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00338510 alliterate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01706013 allocate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02238869 allot v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02233480 02260076 02299397 allow v 10 5 ! @ ~ $ + 10 6 02427979 00803980 02260270 00726112 02727313 00725507 02751361 02428446 02324649 00804608 allow_for v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02727313 allow_in v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02508185 allowance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02260629 alloy v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00494453 00397786 allude v 1 4 @ * $ + 1 0 01028737 allure v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00795447 ally v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02435038 ally_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 02439584 alphabetise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00280009 alphabetize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00280009 02335963 alter v 5 5 @ ~ * > + 5 3 00126072 00122978 01671027 00201771 00060248 altercate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00777201 alternate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 00121314 02398868 00606325 00121486 00121022 aluminise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340795 aluminize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340795 amalgamate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01464634 amass v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00158612 02309962 amaze v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00726794 00624056 ambition v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01830002 amble v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01922176 ambulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01915691 ambuscade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01140630 ambush v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01140630 01144629 ameliorate v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 0 00206293 00205454 amend v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 2 00998373 00206293 00200276 amerce v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02505914 02504636 americanise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00411331 00410568 americanize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00411331 00410568 ammoniate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00187292 ammonify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00498300 amnesty v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00907630 amortise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02357259 amortize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02357259 amount v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02671069 02651091 02633444 amplify v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00435030 00841513 00265272 00264790 amputate v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 1 01257256 amuse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02498011 00861422 anaesthetise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00021058 anaesthetize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00021058 anagram v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00627155 anagrammatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00627155 anagrammatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00627155 analogise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00654954 analogize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00654954 analyse v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 00646245 00738221 00645135 00644859 analyze v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 2 00646245 00645135 00738221 00644859 anastomose v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01294969 01294772 anathematise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00866574 anathematize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00866574 anathemise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00867622 00866574 anathemize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00867622 00866574 anatomise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01553376 anatomize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01553376 00646894 anchor v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01307604 01307376 ancylose v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00096150 00096018 anele v 1 1 @ 1 0 00085379 anesthetise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00021058 anesthetize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00021058 anger v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 01789790 01790925 angle v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 02048815 02042202 01322006 01144038 00682404 angle-park v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01938590 anglicise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00301098 anglicize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00301098 anguish v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 01798980 01796596 angulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00574534 animadvert v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01029677 00828819 animalise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01684651 00113860 00113661 animalize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01684651 00113860 00113661 animate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01816687 00549075 00193180 00024272 animise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00549075 animize v 1 1 @ 1 1 00549075 ankylose v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00096150 00096018 anneal v 1 1 @ 1 0 00303837 annex v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02220137 01331823 annihilate v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 00471632 annotate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01708812 00963361 announce v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00976399 00967903 00977459 00976205 annoy v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01791774 annul v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02483482 00801460 annunciate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00976205 anodise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00136375 anodize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00136375 anoint v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00677331 00085379 answer v 10 3 @ ~ + 10 5 00817348 00721514 00637941 00637185 00816833 02751892 02675578 02664648 01186429 00720232 answer_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 00869308 antagonise v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02570756 01811281 antagonize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01811281 02570756 ante v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01141806 ante_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02257739 antecede v 1 1 + 1 0 02718318 antedate v 2 1 @ 2 0 02718318 00277856 anthologise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01629742 anthologize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01629742 anthropomorphise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00729371 anthropomorphize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00729371 antic v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00105532 anticipate v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 6 00721658 02571406 00722732 00919743 01808928 00343295 antiquate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00254550 00254387 antique v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02331791 00254387 antisepticize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00062545 ape v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02680878 00851272 aphorise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00743880 aphorize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00743880 apologise v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 00896259 00894444 apologize v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 00894444 00896259 apostatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00759901 apostatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00759901 apostrophise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00995799 apostrophize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00995799 apotheose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00695399 apotheosise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00695399 apotheosize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00695399 appal v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01814414 01786469 appall v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01814414 01786469 apparel v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00047662 appeal v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02503235 00757492 01811849 02503473 01026873 appear v 7 5 ! @ ~ + ; 7 7 02137900 00423043 00426920 02139137 00426024 01725046 02603759 appease v 3 2 @ + 3 3 01769244 01196647 00767258 append v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01331387 01331195 01029183 apperceive v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02111551 appertain v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02659801 applaud v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 2 00863593 00861956 applique v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01674672 apply v 10 5 @ ~ > $ + 10 9 01161188 02682599 00767441 01366351 02713289 02314145 02567247 02565990 01028567 02601520 appoint v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02401347 02481345 02346366 apportion v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 02238869 02299140 appose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01502853 appraise v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00683348 00648195 appreciate v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 3 01809949 00593736 02260917 00316996 00316406 apprehend v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00589616 01217701 01786251 apprentice v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00604030 apprise v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 00875364 00832735 00316996 00316406 apprize v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 0 00875364 00832735 00316996 00316406 approach v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 5 02057865 02709812 02444146 01853713 00992424 approbate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00805477 00688934 appropriate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00726112 02277394 approve v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00808164 00675902 approximate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02672137 00674352 aquaplane v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01960371 01946713 aquatint v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01754476 arbitrage v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02265766 arbitrate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00763001 arborise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00330305 arborize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00330305 arc v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02038831 arch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02038831 arch_over v 1 0 1 0 02039160 archaise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00523148 archaize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00523148 archive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01387292 argue v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00774234 00775477 00774685 argufy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00777201 arise v 7 4 ! @ ~ $ 7 5 02630344 02631867 01987278 00340548 01972576 02589224 00018151 arm v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01089608 02339863 armor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02346680 armour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02346680 aromatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02130847 aromatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02130847 arouse v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 6 01763170 00018519 01633150 00022679 00018806 01898157 01766135 arraign v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 02503641 00845531 arrange v 7 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 7 5 01466592 01023638 01651668 01748949 00038562 01709988 00737576 array v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01476839 00735655 arrest v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01217701 01133899 01508590 01863572 arrive v 2 5 ! @ ~ $ + 2 1 02009962 02591952 arrive_at v 1 3 ~ * $ 1 1 02024442 arrogate v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 02280210 02281591 02279327 arse_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 arse_around v 2 1 @ 2 0 02645690 00855832 arterialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00119903 arterialize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00119903 article v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00886603 articulate v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 3 02359283 00982485 00980581 02628718 00980401 ascend v 8 5 ! @ ~ + ; 8 1 01973223 02757326 02386713 02109935 02107299 02041317 01974362 01973786 ascertain v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 00920843 00664507 00922307 00723226 ascribe v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00728262 ash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00384108 ask v 7 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 7 4 00754499 00786389 00757790 00899241 02634015 02492311 01070587 ask_for v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01763987 00754770 ask_for_it v 1 1 @ 1 0 00351702 ask_for_trouble v 1 1 @ 1 0 00351702 ask_in v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01472399 ask_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02492311 ask_over v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02389828 ask_round v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02389828 asperse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00848188 asphalt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01270430 asphyxiate v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 01572009 01478810 00360165 aspirate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01543481 00954071 00003316 aspire v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00707283 assail v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01122487 01121587 00864347 assassinate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02488589 00848838 assault v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01122487 02573434 00864347 assay v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00696740 02535833 assemble v 3 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 3 3 01660471 02433771 02604140 assent v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00805801 assert v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 01018787 01013058 02378876 00718950 assert_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 1 02524721 assess v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00683348 02313532 02313369 00684149 asseverate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01018787 assibilate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01055899 00548102 assign v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 5 02396945 02233480 00728262 00679602 01162686 02281591 02233313 00742058 assimilate v 5 5 ! @ ~ + ; 5 3 00603650 00159450 00160069 01542830 00160255 assist v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02553283 02419840 02546367 associate v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 00715072 02595401 02475598 assoil v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00905999 assonate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02756517 assort v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02595401 00656296 assuage v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 01769244 01206641 00063866 assume v 9 5 @ ~ $ + ; 9 5 00633898 02386868 00525762 02306786 01986409 02279327 01725631 01473485 00050369 assure v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 6 00892111 01021652 00778313 00664507 01770259 00885532 asterisk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00511950 astonish v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00726794 astound v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00726794 astringe v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01391040 00305443 astrogate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01937737 01845889 atom-bomb v 1 1 @ 1 0 01135406 atomise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01375803 01135714 00330954 atomize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01375803 01135714 00330954 atone v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02526175 01800811 atrophy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00093733 attach v 5 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 5 3 01299048 01292858 01293025 02543752 02278138 attach_to v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02722040 02711395 attack v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 5 01121587 00864347 01120867 01122487 00348264 00019785 attain v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 2 02531751 02010848 02291532 02024442 attaint v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02552922 02153931 attemper v 1 1 @ 1 0 00170189 attempt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02535833 01654835 attend v 5 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 5 5 02618797 02555278 02722442 02546367 02174871 attend_to v 2 4 ! @ ~ $ 2 1 00618360 02546367 attenuate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00226805 00221127 attest v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 2 00822637 00822013 01016830 00822272 attire v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00043880 attitudinise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02525160 attitudinize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02525160 attorn v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00594595 attract v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 2 01507886 01811849 01352707 attribute v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00728262 00742058 attune v 1 1 @ 1 1 00298561 auction v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02249555 auction_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02249555 auctioneer v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02249555 audit v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00698828 00601630 audition v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01722394 augment v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00154196 00157758 augur v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00873606 00920442 aurify v 2 1 @ 2 0 00383081 00285991 auscultate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02154622 auspicate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00873606 00348074 authenticate v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 00666194 author v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01708311 authorise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02479404 00804987 authorize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00804987 02479404 autoclave v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00062744 autograph v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00999178 automate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00480863 automatise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00481152 00480863 automatize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00481152 00480863 automobile v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01934709 autopsy v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02154469 autotomise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01516622 autotomize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01516622 avail v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01163877 02554745 01196102 avalanche v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01970713 avenge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01155952 aver v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01018011 01013058 average v 3 3 @ + ; 3 3 02651473 02532960 00641660 average_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 1 00641660 02651473 avert v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02458770 02038356 avianise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00123882 avianize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00123882 aviate v 1 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 1 0 01944952 avoid v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 4 00813037 02458770 02468933 01192356 02483482 avouch v 1 1 @ 1 0 00821584 avow v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01013058 00821584 avulse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02035962 await v 1 2 ~ $ 1 1 00721987 awake v 1 2 @ * 1 1 00018519 awaken v 3 5 ! @ ~ * + 3 3 00018806 00018519 00738100 award v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02266695 02267085 awe v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01783561 ax v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01260517 00354971 axe v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01260517 00354971 azure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00285718 baa v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01050202 babbitt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01274913 babble v 4 3 @ $ + 4 2 01067652 01039522 02192368 00939238 babble_out v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00939238 baby v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02576182 baby-sit v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02608895 02461692 babysit v 2 1 @ 2 0 02608895 02461692 bach v 1 1 @ 1 0 02622171 bachelor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02622171 back v 10 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 10 5 02459338 02001151 02562643 02001544 02222477 02699807 01141530 00561705 00223535 00186002 back_away v 1 1 $ 1 1 00801045 back_down v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02001712 02386122 back_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02001712 02386122 back_out v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 02001408 00801045 back_up v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 3 02561834 02001712 00223535 01698515 01481233 backbite v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00909610 backcross v 1 1 @ 1 0 01432458 backdate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02567761 backfire v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02384041 02178107 00379694 background v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00514573 backhand v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01407318 backlash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02384041 backlog v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00159044 backpack v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01929984 backpedal v 3 1 @ 3 0 01939812 01932994 00690702 backscatter v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00331561 backslap v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02379663 backslide v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00204947 backspace v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01007418 backstitch v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01333249 backstop v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01078523 backstroke v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01966382 backtrack v 1 1 @ 1 0 02008542 bacterise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00138180 bacterize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00138180 badge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01592790 badger v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01807344 00769575 badmouth v 1 1 @ 1 0 00849849 baffle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00624056 02563998 00235689 bag v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 1 01482504 02723237 02720235 02297393 01488465 bail v 5 3 @ $ + 5 0 02426849 02298693 00891924 00177146 00177021 bail_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02499908 00450381 bait v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00852181 02583962 01117329 bake v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 00320687 01667644 00545216 02761440 balance v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 4 02678923 02269775 01605239 02748895 bald v 1 1 @ 1 0 00125951 bale v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01388854 bale_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00450381 balk v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02589630 balkanise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02475134 balkanize v 1 1 @ 1 1 02475134 ball v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01526058 ball_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01813031 ball_up v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02533317 ballast v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00272202 balloon v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01952518 00257003 ballot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02468564 ballyhoo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00978397 ballyrag v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01785339 bamboozle v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840873 ban v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 02499315 00798054 02509929 02509666 band v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01307002 01299987 band_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 02434925 band_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 02476108 bandage v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01306207 00082877 bandy v 3 3 @ ~ ; 3 1 01149762 01140872 00815313 bandy_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 00972139 bang v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 4 01244955 02192139 01245396 02104454 01429048 01239505 bang_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01732092 bang_up v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01569486 00052876 banish v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02509666 02509929 02509452 02007373 bank v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 2 02043258 01590626 02348370 02348248 02348052 02315835 01237357 00714537 bankroll v 1 1 @ 1 0 02221166 bankrupt v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02323145 banquet v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01188741 01188514 banter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00856977 baptise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01030088 baptize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01030088 bar v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 4 00798250 01480632 02509452 01345592 bar_hop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01174238 bar_mitzvah v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02480381 barb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01341863 barbarise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00134372 00134136 barbarize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00134372 00134136 barbecue v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00325607 barbeque v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00325607 barber v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00042523 bard v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01674210 barde v 1 1 @ 1 0 01674210 bare v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01342710 00956640 00195256 barf v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076153 bargain v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02264636 00766827 bargain_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02264194 barge v 2 4 @ ^ + ; 2 1 02000606 01954361 barge_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02022863 00782236 bark v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 01049468 01266468 01266348 01049617 00512844 barnstorm v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01097309 01097072 baronetise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02403823 baronetize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02403823 barrack v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02657840 00860463 00851872 barrage v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00865243 barrage_jam v 1 1 @ 1 0 01059214 barrel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01505179 barricade v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01480632 01129641 01129501 barricado v 1 1 @ 1 0 01129501 barter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02264048 barter_away v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02299017 base v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00638550 02762071 01202706 bash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01399742 basify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00265980 bask v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 2 01824240 01550963 basset v 1 1 @ 1 0 00426798 bastardise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02586938 00819914 bastardize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02586938 00819914 baste v 3 4 @ * + ; 3 1 00322453 01420070 01334030 bastinado v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01402575 bat v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 2 01415827 00008195 01416215 01416090 01415566 bat_mitzvah v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02480532 batch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01388727 bate v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 02516741 02098335 00217227 batfowl v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01482655 bathe v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00035596 01584919 01965193 batik v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00289576 batten v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01309085 01308952 batten_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01309085 batter v 3 1 @ 3 1 01420359 01420070 00547689 battle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01094777 baulk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02589630 bawl v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01050441 01048352 00066633 bawl_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 bay v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01049945 01049823 bayonet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01234544 be v 13 4 @ ~ $ + 13 11 02610777 02622439 02661230 02609706 02755779 02670846 02626667 02450790 02703567 02273091 02620216 02750695 02708368 be_active v 1 2 ! ~ 1 0 00014542 be_adrift v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01906776 be_after v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00706993 be_amiss v 1 1 @ 1 0 00621541 be_at_pains v 1 1 @ 1 0 02536754 be_born v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00361585 be_due v 1 1 @ 1 1 02640648 be_full v 1 1 ! 1 0 01190875 be_given v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02725274 be_intimate v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01429048 be_known_as v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01030757 00691692 be_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00425290 be_on_cloud_nine v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01817635 be_on_the_ball v 1 1 @ 1 0 00597879 be_quiet v 1 0 1 1 01042933 be_sick v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076153 be_well v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00065266 be_with_it v 1 1 @ 1 0 00597879 beach v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01982961 beacon v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02164863 01937175 bead v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02631602 01674406 01362794 beak v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01246038 beam v 6 5 @ ~ > + ; 6 4 00029207 02769698 01069402 00975088 02165960 01833689 bean v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01403510 bear v 13 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 13 9 02636952 00056644 00670017 01435234 01655681 02306786 02706727 02296669 00047462 02523827 02307200 01604155 00058790 bear_away v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01436911 bear_down v 6 2 @ ; 6 1 01600017 01391840 01124145 01084416 00842659 00752985 bear_down_on v 2 3 @ * ; 2 1 01931945 01600017 bear_down_upon v 1 3 @ * ; 1 0 01931945 bear_in_mind v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00611060 bear_off v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01436911 bear_on v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 02681865 00137133 00768022 02685709 bear_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02669418 bear_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00671161 bear_upon v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00137133 bear_witness v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 2 01017253 01016830 beard v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02693572 beat v 23 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 23 11 01104324 01399864 01401573 01884106 01627934 02179274 02167246 02097888 01949797 01420833 01402230 02752015 02579928 02180022 02097668 01884666 01883572 01759850 01730756 01402104 01107263 00624056 00075174 beat_a_retreat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02013362 beat_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 00651015 beat_around_the_bush v 1 1 @ 1 0 00837185 beat_back v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01508789 beat_down v 3 1 @ 3 0 02264194 02164751 01887543 beat_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00607866 beat_out v 2 4 @ ~ * $ 2 1 01104324 01884553 beat_up v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 01399864 01388297 beatify v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01816291 01816035 00824573 beautify v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 1 00293903 02754802 01679858 beaver v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02420043 beaver_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02420043 bebop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01899256 becalm v 1 1 @ 1 0 00417496 bechance v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00345654 00345297 becharm v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02592550 01810472 beckon v 3 1 @ 3 2 01043287 01811018 01043516 becloud v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02162161 become v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 00149403 02632685 02629610 02730133 become_flat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00539403 bed v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 0 02342062 01570434 01502721 01429048 00017858 bed-hop v 1 1 @ 1 0 02099668 bed_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00017524 bedamn v 1 1 @ 1 1 00867622 bedaub v 1 1 @ 1 0 01254392 bedaze v 1 1 @ 1 0 02119913 bedazzle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02166865 bedeck v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01683875 bedevil v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01806967 00623406 bedew v 1 1 @ 1 0 00215680 bedhop v 1 1 @ 1 0 02099668 bedight v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01683875 bedim v 2 1 @ 2 0 00314661 00314513 bedizen v 2 1 @ 2 0 01683149 00044971 bedraggle v 1 1 @ 1 0 00217118 beef v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00912926 beef_up v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 1 00221295 beep v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02187621 00793034 beeswax v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01271434 beetle v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02703277 02107890 01402475 beetle_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014892 befall v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 00345654 00345297 befit v 1 1 @ 1 1 02705783 befog v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02162161 befool v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02582434 00856586 befoul v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00493346 befriend v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02594833 befuddle v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00623406 01193274 beg v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 3 00761314 00784104 02275660 00811888 beg_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00895742 beget v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00054345 beggar v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02713541 02322950 begild v 1 1 @ 1 0 01686996 begin v 10 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 10 4 00346415 02614382 00349400 00749644 02685037 02615238 02614858 02606945 02532175 01072799 begrime v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01536935 begrudge v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 01831006 01829067 beguile v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02584320 01810472 behave v 3 4 ! @ ~ $ 3 3 00010428 02523827 02525332 behead v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01574185 behold v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02134625 behoove v 1 1 @ 1 1 02674167 behove v 1 1 @ 1 0 02674167 bejewel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01682580 belabor v 3 1 @ 3 2 02420395 00828963 01400889 belabour v 3 1 @ 3 0 02420395 01400889 00828963 belay v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01345437 01345318 belch v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00003443 00308350 beleaguer v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01807344 01129837 belie v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02669219 00838384 believe v 5 5 ! @ ~ + ; 5 5 00685199 00691086 00723022 00686192 00685987 believe_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 00735918 belittle v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 00866139 00847588 00442836 bell v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01299860 bell_the_cat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02551636 bellow v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01050441 01050590 belly v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00258421 belly-flop v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01967323 belly-land v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01984631 belly_dance v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01714049 belly_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00258421 bellyache v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00912926 bellylaugh v 1 1 @ 1 0 00029735 belong v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 02306641 02743599 02743751 02743444 02762234 02725805 belong_to v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02725805 belt v 3 3 ! @ + 3 2 01707889 01417816 01368764 belt_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 belt_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01204994 belt_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01707889 belt_up v 1 0 1 0 01042933 bemire v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01536935 bemoan v 1 1 @ 1 1 00913303 bemock v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00850760 bemuse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01795261 bench v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02488478 02146195 bend v 6 5 ! @ ~ * + 6 5 02039764 02036982 01282617 02066560 02038145 01283091 bend_over_backwards v 1 1 @ 1 0 00011354 benday v 1 1 @ 1 0 01753869 benefact v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02553916 benefice v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02206303 beneficiate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00578247 benefit v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02295422 02295917 benficiate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00239141 benight v 3 1 @ 3 0 01813851 01383148 00314661 benumb v 1 1 @ 1 0 02119756 beplaster v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01615868 bequeath v 1 4 ! @ ~ $ 1 0 02233837 berate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00826456 bereave v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02320401 berry v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01386756 berth v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02341943 01308202 01308021 beseech v 1 1 @ 1 1 00761702 beseem v 1 1 @ 1 0 02705783 beset v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01793315 01129126 01519987 beshrew v 1 1 @ 1 0 00867622 besiege v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01129837 01802298 00780167 besmear v 1 1 @ 1 0 01254392 besmirch v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00848188 01255165 besot v 1 1 @ 1 0 02120101 bespangle v 2 1 @ 2 0 01673801 01380109 bespatter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01541417 bespeak v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00923271 00754770 bespeckle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01541098 bespot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01276093 besprinkle v 1 1 @ 1 0 00229081 best v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01111670 bestialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00411169 bestialize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00411169 bestir v 1 1 @ 1 0 02088053 bestir_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 00349195 bestow v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02268154 02268500 02329474 bestrew v 1 1 @ 1 0 01380996 bestride v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01927367 bet v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 1 00920551 01158153 00714537 bet_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01141530 betake_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 01843905 bethink v 2 2 @ > 2 2 02171205 00685046 betide v 1 1 @ 1 0 00345654 betoken v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00923271 00873606 betray v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 5 00938362 02543073 01803246 02582588 00843665 00856102 betroth v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00888123 better v 3 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 3 3 01109275 00206293 00205454 bevel v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01586914 bewail v 1 1 @ 1 1 00913303 beware v 1 1 @ 1 1 00726626 bewhisker v 1 1 @ 1 0 02337169 bewilder v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00624056 01795261 bewitch v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01810472 00779567 00779033 bewray v 1 1 @ 1 0 00938362 bias v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01088088 00682265 bib v 1 1 @ 1 0 01174411 bicker v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00776101 bicycle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01939335 bid v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 6 02303593 00904886 00761702 02305021 02245456 00795242 bide v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 1 02643286 biff v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01418674 bifurcate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02724738 00330627 bight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01345218 bike v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01939335 bilge v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 00259414 00258833 bilk v 4 2 @ ~ 4 1 02578849 02563998 02318781 02078305 bill v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02325354 00979185 00993932 billet v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02659254 billow v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02045267 02045573 02045051 00257003 bin v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01495799 bind v 10 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 10 6 01359453 02543752 01305902 01306207 01289516 00886738 01338486 01288043 00568368 00074311 bind_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01288641 bind_over v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02501241 binge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01195632 bioassay v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00696886 biodegrade v 1 1 @ 1 0 00191552 birch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01414632 bird v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01142291 bird-nest v 1 1 @ 1 0 01385899 birdie v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01601428 birdlime v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02087484 birdnest v 1 1 @ 1 0 01385899 birdwatch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01142291 birl v 2 1 @ 2 0 02052221 02052000 birle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02052221 birr v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02193033 birth v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 0 00056644 bisect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01553599 bitch v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00912926 00909610 bite v 4 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 4 3 01448551 02124916 01444001 01448026 bite_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01448375 bite_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00987738 bitt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01289157 bitter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02200197 bituminise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00518320 bituminize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00518320 bivouac v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02660091 blab v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00939238 01038676 blab_out v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00939238 blabber v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01038676 black v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00281302 black_market v 1 4 @ $ + ; 1 0 02247038 black_marketeer v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02250948 black_out v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02768257 00313430 00202270 00023861 blackball v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02509666 02478854 blackberry v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01385743 blacken v 2 4 ! @ ~ ; 2 1 00281302 00380111 blacken_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00313430 blackguard v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00853615 00846978 blackjack v 1 1 @ 1 0 02587158 blacklead v 1 1 @ 1 0 01605742 blackleg v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02418069 blacklist v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02478566 blackmail v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02587158 02246549 blacktop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01269168 blackwash v 2 1 @ 2 0 00849045 00282463 blame v 3 3 ! @ + 3 3 00844217 00844451 00729953 blanch v 2 2 @ ; 2 1 00103373 00323360 blandish v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00881748 blank v 1 1 @ 1 0 02456505 blank_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00610654 00202453 blanket v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01361710 02755280 blanket_jam v 1 1 @ 1 0 01059709 blare v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02186925 02187621 blare_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00977366 blarney v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00770823 blaspheme v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00867051 00816120 blast v 10 4 @ ~ $ + 10 3 02186925 01404426 01138348 02105494 01762865 01762120 01137207 00825488 00336968 00242810 blast_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01517688 blat v 1 1 @ 1 0 01050202 blat_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00977366 blate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01050202 blather v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01039522 blaze v 5 3 @ ^ + 5 2 02770572 01137512 02770396 02018715 00923996 blaze_away v 3 2 @ ; 3 2 01717446 01137512 00769963 blaze_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02018715 blaze_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02768764 blazon v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01688075 blazon_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00976818 bleach v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00280592 00280235 bleach_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 blear v 1 2 @ > 1 0 00313791 bleat v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01050364 01050202 bleed v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 2 00074587 00085829 02365002 02064720 00450108 bleep v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02191617 blemish v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01552687 01540949 00263930 blench v 1 1 @ 1 0 00103373 blend v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01465097 02706315 00395719 blend_in v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02706315 00396941 bless v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 3 00868169 02268883 00868895 00868366 blether v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01039522 blight v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02777278 blind v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02172999 02172638 00313060 blindfold v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340609 blindside v 2 1 @ 2 0 02602727 01123030 blink v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00007739 00008435 02164320 blink_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00008435 blinker v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340501 blister v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 00380445 00865570 00380667 blither v 1 1 @ 1 0 01039522 blitz v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01128645 blitzkrieg v 1 1 @ 1 0 01095776 bloat v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 00362450 00362605 blob v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01534786 block v 16 5 ! @ ~ $ + 16 4 01480632 02563025 02565578 01058906 02449162 02202937 02149973 01534280 01481963 01479113 01220488 01149526 00610654 00478459 00478313 00270309 block_off v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 01129387 01480632 01480024 block_out v 4 3 @ ~ ; 4 1 00713065 01480168 01361440 01008744 block_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01480632 blockade v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02563025 01480632 01129387 01129272 blog v 1 1 @ 1 0 00866944 blood v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01236206 bloody v 1 1 @ 1 0 00228553 bloom v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00295007 blossom v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00295007 00294522 blossom_forth v 1 1 @ 1 0 00294522 blossom_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00294522 blot v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01541716 01534786 blot_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00314788 blotch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01700030 bloviate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00830675 blow v 23 4 @ ~ $ + 23 6 00007012 02775199 00034941 01906776 02140342 00478178 02680129 02533317 02273196 02270993 02182784 02140192 02121653 02105324 02104910 02072673 01852996 01547990 00936997 00884747 00781849 00436247 00310937 blow-dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00219650 blow_a_fuse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 blow_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01293548 blow_one's_stack v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 blow_out v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00436247 02767855 02766970 blow_out_of_the_water v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01813031 blow_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00422644 blow_up v 8 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 8 2 00307505 00241179 01799439 00958437 00307079 00265272 00264920 00264568 blub v 1 1 @ 1 0 00067045 blubber v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00067045 00945764 blubber_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00945764 bludgeon v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02511255 01426583 blue v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00522721 blue-pencil v 1 1 @ 1 0 00201227 blueprint v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01687477 bluff v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01079346 00839551 bluff_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01079346 blunder v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02572142 02055471 00983976 blunder_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00983976 blunt v 5 2 @ ~ 5 1 00228445 02119756 01249008 00228339 00192383 blur v 6 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 6 3 02162464 02166188 00622345 01254492 00313791 00311895 blurt v 1 1 @ 1 1 00983976 blurt_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00983976 blush v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00103071 00289921 bluster v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02776320 00884747 00012427 board v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 2 02021901 02662859 01179415 01179194 board_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01237788 boast v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00884747 02637740 boat v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01948551 boat-race v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01089265 bob v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 1 01869369 01943670 01558960 00901115 00038834 bob_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 01869852 bob_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01869852 bob_under v 1 1 @ 1 0 02161393 bob_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02631867 bobble v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bobsled v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01943670 bode v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00873606 bodge v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 body v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02704786 body-surf v 1 1 @ 1 0 01952198 body_forth v 1 1 @ 1 0 02704285 body_guard v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02030714 bodypaint v 1 1 @ 1 0 01685530 bog v 2 1 @ 2 1 00364569 00364395 bog_down v 4 3 @ > $ 4 1 00364395 01839045 01838838 00364569 bogey v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01601842 boggle v 3 1 @ 3 1 01914772 02646395 00728115 boil v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 3 00375692 00328938 00375339 01889423 01771464 boil_down v 3 2 @ ; 3 1 00238590 00238145 00237885 boil_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00375939 boldface v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01752724 bollix v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bollix_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bollocks v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bollocks_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bolshevise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00410206 bolshevize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00410206 bolster v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00223800 01221846 00322287 bolster_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00223800 bolt v 7 4 ! @ ~ + 7 3 01970046 01351520 01205271 02077642 02014892 01176230 00437257 bolt_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 01204994 01176396 bolt_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02014892 bomb v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01134328 02529187 bomb_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01134967 bomb_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01491092 bombard v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 0 01510546 01134328 00865243 00292386 bombilate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02186555 bombinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02186555 bombproof v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00166028 bond v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01359453 02543752 02356921 01609993 bonderise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01269021 bonderize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01269021 bone v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00607178 00197798 bone_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00607178 bong v 1 1 @ 1 0 02188949 bonk v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01429048 01399742 bonnet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00047228 boo v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00863889 boob v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02572142 boogie v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901196 book v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 3 00680696 02503969 02503785 02605751 book_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00796542 boom v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 2 02191956 01404426 02776493 02179106 00311168 boom_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02179106 boomerang v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02009792 boondoggle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02452112 boost v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 01979926 00311719 02560630 00498142 01518703 boost_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01877777 boot v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 0 01375221 00098100 boot_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02406951 01471205 bootleg v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02246831 01629022 bootlick v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00882499 bootstrap v 1 1 @ 1 0 02557749 booze v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01173463 bop v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01899256 01399742 border v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 3 01469999 02716547 01589771 02366599 01469607 border_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02709812 bore v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01825834 01445640 borrow v 2 3 ! @ + 2 2 02329022 02351720 bosom v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02151743 01427110 boss v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01534053 boss_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01785339 botanise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00647068 botanize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00647068 botch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02533317 botch_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02533317 bother v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 02513113 01791774 02513385 02022710 01795564 01795437 bottle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02287925 01504918 bottle_up v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02428558 bottlefeed v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01189804 bottleneck v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02563728 00305727 bottom v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02342695 01240922 00730916 bottom_out v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 02011912 01241064 bounce v 7 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 7 5 01896097 01407043 01896601 02259731 01968795 02259575 01471709 bounce_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 00268897 bounce_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01407192 bound v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 01967949 02716547 00234091 01896097 bound_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01896727 bourgeon v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00357986 bouse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01457724 bow v 5 6 @ ~ * ^ + ; 5 3 00900454 00879879 02044118 02066560 01733174 bow_down v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02067538 00900454 bow_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02386122 02385902 bowdlerise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00201398 bowdlerize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00201398 bower v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01392864 bowl v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01891317 01619642 01148973 bowl_over v 2 3 @ > $ 2 0 01913971 00728115 bowse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01457724 box v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 1 01487784 01423419 01422636 box_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02717596 box_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02717596 boycott v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 02470917 brabble v 1 1 @ 1 0 00776101 brace v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01810076 01222557 01222270 00022679 brace_oneself_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 00274056 brace_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00222144 brachiate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01895482 bracket v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01221355 00802248 00658587 bracket_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00802248 brad v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01345121 brag v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00884747 braid v 3 4 ! @ + ; 3 1 01678612 01522360 01522202 brail v 2 1 @ 2 0 01217491 01143839 braille v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00997761 brain v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01404330 01329702 brainstorm v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00631885 brainwash v 2 1 @ 2 0 00772034 00607066 braise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00326009 brake v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01867803 01867579 branch v 2 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 2 0 00330054 00329612 branch_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00437357 brand v 4 2 @ + 4 1 02514312 02513894 01591797 01033142 brandish v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 01449520 02146993 brandmark v 1 1 @ 1 0 01591797 brattice v 1 1 @ 1 0 02341371 brattle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02176571 brave v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02713111 brave_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02713111 bravo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00862146 brawl v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776389 bray v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01056425 00331892 00029623 braze v 1 1 @ 1 0 01598618 brazen v 1 1 @ 1 0 00870135 breach v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02572443 01596535 bread v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01340335 break v 59 8 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + ; 59 22 00364717 00334996 00259551 01372423 00335806 02572443 02077161 02033214 01789214 00363001 02576599 00202933 02674312 01109275 00935783 00559613 00435327 02541382 02034609 01976990 00390886 00203148 02752492 02752324 02687449 02687334 02631268 02606079 02565221 02484058 02436167 02404473 02323145 02105651 01995361 01993067 01900477 01613570 01613367 01600916 01560428 01372011 01301517 01231088 01230960 00938019 00781106 00780790 00746425 00740445 00740319 00552489 00340274 00337070 00259252 00154854 00107543 00107408 00030456 break-dance v 1 1 @ 1 0 01900477 break_apart v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 0 01661660 01564843 00369315 break_away v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 02077161 01262255 02541382 02541123 02079296 break_bread v 1 1 @ 1 0 01174842 break_camp v 1 1 @ 1 1 02081104 break_dance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900477 break_down v 8 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 8 5 01106247 00645135 01788114 00435327 02045722 01372791 00209582 00030640 break_even v 2 2 ! @ 2 2 02284863 02011251 break_in v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 3 02576599 00782236 00348458 01210437 00336365 00202933 break_into v 2 1 @ 2 2 00988449 00550476 break_loose v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00307321 02078906 break_off v 5 2 @ ~ 5 3 00363458 00363001 01262255 01301517 01262022 break_one's_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 02426299 break_open v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01349112 00310092 00308567 break_out v 5 3 @ $ + 5 5 00346162 00347612 02077161 01488358 00309856 break_short v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00363458 break_someone's_heart v 1 1 @ 1 0 01796980 break_through v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00540850 00427702 00549346 break_up v 19 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 19 6 02034269 02436167 02033508 01564843 00780320 00448264 01789398 01661660 01613367 01563766 01445197 01217581 00364950 00356609 00356457 00338881 00331375 00209582 00030359 break_water v 1 1 @ 1 0 01965517 break_wind v 1 1 @ 1 0 00101383 break_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 02436681 breakfast v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01188273 01188408 bream v 1 1 @ 1 0 01247793 breast v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02716118 02025001 01081565 breastfeed v 1 3 ! @ $ 1 0 01188961 breaststroke v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01966185 breathalyse v 1 1 @ 1 0 02539263 breathalyze v 1 1 @ 1 0 02539263 breathe v 9 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 9 3 00001740 02623136 02330268 02757662 00943377 00931665 00781405 00240640 00105087 breathe_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00005041 breathe_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00004227 brecciate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01587942 00339774 breed v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 2 01652566 01433080 01432088 00056076 breeze v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 0 02775438 01898513 breeze_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 02528247 brevet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02560505 brew v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01667815 00328623 bribe v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 02288941 brick_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01392732 brick_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01392732 brick_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01392732 bridge v 3 3 @ ^ + 3 2 02629275 01298910 01919124 bridge_over v 2 1 @ 2 0 02629427 02629275 bridle v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 01790111 01303241 01058790 bridle_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 00850574 bridle_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00850574 brief v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00832934 brigade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01092627 brighten v 2 2 ! @ 2 1 00313597 02777127 brim v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02721687 00182414 brim_over v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 1 02076087 brine v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00216987 bring v 11 6 ! @ ~ * ^ $ 11 9 02081903 01441539 01632781 01435927 00135665 01436773 01621566 02329474 02252172 01812185 00769379 bring_about v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02094946 01756692 bring_around v 3 4 @ ~ * ; 3 0 00769167 00081478 00022092 bring_back v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02082541 00022092 bring_down v 6 5 @ ~ > $ ; 6 3 01977139 02407551 00750288 01985050 01834249 00430013 bring_forth v 4 2 @ ~ 4 4 01630392 02145619 01756303 00054345 bring_forward v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01997958 01027464 bring_home v 2 1 @ 2 1 00544241 02294759 bring_home_the_bacon v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 02529837 02224224 bring_in v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 3 02082838 02294200 02252172 02267740 02085030 bring_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02528530 bring_on v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 1 01647592 02161530 01647780 bring_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 1 02512927 bring_out v 9 4 @ ~ > $ 9 4 02147756 01477931 00969657 00515544 02161530 01822636 01217161 01067137 00935783 bring_outside v 1 1 @ 1 0 02088351 bring_round v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00769167 00022092 bring_through v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02557529 bring_to v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00022092 bring_to_bear v 1 1 @ 1 1 02566914 bring_up v 8 4 @ ~ > $ 8 5 01633150 02545454 02403303 01978076 01863840 01027255 01026199 00098100 brisk v 1 1 @ 1 0 00206174 brisk_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00206174 brisken v 1 1 @ 1 0 00206174 bristle v 4 2 @ + 4 2 02721470 01987611 02721331 00652969 bristle_at v 1 1 @ 1 1 00850574 bristle_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00850574 broach v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00966943 broadcast v 3 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 3 1 00975088 01503823 00970243 broaden v 4 4 @ ~ > $ 4 4 00318370 00541315 00437357 00318269 broadside v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01239795 brocade v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01678138 broider v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01671502 broil v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 00329180 00545216 02761440 broker v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02266271 bromate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00526754 00187161 brominate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00526754 00187161 bronze v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00282673 00103629 brooch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01551358 brood v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 2 00706015 02749936 02724891 01809351 00059956 brook v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00670017 broom v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01396368 01268939 browbeat v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01785339 01037071 brown v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00321047 00286465 brown-nose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00883055 browse v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 02331351 01578996 01317993 01177039 bruise v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 01495382 01797206 00340078 00260446 bruit v 1 1 @ 1 1 01044100 brunch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01188137 brush v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 5 01246373 01243284 01246546 01874036 00556857 01376383 brush_aside v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00802592 brush_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00827309 brush_off v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00802592 brush_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01267950 brush_up v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00698618 00474730 brutalise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02521600 00113860 00113661 brutalize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02521600 00113860 00113661 bubble v 5 6 @ ~ > ^ $ + 5 1 00520136 02192368 01973091 00520309 00003443 bubble_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 01766953 bubble_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01994960 buccaneer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02622065 buck v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 02537166 02383942 02059191 01888376 buck_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01810374 bucket v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01505080 01435675 bucket_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 buckle v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 01551072 01281789 00357608 buckle_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02426299 buckle_under v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00806138 buckram v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00418900 bud v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00358652 00346306 budge v 1 1 @ 1 1 01897981 budget v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00725991 budget_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 00725813 buff v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01420232 01248659 buffalo v 1 1 @ 1 0 01783927 buffer v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00514425 01579748 buffet v 2 1 @ 2 1 01420359 01420232 bug v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01807344 02193294 bug_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02086193 bugger v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02574307 bugger_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014716 bugle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01729916 build v 10 5 @ ~ $ + ; 10 4 01658171 00253876 01659048 00448113 02448289 01742980 01689496 00638777 00254163 00227308 build_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00468064 build_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02669721 build_up v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 00154416 00253876 01089608 00254163 00171865 build_upon v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02669721 bulge v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 1 00264117 02720235 02086193 00257255 bulge_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02086193 bulk v 2 2 @ > 2 1 00264450 00257255 bulk_large v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02749936 bull v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 1 02379540 02277218 00841205 00155947 bull_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 02379540 bulldog v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01121448 01111226 bulldoze v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01578219 bullet_vote v 1 1 @ 1 0 02468281 bulletin v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00957065 bulletproof v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00166139 bullshit v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00841205 bully v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01785339 01037071 bully_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01086459 bullyrag v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01785339 bulwark v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01130497 bum v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02275249 02645690 bum_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 bum_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 bumble v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02533317 01905126 00983576 bump v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 3 01242183 02253273 01899376 02404473 01530296 bump_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01869037 bump_into v 1 1 @ 1 1 01242872 bump_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02488014 bump_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00158495 bunch v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02031257 01487029 bunch_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 02031257 bunch_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02031257 bunco v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02578034 bundle v 4 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 4 1 01489634 01487029 01486416 00015156 bundle_off v 1 2 @ > 1 0 01958868 bundle_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01489634 00046749 bung v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02206915 01348451 bungle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02533317 00013165 bunk v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02579928 02342226 02079296 bunk_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00017524 bunk_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02620058 bunker v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01406932 02343868 02017174 bunt v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01410951 01238333 buoy v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01908788 01221076 00924742 buoy_up v 3 2 @ > 3 1 00861800 01818041 01221076 bur v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00181579 burble v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02192368 burden v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01489937 00752538 burgeon v 1 1 @ 1 1 00358508 burgeon_forth v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00357986 burglarise v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02577426 burglarize v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02577426 burgle v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02577426 burke v 2 1 @ 2 0 02488373 00463807 burl v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00180640 burlesque v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00851619 burn v 15 6 @ ~ * > $ + 15 12 00379335 02774832 00377673 02124916 02768426 01833234 00378713 02490911 02273726 02125513 00374419 00104053 01760121 01207620 00196708 burn_down v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00378022 00379335 burn_off v 2 1 @ 2 2 01207620 00196596 burn_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00436247 burn_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02768764 01207620 00378022 burnish v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01248659 burp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00003443 burr v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00181579 burrow v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02045912 burst v 8 5 @ ~ > $ + 8 6 00310092 01789214 00306798 01968641 02721470 00425177 01993576 00334404 burst_forth v 3 1 @ 3 0 01970508 00307321 00295284 burst_in_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00782489 burst_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 00931971 00427109 00308567 burst_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 00782489 burthen v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01489937 bury v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 5 02151896 02461925 01237189 01585330 01532886 00611721 bus v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01953987 01952969 00180873 bush v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02341251 bush_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02081793 bushel v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00261534 bushwhack v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01140630 02621933 02057647 busk v 1 1 @ 1 0 01763010 buss v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01433863 bust v 5 6 @ ~ > ^ $ + 5 1 01372423 02500499 01576346 01372011 00334404 bust_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01568966 bustle v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 02062115 bustle_about v 1 2 @ * 1 1 02062115 busy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02420961 butcher v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 01325518 butt v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 3 01469607 01238333 01501352 butt-weld v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01599325 butt_against v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01469607 01242872 butt_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00782236 butt_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01469607 butter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01270562 butter_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00883055 butterfly v 3 3 @ ~ ; 3 0 01904149 01616825 01039782 button v 2 4 ! @ * + 2 0 01370829 01370565 button_up v 1 0 1 0 01042933 buttonhole v 1 1 @ 1 0 02464366 buttress v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00223287 00223154 buttweld v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01599325 butylate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00184778 buy v 5 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 5 2 02211988 02288941 02652841 02216885 00685589 buy_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02471557 buy_back v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02212672 buy_food v 1 1 @ 1 0 02331951 buy_in v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 02328282 buy_into v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02289389 buy_it v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 00360460 buy_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02289648 buy_out v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02279144 buy_the_farm v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00359085 buy_time v 1 1 @ 1 1 00461714 buy_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02279144 buzz v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 02186555 01928220 02712465 00793966 buzz_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014716 by-bid v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02303959 bypass v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00812833 ca-ca v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00073791 cab v 1 1 @ 1 0 01952866 cabal v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00708804 cabbage v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02281711 cabin v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01305237 cable v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01009249 01291524 cache v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02310836 cachinnate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00032407 cackel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01057974 cackle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01058426 01058241 00031411 caddie v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01099271 caddy v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01099271 cadge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02275249 02275010 cage v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02501685 cage_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02501685 cajole v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00770823 cake v 1 1 @ 1 0 01264885 cakewalk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900650 calcify v 4 3 ! @ + 4 1 00500069 00573439 00499743 00499611 calcimine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01272552 calcine v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00372904 calculate v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 2 00638921 00713964 02270039 00928443 00714920 00714537 calendar v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00680900 calender v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01393749 calibrate v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00296478 01592418 00741541 caliper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00649423 calk v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01360894 01357268 00070507 call v 28 8 @ ~ * > ^ $ + ; 28 10 01030757 00973047 00791110 00915018 00794133 02493222 02434657 01070017 01064761 00977068 02649505 02607453 02493550 02364060 02305021 01903010 01070815 00919743 00875684 00871057 00824407 00785570 00756201 00755926 00740752 00740588 00693282 00107035 call_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02021151 call_attention v 1 1 @ 1 0 00926583 call_back v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02317458 00609334 00793426 00793168 call_down v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01633150 00826456 call_for v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 00754770 02634015 01065717 02310566 call_forth v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01650408 01633150 call_in v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 5 01472589 00793673 02493222 02410262 00791797 02364060 02317458 call_into_question v 1 1 @ 1 0 00869073 call_it_a_day v 1 1 @ 1 0 02687145 call_it_quits v 1 1 @ 1 0 02687145 call_off v 2 1 * 2 1 02483178 01903010 call_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00796302 call_on_the_carpet v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 call_one's_bluff v 1 1 @ 1 0 00869934 call_out v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00914001 00977616 00870643 call_the_shots v 1 1 @ 1 0 02607268 call_the_tune v 1 1 @ 1 0 02607268 call_to_order v 1 1 @ 1 0 02430610 call_up v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 3 01027464 00791110 00609334 01633724 01100371 calligraph v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01695555 calliper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00649423 callous v 1 1 @ 1 0 00273913 callus v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00256766 00256638 calm v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 2 01768652 00417496 01767681 00022309 calm_down v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01767681 01768652 00559138 calumniate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00848188 calve v 2 1 @ 2 0 01217581 00058651 camber v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02039270 camouflage v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02163326 camp v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02660091 01516880 00526885 camp_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01516880 camp_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02660091 campaign v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 2 01096497 02595732 01096197 camphorate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00187057 can v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00214220 02407967 canal v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02341011 canalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02341011 canalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02341011 cancel v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 1 02483178 02723706 02482757 01551969 00802122 cancel_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00472127 candle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02154329 candy v 1 1 @ 1 0 02200824 cane v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01414858 canker v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00089827 00089725 cannibalise v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01164607 01164459 cannibalize v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01164607 01164459 cannon v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01150453 01136948 cannonade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01138907 cannonball_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 cannulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01424826 cannulise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01424826 cannulize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01424826 canoe v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01951402 canonise v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00862741 00824790 canonize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00824790 00862741 canoodle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01229345 canopy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340208 cant v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01888570 cant_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01888570 canter v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 01963199 01963528 01963341 cantilever v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02720740 01659776 cantillate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01051609 canton v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02659254 02475019 canulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01424826 canvas v 1 1 @ 1 0 01270861 canvass v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02459761 02464179 00646245 cap v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02699010 00236954 cap_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00486366 capacitate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 00974489 00527012 00301960 caparison v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01674210 caper v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01971111 capitalise v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 0 02335738 02284617 01696161 00733144 00732985 00161975 capitalize v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 02284617 02335738 01696161 00733144 00732985 00161975 capitulate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01120230 caponise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00060850 caponize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00060850 capriole v 2 1 @ 2 0 01968898 01899161 capsize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01897306 capsulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01583919 capsule v 2 1 @ 2 0 01583919 00245302 capsulise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01583919 00245302 capsulize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01583919 00245302 captain v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02445351 caption v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02328866 captivate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01810472 capture v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 6 01690521 01810472 01217985 02309221 02277394 01482779 caracole v 1 1 @ 1 0 01913154 caramelise v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00114423 00114099 caramelize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00114423 00114099 caravan v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01953192 carbonate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02633302 00186885 carbonise v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 0 00374173 00370281 carbonize v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 0 00374173 00370281 carboxylate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00527161 carburet v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01602356 carburise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00374173 carburize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00374173 card v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01358959 00665812 care v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 5 01826886 02555993 01828678 02441196 01770600 care_a_hang v 1 0 1 1 01827099 care_for v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01832565 01780135 00078513 careen v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01928835 01888967 career v 1 1 @ 1 1 02086428 caress v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01228779 caricature v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00851272 carjack v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01475047 cark v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01768023 carmine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00536336 carnalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00133786 carnalize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01684368 00728974 00133786 carnify v 1 1 @ 1 0 00500503 carol v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01735709 carom v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01896842 01601316 carouse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02498909 carp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00810333 carpenter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02413973 carpet v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02755395 01237637 01237484 carpet_bomb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01134781 carry v 40 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 40 17 01452567 02722977 02084180 01062889 01220648 01604155 02706727 02567083 00235827 02642409 01103827 00740956 02523827 02290237 01750167 01411414 01063192 02752610 02747232 02688777 02642600 02636815 02592213 02562363 02561392 02364227 02308858 02237977 02016577 02005731 01744201 01244445 01207773 01205694 01126035 01125841 01103982 01103083 01051478 00058790 carry_away v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 1 01436911 carry_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 00643194 carry_forward v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 02017279 carry_off v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 0 02528530 01436911 00471632 carry_on v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 02450374 02685709 00783045 02523321 carry_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 01644397 00486949 carry_over v 4 3 @ + ; 4 2 00350605 02083577 02207584 02017279 carry_the_can v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02307042 carry_through v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01644397 02557529 carry_to_term v 1 2 ! * 1 0 00059330 carry_weight v 1 1 @ 1 0 00703490 cart v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01457421 01454113 cart_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01454276 cart_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01454276 cartoon v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01697622 cartwheel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02050235 carve v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 2 01258721 01259164 01258531 carve_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 01762370 00588846 carve_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02473085 cascade v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 02075244 01468361 cascade_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 02075244 case v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02170426 01488938 caseate v 2 1 @ 2 0 00527419 00527309 cash v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 1 02261162 cash_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02261162 cash_in_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02284358 cash_in_one's_chips v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00359085 cash_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02761107 cashier v 2 1 @ 2 0 02432443 02427659 casket v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01602460 cast v 11 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 11 4 01636439 02240805 01714340 01509775 02390955 01885173 01666666 01516062 01080443 00983308 00076153 cast_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 00651015 cast_anchor v 1 1 @ 1 0 01307376 cast_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 00651015 cast_aside v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02227100 cast_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02227100 cast_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01818363 cast_off v 2 4 ! @ ~ ; 2 1 01516062 01675504 cast_on v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 0 01675358 cast_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02509666 02227100 castigate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00825981 02505793 castle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01079722 castrate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 00543033 00201398 00060604 00060248 cat v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01414524 00076153 catabolise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00239606 catabolize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00239606 catalog v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01629881 00654293 catalogue v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00654293 01629881 catalyse v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00268405 catalyze v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00268405 catapult v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01518198 01516980 catcall v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01062781 catch v 29 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 29 19 00727710 02122438 01403769 01441809 01217985 01330498 01508590 01482779 02022224 02253107 01157556 00544096 02516571 02193614 02155378 01330694 00601230 00591299 00087740 02767092 02193844 02114099 01810472 01741988 01483099 01383031 01084847 00727971 00461312 catch_a_glimpse v 1 1 @ 1 1 02134344 catch_a_wink v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00015491 catch_cold v 1 1 @ 1 0 00087872 catch_fire v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02766580 catch_it v 1 0 1 1 02506138 catch_on v 2 1 @ 2 2 00591761 00544367 catch_one's_breath v 1 1 @ 1 1 00781405 catch_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00733559 catch_sight v 1 1 @ 1 0 02134344 catch_some_z's v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00014735 catch_up v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 02002825 00600148 catch_up_with v 2 3 @ * $ 2 2 01157556 02526396 catechise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00789177 00789021 catechize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00789021 00789177 categorise v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00658931 categorize v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 00658931 catenate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01468932 catenulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01468932 cater v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01185006 01183141 caterwaul v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00916587 cathect v 1 1 @ 1 0 00023373 catheterise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00189053 catheterize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00189053 catholicise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00387237 catholicize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00387237 catnap v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00015491 caucus v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02434529 caulk v 1 1 @ 1 0 01357268 cause v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01649143 00772482 cause_to_be_perceived v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02128368 cause_to_sleep v 1 3 ! @ > 1 0 00019266 causeway v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02340900 01270306 cauterise v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 00374419 00273913 cauterize v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 00374419 00273913 caution v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00872857 cave v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01285636 00651540 cave_in v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01993067 cavern v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01285491 cavern_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01285491 cavil v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00810333 cavort v 1 1 @ 1 1 01887709 caw v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01061937 cease v 2 2 ~ + 2 2 02686624 02615799 cede v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02321629 02240011 celebrate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02584595 02496526 02404098 cell_phone v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00791596 cement v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 01306736 01369629 01369356 cense v 1 1 @ 1 0 02131151 censor v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02499315 00684847 censure v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00825330 census v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00950739 center v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 2 02682306 00724156 01856668 center_on v 2 1 @ 2 2 02682306 02729320 center_punch v 1 1 @ 1 1 01446359 centralise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00406161 centralize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00406161 centre v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01856668 00724156 centrifugate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02051212 centrifuge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02051212 cere v 1 1 @ 1 0 01286496 cerebrate v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 00630153 certificate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02266946 00805664 certify v 5 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 5 3 00822637 02354809 02449527 02452658 00823923 cha-cha v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901299 chafe v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 1 02124124 01792552 01791774 01256372 01253472 00374050 chaff v 1 1 @ 1 1 00856977 chaffer v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02264354 01040538 chagrin v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01803805 chain v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01467560 01291239 chain-smoke v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01201090 chain_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01289039 chair v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02444885 00815452 chairman v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02444885 chalk v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01694058 chalk_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01701523 chalk_up v 2 2 @ * 2 2 02326225 00951873 challenge v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 4 00870790 00870255 00810005 00809824 chamber v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02662158 chamfer v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01586914 01280213 champ v 2 1 @ 2 0 01177429 01177270 champion v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01151604 chance v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02600258 02550045 02253273 chance_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 02291532 chance_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 02291532 chandelle v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01974139 change v 10 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 10 8 00126072 00109468 00122978 00551194 00169266 00161033 02262178 02092508 00552287 00163059 change_by_reversal v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00138328 change_course v 1 1 @ 1 0 01950676 change_form v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00140787 change_hands v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02226741 change_integrity v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00139943 change_intensity v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02195552 change_magnitude v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00169459 change_over v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00380830 00381684 change_owners v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02226741 change_posture v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01987785 change_shape v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00140787 change_state v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00145958 change_surface v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00356912 change_taste v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02201394 channel v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 02084180 01937871 01438013 channel-surf v 1 1 @ 1 0 00552688 channelise v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 01935739 01760865 01438013 01371724 channelize v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 01935739 01760865 01438013 01371724 chant v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01051609 01068797 chap v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00338238 chaperon v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02030558 chaperone v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02030558 char v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02777955 00380111 character v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01325055 characterise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02703792 00958719 characterize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00958719 02703792 charcoal v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 1 01697033 charge v 25 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 25 9 01124145 00845147 02325354 02059191 02481345 00871595 00845638 01491585 02326026 02353564 02352633 02322269 01989438 01766380 01689855 01492993 01154680 00752538 00752351 00752178 00729953 00702283 00519195 00518927 00499097 charge_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01766380 chariot v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01953676 01910680 charleston v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901090 charm v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01810472 02592550 01132881 00778568 chart v 3 2 @ + 3 2 00712632 00706861 01758945 charter v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02466042 02452557 02213319 chase v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 1 02005890 02540759 01586802 01280213 chase_after v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02540759 02005890 chase_away v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02006752 chasse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01899020 chasten v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 00825981 00203298 00202809 chastise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00825981 chat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01040538 chat_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01039782 00769852 chatter v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 02190307 01556651 01040538 01038676 01039175 chauffeur v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02061973 chaw v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01204212 cheapen v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00208136 cheat v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 3 02579332 01107035 02580591 02582588 cheat_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02582588 check v 25 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 25 7 00663742 02538948 00664507 02516039 01865389 00664100 00441241 02664361 02663315 02563464 02559394 02352901 02352443 01865753 01865608 01696873 01142182 01133899 01117182 01067021 00922307 00665271 00355288 00337349 00337070 check_in v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00968184 check_into v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00663742 check_off v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00664100 check_out v 7 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 7 2 00663742 00968524 02664361 02381924 02368741 02316240 00810733 check_over v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00663742 check_up_on v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00663742 checker v 2 1 @ 2 0 01696873 00438275 checkmate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01116893 checkrow v 1 1 @ 1 0 01532195 cheek v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00965484 cheep v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01054173 cheer v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 2 01821905 00860250 00860989 00860817 00860463 cheer_up v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 0 00860989 00860817 cheerlead v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00860119 cheese v 2 1 @ 2 0 02686501 01525792 chelate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02627787 chemisorb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01602587 cheque v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02316240 chequer v 2 1 @ 2 0 01696873 00438275 cherish v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01780135 chevvy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01793315 chevy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01793315 chew v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01203727 chew_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 chew_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00632042 chew_the_fat v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01040538 chew_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 chicane v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01107035 00810333 chicken-fight v 1 1 @ 1 0 01125456 chicken_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02386122 chickenfight v 1 1 @ 1 0 01125456 chide v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00826456 child-proof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166265 childproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166265 chill v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 2 01822939 00371065 00370517 chill_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01767681 chime v 1 3 @ ^ + 1 0 02186788 chime_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00782236 chin v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01979401 chin_up v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01979401 chine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01325866 chink v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02190952 01426160 00337349 chip v 5 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 5 2 01262255 01261569 01601061 01262855 01262022 chip_at v 1 3 @ ~ ^ 1 0 01259164 chip_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00180460 chip_away_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 00180460 chip_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02313721 chip_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01262255 chirk v 1 1 @ 1 0 01051012 chirk_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00860817 chiromance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02112271 chirp v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01054173 01734544 chirr v 1 1 @ 1 0 01054543 chirrup v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01054173 chisel v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 02580591 02579332 01261892 chisel_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00782236 chit-chat v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01040538 chitchat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01040538 chitter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01055495 chivvy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01793315 chivy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01793315 chlorinate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00186712 00089354 chloroform v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00021819 chock v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01345022 01220960 chock_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01527086 choir v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01734680 choke v 14 5 @ ~ > $ + 14 5 00002724 01573390 01573572 00077703 00077451 02535335 02428846 01481233 01478810 00391905 00391723 00359085 00173172 00077359 choke_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 00392119 choke_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00392119 choke_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00392119 01481233 choke_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01481963 chomp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01177270 chondrify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00500593 choose v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 3 00676526 00681308 00681856 choose_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02453507 chop v 6 4 @ ~ ^ + 6 1 01260655 01875464 01762254 01418108 01259737 01126961 chop_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 01260071 chop_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01301854 chop_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01260655 chord v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01731231 00483111 choreograph v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01712176 00712244 chortle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00031656 chorus v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00988782 01734680 chouse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01107035 christen v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01030088 christianise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00386536 christianize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00386756 00386536 chrome v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01398599 00518208 chromium-plate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01398599 chronicle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01003181 chronologise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00278169 chronologize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00278169 chuck v 4 2 @ ; 4 1 01517157 02232144 01246225 00076153 chuck_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02227100 01471205 chuck_up_the_sponge v 1 0 1 0 01085437 chuckle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00031656 chuff v 1 1 @ 1 1 00006802 chug v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02183816 chum_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02595027 chunk v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01388574 00658687 church v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02083398 churn v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01421043 01889423 churn_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01717954 01628081 churn_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01812341 churr v 1 1 @ 1 0 01054434 chute v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 01972282 cicatrise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01554461 cicatrize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01554461 cinch v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01305642 00665737 00637456 cinematise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01716157 cinematize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01716157 cipher v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 00996121 00638921 circle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01915332 02048171 01525496 circle_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02086602 circle_round v 1 1 @ 1 0 02086602 circuit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02086774 circularise v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 0 02460071 02047558 00970243 circularize v 5 5 @ ~ > $ + 5 0 02460071 02459970 02047558 00970243 00574648 circulate v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 4 00971905 00970243 02047080 02046294 02046733 02046082 circumambulate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01915225 circumcise v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01277123 01276905 circumfuse v 1 1 @ 1 0 02087643 circumnavigate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01915519 circumscribe v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 01586415 00236085 01586577 circumstantiate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01014801 circumvallate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01133484 circumvent v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 01129837 01107263 00811316 circumvolute v 1 1 @ 1 0 02744271 circumvolve v 1 5 @ ~ > $ + 1 0 02049739 cite v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 4 01026199 01025080 01709116 01025268 01025583 01017875 00792796 citify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00500723 citrate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00136481 civilise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02393545 00412237 civilize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02393545 00412237 clabber v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00458725 clack v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02176571 01056721 01038676 claim v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 5 00758383 02280210 01020361 00760378 00758121 clam v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01386601 clam_up v 1 0 1 0 01042933 clamber v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01925765 clamor v 3 2 @ + 3 2 00776686 00916994 02512573 clamour v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00916994 00776686 clamp v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01346292 00749938 clamp_down v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00419874 clang v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02178559 clangor v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02178905 02178559 clangour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02178905 clank v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02178755 clap v 7 4 @ ~ * + 7 4 01610494 02098577 00863593 00034108 02098450 01240163 01239962 clap_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01367700 clap_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 01626402 clap_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01626402 clapboard v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01340094 clapperclaw v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01309226 00846978 claret v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01174096 clarify v 2 5 ! @ ~ + ; 2 1 00941888 00506232 clarion v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01737875 00980087 clash v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01563925 02673757 00806890 clasp v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 1 01219086 01551358 01551072 01224892 class v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 00656296 classicise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00527723 classicize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00527723 classify v 3 5 ! @ ~ * + 3 1 00656296 02514452 00741667 clatter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02176571 claver v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01040538 claw v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01918290 01216068 01309314 00847444 claxon v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02187621 01055367 clean v 10 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 10 4 01535377 00177724 01536230 00035769 02747835 01611855 01611610 01535222 00180982 00177871 clean_house v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01536230 clean_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00449819 02408550 02319764 clean_up v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00276642 02284160 02259479 00040497 cleanse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00035769 00502977 clear v 24 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 24 10 00181809 00195961 02777127 00804987 00195686 02529017 02294039 02161274 02085425 00622730 02427509 02355436 02296509 02296219 02294200 02213191 02057414 00905999 00763499 00550297 00451818 00451646 00451520 00178349 clear-cut v 1 1 @ 1 0 00195435 clear_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00181704 clear_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00181704 clear_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01860336 00577305 00449819 clear_the_air v 1 1 @ 1 0 02007200 clear_the_throat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00035082 clear_up v 5 3 ! @ ~ 5 3 00941888 00485823 00178349 02777127 00622730 cleat v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02357391 01307262 cleave v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 1 01559354 01561463 01223449 clench v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01575809 01397466 clerk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02416932 clew v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01526189 click v 7 3 @ > + 7 2 01897764 02190110 02190307 01244772 01057018 01056721 00593150 click_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00492487 click_open v 1 1 @ 1 1 01349230 climax v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00486540 climb v 6 4 @ ~ ^ + 6 3 01925957 01927862 00434185 02041834 00249903 00154951 climb_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 01982590 climb_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01927367 climb_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01925957 02109935 00155355 clinch v 6 3 @ $ + 6 1 01347585 01575974 01575809 01427518 01347430 00765758 cling v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 3 01223449 01779986 01218895 cling_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01222867 clink v 2 3 @ > + 2 1 02191136 02190952 clinker v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00527975 00527829 clip v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 1 01459092 01905440 01370319 01323662 00293639 clitter v 1 1 @ 1 0 02176740 cloak v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02152033 01619938 01337217 clobber v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 01420070 01415566 clock v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00491904 clock_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00968362 clock_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00968672 clock_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00968362 clock_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00968672 clock_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01004663 clog v 6 5 ! @ ~ + ; 6 1 01481233 01713790 01303864 00441962 00369020 00182182 clog_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01481233 cloister v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02730001 01474064 00496572 clomp v 1 1 @ 1 1 01933986 clone v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01698879 clop v 1 1 @ 1 0 02189411 close v 17 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 17 6 01347791 01349660 02431242 02430760 02616663 00765876 02760151 02380710 02145254 02108781 02058465 02058306 01610192 01481053 01425939 01294544 00352791 close_down v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 02431242 close_in v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02058627 01589983 close_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02686341 02035671 01480024 close_out v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02635471 02357534 00352373 close_up v 4 3 ! @ ~ 4 0 02431242 01479113 01294544 01042933 closet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01305377 closure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00528114 clot v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00458953 00459231 00458725 00369020 clothe v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00047662 02391817 01619938 cloture v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00528114 cloud v 8 4 @ ~ ^ + 8 3 02776675 02162161 02045422 01773486 01540747 00589133 00511445 00392535 cloud_over v 2 1 @ 2 1 02776978 00362041 cloud_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02776978 clout v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01415413 clown v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00105532 clown_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 00105532 cloy v 2 1 @ 2 0 02338221 01196465 club v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02598406 02598267 01426583 01322981 cluck v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01056721 clue v 1 1 @ 1 0 01526189 clue_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00929871 clump v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02189411 02028855 01933986 01487029 clunk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02189411 cluster v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02028855 01487029 clutch v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01215136 01222867 00739661 clutter v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00182020 clutter_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00182020 co-author v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01708490 co-educate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02392934 co-occur v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02666520 co-occur_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02666897 co-opt v 4 2 @ + 4 1 02406193 02541764 02402408 02367459 co-sign v 2 1 @ 2 0 02470568 01000075 co-star v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02637618 01725292 co-vary v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02668725 coach v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 2 00835381 01935233 coact v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02422198 coagulate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00458953 00459231 coal v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02777955 02357700 01602904 coalesce v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00395719 01463781 coapt v 2 1 @ 2 0 01603112 01603019 coarsen v 2 1 @ 2 0 01256032 00136251 coast v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01890721 coat v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01266847 00051228 01264885 coax v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00770823 cobble v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01270039 00262731 cobble_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 01629637 cobble_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01629637 cobblestone v 1 1 @ 1 0 01270039 cocainise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00021672 cocainize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00021672 cock v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01888861 01249990 01920627 cock_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01987020 cocker v 1 1 @ 1 0 02576182 cockle v 2 3 @ * $ 2 0 02043899 01281420 coconspire v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00709151 cocoon v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02096947 01584782 cod v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00856586 00852181 coddle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 02576182 00321211 code v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01592644 00996121 codify v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00482670 coeducate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02392934 coerce v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 1 02510211 coexist v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02610635 02610484 coffin v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01502587 cog v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01394114 01296521 coggle v 2 1 @ 2 0 01922796 01872996 cogitate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00705278 00630153 cognise v 1 3 ~ $ + 1 0 00596016 cognize v 1 3 ~ $ + 1 0 00596016 cohabit v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02657288 02610484 cohere v 3 6 @ ~ * > $ + 3 1 01223449 02759517 02759301 coif v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01337329 00038562 coiffe v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00038562 coiffure v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00038562 coil v 3 3 ! @ + 3 1 02053139 01667475 01526774 coin v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01701863 01642647 coincide v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02666520 00345966 02664812 coinsure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02256439 coke v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00499917 cold-cream v 1 1 @ 1 0 01367340 cold-shoulder v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00619103 cold_work v 1 1 @ 1 0 01672965 coldcock v 1 1 @ 1 0 01415000 coldwork v 1 1 @ 1 0 01672965 collaborate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02421408 02421881 collapse v 7 5 @ ~ > $ + 7 2 01993067 00030640 02087744 02045722 01993576 01789398 00224886 collar v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01217701 01218415 01218258 collate v 2 3 @ * + 2 1 00663631 01388413 collateralize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00887978 collect v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 02309962 02222955 01383303 01387093 02310566 collectivise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02438614 collectivize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02438614 collide v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02673757 01565514 01563925 collide_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01238728 colligate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00715072 00687125 collimate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00526361 00466374 collocate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02618645 00658687 collocate_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02666897 collogue v 1 1 @ 1 0 00878525 collude v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00709453 colly v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01536935 colonise v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 02596496 00415099 colonize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 02596496 00415099 color v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 3 00284671 00838605 02542758 01700543 00838812 00281861 color_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00284671 colorcast v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00971801 colorise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00284671 colorize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00284671 colour v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 0 02542758 01700543 00838812 00838605 00284671 00281861 colour_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00284671 colourise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00284671 colourize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00284671 comb v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01599566 01321853 00038078 comb_out v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02228412 00038078 combat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01094777 combine v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 7 02637244 00193830 01463957 02313988 02383029 01387824 00395719 combust v 5 5 @ ~ > $ + 5 0 02768426 02766580 01799439 01790238 00377673 come v 21 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 21 17 01853188 02009962 00342572 00543200 02631420 00343467 02749796 02749089 02692647 02749440 01843632 02735838 00345540 02651091 02633444 02010723 00725311 02743062 02623620 02201874 00661655 come_about v 1 1 ~ 1 1 00340744 come_across v 5 4 @ ~ > $ 5 1 02291532 02140603 02026953 01065551 00593432 come_after v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02726229 02411715 come_alive v 1 2 @ * 1 1 00018519 come_along v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00426024 00249545 come_apart v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00334996 come_around v 2 2 @ * 2 1 00656117 00344696 come_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01302344 02014424 come_back v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00549233 00961556 02003014 00818014 come_before v 1 0 1 0 02412896 come_by v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02494290 02210796 come_close v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02379065 02672137 come_down v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 4 01974840 00238590 02762779 00087206 00829119 come_forth v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00530070 02631097 come_forward v 1 1 @ 1 1 02093441 come_home v 1 1 > 1 1 00593150 come_in v 5 4 ! @ ~ ; 5 4 02020375 02010723 02673478 00916722 00661447 come_in_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 02735135 come_in_handy v 1 1 @ 1 1 02731335 come_into v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02210796 come_into_being v 1 1 @ 1 1 00361861 come_near v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 2 02602368 02057865 01853713 come_of_age v 1 1 @ 1 1 02546142 come_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01302344 00344552 01262255 come_on v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 3 00424655 02057865 00249545 01529393 00348757 come_out v 11 3 @ ~ $ 11 7 00424655 00426920 00530070 02616880 02102203 00661447 02093441 02086193 00937488 00937173 00549346 come_out_of_the_closet v 1 1 @ 1 0 00937488 come_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 01065551 come_round v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00656117 come_short v 1 1 @ 1 0 01803495 come_through v 4 3 @ ~ * 4 2 00427702 02025773 02626004 02529837 come_to v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 4 02113245 02681865 02532477 00024040 come_to_grips v 1 1 @ 1 1 02442004 come_to_hand v 1 1 @ 1 0 00424383 come_to_life v 2 1 @ 2 1 00361861 02671844 come_to_light v 1 1 @ 1 1 00424383 come_to_mind v 1 1 @ 1 1 00610906 come_to_the_fore v 1 1 @ 1 1 02093441 come_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 02058465 come_up v 12 3 @ ~ ; 12 8 01630816 00340548 01853188 01994295 02631867 01972576 02727715 01529393 02218118 01974362 01387406 01384203 come_up_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00992687 come_upon v 2 1 @ 2 2 02291532 02217428 come_with v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02722040 comfit v 1 1 @ 1 0 01629457 comfort v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01818782 00082061 command v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 00753893 00753573 01020186 02701971 02445887 commandeer v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 1 01474455 commemorate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00614139 00613035 00613596 commence v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 3 00346415 00349400 01654152 commend v 5 2 @ + 5 3 00883916 01693064 00884633 00884469 00884044 comment v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01060446 01035061 00963361 commentate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00963618 00941066 commercialise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00471317 commercialize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01167041 00471317 comminate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00866574 commingle v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01465435 00395719 comminute v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00331892 commiserate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01826198 commission v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02480824 02486392 02480684 commit v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 5 02588700 00888984 02353564 02354208 02275982 02380559 commit_suicide v 1 1 @ 1 0 01327678 commix v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01464634 commove v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01766380 01422127 communalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02300940 communalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02300940 commune v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00762232 00762447 communicate v 7 5 ! @ ~ $ + 7 2 00744289 00742582 02236443 01358221 01072124 01032711 00762447 communise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00410206 00409777 communize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00410206 00409777 commutate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00139187 commute v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 4 00554484 02065774 00381095 00161795 00161033 compact v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 0 01486664 01486416 01391983 01390440 companion v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02722642 company v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02722642 compare v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 00654571 02735507 00655291 00984811 comparison-shop v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02331668 compart v 1 1 @ 1 0 01477079 compartmentalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00484732 compartmentalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00484732 compass v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02532751 01915519 00589616 compassionate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01825946 compel v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 02512195 02641501 compensate v 6 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 6 2 02678329 02255433 02678648 02525657 02258264 02254549 compere v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02598553 compete v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 01074673 compile v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02309962 01629175 01630142 complain v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00909100 00845977 complect v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02629050 complement v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00456874 complete v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 5 00485097 00456705 02569639 01119902 01022740 complexify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00402279 00402108 complexion v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00288610 complicate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00403446 00401789 compliment v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00883182 00883422 complot v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00708804 comply v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02547977 comport v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02525332 02523827 compose v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 5 02627324 01709353 01702148 01629175 01769030 00708633 compost v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00528312 compound v 5 4 @ ~ > + 5 2 00227591 00193830 02270726 01661511 01463957 comprehend v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00589616 02110960 02635874 compress v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 2 01391983 01390440 comprise v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 02639437 02635616 02626667 compromise v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 01037675 01037252 01038464 compute v 1 5 @ ~ $ + ; 1 1 00638921 computerise v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02342360 02223541 01722811 computerize v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02342360 02223541 01722811 con v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02578034 00605971 concatenate v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01467683 00190512 conceal v 2 2 ~ + 2 2 02149298 02151220 concede v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00820214 00807711 02321629 01120027 conceive v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 3 01636885 00691086 00054002 conceive_of v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01639939 concenter v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00733774 concentrate v 8 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 8 5 00238397 00724156 00406161 00245511 02036779 00365841 00238145 00237885 concentrate_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02682306 concentre v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 00733774 conceptualise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01636885 conceptualize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01636885 concern v 2 3 ~ $ + 2 2 02681865 02684248 concert v 2 1 @ 2 0 01642545 00763645 concertina v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02087941 concertise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01720266 concertize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01720266 conciliate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01769244 00766947 00483824 conclude v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00636134 00716979 01023429 02616663 01073784 concoct v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 01462525 01670026 01638598 01637684 concord v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02705946 01652030 01468135 00807038 concrete v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01603276 00375205 concretise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00553083 concretize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00717674 00553083 concur v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 00807038 00345966 concuss v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01894503 00070404 condemn v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 5 00865823 00858260 02512742 02153732 00908688 02278613 condense v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 2 00365521 00245511 00367200 00366928 00366300 00366099 00365841 condescend v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02597611 02597468 02523493 00910930 condition v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 02577683 02559394 01020937 00207826 00041418 condole v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01826486 condole_with v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01825946 condone v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00894688 conduce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02561616 conduct v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 5 02450374 01736802 02523827 02003830 02084180 01737094 cone v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01587242 confab v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01040538 00878196 confabulate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01638429 01040538 00878196 confect v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01754621 01629457 confection v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01629457 confederate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02476108 02439388 confer v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00878196 02268154 confer_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 00879090 confess v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00821169 00820214 00820466 confide v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 00938497 02354208 configure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01661324 confine v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 00234091 01349980 02716988 02500687 01304044 confine_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00236085 confirm v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 4 00667804 01014100 00222266 02481941 02480026 confiscate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02278138 conflagrate v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02767330 02766580 conflate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00395719 conflict v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02673287 02573062 conform v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 02669057 00150107 conform_to v 3 3 ! @ ~ 3 2 02674745 00150596 01185870 confound v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00623406 00621282 confront v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 4 01081176 00813960 01068455 02748513 confuse v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 00621282 00623406 01794768 01660937 00622345 confute v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00669342 conga v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900760 conge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00900681 congeal v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00443624 congee v 2 1 @ 2 0 02012993 00900681 congest v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01481233 conglobate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00144514 conglobe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00144514 conglomerate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00158612 conglutinate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01603112 01224106 congratulate v 4 2 @ + 4 3 00883182 00883519 01776419 00885368 congregate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02027446 conjecture v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00635105 conjoin v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01293672 02494483 conjugate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 00397419 00985155 00575295 conjure v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 01633150 00761702 00708804 conjure_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01633150 conk v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 01866326 01404025 00359085 00023639 conk_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 00435327 00099271 conn v 1 1 @ 1 0 01937064 connect v 11 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 11 6 01357376 00715072 02628315 01071413 01240325 01071212 02753278 02394734 02394488 01423776 01410222 connive v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02591445 00709785 connive_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02422489 connote v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00931801 00933194 conquer v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00463047 02277394 01116721 conscript v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01101117 consecrate v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 0 02391154 00888984 00888499 00868366 consent v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00799359 conserve v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 0 02688390 02284977 02273988 00212475 consider v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 6 00692380 02170904 00736077 00952463 00814706 00691086 02137650 02134765 00693078 consign v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02353320 02352633 02353455 consist v 4 2 @ + 4 1 02659476 02756729 02664128 02639437 consociate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02475598 console v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 01818782 consolidate v 5 2 @ + 5 2 00243466 00165258 00243633 00165597 00165426 consonate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02188609 consort v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 02595401 02705946 01931700 conspire v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00708804 00709453 constellate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02695724 02028855 00141875 consternate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01795082 constipate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00441962 00074311 constitute v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02626667 02401347 02627475 01650771 constitutionalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00569738 constitutionalize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02358197 01886472 00569738 constrain v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02566249 01304044 00419690 constrict v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01390440 00305203 constringe v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00305203 construct v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 3 01658171 01656984 01586063 01761565 01761390 00635752 construe v 1 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 1 1 00624823 construe_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02666897 consubstantiate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00244458 00244265 consult v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00879090 00878614 00878196 00877973 consume v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 4 01199565 01159300 01160479 01568702 01159815 00602298 consummate v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 01645293 01645174 contact v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00745330 01208316 contain v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 3 02635616 02706727 02516039 02753162 02707070 01133899 containerise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01485374 containerize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01485374 contaminate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00493642 00494195 contemn v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01778720 contemplate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02169256 00705641 00706154 00632042 contemporise v 2 1 @ 2 0 02745129 00737871 contemporize v 2 1 @ 2 0 02745129 00737871 contend v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 5 00758943 00775477 00871260 02593624 01074673 01092746 content v 2 3 ! @ + 2 2 01196771 01820811 contest v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00871260 continue v 10 5 ! @ ~ $ + 10 6 02690747 00783045 02685709 01999581 02415305 02753797 02753584 02733337 02693758 00118331 contort v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01353381 contour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01693647 contra_danse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900288 contract v 9 5 ! @ ~ $ + 9 5 00890307 02415071 01390440 00087488 00241457 01282077 00365841 00305890 00244786 contract_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00799911 contract_out v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 02415849 00800064 contradance v 1 1 @ 1 0 01900288 contradict v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 02669219 00825097 00778104 00668804 contradistinguish v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00663502 contraindicate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00930437 contrast v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00662884 02672941 contravene v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02573062 00825097 contredanse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900288 contribute v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02329474 02313721 02561616 02242564 contrive v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01641910 01635953 01636439 control v 9 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 9 4 02445887 02516039 01227308 01807900 02526663 02514936 00665078 00664507 00598780 controvert v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00778104 00669665 contuse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01495382 convalesce v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00092442 convect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02046958 convene v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02028354 00794699 conventionalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00528447 conventionalize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00528447 01691464 converge v 4 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 02716276 02738276 02036479 00369500 converse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00966726 convert v 11 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 11 5 00381684 00114965 00385082 00161033 00386056 01087277 01087135 01086999 00771598 00161795 00114645 convey v 7 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 7 2 00930591 01062889 02236443 02226236 02084180 02081903 01435927 convict v 1 6 ! @ ~ * + ; 1 1 00908320 convince v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00771598 convoke v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00794699 convolute v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01283787 00934760 convolve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01283787 convoy v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02030279 convulse v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 2 00861601 00032290 01894785 01894081 01391661 01391467 coo v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00911953 00911849 cooccur v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 0 02666520 cooccur_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02666897 cook v 5 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 5 3 01669533 01668067 00323648 02583006 00324178 cook_out v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00325607 cook_up v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 1 01670026 01637966 cool v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 2 00371065 00370517 00370779 cool_down v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 0 00371065 00370779 00370517 cool_it v 1 1 @ 1 0 01767681 cool_off v 3 1 @ 3 2 01767681 00370779 01781624 cool_one's_heels v 1 1 @ 1 0 02644290 coop_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01350201 coop_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01350201 cooper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01663038 cooperate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02421408 coordinate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00405549 02442752 02443093 00466966 cop v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02327226 01217701 cop_out v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00681634 cope v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02593624 copolymerise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00267277 copolymerize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00267277 copper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01268444 copper-bottom v 1 1 @ 1 0 02358404 copulate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01431486 copy v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 01751182 01746767 01738810 01697776 copy_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01751410 copyedit v 1 1 @ 1 0 00629787 copyread v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00629787 copyright v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02244315 coquet v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01039782 coquette v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01039782 corbel v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02357820 cord v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01506473 01289277 cordon_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01591218 corduroy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01754703 core v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01593444 core_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01285148 cork v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01426277 00322142 cork_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01426277 corkscrew v 1 1 @ 1 0 02053510 corn v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01181452 00529305 corner v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02447789 01938064 01913268 cornice v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02357942 coronate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02396091 corrade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01256577 corral v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01603399 01468827 01384450 correct v 8 4 ! @ ~ + 8 3 00200023 02525657 00825981 02678329 02559125 01975617 00296959 00079223 correlate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 02665057 00715901 correspond v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 3 02663315 02639615 01008855 02705339 corroborate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00667804 01014570 02669418 corrode v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00275082 00274762 corrugate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01389818 corrupt v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 02585532 02288941 01540747 00203443 corset v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00049386 coruscate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02772348 00473934 cosh v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01404206 cosign v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02470568 01000075 cosponsor v 1 1 @ 1 1 02225131 cosset v 1 1 @ 1 0 02576182 cost v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02708368 02635042 costume v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 1 00051478 02342541 cotton v 1 1 @ 1 0 01781028 cotton_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00591761 cotton_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01808720 couch v 1 1 @ 1 1 00983308 cough v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 1 00005815 cough_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00006238 cough_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02204855 00006238 counsel v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00874568 count v 9 4 @ ~ ^ + 9 6 00950103 02651923 00952463 00949889 02737507 00686982 02753015 00714537 00714385 count_down v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00949749 count_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00977765 count_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00713964 count_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01103724 countenance v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00803980 counter v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00817041 02571406 counter-drill v 1 1 @ 1 1 01446250 counteract v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02570756 02570888 02549571 02549304 counterattack v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01127510 counterbalance v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02678329 02672590 02549571 counterchallenge v 1 1 @ 1 1 00810190 counterchange v 1 1 @ 1 0 00121734 countercheck v 2 1 @ 2 0 02570888 02539174 counterclaim v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01020654 counterfeit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01657814 countermand v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00801460 countermarch v 2 1 @ 2 0 02001052 00660931 countermine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02549304 01128308 counterplot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00709319 counterpoint v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 02672941 01709700 counterpoise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02672750 counterpose v 1 1 @ 1 0 02672750 countersign v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00999477 countersink v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01533061 counterstrike v 1 1 @ 1 0 01127510 countervail v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02723890 02549571 counterweight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02672750 country-dance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900288 couple v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 01295488 01300210 02496079 01431486 couple_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01300210 couple_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01300210 course v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02071468 02070867 01147339 court v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02540158 02540602 02540427 court-martial v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02504821 court_favor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00882850 court_favour v 1 1 @ 1 0 00882850 covenant v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02480203 01032865 cover v 26 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 26 14 01335412 01210571 02693758 02681746 01035399 02635874 01916152 00969130 01131627 02400142 02152799 01150762 00969487 00892737 02678648 02479869 02400336 02315654 02151539 01585121 01433080 01339317 01152476 01151046 00059956 00048350 cover_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 00897451 cover_up v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02152799 covet v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01831174 cow v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01783720 cower v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02067916 02067699 cowhide v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01414422 cowl v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01339906 cox v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02451998 cozen v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02581157 02580949 02293561 cozy_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01808720 crab v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 01936557 01906671 01142491 00912926 crack v 13 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 13 7 00337070 02187470 02187297 01404609 00540850 00338044 00337875 02576982 01789398 00955955 00337528 00239428 00239258 crack_down v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00419874 crack_up v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01789398 00862997 00030359 crackle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02179828 01060096 00122456 cradle v 6 3 @ + ; 6 1 01224741 02545959 01880728 01558430 01539451 01078907 craft v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01662656 cram v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01527086 01615199 00607178 00408071 cramp v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01307126 00237139 00031174 00031061 cranch v 1 1 @ 1 0 01597899 crane v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00028160 crank v 5 3 @ * + 5 0 01995776 01862782 01598070 01344497 01283561 crank_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01757080 crank_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01862782 01598070 crap v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00073791 crap_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01481639 crape v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01602726 01226397 crash v 13 5 @ ~ > $ + 13 5 01976584 02092894 01564601 02023134 01564843 02663176 02181956 02022863 01564990 01510039 00584141 00435872 00017667 crash-dive v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01971930 crash_land v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 01984780 crate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01489304 craunch v 1 1 @ 1 0 01597899 crave v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01191018 00760583 crawfish v 1 1 $ 1 0 00801045 crawfish_out v 1 1 $ 1 0 00801045 crawl v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 2 01889838 02736557 02721923 02067699 01965981 crawl_in v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017858 crayon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01696604 craze v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01791641 00338378 creak v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02176108 cream v 5 5 @ ^ $ + ; 5 0 01420691 01415566 01367186 01263582 00171352 cream_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 01263582 00679364 crease v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 01280991 01280348 01243078 00565934 create v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 01620211 01757596 01689208 02481808 01643749 01624592 create_by_mental_act v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01635076 create_from_raw_material v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01656555 create_from_raw_stuff v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01656555 create_mentally v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01635076 create_verbally v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01701711 credit v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 4 00729105 00729753 02269560 00685849 creep v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01889838 01915881 02064516 02067699 creep_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01231430 creep_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01997244 cremate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00379825 crenel v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02340625 crenelate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02340625 crenellate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02340625 creolize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00116173 creosote v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00186591 crepe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01602726 crepitate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02179828 crescendo v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00547809 crest v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02699010 02011791 crew v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01092025 crib v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02581052 02283315 01274798 crick v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00025503 cricket v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01078410 criminalise v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 02486512 criminalize v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02520746 02486512 criminate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00844668 00825330 crimp v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01459835 01226397 crimson v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00103071 cringe v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02064997 02067699 crinkle v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01280991 00565934 cripple v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00226258 00091399 crisp v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01280991 00322952 crispen v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00322952 crisscross v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01917230 01279364 00511794 criticise v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 00828170 01098508 criticize v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 1 00828170 01098508 critique v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00857194 croak v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00359085 01066423 00911172 crochet v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 01676648 01676385 crock v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02064887 01537790 crock_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01789398 cronk v 2 1 @ 2 0 01066423 01055211 crook v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02038516 croon v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01051342 crop v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 1 01556543 01745327 01656079 01579309 01578996 01323662 crop_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00426798 crop_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02161949 croquet v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01603794 01157135 cross v 8 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 8 4 01916152 02027242 02563998 01918650 02691213 01917990 01695693 01432586 cross-check v 1 1 @ 1 0 00665600 cross-dress v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00051354 cross-fertilise v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 00053606 00053373 cross-fertilize v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 00053606 00053373 cross-file v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02477456 cross-index v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02478381 cross-link v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01294130 cross-pollinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00053776 cross-refer v 1 1 @ 1 0 01027944 cross_examine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00788711 cross_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00802412 cross_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 00900331 cross_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00802412 cross_question v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00788711 crossbreed v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01432586 crosscut v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01603946 crosshatch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01699871 crossruff v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01080966 crouch v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02066560 01548096 crow v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00885156 00859199 00859335 crowd v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02032568 02655407 02031458 02058788 crowd_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02017692 crowd_together v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02031458 crown v 4 2 @ + 4 2 02396091 00486822 02700519 01340929 crucify v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 2 02489638 01806967 01805829 00825488 cruise v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 01935537 01848801 02158461 01848595 crumb v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01268304 00339676 00180342 crumble v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02045722 00398311 00209244 crump v 3 1 @ 3 0 02189243 01138819 00307973 crumple v 4 2 @ $ 4 1 02045722 01281789 01281420 00565934 crunch v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01060096 01597899 01204331 00331892 crusade v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02595732 01096355 crush v 8 5 @ ~ * $ + 8 4 02429499 01596858 01104324 00339895 01804206 01495601 01106247 00560467 crush_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00479613 crust v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00357443 cry v 7 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 7 4 00915018 00065962 00914001 00976818 01191520 00987496 00066456 cry_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 02635192 cry_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00914001 cry_out_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 02635192 crystalise v 4 4 @ ~ > ; 4 0 00622730 00446895 00444625 00143524 crystalize v 4 5 @ ~ > + ; 4 0 00622730 00446895 00444625 00143524 crystallise v 3 4 @ > + ; 3 0 00622730 00446895 00143524 crystallize v 4 5 @ ~ > + ; 4 3 00143524 00622730 00446895 00444625 cub v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00057728 cube v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00641924 01259431 cuckold v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02582588 cuckoo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00959977 cuddle v 2 3 @ $ + 2 2 01427599 01428162 cudgel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01426760 cue v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00879379 cuff v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01419816 01290804 cull v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 0 02229563 01384737 cull_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00679122 culminate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 00486540 00354684 02532600 02025625 00143860 cultivate v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 2 01746607 01745327 02393545 00303245 culture v 1 1 @ 1 0 00246666 cumber v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01303637 cumulate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00158612 cup v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 00478759 00189394 00087042 curb v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02516039 01303523 00237442 curdle v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 00458725 00443955 00443802 cure v 4 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 4 2 00081478 00528652 00529015 00528881 curl v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 4 00362781 02102736 01526774 01226180 01076467 curl_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02102736 curry v 3 4 @ $ + ; 3 0 02196671 00517374 00045370 curry_favor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00882850 curry_favour v 1 1 @ 1 0 00882850 currycomb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01599776 curse v 4 4 ! @ $ + 4 3 00867051 00867978 00867622 01032430 curtail v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00237442 00293639 curtain v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02358533 curtain_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02035855 curtsey v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02044394 curtsy v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 02044394 00901115 curve v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 3 02037140 02744576 02038831 02038516 00362781 curvet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01970359 cushion v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01579748 cuss v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 00867051 custom-make v 1 1 @ 1 1 01626526 customise v 2 1 @ 2 0 01626526 00388590 customize v 2 1 @ 2 0 01626526 00388590 cut v 41 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 41 10 01555301 00430013 02037140 01613738 02427383 01758723 01670612 01416571 01066821 00202086 02619895 02594436 02138697 02105927 01919858 01919723 01864093 01863981 01760407 01760260 01760121 01758545 01717350 01614027 01613894 01558219 01513208 01323084 01322398 01229652 01061436 00562167 00474253 00448609 00430921 00293269 00244786 00226497 00108279 00095890 00060990 cut_across v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01916152 02613693 01603946 cut_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01864306 01556769 cut_back v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 02008715 00430013 01323662 00237442 cut_corners v 1 1 @ 1 1 01716413 cut_down v 6 5 @ ~ > $ ; 6 4 00430013 01325339 01242426 01106920 01322222 01260866 cut_in v 5 2 @ ~ 5 0 02300408 02061802 00782236 00521274 00397140 cut_into v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01312361 cut_off v 6 4 @ ~ * ; 6 3 00780320 00293269 01301854 01443265 01262022 01257256 cut_out v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 3 00473602 01557581 01443265 01552501 01106920 00352964 cut_short v 4 3 @ ~ * 4 2 00363458 00521682 00318042 00293639 cut_through v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01916152 cut_to v 1 1 @ 1 0 01864471 cut_to_ribbons v 1 1 @ 1 1 01086331 cut_up v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 01258531 00293434 00484732 00201982 cutinize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00587150 cybernate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01722811 cycle v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 2 02056599 02055194 01939907 01939335 00344425 cycle_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 02055368 cyclostyle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01752386 cypher v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 00996121 00638921 dab v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01235758 01235591 dabble v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01980398 02424713 02421160 01869561 dado v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02231341 01460339 daisy-chain v 1 1 @ 1 0 01357979 dally v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02442312 02015537 01039782 00713761 dam v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01479854 dam_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01479854 damage v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00259743 00589255 damascene v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01686341 damn v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00867622 damp v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02195757 00574162 00391231 00390886 dampen v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 2 00391513 00218382 02195757 00392255 00391231 00391130 00390886 dance v 3 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 3 3 01898642 01712535 02103353 dandify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00051659 dandle v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01869712 01214145 dangle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02723347 01484915 dapple v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00511445 dare v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02380015 02550742 00869761 darken v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 1 00313162 01540617 00312341 darn v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 01333358 dart v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 01903884 02065423 01903701 dash v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 02065423 00336733 01510039 02564529 01789567 00184522 dash_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01022603 dash_off v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01704514 01022603 date v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 02491462 00737394 00620873 02491850 00736950 date-mark v 1 1 @ 1 0 00737229 date_back v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02729826 date_from v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02729826 date_stamp v 1 1 @ 1 0 00737394 dateline v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00737229 datemark v 1 1 @ 1 0 00737229 daub v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 0 01363602 01315909 01235951 daunt v 1 1 @ 1 1 01789567 dawdle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02062514 02015537 02001894 dawn v 3 3 @ > + 3 1 00593150 02615649 00529916 daydream v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01641175 02423305 daze v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02166865 02119913 dazzle v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02166865 00727008 de-access v 1 1 @ 1 0 02252557 de-aerate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02368971 de-emphasise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00515811 de-emphasize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00515811 de-energise v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00023237 de-energize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00023237 de-escalate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00291745 00291502 de-ice v 1 1 @ 1 0 00377478 de-iodinate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00522113 de-ionate v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00521840 deaccession v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02248749 deactivate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00192060 00191849 deaden v 7 5 ! @ ~ + ; 7 1 00391231 01611026 00440042 00439909 00193672 00192383 00116696 deaerate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02368971 deaf v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02194386 deafen v 3 2 @ * 3 0 02194523 02194386 00317191 deal v 13 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 13 9 01035399 00736077 02376078 02593624 02299397 02249738 02441196 02382855 02251238 02450374 02299140 02251468 02250775 deal_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02299397 deaminate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00574324 deaminize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00574324 debar v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 02507686 02458770 00798250 debark v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01983255 debase v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 0 02585532 00494453 00488684 debate v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 4 00716789 00814706 00814242 00775477 debauch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02585532 debilitate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00390309 debit v 1 5 ! @ ~ + ; 1 0 02270368 debone v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00197798 debouch v 2 1 @ 2 0 02088170 00531371 debrief v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00833137 debug v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00200606 debunk v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00854877 debut v 3 3 @ + ; 3 2 01721874 01721487 01721710 decaffeinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369071 decalcify v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00500385 00500243 decamp v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02081104 02077642 02014550 decant v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02074224 decapitate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01574185 decarbonate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369170 decarbonise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00531522 decarbonize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00531522 decarboxylate v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00502799 00502615 decarburise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00531522 decarburize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00531522 decay v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 00399980 00209244 00553892 decease v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00359085 deceive v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 02581157 00856102 decelerate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00440913 00439450 decentralise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00406465 decentralize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00406465 decerebrate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02369265 decertify v 1 1 ! 1 1 02449965 dechlorinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369392 decide v 4 5 @ ~ * > + 4 3 00699355 00700621 00701251 00703643 decimalise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00531909 00531672 decimalize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00531909 00531672 decimate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00471989 00471632 decipher v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00996499 00627767 deck v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02754802 01683875 01415000 deck_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00043880 deck_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 declaim v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01053236 00912317 declare v 8 4 @ ~ + ; 8 5 01012145 00967903 00822462 00824028 02449420 02305510 01012879 00979721 declare_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 00881285 declassify v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02514756 declaw v 1 1 @ 1 0 00197365 decline v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 00204228 02242120 00799092 00432779 02043721 01975617 00984945 declutch v 1 1 @ 1 0 00532148 decoct v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 00375564 00238145 00214138 decode v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00996499 decoke v 1 1 @ 1 0 00531522 decollate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01574185 decolonise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02596823 decolonize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02596823 decolor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decolorise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decolorize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decolour v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decolourise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decolourize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 decommission v 1 1 @ 1 0 02317722 decompose v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 1 00209582 00399980 00210263 decompress v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 01392261 00404874 00026378 deconcentrate v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00406465 deconsecrate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00868726 deconstruct v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00940779 decontaminate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00493988 decontrol v 1 1 @ 1 0 02472822 decorate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01679858 02754802 02552743 01469172 decorticate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01266563 00176884 decouple v 4 2 @ ; 4 0 01300399 00716178 00472507 00472354 decoy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02583840 decrease v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00151509 00442400 decree v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01029517 00717773 decrepitate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00122293 00122097 decrescendo v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00547953 decriminalise v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02487025 decriminalize v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02487025 decry v 1 1 @ 1 1 00865823 decrypt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00996499 decussate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01918106 dedicate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00888984 02401138 00888663 00679885 dedifferentiate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00119533 deduce v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00638236 00946956 deduct v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 00642914 02219783 00638236 deed_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02260750 deem v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00695546 deep-dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00284344 deep-fat-fry v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00326578 deep-fry v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00327111 deep-six v 2 1 @ 2 0 02227776 01512456 deep_freeze v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00376088 deepen v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 2 00227591 00226992 00571601 00552287 deface v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01552687 defalcate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02297496 defame v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00848188 defang v 1 1 @ 1 0 00197466 defat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369490 default v 1 4 ! @ * + 1 1 02258574 default_on v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02258574 defeat v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01110559 02479111 defecate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00073791 defect v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 02590182 defeminise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00060472 defeminize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00060472 defend v 7 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 7 5 00896689 01130221 01132302 01093838 01151604 02587760 01019652 defenestrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01511516 defer v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02648898 00879879 defervesce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00572978 defibrillate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02558699 defibrinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369572 defile v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01540747 01540197 00493346 define v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 02617665 00959410 02704161 02742653 00949109 deflagrate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02778268 00586225 deflate v 6 3 ! @ + 6 0 01439502 01439358 00857916 00563797 00563380 00265591 deflect v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02458770 02038145 02037650 01795785 01149526 deflower v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01431014 00478872 defog v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00362294 defoliate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00196157 deforest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00196368 deform v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 0 01587796 01353381 01282617 00478596 00477675 00140787 defraud v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02578034 defray v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02354941 defrock v 1 1 @ 1 0 02482154 defrost v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00377478 defuse v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01140122 defy v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 02712676 02713660 00869761 degas v 1 1 @ 1 1 00181325 degauss v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00401007 degenerate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00092045 deglaze v 1 1 @ 1 0 01668599 deglycerolise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01991950 deglycerolize v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 1 01991950 degrade v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01310556 01804404 00208136 degrease v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369667 degust v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01198208 dehisce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00308887 dehorn v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00198742 00197581 dehumanise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01805279 00480748 dehumanize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01805279 00480748 dehumidify v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00216483 dehydrate v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 00213216 00211822 00211534 dehydrogenate v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00309181 deice v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00377478 deify v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00695167 00546220 deign v 1 1 @ 1 1 02597468 deionize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369766 deject v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01818363 delay v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 3 00460731 02648041 00461855 00441241 delegate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02400537 02396945 delete v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01551969 01001860 00201227 deliberate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00814706 00814242 delight v 3 6 @ ~ * > $ + 3 2 01819595 01193481 01821281 delimit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02617665 02699684 00732286 delimitate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02617665 00732286 delineate v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 0 02742653 02617665 01693274 01585566 00991116 deliquesce v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00554130 00377296 delist v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369848 deliver v 12 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 12 7 00991634 01440941 02298282 02556841 02509014 01064275 00991901 02557299 02363326 02240011 01511711 00056644 deliver_the_goods v 1 2 ~ * 1 0 02529837 delocalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02369964 delouse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00532243 delude v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02581157 deluge v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01527311 00753137 00218126 delve v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01312361 demagnetise v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 01000807 00401007 demagnetize v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 01000807 00401007 demand v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 00756987 02634015 01019835 01071112 01071007 01020074 demarcate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00732484 00732286 demasculinise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00060604 demasculinize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00060604 dematerialise v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00345146 dematerialize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00345146 demean v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01804404 demilitarise v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 01101801 01090246 demilitarize v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 01101801 01090246 demineralise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00575591 demineralize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00575591 demise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02225696 demist v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00362294 demo v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02153218 demob v 1 1 @ 1 0 01090603 demobilise v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01100617 01090603 demobilize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01100617 01090603 democratise v 2 1 @ 2 0 02539573 02539414 democratize v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02539573 02539414 demodulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01354304 demolish v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01660001 01660252 01199565 01085766 demonetise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00495039 demonetize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00495039 demonise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00548380 demonize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00548380 demonstrate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 02153218 00666706 00822637 02527482 demoralise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02585532 01818363 demoralize v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02585532 01818363 00623876 demote v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02404473 demulsify v 2 3 ! @ > 2 0 00502240 00502129 demur v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00809603 01018635 demyelinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01761040 demystify v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00519932 demythologise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00135386 demythologize v 1 4 ! @ + ; 1 1 00135386 denationalise v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00412717 denationalize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00412717 denaturalise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00413785 00413436 denaturalize v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 00413785 00413436 denature v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00555187 00554951 00554804 denazify v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00502369 denigrate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00866139 00848188 denitrify v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 0 00503413 denominate v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 01032165 denote v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00934123 00933429 00976399 denounce v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00843259 02513894 00844108 00843665 dent v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 01282234 denudate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00195256 denude v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00195256 deny v 7 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 7 4 00818217 00818664 02218972 02217607 02217856 01070402 00818828 deodorise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02131328 deodorize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02131328 deodourise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02131328 deoxidise v 1 4 ! @ ~ ; 1 0 00238763 deoxidize v 1 4 ! @ ~ ; 1 0 00238763 deoxygenate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370072 depart v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 4 01852660 02667330 02018017 02012411 02388582 02070232 depend v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02670312 00714537 depend_on v 3 1 ~ 3 1 02717862 02670095 02669926 depend_upon v 2 1 ~ 2 1 02717862 02670095 depersonalise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00388967 depersonalize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00388967 depict v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 01690851 00989103 01692151 depilate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00037507 deplane v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02020150 deplete v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01159815 deplore v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00827994 00913303 deploy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01151793 01382265 deplumate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01386929 deplume v 2 1 @ 2 0 02320028 01386929 depolarise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00575418 depolarize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00575418 depone v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01015049 depopulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00532382 deport v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02523827 02509014 02504961 depose v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02410394 01015049 deposit v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 01530857 02315835 01578506 deprave v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02585532 deprecate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00858111 00857615 depreciate v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 0 00857615 00316131 00315821 depress v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 01818363 01977946 01577754 01577597 00225864 depressurise v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00404874 depressurize v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00404874 deprive v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02319255 02318230 00172745 depute v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02400537 02399587 02396945 deputise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02399804 02399587 deputize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02399804 02399587 deracinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02544219 01569697 derail v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02015895 02015717 derange v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01768438 00277400 derate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00532724 derecognise v 1 0 1 0 02449965 derecognize v 1 0 1 0 02449965 deregulate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02517671 derequisition v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02281047 derestrict v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02515773 deride v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00854604 derive v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 5 00638236 02297086 00252677 00252501 02743062 derogate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00866139 desacralize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02226576 desalinate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00532984 desalinise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00532984 desalinize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00532984 desalt v 1 1 @ 1 0 00532984 descale v 1 1 @ 1 0 01266712 descant v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01714695 01052523 01036519 descant_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01707988 descend v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 01974840 02743062 02597468 00342819 describe v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 4 00989103 00967067 01585566 00654017 descry v 1 1 @ 1 0 02158742 desecrate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 02573980 00868726 desegregate v 1 2 ! + 1 0 02487489 desensitise v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02119407 00273482 desensitize v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02119407 00273482 desert v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00615748 02590182 01846309 deserve v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02652462 desex v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00061366 desexualise v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01957534 00061366 desexualize v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01957534 00061366 desiccate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00213216 00211822 00211534 design v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 01641910 00711454 01644092 01643256 01757404 01637367 00700338 designate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01032165 02396945 00925764 00748465 00711208 desire v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01829179 01830665 01830320 desist v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01198570 desolate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00615748 00532382 00389306 desorb v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00571282 00571080 despair v 1 3 ! ~ + 1 1 01814900 despatch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01958986 despise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01778720 despoil v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02349564 01568253 despond v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01815139 desquamate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00009485 destabilise v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00272976 00272510 destabilize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00272976 00272510 destain v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370167 destalinise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00570395 destalinize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00570395 destine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00748465 00711208 destress v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00515811 destroy v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01622948 01566925 01085766 01329210 destruct v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01623725 01622948 desulfurize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370293 desulphurize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370293 desynchronise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00395469 desynchronize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00395469 detach v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 2 01301254 02035467 01302344 detail v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00958282 00680024 detain v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02500687 00461855 00460731 detect v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02158938 deter v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00910052 00772186 deterge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01395692 deteriorate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00208905 00092045 determine v 8 5 @ ~ * $ + 8 7 00920843 00702806 00701581 00949109 00699355 00702474 00765444 00922307 detest v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01778057 dethaw v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00376777 dethrone v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02396595 detick v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370395 detonate v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 00307505 00307079 detour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02070131 detox v 1 1 @ 1 0 00079541 detoxicate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00506430 detoxify v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00506430 00079541 detract v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00533195 detrain v 1 1 @ 1 0 02020072 detransitivise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00421862 detransitivize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00421862 detribalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00159894 detribalize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00159894 detusk v 1 1 @ 1 0 00198588 devaluate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00494865 00315821 devalue v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 00494865 00494639 00315821 devastate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00389306 00261197 devein v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370480 develop v 21 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 21 14 01742655 01742478 00546637 00094214 02630344 00171865 00927844 00604693 00343635 00252905 00411945 00254647 01630984 00544490 02143239 01472252 01077094 01076902 00403037 00340274 00234758 deviate v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02068815 02667330 02069013 devil v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01791774 01669402 devilise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00548573 devilize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00548573 devise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01635953 01654986 02234194 devitalise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00166760 devitalize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00166760 devitrify v 2 1 @ 2 0 00506798 00506593 devoice v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00952702 devolve v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 02397527 02234332 00092045 devolve_on v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02717862 devote v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00888984 00734247 02219499 devour v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01568141 01824736 01199565 01199186 diabolise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00548573 diabolize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00548573 diagnose v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00647205 00647424 diagonalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00522954 diagonalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00522954 diagram v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01697348 dial v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00791970 00678054 dialyse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00331236 dialyze v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00331236 diazotize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586375 dibble v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01570535 01314783 dice v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01259431 01141159 dichotomise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00657778 dichotomize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00657778 dicker v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02264636 dictate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00749139 00628527 02593176 didder v 1 1 @ 1 0 00014027 diddle v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02578034 01589199 die v 11 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 11 4 00359085 02114272 01788772 00435327 01833417 01789061 01557816 01077307 00539403 00355499 00224721 die_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 00245945 die_back v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00242912 die_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 00242912 00224594 die_hard v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 02653599 die_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00428636 die_out v 2 1 @ 2 1 00428636 01557816 diet v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01192545 01191757 differ v 2 3 ! ~ + 2 2 02672316 00806464 differentiate v 6 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 6 2 00652006 00653662 00644465 00119332 00119074 00118882 diffract v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02033650 diffuse v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 3 02064069 01231635 00970243 dig v 8 5 @ ~ * ^ + 8 2 01312361 01313763 02424873 02148219 01903550 01313320 01232540 00589616 dig_in v 2 1 @ 2 2 01533912 01175354 dig_into v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01229439 dig_out v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 0 02148219 01314921 01313763 dig_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01316583 02148219 digest v 8 5 @ ~ * $ + 8 2 01199976 00592319 00670017 00482486 00482322 00398893 00245511 00209846 digitalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00564901 digitalize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00564901 00081262 digitise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00564901 digitize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00564901 dignify v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02552573 00545870 digress v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00782620 02070232 dike v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01590739 dilapidate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01666329 00209244 dilate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00306318 00957633 dilly-dally v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02648322 dillydally v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02648322 dilute v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00226497 00488684 dim v 5 2 @ ~ 5 0 02166741 00314386 00314265 00313060 00311895 dimension v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00924113 00142885 diminish v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00151509 00442836 dimple v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00510530 00028869 din v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02191956 00608245 dine v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 1 01170315 01170114 dine_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01169871 dine_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01169974 ding v 1 1 @ 1 0 02185620 dingdong v 1 1 @ 1 0 02185620 dinge v 2 1 @ 2 0 00547689 00547608 dip v 14 3 @ ~ + 14 4 01579924 01194845 00433014 00287243 02316837 02166741 02044954 02043524 02041990 01980234 01664870 01580973 01580815 01315317 dip_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 00627478 dip_solder v 1 1 @ 1 0 01598412 diphthongise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00746223 diphthongize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00746223 direct v 13 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 13 10 00751211 01153025 01714176 02444366 02003830 01955339 01153576 01736802 00751382 00714920 01935739 00992844 00711834 dirty v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 01536935 disable v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00513267 00091720 disabuse v 1 1 @ 1 1 00993609 disaccord v 1 1 @ 1 0 02724418 disadvantage v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 02519126 disaffect v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01827478 disafforest v 1 1 @ 1 0 00196368 disagree v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00806464 02724418 disagree_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 00070808 disallow v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 00797525 disambiguate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00959210 disappear v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 1 00427911 02160976 00428350 00224354 disappoint v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01802947 disapprove v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00676259 00808840 disarm v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01090246 01834387 01090416 disarrange v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01469362 00278887 disarray v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00277172 disarticulate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01297235 disassemble v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 01661660 disassociate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02435427 disavow v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00821736 disband v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02034812 02033789 disbar v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02486177 disbelieve v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 00686564 disbud v 2 1 @ 2 0 01324331 00197693 disburden v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01490553 disburse v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02306463 disc-jockey v 1 1 @ 1 0 01035218 discard v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02227100 discase v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00049617 discern v 1 3 ~ * + 1 1 02197640 discerp v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01575341 01563513 discharge v 11 6 ! @ ~ * > + 11 7 02569639 01379697 02427126 01491961 01136664 00905999 00104622 01492094 01136251 01100154 00449635 discipline v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02559394 02559125 disclaim v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00760242 00759420 disclose v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 2 00935783 02142175 disco v 1 1 @ 1 0 01901399 discolor v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 0 00283693 00282836 00281861 discolorise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 discolorize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 discolour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00281861 discolourise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00280592 discombobulate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01795261 00623406 discomfit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01793821 discommode v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02513385 discompose v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01793821 disconcert v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01794768 01793821 disconnect v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01424071 01358741 discontent v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01820950 discontinue v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02686624 02689663 00363001 discord v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02724418 discount v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00802592 02324408 discountenance v 2 1 @ 2 0 01796442 00734860 discourage v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 3 00910052 01823114 00872241 discourse v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01036184 00966726 00816283 discover v 8 6 @ ~ * > $ + 8 7 02158938 00600349 01641524 00723361 02291532 00935783 02132531 00654017 discredit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00689639 00849158 00686564 discriminate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00651669 02517971 02198211 discuss v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01036184 00815640 disdain v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01778720 00798638 disembark v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01983255 disembarrass v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 02355171 disembody v 1 1 @ 1 0 02355763 disembowel v 1 1 @ 1 0 00197965 disembroil v 1 1 @ 1 0 02683880 disenable v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00513267 disenchant v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01821722 disencumber v 1 1 @ 1 0 01588680 disenfranchise v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 02482269 disengage v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01514012 01478583 00220702 disentangle v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 01588680 01466149 02683880 01526611 00038078 disestablish v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00173020 disesteem v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00696407 disfavor v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02519126 disfavour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02519126 disfigure v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01552687 disforest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00196368 disfranchise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02482269 disgorge v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01544361 00076153 disgrace v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02552922 01804404 00849158 disgruntle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01834542 disguise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02163017 disgust v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02199359 01812341 dish v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01182648 00264357 dish_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02299397 01182648 dish_the_dirt v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01043826 dish_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01182648 disharmonize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00568681 dishearten v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 01823354 dishevel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01476664 dishonor v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 02552922 02573434 02242725 dishonour v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02552922 02573434 02242725 disillusion v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01821722 disincarnate v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01648832 disincline v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00683044 disinfect v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00089076 disinfest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02355616 disinherit v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02321077 disintegrate v 3 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 3 1 00398482 00400274 00399980 disinter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02462490 disinvest v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 02390514 02318886 00177253 disinvolve v 1 1 @ 1 0 02683880 disjoin v 2 4 ! @ > + 2 0 01296999 01296785 disjoint v 4 2 @ > 4 0 02435427 01297235 01296999 01296785 disk v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01746296 disk-jockey v 1 1 @ 1 0 01035218 dislike v 1 4 ! ~ * + 1 1 01780648 dislocate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00466675 00415748 dislodge v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01531310 01887337 01530296 dismantle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01665698 01661660 00194878 dismay v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01818363 01786469 dismember v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01575055 01575341 dismiss v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 00802592 00803288 02471362 02407967 00902491 00339369 dismount v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01962311 disobey v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02548878 disoblige v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 02513385 00887694 disorder v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01768023 00277172 disorganise v 1 2 ! + 1 0 02440987 disorganize v 1 2 ! + 1 0 02440987 disorient v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02164171 disorientate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02164171 disown v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02321077 00759589 disparage v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00847588 dispatch v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01958986 02569639 02488014 02374632 01327810 dispel v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02006752 02034269 dispense v 3 6 @ ~ * ^ + ; 3 1 02299397 02539973 00080825 dispense_with v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02350643 02539728 02308215 disperse v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 3 01378910 02034269 00331375 02032840 01619512 00970243 dispirit v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01818363 displace v 4 4 @ ~ > $ 4 1 02017423 02411141 02407967 01854282 display v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02144506 02540893 displease v 1 4 ! ~ > + 1 0 01821097 displume v 2 1 @ 2 0 02320028 01386929 disport v 2 1 @ 2 0 02498011 01887709 dispose v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 3 02359918 02227100 00682760 01499136 00301542 dispose_of v 1 1 @ 1 1 02442187 dispossess v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02319638 dispread v 1 1 @ 1 0 02081677 disprove v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00669342 dispute v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 00870790 00777201 disqualify v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00302119 00974640 disquiet v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01768023 disregard v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01061436 00802592 00618547 disrespect v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02463257 00696407 disrobe v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00049617 disrupt v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00780320 00555375 00521437 diss v 1 1 @ 1 0 00850100 dissatisfy v 1 5 ! @ ~ * + 1 0 01820612 dissect v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01553002 00645135 dissemble v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00839722 02152033 01725433 disseminate v 1 5 @ ~ > $ + 1 1 00970243 dissent v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 00806315 02527076 00806464 dissertate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00816283 dissever v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02473085 dissimilate v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 0 00160820 00160688 00160461 dissimulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02152254 dissipate v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 3 02034269 02032840 01198337 02620865 dissociate v 3 4 ! @ + ; 3 0 02435427 00716178 00210024 dissolve v 11 5 @ ~ > $ + 11 4 00448726 00448264 00356457 02033789 01788618 01788411 00448905 00447284 00376777 00356609 00339369 dissonate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02139793 00568681 dissuade v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00772186 distance v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02688950 02086042 distemper v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01687317 distend v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00306318 00257973 00257748 distil v 4 4 @ ~ $ ; 4 0 00365521 00229706 00229452 00068238 distill v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 3 00476114 00229452 00229706 00365521 00068238 distinguish v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 3 00652006 02197640 00653662 00924409 00654017 distort v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 00837582 01225746 01353381 00838605 00477675 distract v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01795785 01768023 distrain v 3 1 @ 3 0 02358748 02358660 02281298 distress v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02609431 01802111 distribute v 10 5 @ ~ > $ + 10 6 02299397 01381221 02485579 02206426 02047080 00970243 02760730 02760571 02760473 01506762 district v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02517816 distrust v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00689827 disturb v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 01774422 01422127 01210147 00521099 00260641 disunify v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00369315 disunite v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 02435427 01559703 ditch v 6 3 @ + ; 6 0 02233050 02232144 02229727 01984934 01565672 01314556 dither v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01824127 01823849 ditto v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00961059 divagate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00782620 divaricate v 2 1 @ 2 0 02716011 01582991 dive v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 01971380 01966872 01966678 dive-bomb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01135093 diverge v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 1 02036260 02738478 02715780 02667330 diversify v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 00438078 00437621 00437357 divert v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02068815 01956222 02498011 02316994 divest v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 1 02319255 02390514 02318886 00177253 divide v 6 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 6 6 02473085 00643760 02627934 01560556 02035003 01559703 divine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02112042 01317608 divorce v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 02435427 02496283 divulge v 1 5 @ ~ > $ + 1 1 00935783 divvy_up v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02299140 dizen v 1 1 @ 1 0 00044971 dizzy v 1 1 @ 1 0 00533408 dj v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01035218 do v 13 5 @ ~ * $ + 13 13 02566500 01716563 02567910 02623620 01649143 02574587 02675578 01622033 00010428 02714981 02528887 00038562 01845714 do_a_job_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01567617 do_away_with v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00472642 do_by v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02519853 do_drugs v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 01203078 do_good v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02295917 do_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 01329983 do_it v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 do_justice v 2 1 @ 2 1 02142926 00593939 do_one's_best v 1 1 @ 1 1 02569035 do_the_dishes v 1 1 @ 1 0 01535954 do_the_honors v 1 1 @ 1 0 02598699 do_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01286214 00042809 do_well v 1 1 @ 1 1 02729439 do_well_by v 1 1 @ 1 0 02521773 do_work v 1 2 ~ $ 1 1 02415985 dock v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 1 02089989 02318670 02220048 01558960 01308391 docket v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01010746 01010573 doctor v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 00489366 00080057 00261534 doctor_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00489366 document v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01004342 00668428 dodder v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01922796 dodge v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02100772 02100948 00811316 doff v 1 1 @ 1 0 01593579 dog v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02005890 dogfight v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01651915 01095237 dogmatise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00982940 00965315 dogmatize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00982940 00965315 dogsled v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 01943265 dole_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02299397 doll_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00042809 domesticate v 3 4 @ ~ $ ; 3 0 00303245 00302911 00302637 domesticise v 1 4 @ ~ $ ; 1 0 00302911 domesticize v 1 4 @ ~ $ ; 1 0 00302911 domicile v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02656647 domiciliate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02656647 02464596 dominate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02650318 02653015 02545000 02750155 02701971 domineer v 1 1 @ 1 1 01785576 don v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00050369 donate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02267835 dong v 1 1 @ 1 0 02185620 doodle v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01697219 doom v 3 5 @ ~ * + ; 3 1 00748465 00908688 00892376 dope v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01203444 00558099 00084799 dope_off v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 dope_up v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 00084799 dose v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00517664 00084491 doss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00017667 doss_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00017667 dot v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02695724 01378910 01000339 00508994 dote v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02703452 01781380 double v 6 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 6 4 00247103 01412177 02067237 01528293 02305386 01738383 double-check v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00665467 double-date v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02491678 double-glaze v 1 1 @ 1 1 02340523 double-park v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01938835 double-space v 1 1 @ 1 0 01007593 double-team v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01150926 double_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 02008542 double_birdie v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01601558 double_bogey v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01601706 double_crochet v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01677032 double_cross v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02543478 double_dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00289076 double_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 02067237 double_stitch v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01677032 double_tongue v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01738012 double_up v 3 1 @ 3 1 02067237 02300678 01142049 doubt v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00689196 00689424 douche v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00037912 douse v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 0 02766453 02655322 01980234 01579924 00437046 00422259 00216642 dovetail v 1 3 @ > + 1 1 02666368 dower v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02206050 down v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 3 01204994 01199565 01105747 01985293 01242426 00474948 downgrade v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00662401 download v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02238486 downplay v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00842804 00514573 downsize v 3 1 @ 3 0 02408915 00587970 00587808 dowse v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02655322 01317800 00422259 00216642 doze v 1 3 @ ^ + 1 1 00015296 doze_off v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 draft v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 01705493 01099911 01687477 drag v 11 5 @ ~ * ^ + 11 6 01456044 01457421 02683607 02103822 02062680 01201647 02106067 01921838 01247256 00785736 00342412 drag_a_bunt v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01410951 drag_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01600017 drag_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02683607 drag_on v 2 1 @ 2 0 02711288 00342412 drag_one's_feet v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02648322 drag_one's_heels v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02648322 drag_out v 2 1 @ 2 1 02711288 00342412 drag_through_the_mud v 1 1 @ 1 1 00849849 drag_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01027794 draggle v 1 1 @ 1 0 00217118 dragoon v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02511830 02429380 drain v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02075385 01160320 00452603 00390309 drain_the_cup v 1 1 @ 1 0 01178234 dramatise v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01705170 00990319 00958437 dramatize v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 01705170 00990319 00958437 drape v 4 3 @ * + 4 2 01545307 01545782 01619938 01615391 draught v 1 1 @ 1 0 01687477 draw v 36 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 36 20 01450719 02298109 01585566 00732743 01999243 01694189 01858118 00989103 00677820 01764144 01201647 02092374 02316367 01080443 01646839 00557670 02102078 01694711 01647006 01245712 02747982 02634913 02489153 02107440 01541851 01507886 01362135 01245862 01214794 01117608 00477896 00431761 00328792 00197965 00143158 00096783 draw_a_bead_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01154093 00707283 draw_a_blank v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00610654 draw_a_line v 1 1 @ 1 0 00235237 draw_and_quarter v 1 1 @ 1 0 02489153 draw_away v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 02003720 01595695 draw_back v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01998474 01612677 draw_close v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 1 01427599 02057865 01612857 draw_in v 6 3 @ ~ $ 6 2 01509215 01507886 02102736 02058627 02019236 01284745 draw_near v 1 4 @ ~ * $ 1 1 02057865 draw_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01595695 02316367 draw_out v 6 3 @ ~ $ 6 2 00746762 00318689 01822505 01634074 01543481 01353852 draw_rein v 1 1 @ 1 1 02447602 draw_the_line v 1 1 @ 1 1 00235237 draw_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 01609993 draw_up v 5 3 @ $ ; 5 4 02453599 01986700 01867396 00708633 01867144 drawl v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00982208 dread v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 01784021 dream v 2 4 @ * ^ + 2 2 01641175 02122725 dream_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01637684 dredge v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01264337 01247256 01247080 dredge_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01027794 drench v 4 4 @ ~ > ; 4 0 02777522 01171869 00499244 00216642 dress v 16 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 16 6 00046251 00047662 01268833 00044528 00043414 00543889 02040495 01683328 01469172 01366887 01323662 01265377 00512717 00082467 00045370 00038562 dress_down v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 00826456 00045077 dress_out v 1 3 @ * $ 1 0 00543889 dress_ship v 1 1 @ 1 0 01683234 dress_up v 5 5 ! @ ~ ^ $ 5 2 00043880 00294290 01674210 00051478 00044528 dribble v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 02074802 01614420 01411414 00102728 drift v 10 4 @ ~ $ + 10 3 01906776 01929647 01885173 02668899 02623391 01907211 01878868 01579610 00573579 00572467 drift_apart v 1 1 @ 1 0 01827992 drift_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01827992 drift_off v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 drill v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 01445640 00605376 00607488 00607730 00605489 drill_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00607866 drink v 5 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 5 4 01172332 01173463 01177764 00739010 01174572 drink_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01204994 drink_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00739010 drink_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01178234 drip v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 02075070 01614420 drip-dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00219742 drive v 22 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 22 11 01934845 01934070 02060895 01519166 02511007 01508789 01649842 01514891 01512216 02412046 01028984 02748107 02413411 02061580 01943412 01934453 01410558 01410376 01313624 01184038 01145082 01144916 drive_around v 2 1 @ 2 1 02061973 02424366 drive_away v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02006752 drive_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 01133623 drive_home v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02363326 01016371 drive_in v 3 3 @ > ; 3 2 01116045 01984314 01355699 drive_off v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02006752 drive_out v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 02006752 02060390 00577305 drive_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01854102 drivel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00102728 drizzle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02763433 01378747 drone v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02192888 00946820 drone_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00946820 drool v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 0 01831367 00102728 drool_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01831687 droop v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01989538 02723576 00470550 drop v 23 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 23 12 01981715 01980855 00433636 01989937 02409062 00943477 00363763 01492094 01260866 01102419 02271905 00394236 02723347 02471362 01614420 01516062 01203299 00617306 00616690 00549696 00148161 00092045 00057478 drop-kick v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01374691 01373508 drop_a_line v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01009072 drop_anchor v 1 1 @ 1 0 01307376 drop_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00204753 drop_back v 2 1 @ 2 1 01837450 02062680 drop_behind v 1 1 @ 1 1 02062680 drop_by v 1 1 @ 1 1 02494290 drop_by_the_wayside v 1 0 1 0 01085437 drop_dead v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00359085 drop_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01989937 drop_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02494290 drop_like_flies v 1 1 @ 1 0 00030846 drop_off v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 00152707 00017275 01492094 01116231 00204753 drop_one's_serve v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01159172 drop_open v 1 1 @ 1 0 01986267 drop_out v 3 4 ! @ $ + 3 1 01085437 02388316 02388080 drop_the_ball v 1 1 @ 1 0 02572142 dropforge v 1 1 @ 1 0 01679562 dropkick v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01374691 01373508 drown v 6 2 @ ^ 6 4 01341976 00473463 00361154 00479991 02761786 02110088 drown_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02176978 drowse v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 1 00015296 00016373 drowse_off v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 drub v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 01415566 drudge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02424873 drug v 2 5 @ ~ > + ; 2 1 00084491 01203078 drum v 3 4 @ $ + ; 3 2 02179274 01736413 00607178 drum_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02406951 drum_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01388297 dry v 2 5 ! @ ~ > + 2 2 00218901 00219829 dry-dock v 1 1 @ 1 0 01308599 dry-nurse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01189377 dry-rot v 1 1 @ 1 0 00211427 dry-wall v 1 1 @ 1 0 01658764 dry_clean v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01537905 dry_out v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 1 00219829 02777714 00218901 dry_up v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 00211534 00243091 drydock v 1 1 @ 1 0 01308599 dub v 3 4 @ * + ; 3 2 01030649 00962594 02404327 duck v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01869189 01971799 01980234 00811316 duel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01124374 dulcify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02199916 dulcorate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02199916 dull v 7 4 ! @ ~ + 7 2 01248885 00392673 02195757 02119756 01249008 00539279 00392374 dumbfound v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00624056 dummy v 1 1 @ 1 0 01626693 dummy_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01626693 01042933 dump v 6 3 @ $ + 6 2 02229986 02229727 02355874 01981559 01981094 01415000 dun v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 0 01806967 00846823 00529195 00312947 dung v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00503704 00074206 dunk v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01579924 01600583 01194845 dupe v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00856586 duplex v 1 1 @ 1 0 00587234 duplicate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01738383 02665436 01739189 00247103 dusk v 1 1 @ 1 0 00313357 dust v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 2 01246915 01254780 01615564 01378910 dwarf v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02702148 02458045 dwell v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 3 00706015 02659476 02655932 02761648 00961399 dwell_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02646310 dwindle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00268567 dwindle_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00268567 dwindle_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00268567 dye v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00283850 dyke v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01590739 dynamise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00552917 00552795 dynamite v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00308201 dynamize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00552917 00552795 e-mail v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 0 01034323 eagle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01601558 01115559 earmark v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00726112 earn v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02294200 02295101 earth v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02151420 01295330 earth_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01480518 ease v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 4 01838155 00082061 00519475 01819152 ease_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 00156293 00156084 ease_up v 3 2 @ $ 3 2 01852407 00156293 00156084 eat v 6 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 6 3 01170802 01168667 01182162 01770125 01159815 00275082 eat_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 00276052 eat_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00275523 00275432 eat_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01169871 eat_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01777746 eat_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01770125 eat_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01169974 eat_up v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 2 01199335 01159815 01585330 eavesdrop v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02194160 ebb v 3 3 ! @ + 3 1 01907928 01130064 00571984 ebb_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01907928 ebb_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01907928 ebb_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01907928 ebb_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01907928 ebonise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00287093 ebonize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00287093 echo v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00959711 02188233 02681269 eclipse v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02750155 02162770 economise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02362227 02273988 economize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02273988 02362227 eddy v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02051599 edge v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 1 02076429 02366599 01469607 01249407 edge_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02021789 edge_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02021789 edify v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00993417 edit v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00200761 00970070 00202086 00201227 edit_out v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00202086 editorialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01029933 editorialize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01029933 educate v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02392628 00604693 02393545 educe v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01634074 00252501 edulcorate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02199916 eff v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 efface v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 1 00312120 01804771 01551500 effect v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 2 01646466 02566682 effectuate v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 1 01646466 effeminise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00567399 effeminize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00567399 effervesce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00520443 effloresce v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00295284 00444625 00256158 effuse v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02073716 00547160 00292048 egest v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00072742 egg v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01510900 01264055 egg_on v 1 1 ~ 1 1 01233274 egotrip v 1 1 @ 1 0 02377252 egress v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 00530070 ejaculate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00983976 00054724 eject v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01471205 00104622 02081246 01378302 eke_out v 4 1 @ 4 1 02347576 02622289 02244779 02244628 elaborate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00957633 01628380 00401789 00252349 elapse v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02076777 elate v 1 5 ! @ ~ > + 1 1 01815703 elbow v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01877935 01242058 elect v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02405902 00678783 electioneer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02419603 electrify v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01834740 00507121 00506883 electrocute v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02490724 02490546 electroplate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398436 elegise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01707185 elegize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01707185 elevate v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 3 02402779 01978076 00545629 elicit v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 01763170 01634074 00730788 elide v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00617112 eliminate v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 5 00472642 02635337 00471632 00687320 00072742 01105250 00576638 elocute v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00771225 elongate v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 1 00319617 elope v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02078114 elucidate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00941888 00622730 elude v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02078305 02729107 00811316 elute v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01273027 emaciate v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 00390077 00389909 email v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 0 01034323 emanate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00547272 00004605 emancipate v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02503049 02502147 emasculate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00543033 00060604 embalm v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02231763 embank v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02717250 embargo v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02499525 02458189 embark v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 01983476 00348906 02378427 embark_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01654152 embarrass v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01796126 02563025 embattle v 2 1 @ 2 0 02371744 01762024 embed v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01531609 01091834 embellish v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00958437 02754802 01679858 00293903 embezzle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02297496 embitter v 1 2 > + 1 1 01777456 emblazon v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 01700543 01688075 embody v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02704285 02703567 02746227 embolden v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01821905 emboss v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01534053 embower v 1 1 @ 1 0 01392864 embrace v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02635874 01427110 00603217 embrangle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00403738 embrittle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00506701 embrocate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00085379 embroider v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01671502 00958437 embroil v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02683607 embrown v 2 1 @ 2 0 00312762 00286465 emcee v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02598553 emend v 1 1 @ 1 0 00208319 emerge v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 00424924 00530070 00427534 01994708 02631097 emigrate v 1 5 ! @ ~ * + 1 1 00417060 emit v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 00105087 02773266 00985856 emote v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01776727 empale v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01446945 empanel v 2 1 @ 2 0 02478126 00627600 empathise v 1 1 + 1 0 00595453 empathize v 1 1 + 1 0 00595453 emphasise v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01016618 01015376 emphasize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01015376 01016618 emplace v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01499482 01499269 emplane v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02022117 employ v 2 4 ~ > $ + 2 2 01161188 02414542 empower v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02479404 02479662 empty v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 4 00450647 00449635 02080923 01490942 00073096 empurple v 1 1 @ 1 0 00285848 emulate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 02681512 02681081 01124831 emulsify v 2 4 ! @ > + 2 0 00501915 00501719 enable v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 00513958 enact v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02432763 01726324 enamel v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 1 01685618 enamor v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01810472 enamour v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01810472 encamp v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02660091 encapsulate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01590905 00245302 encase v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01488938 enchain v 1 1 @ 1 0 01291064 enchant v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01821281 01810472 00779033 encipher v 1 1 @ 1 1 00996121 encircle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01525496 01305514 enclose v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01583316 02716988 01589983 00187671 enclothe v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00047662 encode v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00995937 encompass v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 02635874 encore v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00756358 encounter v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 5 02026953 02253273 02736201 02745355 01081873 encourage v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 3 02560630 01822202 00773386 encrimson v 1 1 @ 1 0 00536141 encroach v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01997384 02575705 encroach_upon v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02023568 encrust v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01264192 01519987 00255965 encrypt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00996121 encumber v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01303637 end v 4 5 ! @ ~ > + 4 3 02615799 00353480 02741293 01623891 end_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00353212 endanger v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02702962 01038191 endear v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01811137 endeavor v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02536865 endeavour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02536865 endorse v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 02459338 02562643 02452658 00999839 endow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02479662 02206050 endue v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02479662 endure v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 4 00670017 02713111 02624202 02113644 02710992 02710788 02653599 energise v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 00560179 00022679 energize v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00022679 00560179 enervate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00390527 01787700 enfeeble v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00390309 enfeoff v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02368370 enfilade v 1 1 @ 1 0 02694499 enfold v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01583316 enforce v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 02565990 02566249 enfranchise v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 02482558 02482434 engage v 10 4 ! @ ~ + 10 6 02380222 00601765 02414542 02406541 00888123 00220541 02381180 02244933 02213319 01513459 engender v 2 1 @ 2 1 01652566 00054345 engild v 1 1 @ 1 0 01686996 engineer v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00713379 00711834 englut v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 engorge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01195632 engraft v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01533466 01531609 engrave v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 01324555 01772551 01753598 01324887 engross v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00602438 00601765 engulf v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00602438 01584066 enhance v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00230031 00230459 enjoin v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00798501 00748704 enjoy v 5 5 ! @ ~ * + 5 5 01824240 01195043 01832678 02115276 01193481 enkindle v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02767330 01763170 enlace v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01520294 enlarge v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 4 00154586 00241179 00157652 00957633 enlighten v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00993417 00928903 00622730 enlist v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 01099603 02244933 01099911 enliven v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01816687 00193180 enmesh v 1 1 @ 1 1 01465969 ennoble v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02552573 02403605 enounce v 1 2 ~ * 1 0 00980581 enplane v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02022117 enquire v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00899241 00787624 00731363 enrage v 1 3 @ > + 1 1 01799899 enrapture v 1 1 @ 1 0 01821281 enrich v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00171599 02323628 enrobe v 2 1 @ 2 0 01337884 00044795 enrol v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02476750 enroll v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02476750 ensconce v 1 1 @ 1 1 01496276 enshrine v 2 1 @ 2 1 01485588 01780304 enshroud v 1 1 @ 1 0 01585121 ensile v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02288042 ensky v 1 1 @ 1 0 00862864 enslave v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02502345 ensnare v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 02584093 01483400 ensnarl v 1 1 @ 1 0 01465969 ensue v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02640346 ensure v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00892111 00664507 entail v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02641270 02640889 02368233 entangle v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02684097 01465557 enter v 9 7 ! @ ~ * ^ + ; 9 6 02020375 01084999 02476750 02728082 01002259 01724519 02386539 01424276 00348906 enter_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 02217428 entertain v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02497847 00713544 01777051 enthral v 1 1 @ 1 0 01821281 enthrall v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01821281 enthrone v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 02391530 02396335 enthuse v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01834134 00918632 entice v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00784574 entitle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02452235 01031533 02403605 entomb v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02461925 entrain v 1 1 @ 1 0 01983638 entrance v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01810472 00020919 entrap v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02584093 01483400 entreat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00761702 entrench v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01533813 02575705 01533912 entrust v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02354208 02361226 entwine v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01675909 01520294 enucleate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00176766 00176469 enumerate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00948137 00950103 enunciate v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 00980581 00980401 envelop v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01583316 envenom v 2 2 @ > 2 0 01777456 00533509 environ v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01469999 envisage v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01639939 envision v 2 3 @ $ + 2 2 01638974 01639763 envy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01831561 01831006 enwrap v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01583316 epilate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00037507 epitomise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02704983 epitomize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02704983 epoxy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01335165 equal v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 2 02670846 02677976 00417926 equalise v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01117829 00417926 equalize v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01117829 00417926 equate v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00655291 02639615 00417926 equilibrate v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 00136608 02678923 equilibrise v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02678923 equilibrize v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 02678923 equip v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02344409 00514258 equivocate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00837185 eradicate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00471632 01666012 erase v 3 6 ! @ ~ * + ; 3 1 00480322 01551500 01001860 erect v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01665137 01986880 erode v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00276052 00275523 eroticize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00587318 err v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 00619438 01929647 eruct v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00076824 00003443 erupt v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 5 00346162 00308567 02766580 00549346 00308350 01789214 00423852 00309856 escalade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01926569 escalate v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00291064 escallop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01668742 escape v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 4 02078906 00812219 00812391 02729107 02605001 02079296 00531097 escape_from v 1 1 @ 1 1 02077473 eschew v 1 1 @ 1 1 00813811 escort v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02029675 02029932 espouse v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 02351891 02494483 00603217 espy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02158742 essay v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02535833 02537291 establish v 8 5 ! @ ~ $ + 8 8 02431950 01650771 00666706 00667394 01651214 01572936 01659048 00638550 esteem v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00695834 00691692 esterify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00507306 estimate v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 2 00674352 00713964 estivate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00016176 estrange v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02603243 01827478 etch v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 1 01754229 02203633 01753598 01324887 00449065 eternalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00554285 eternalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00554285 eternise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00554285 eternize v 2 1 @ 2 0 02654508 00554285 etherealize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00548786 etherialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00548786 etherify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00507458 etherise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00021547 etherize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00021547 etiolate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 00226116 00133944 00103495 etymologise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01072477 00635948 etymologize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01072477 00635948 eulogise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00882301 eulogize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00882301 euphemise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00935069 euphemize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00935069 europeanise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00410980 00410794 europeanize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00410794 00410980 evacuate v 5 4 @ ~ > + 5 2 01860436 00450250 02017876 00450522 00073096 evade v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 00811316 02078305 02374810 00812701 evaluate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00683348 00672179 evanesce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00422644 evangelise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00829888 00387061 evangelize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00829888 00387061 evaporate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00367511 00577047 00576797 00224354 even v 3 4 @ ~ > ^ 3 0 01309802 00417805 00417630 even_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02678329 even_out v 4 3 @ ~ > 4 0 02678329 01309802 00417805 00417630 even_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02678329 01991662 eventuate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02617037 evert v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02093899 evict v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01470956 01470687 evidence v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 3 00822637 01017253 00956454 evince v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00945869 eviscerate v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 01257621 00451123 00197965 00166999 evoke v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 01763170 01650408 01634074 01633150 00932330 evolve v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 01742478 00251950 00546637 exacerbate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00208618 01824839 exact v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01019835 00758121 exaggerate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00841513 02574914 exalt v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 00862284 01816291 01816687 00546016 examine v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 5 00646245 02135744 00790226 00788478 02537291 exasperate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01824839 01790725 00208618 excavate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02148002 01316583 01314038 01313320 exceed v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02675266 02674870 01108050 excel v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 02679754 excel_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02680258 except v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00809603 00617464 excerpt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00678940 exchange v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 02262178 00161033 00140571 02398631 02262575 00161795 excise v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01552202 02312862 00473802 excite v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 2 01776881 00504245 02120601 01766380 01766135 01765558 00560179 00560040 exclaim v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 00914001 00979368 exclude v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 4 00617464 02454205 02639795 00798250 01471205 excogitate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01635953 00632042 excommunicate v 2 4 ! @ $ + 2 1 01032430 02407254 excoriate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00865823 01256372 excrete v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00072742 excruciate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01806671 00070949 exculpate v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 00905999 excuse v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 00907805 00895399 00894956 00896259 00895742 00894688 execrate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01778347 00866574 execute v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 02488856 02489797 01644397 02569775 02569242 01716563 00999704 exemplify v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02729608 01023137 exempt v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 02570061 00895399 exenterate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00176628 exercise v 5 6 @ ~ * > $ + 5 4 01168409 02574587 00100305 00099475 00607488 exert v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01168409 02209346 02376902 exfiltrate v 2 1 @ 2 0 02078726 02078605 exfoliate v 5 2 @ + 5 0 01583099 01516470 01265900 01262723 00232527 exhale v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00004227 00004605 exhaust v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 00075174 01159815 02285714 00451952 00104622 exhibit v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02637937 02144506 02153218 01928665 exhilarate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01816291 exhort v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00860463 00767694 exhume v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02462490 exile v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02504961 exist v 2 3 ~ $ + 2 2 02609706 02622766 exit v 3 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 3 0 02019450 01081082 00359085 exonerate v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 00905999 exorcise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01530665 exorcize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01530665 expand v 7 5 ! @ ~ $ + 7 5 02081395 00258155 00542243 00311168 00265272 00957633 00542026 expatiate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00957633 expatriate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 02504961 00417324 expect v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 3 00721658 00757790 00721987 00594097 00059147 00058790 expectorate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00577305 00006238 expedite v 2 1 @ 2 1 02554590 02443595 expel v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02507387 02406951 01111362 00104622 expend v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 01160888 02271905 expense v 1 1 @ 1 0 00316757 experience v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 4 02114674 00598039 02112480 01775456 00120854 experiment v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 02538261 02538552 expiate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02526175 expire v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02690607 00359085 00004227 explain v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00941308 01067478 00894956 explicate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00941308 00927844 explode v 10 6 ! @ ~ * > + 10 4 00307505 00306798 00720986 00307321 01568576 01057533 00864131 00667253 00307079 00157431 explode_a_bombshell v 1 1 @ 1 0 00727525 exploit v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01165070 01166589 02414278 explore v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 3 00649877 00651134 00647924 00647592 export v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 1 02351405 02237659 01381762 expose v 9 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 9 6 02116512 00935783 02144506 01342187 02142175 01038191 02117913 00854877 00616135 exposit v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01003339 00957633 expostulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00775330 expound v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00957633 01003339 express v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 00945869 00942415 01062889 01063503 02148923 01354457 01033789 express-mail v 1 1 @ 1 0 01034902 express_emotion v 1 1 ~ 1 1 01806476 express_feelings v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01806476 express_joy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00031813 express_mirth v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00031813 expropriate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01475272 expunge v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01552202 expurgate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00201398 exsert v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00027698 exsiccate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00211534 extemporise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01732719 extemporize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02594051 01732719 extend v 17 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 17 10 00541315 02691775 02693758 02302909 00027698 02695935 02302703 00027261 00542026 00318689 02058913 01964155 01371528 01167895 00319127 00235827 00153949 extend_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 01148756 extend_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02691488 extenuate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00907990 exteriorise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00533687 exteriorize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02088351 00533687 exterminate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01330264 01666012 externalise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00731627 00533687 externalize v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00731627 00533687 extinguish v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 1 00479148 02767855 00479613 00472642 00471632 extirpate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01666012 01569697 00176337 extol v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00862284 extort v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02246403 02245889 01634293 extract v 8 5 @ ~ $ + ; 8 4 01353852 02243880 01634074 00229706 01462021 01354457 00678940 00640385 extradite v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02509014 extrapolate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 01024429 00644306 00595064 extravasate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01378574 00308350 00068629 extricate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01588680 extrude v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01679675 exuberate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00859605 exudate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00067770 exude v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00067770 00946447 exult v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01817635 00859605 exuviate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00009140 eye v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02171496 eyeball v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02171496 eyewitness v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02132979 fabricate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01656984 01637966 face v 9 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 9 6 00813960 01081176 02699161 02699533 01912358 01068455 02142380 01274500 01273753 face-harden v 1 1 @ 1 0 00256540 face-lift v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00061704 face_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01086459 face_the_music v 1 1 @ 1 0 02307042 face_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00813960 facilitate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 00519475 02741772 01761182 facsimile v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01009703 factor v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 00642047 02329897 00642312 factor_analyse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00738434 factor_analyze v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00738434 factor_in v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00642312 00642047 factor_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00642312 00642047 factorise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00735273 factorize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00735273 fade v 4 2 @ + 4 3 00225077 00422870 00422644 00093345 fade_away v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00448726 fade_out v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 00448726 fag v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 0 02598932 02424873 00074774 fag_out v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 00074774 faggot v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 01671711 01289991 01289845 faggot_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01289845 fagot v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 01671711 01289991 01289845 fail v 11 5 ! @ ~ $ + 11 5 02534950 02534046 01803246 00435327 02605525 02529450 02529187 02527985 02323383 00561324 00172922 faint v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00023639 fair v 1 1 @ 1 1 01297381 fake v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01657814 02583006 00841205 falcon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01148232 fall v 32 7 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + 32 15 01976312 01974840 00147635 02735838 02762779 02534651 02626293 02618011 02309487 00343098 00151509 02571826 02390295 02363654 02103691 02667093 02572007 02363921 02234838 02234610 02234332 02041684 01988331 01988133 01545450 00562452 00562343 00531257 00361331 00347493 00342969 00342819 fall_all_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02520547 fall_apart v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 0 01833068 01372011 00398311 00334996 fall_asleep v 1 2 ! ~ 1 1 00017275 fall_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00204753 00148292 fall_back v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 4 02043160 02001894 01908113 01116231 02596228 00093079 fall_behind v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01116231 02001894 fall_by_the_wayside v 1 0 1 0 01085437 fall_down v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01988331 fall_flat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02535669 fall_for v 2 1 @ 2 1 01779835 02543308 fall_from_grace v 1 1 @ 1 0 02523109 fall_in v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 2 01993067 02439706 02439823 fall_in_line v 1 1 @ 1 0 00735827 fall_in_love v 1 1 @ 1 1 00148417 fall_into v 1 1 @ 1 1 02711540 fall_into_place v 1 1 > 1 0 00593150 fall_off v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 01302626 00433792 00148292 fall_open v 1 1 @ 1 1 01986267 fall_out v 5 2 @ ~ 5 1 00777737 02726024 02102203 02012689 00340744 fall_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 00031270 fall_over_backwards v 1 1 @ 1 0 00011354 fall_short v 1 1 @ 1 1 01803495 fall_short_of v 1 1 ! 1 1 02677550 fall_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 02535669 fall_under v 1 1 @ 1 0 02711540 fall_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 02291532 falsify v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 1 00837582 02583006 00669860 00202600 00201771 falter v 4 2 @ + 4 4 02746079 01905282 01905126 00983576 familiarise v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00875857 familiarize v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00875857 famish v 3 3 @ > $ 3 0 01190677 01190273 01190070 fan v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 01412417 00228231 01889573 00177994 fan_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02064069 fancify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00293903 fancy v 2 4 @ * $ + 2 2 01638974 01780389 fancy_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 fantasise v 2 1 @ 2 0 01640910 01640401 fantasize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01640910 01640401 fantasy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01640910 farce v 1 4 @ $ + ; 1 0 00321482 fare v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02623620 01175266 farm v 3 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 3 1 02425332 02223225 01743695 farm_out v 2 1 @ 2 2 02466486 02214281 farrow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00058386 fart v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00101383 fascinate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02684649 01825070 01810472 fashion v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01662082 fast v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01192137 01191960 fast_dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00288954 fasten v 4 5 ! @ ~ > + 4 3 01343121 01346574 01292736 00421085 fasten_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00603507 fat v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01197471 fate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00748465 father v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00054345 fathom v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00730916 00492625 fatigue v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 00075867 00074774 fatten v 1 2 @ * 1 1 01197471 fatten_out v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01197471 fatten_up v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01197471 fault v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00844217 favor v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02405179 00693909 02470148 02459141 favour v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02470148 02459141 02405179 00693909 fawn v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02067699 00882499 00058548 fax v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01009703 faze v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01787700 fear v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 01784548 01784021 01784387 01784253 01782485 feast v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01188514 01188741 01184449 feast_one's_eyes v 1 1 @ 1 0 01824586 feather v 5 2 @ + 5 1 01275479 01275362 01127390 01127254 00094066 feather_one's_nest v 1 1 @ 1 0 02323823 featherbed v 2 1 @ 2 0 02576182 00753781 feature v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02636270 02637740 fecundate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00505351 00052265 federalise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00505545 00370095 00369847 federalize v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00369847 00505545 00370095 federate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00370095 00369847 fee v 1 1 @ 1 0 02206915 fee-tail v 1 1 @ 1 0 02368233 feed v 11 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 11 7 01184318 01180862 01183463 00189843 02561495 01182162 01182503 02070867 01206335 01184449 00503838 feed_back v 2 3 @ * + 2 1 02315137 00877731 feed_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00189843 feed_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01205854 feed_upon v 1 1 @ 1 1 01205854 feel v 13 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 13 11 01775456 00717144 02110460 00105712 00692071 02115034 02736346 02132078 01212242 01212916 02290872 02138815 01212716 feel_for v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01825946 feel_like v 1 1 @ 1 1 01830126 feel_like_a_million v 1 1 @ 1 0 00105971 feel_like_a_million_dollars v 1 1 @ 1 0 00105971 feel_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00810733 feign v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00839722 01725631 feint v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01726176 felicitate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00883519 fell v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 1 01260866 02076993 01333919 fellate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02121653 felt v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01465841 01319615 00566669 felt_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00566669 feminise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00568176 00567399 feminize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00568176 00567399 fence v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 1 01591055 02215536 01149384 01133033 00775477 fence_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01591055 01133033 fend v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02594278 01118334 fend_for v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00896689 fend_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02458770 ferment v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 0 01767155 01765377 00459709 00459426 ferret v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02007924 01147016 00723989 ferret_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00723989 ferry v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 01953533 01953294 01953077 fertilise v 3 3 @ ~ ; 3 0 00505351 00503838 00052265 fertilize v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 00503838 00505351 00052265 fess_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00819570 fester v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00096520 festinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00460453 festoon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01684162 fetch v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 1 01435927 02252172 01436307 fetch_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00353212 fete v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02496526 fetishize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00321712 fetter v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01290655 fettle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370585 feud v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01125687 feudalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00321821 fib v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00836973 fibrillate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00009877 fictionalise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01638718 00116427 fictionalize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01638718 00116427 fiddle v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 0 02469127 02297950 01737548 01728768 01589199 01588939 00262200 fiddle_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 01226775 fidget v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02062372 field v 4 3 @ + ; 4 2 01084683 01084245 00817201 00677511 field-test v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02537927 fig_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 fig_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 fight v 4 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 4 4 01092746 01093838 02412468 02595732 fight_back v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01094695 01093838 fight_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01093838 fight_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01133623 figure v 5 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 5 5 00713964 02728082 01638974 00638921 00591636 figure_out v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 1 00636568 figure_skate v 1 4 @ ~ * ; 1 0 01941253 filch v 1 1 @ 1 0 02281711 file v 5 6 @ ~ * ^ + ; 5 5 01003902 01389676 01924041 00871595 01003688 file_away v 2 1 @ 2 1 01003688 01387292 file_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01924213 file_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01924587 filet v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01682852 01251858 filiate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00701928 filibuster v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02471919 filigree v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01761715 fill v 9 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 9 9 00453467 00452793 02655144 02399325 01185870 02399223 01206513 01196254 00262419 fill_again v 1 1 @ 1 0 00454758 fill_in v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 2 00835053 01699462 02263424 01022740 fill_out v 6 3 @ ~ * 6 2 01022740 00172394 02347576 01529744 01197471 00046099 fill_the_bill v 1 1 @ 1 0 02673959 fill_up v 4 3 @ ~ > 4 2 00453467 00452793 01425939 01206513 fillet v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01682852 01251858 film v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 01004785 01715824 film-make v 1 1 @ 1 0 01716063 film_over v 1 0 1 0 02162464 filter v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01461293 01460583 02074802 filter_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01461293 filtrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01461293 fin v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02230693 01965698 01965517 finagle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02533097 finalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00482872 finalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00482872 finance v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02222048 02222646 financier v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02422085 find v 16 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 16 13 02253273 02158938 02290474 00920843 00717144 02133338 02218118 01641524 00723361 02217057 00974031 00523831 02202295 02252785 02025505 00251577 find_fault v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00844451 find_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 1 00251577 find_out v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 00920843 00600349 00922307 00733559 fine v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02504365 fine-tune v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 00474948 00303544 00296478 finedraw v 1 1 @ 1 0 01333829 finger v 4 4 @ * $ + 4 2 01212517 01212242 01317233 00926402 finger-paint v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01684943 finger-spell v 1 1 @ 1 0 00743671 fingerprint v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01752556 fingerspell v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00743671 finish v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 5 00485097 00353212 02615799 01268553 01199335 00352617 finish_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00485823 finish_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00486205 finish_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00485823 00353212 fink v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02418069 00821169 fire v 12 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 12 8 01138209 01136251 00321337 02407967 01136664 02006442 01763170 00379335 02361419 01631504 00589500 00589392 fire_up v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 01764964 01202519 firebomb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01136093 fireproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166556 firm v 2 1 @ 2 0 00421502 00421387 firm_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01023880 fish v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01322006 01143220 fishtail v 1 1 @ 1 0 00440154 fissure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00337732 fistfight v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01084546 fit v 9 5 @ ~ > $ + 9 7 02708690 02665841 00301318 00300894 02663315 02741628 02344409 01185870 00457695 fit_in v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02705946 fit_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02344409 00047662 fit_the_bill v 1 1 @ 1 0 02673959 fix v 12 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 12 9 00261534 01343121 00949109 01668067 01156413 01651085 00408383 00487934 00061366 02609306 01578506 00407168 fix_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01205989 01023638 fixate v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02544031 02175305 00487934 00487639 fizz v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00520443 fizzle v 1 1 @ 1 1 02689494 fizzle_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02689494 flabbergast v 1 1 @ 1 0 00728115 flag v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 2 01042422 00512121 01989538 01674067 00156293 flag_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01864606 flagellate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01401097 flail v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 01418847 02098198 flake v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01588197 01339122 01262515 flake_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01262515 flake_out v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 flambe v 1 1 @ 1 0 01668876 flame v 3 3 @ ^ + 3 0 02768939 02765401 00826282 flame_up v 2 2 @ > 2 1 02768764 00589500 flank v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02699948 flap v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 01905776 01884881 02097888 02097668 01823849 01057430 flap_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245253 flare v 4 2 @ + 4 2 02768764 00305033 02768939 00308567 flare_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00305033 flare_up v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02770203 00308567 flash v 8 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 8 6 02164320 00425644 02146446 00931471 02065423 02143084 01338143 00425822 flash-freeze v 1 1 @ 1 0 00376361 flash_back v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02008715 flat-hat v 1 1 @ 1 0 01959562 flatten v 3 4 ! @ ~ ; 3 2 00464691 00464382 00394236 flatten_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00464382 flatter v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00881748 flaunt v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02146446 flavor v 1 4 ~ > + ; 1 0 02196212 flavour v 1 4 ~ > + ; 1 0 02196212 flaw v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00263930 flay v 1 1 @ 1 0 01277221 fleck v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01534786 fledge v 3 1 @ 3 0 02545848 01673687 00094066 flee v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02079709 fleece v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02324030 01563151 fleer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00029511 fleet v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01903884 00422644 flense v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370823 flesh v 1 1 @ 1 0 02370691 flesh_out v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 0 01197471 00957633 00046099 flex v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 02040822 02146753 02039764 01283091 01282617 flick v 9 2 @ + 9 4 02164607 02157453 01897458 01594079 02769567 01594278 01244772 01244635 00190918 flicker v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01882712 02769567 02164607 flight v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02490360 01944727 01673687 flim-flam v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02581808 flinch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02064997 fling v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01515097 02098706 02273848 02227100 fling_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01704514 flip v 11 3 @ ~ + 11 2 01897072 01512805 02157453 01897594 01897458 01515257 01244178 01225522 00719845 00585887 00121486 flip-flop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00121486 flip_one's_lid v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 flip_one's_wig v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 flip_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 00719845 00585887 flip_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01225522 flirt v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01039782 02442312 flirt_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 00713544 flit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01903884 flitter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01882712 float v 9 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 9 3 01906776 01908286 01878561 02537745 01842593 01517519 01364701 00697808 00567258 flocculate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02631997 02632176 flock v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02029199 02028855 flog v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01413739 01414858 flood v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 2 01527311 00217578 02361703 00453175 flood_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02011694 flood_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00753137 floodlight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00293009 floor v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01813031 01415000 flop v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01976863 01976767 02535669 floss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00041597 flounce v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01928358 flounder v 2 1 @ 2 2 01929123 02412762 flour v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01264514 00382167 flourish v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00311168 02347796 01449520 flout v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00803444 00851872 flow v 7 6 @ ~ * > ^ + 7 3 02070438 02070867 02071617 02749602 01545450 00217853 00061974 flow_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00449966 flow_from v 1 1 @ 1 1 02640648 flow_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00449966 flow_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00547160 flower v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00295007 flub v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02533317 fluctuate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01881197 01880900 00271498 fluff v 3 3 @ ^ + 3 0 02533317 01394460 00039919 fluff_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01394600 flummox v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00624056 flump v 2 1 @ 2 0 01982354 01503211 flump_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01982354 flunk v 1 1 $ 1 0 02529187 fluoresce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02165590 fluoridate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00186306 fluoridise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00186306 fluoridize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00186306 flurry v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02088499 01794768 flush v 7 4 @ ~ > + 7 2 00103071 00456167 02203949 01309802 00456484 00456323 00455823 flush_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00456034 flush_it v 1 1 $ 1 0 02529187 fluster v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 01796002 01794412 flute v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01460005 flutter v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 01903884 01882712 01904248 01883921 00008195 flux v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02070438 00444939 00395719 fly v 14 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 14 9 01944262 01846010 01944952 01454453 01852000 01843346 00546372 02076993 01844180 02145438 02079709 01851787 01405419 00152881 fly-fish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01143930 fly_blind v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01945563 fly_by v 2 1 @ 2 1 02056282 02057753 fly_contact v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01945697 fly_high v 2 1 @ 2 1 01833567 02347796 fly_in_the_face_of v 1 1 @ 1 0 02674587 fly_in_the_teeth_of v 1 1 @ 1 0 02674587 fly_off_the_handle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 fly_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01944865 fly_open v 1 1 @ 1 1 01349854 fly_the_coop v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 flyfish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01143930 foal v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00057609 foam v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00520443 foam_at_the_mouth v 1 1 @ 1 0 01800226 fob v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02581808 fob_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02249208 focalise v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 0 02698177 00733774 00315583 00315073 focalize v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 0 02698177 00733774 00315583 00315073 focus v 5 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 5 3 00724156 02166352 00733774 00315583 00315073 focus_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02682306 fodder v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01180398 fog v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02162161 fog_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02777846 foil v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02745563 02563998 01337757 foist v 2 1 @ 2 0 00751098 00190155 foist_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02249208 fold v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 01280538 00399044 02431242 01348559 00565772 fold_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01280538 00565772 foliate v 5 2 @ + 5 0 01679417 01673946 01269313 00951125 00283550 folk_dance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01902762 follow v 24 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 24 16 02002464 02718647 02726024 01995963 02547977 02726229 00150596 02726419 02351891 02726572 01748331 00731071 02460829 02411715 01732234 00118572 02631420 02606252 02567612 02450790 02203116 02004900 00591133 00352060 follow_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00486949 follow_suit v 1 1 @ 1 1 02681414 follow_through v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01408670 00486949 follow_up v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00486949 00230702 follow_up_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02381520 foment v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02591135 00035441 fondle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01228779 fool v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 1 02582434 01198337 00856586 00855832 fool_around v 2 1 @ 2 1 00855832 02604639 fool_away v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01198337 foolproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166401 foot v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 02292054 01910315 00642800 foot_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00642800 footle v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02645159 02525556 footnote v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01708812 footslog v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01925197 forage v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02274739 01179996 foray v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02349564 01231199 foray_into v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02023879 forbear v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02731919 02731589 forbid v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00797525 02458316 force v 8 7 @ ~ * > ^ $ + 8 7 02510211 01653967 01875972 00749422 01530059 01519166 01353131 01589521 force-feed v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01182037 force-land v 1 1 @ 1 0 01982864 force_back v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01508789 force_out v 8 3 @ ~ $ 8 0 02410394 02407967 02060390 02017692 01470687 01378302 01284214 00003662 ford v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01917842 forearm v 1 1 @ 1 0 01090140 forebode v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00919743 forecast v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00928443 00713964 00873606 foreclose v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02458316 02281413 foredate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00277856 foredoom v 1 1 @ 1 0 00909019 forefend v 1 1 @ 1 0 02458770 foregather v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02433771 forego v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02718318 02539728 02308311 foreground v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00515150 foreknow v 1 1 @ 1 1 00722732 foreordain v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00705076 00704735 foresee v 3 1 @ 3 3 00722732 01639763 02571406 foreshadow v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00873606 foreshorten v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00244786 00245170 foreshow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00926748 forest v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01570669 forestall v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02458316 02571406 foreswear v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02539728 02232269 foretell v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00976205 00919743 00873606 forewarn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00872604 forfeit v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02308311 forfend v 1 1 @ 1 0 02458770 forgather v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02433771 forge v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 01679140 01657814 01635953 01888259 01888119 01663142 01662082 forget v 4 4 ! @ ~ $ 4 3 00611721 00610654 00616520 00614532 forgive v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00905339 02570341 forgo v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02539728 02718318 02308311 fork v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 01582189 01121306 00329612 00141734 fork_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02298282 fork_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02298282 fork_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02298282 form v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 6 02453050 02627475 02629987 00142011 01663142 02435769 00144670 form_bubbles v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00520443 formalise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02484525 02484290 formalize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02484525 02484290 format v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01748949 00702102 00564629 formicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01890221 formularise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00983115 formularize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00983115 formulate v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 4 00927844 01635953 00982485 01636715 fornicate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01429911 forsake v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00615748 forswear v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00800379 fort v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02027838 01609126 01157887 fort_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02027838 fortify v 5 5 @ ~ > + ; 5 1 00221295 01609126 01089608 00222754 00222561 forward v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01959367 fossilise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00508745 00250442 fossilize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00508745 00250442 foster v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02560130 02546266 00910304 foul v 7 4 @ ~ + ; 7 2 01150321 00493642 01481233 01150175 00493346 00493246 00493161 foul_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01407428 foul_up v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02533317 found v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02431950 01650771 00638550 founder v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02535669 01994182 01993067 01904641 fowl v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01148410 01145365 fox v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 02581808 00623406 00511315 foxhunt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01147490 foxtrot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01900206 fraction v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 00643760 fractionate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01462325 01462171 fracture v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 1 00204101 01624121 00336176 00108107 00107747 00107543 fragment v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00338881 fragmentise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00338881 fragmentize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00338881 frame v 6 3 @ + ; 6 5 01589771 02717710 02584093 00983308 00708633 01659306 frame_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 01589771 frame_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01659306 franchise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02452407 frank v 2 1 @ 2 0 01276668 00895601 frap v 2 1 @ 2 0 01306515 00421290 fraternise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02395069 fraternize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02395069 fray v 2 1 @ 2 0 01371869 01253472 frazzle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01371869 00075461 freak v 1 1 @ 1 0 01787967 freak_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01787967 freckle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00511197 00510938 free v 11 5 ! @ ~ + ; 11 8 02426474 02355171 01531310 02570061 02499696 02427126 01478583 00904187 02321284 01761838 00270568 free-associate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00716623 free-base v 1 1 @ 1 0 01202706 freelance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02582195 freeload v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02275493 freewheel v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02623391 01890900 freeze v 10 8 ! @ ~ * > $ + ; 10 5 01838672 00374806 00077891 00376536 00364146 02764784 00446666 00270309 00021990 00012606 freeze-dry v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00212278 freeze_down v 1 3 @ $ ; 1 1 00446666 freeze_off v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00798638 freeze_out v 1 3 @ $ ; 1 1 00446666 freight v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01955135 01491790 french v 1 1 @ 1 0 01301713 french-fry v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00327111 frenchify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00411742 00411574 frequent v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02471557 01848373 fresco v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01687166 freshen v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 0 00164252 00024807 00024642 freshen_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00163249 00024807 fress v 1 1 @ 1 0 01171347 fret v 12 5 @ ~ > + ; 12 2 01797944 01771313 02335105 02124124 01792983 01777746 01755833 01755530 01573390 01253472 00275523 00275432 fricassee v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00324504 frig_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 fright v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 0 01783082 frighten v 1 5 @ ~ > ^ + 1 1 01783082 frighten_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 01789567 frighten_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01789567 fringe v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01754829 01470380 frisk v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01887709 01320883 fritter v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01198337 fritter_away v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01198337 frivol v 1 1 @ 1 0 02599051 frivol_away v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01198337 frizz v 1 1 @ 1 0 01226397 frizzle v 2 2 @ ; 2 1 00326448 01226397 frock v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00048629 frog v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01385472 frogmarch v 2 1 @ 2 1 02089014 01453962 frolic v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01887709 front v 2 5 ! @ ~ $ + 2 2 02699161 01081565 frost v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 01519807 01211169 01211020 00196970 frost_over v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02764539 froth v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00520443 00512936 00109197 froth_at_the_mouth v 1 1 @ 1 0 01800226 frown v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00032974 frown_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00676156 frown_upon v 1 1 @ 1 1 00676156 fructify v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00507753 00507620 00055930 fruit v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 01656437 01656273 frustrate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02563998 01806967 fry v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 02744116 00326129 02490546 ftp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02238134 fuck v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01429048 fuck_off v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 0 02645690 02014716 01433266 fuck_up v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02533317 fuddle v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 0 01193274 01173463 00623406 fudge v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02583006 00811316 fudge_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 01743556 fuel v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02343382 02361419 02241806 01766030 fulfil v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01644397 01185870 02677669 fulfill v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 01644397 02677669 01185870 full v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01401959 00434621 00434478 fullback v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01078643 fulminate v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00843446 00426334 00307842 fumble v 5 3 @ + ; 5 3 01317398 02055471 01213583 02533317 01077720 fume v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01799344 02773880 02131565 00068398 fumigate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02131565 function v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 3 01528454 02676679 01098908 fund v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 0 02223706 02223417 02220865 02220748 02220572 02220288 fund-raise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02222772 fund_raise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02222772 fundraise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02222772 funk v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02064997 funnel v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01446765 furbish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01248659 furbish_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00261534 furcate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00329612 furl v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00436806 furlough v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02408679 00750809 furnish v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02332196 02341479 furrow v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01279995 01280348 01280213 further v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02560130 02560630 fuse v 4 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 4 2 00395719 00398098 01140255 00397903 fusillade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01140008 fuss v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01797944 02556213 fustigate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01426760 g.i. v 1 1 @ 1 0 01536503 gab v 1 1 @ 1 0 00743542 gabble v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01038676 gad v 1 1 @ 1 0 01886682 gag v 7 2 @ + 7 1 02195389 01573390 01287286 00855640 00077451 00077359 00077211 gage v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01141530 gaggle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01058652 gain v 9 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 9 8 02297086 02293158 02295422 02024442 01113439 00158030 00157270 02294200 00045868 gain_ground v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01113439 gain_vigor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00023466 gainsay v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00870790 gall v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02124124 01790579 gallivant v 1 1 @ 1 0 01886682 gallop v 3 3 @ + ; 3 2 01963786 01964502 01964155 galumph v 1 1 @ 1 0 01969005 galvanise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01825572 01269459 00090265 galvanize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01825572 01269459 00090265 gamble v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02550045 01140949 gambol v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01887709 game v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01141530 gang v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01092148 gang-rape v 1 1 @ 1 0 02573832 gang_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01092148 gangrene v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00097148 gaol v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02500005 gap v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01596535 gape v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02168962 02724625 garage v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02287791 garb v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00047662 garbage_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01176396 garble v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00837582 garden v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01744850 gargle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01061817 00037131 garland v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01673538 garment v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00047662 garner v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02295101 01495698 01383303 garnish v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02278924 01683328 garnishee v 1 1 @ 1 0 02278924 garotte v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01574575 garrison v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01091548 garrote v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01574575 garrotte v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01574575 garter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01290284 gas v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01127799 00884747 gas_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02343625 gasconade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00884747 gash v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01325173 gasify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00443222 gasp v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00005526 gate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02358840 01605828 00235091 gate-crash v 1 1 @ 1 0 02022863 gather v 9 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 9 5 01383303 02433771 00158612 00947157 01333504 02604140 01352575 01319279 00157270 gather_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01217350 gather_up v 2 1 @ 2 2 01980103 02310566 gauffer v 1 1 @ 1 0 00039393 gauge v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 00674352 01252938 00921395 00491221 00469029 00396489 gawk v 1 1 @ 1 1 02168962 gawp v 1 1 @ 1 0 02168962 gaze v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02137210 gazette v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01750412 gazump v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 02324030 02246279 gear v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00299025 gear_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00407168 gee v 2 1 @ 2 0 01912934 00867328 gel v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00113536 00039663 gelatinise v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00566356 00566158 gelatinize v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00566558 00566356 00566158 geld v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00060990 geminate v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 0 01739437 01467994 01467847 00247474 general v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00754199 generalise v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 01024915 01024429 00972247 00104219 generalize v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 1 01024429 01024915 00972247 00104219 generate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 01630392 01632192 01631234 00054345 gentle v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01769244 02403605 01428723 gentrify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00163511 genuflect v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02044779 02044554 germinate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 00357986 01742478 00358321 gerrymander v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02472939 gestate v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 0 01636885 00058790 gesticulate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00994073 gesture v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00994073 get v 36 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 36 20 02215637 00149403 00120604 00523831 02009962 01435927 02112480 01156413 02360592 00772482 01217985 00094214 00087488 01068058 00120124 01028984 00591299 01508590 01403769 00641511 02364339 02213047 02193844 02114099 02113108 02014716 02010587 01775115 01774960 01741988 01646839 01567992 00624056 00346415 00065410 00054345 get_a_line v 1 2 ~ $ 1 0 00600349 get_a_load v 1 1 @ 1 0 02136242 get_a_look v 1 1 @ 1 1 02134344 get_a_noseful v 1 1 @ 1 0 02130734 get_a_whiff v 1 1 @ 1 0 02130734 get_about v 1 1 @ 1 1 01846830 get_across v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 2 00746890 00593150 01916152 get_ahead v 1 1 ~ 1 1 01113439 get_along v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02623620 02463998 00249545 get_along_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 02463998 get_around v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 00938019 00812833 02394957 01846830 get_around_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 02433163 get_at v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 02011431 02592463 01791774 get_away v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02078906 00812391 02605001 get_back v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01113995 01156228 01094539 get_behind v 1 1 @ 1 1 02062680 get_by v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 02593624 02053912 00812391 get_cracking v 1 1 @ 1 0 00349195 get_down v 7 5 @ ~ > $ ; 7 4 01977500 01977139 01962311 01204494 01818363 01022365 00346415 get_dressed v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00046251 get_even v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01117829 01156228 get_going v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01868216 00349195 get_hitched_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02494483 get_hold v 1 1 @ 1 0 02218118 get_hold_of v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01216829 00745330 00739661 get_in v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 4 02020375 02591952 02244187 02019236 get_in_touch v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02394488 get_into v 5 2 @ ~ 5 5 02642894 02020375 02244187 00876531 00050369 get_it v 2 1 @ 2 2 00591761 02506046 get_it_on v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 get_laid v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 get_married v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02494483 get_moving v 1 1 @ 1 0 00349195 get_off v 11 4 ! @ ~ ; 11 5 02019914 02417219 01064577 00907012 00812391 02201764 01962311 01927685 01440525 01203572 00943887 get_off_the_ground v 1 1 @ 1 1 01868424 get_on v 7 3 ! @ ~ 7 6 02463998 02021901 01927367 01853950 00425290 00249545 00248912 get_on_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02463998 get_one's_lumps v 1 1 @ 1 0 00740164 get_onto v 1 1 @ 1 1 00591761 get_out v 7 3 @ ~ $ 7 4 02019450 01217161 02019020 01012013 01999243 00938019 00812391 get_over v 4 2 @ ~ 4 3 01916152 01644883 00268897 01111038 get_rid_of v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02228837 00472642 02432181 get_rolling v 1 1 @ 1 0 00349195 get_started v 1 1 @ 1 1 00349195 get_stuck v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01838838 get_the_best v 1 1 @ 1 1 01106429 get_the_better_of v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01110559 get_the_goods v 1 1 @ 1 0 00600829 get_the_hang v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00599029 get_the_jump v 1 1 @ 1 0 01106787 get_the_picture v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00589616 get_through v 5 3 @ ~ > 5 3 00485823 02715151 02025773 00745330 00593150 get_to v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 2 02026014 00347930 01791774 get_to_grips v 1 1 @ 1 0 02442004 get_together v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 3 02604140 02492581 02421408 02439823 get_under_one's_skin v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01775115 get_up v 8 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 8 6 01987278 00018151 01978076 00018398 00096402 00043880 01654986 00607178 get_used_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00394655 get_weaving v 1 1 @ 1 0 00349195 get_well v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00268897 get_wind v 1 2 ~ $ 1 0 00600349 get_wise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00591761 get_word v 1 2 ~ $ 1 1 00600349 get_worse v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00269051 geyser v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02076322 ghettoise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00495816 ghettoize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00495816 ghost v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 01843749 01787033 01708611 ghostwrite v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01708611 gi v 1 1 @ 1 0 01536503 gibber v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01038676 00778891 gibbet v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02491349 02489530 gibe v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02663315 00851872 gift v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02479662 02205200 gift-wrap v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01286763 giggle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00030135 gild v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01686996 gild_the_lily v 2 1 @ 2 0 01681137 00183386 gimp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01921237 gin v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01560299 01483657 ginger v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02197264 ginger_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00193003 gip v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02578494 gird v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01089608 01470546 01305514 girdle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01611026 01470546 girth v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01305642 give v 44 8 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + ; 44 27 02321848 02344167 02204104 02240624 01062366 01737358 01062189 02205200 01632595 00734247 01632192 02301114 01651214 02205012 02568816 02348591 02235554 00888984 02314354 02314145 01062618 02322074 01852407 01180862 02313721 01993067 00675490 02569967 02364552 02363033 01720142 01719971 01452389 01178107 01071660 00946279 00889530 00880397 00773851 00750978 00750622 00341976 00108551 00108408 give-up_the_ghost v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00359085 give_a_damn v 1 0 1 0 01827099 give_a_hang v 1 0 1 0 01827099 give_a_hoot v 1 0 1 0 01827099 give_and_take v 1 1 @ 1 1 01038060 give_away v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 2 02206637 00935783 02298876 00843665 give_back v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02289796 give_birth v 2 4 @ ~ * $ 2 2 00056644 01635501 give_care v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02555993 give_chase v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02005890 give_ear v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02174871 give_forth v 1 1 @ 1 1 00004605 give_full_measure v 1 1 @ 1 0 02569035 give_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00879879 00806138 give_it_a_try v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02538124 02536436 give_it_a_whirl v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 02538124 give_it_the_deep_six v 1 1 @ 1 0 02227776 give_notice v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02407967 00875364 give_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02637086 02773266 give_one's_best v 1 1 @ 1 0 02569035 give_out v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 02773266 02206426 00561324 00435327 give_rise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01756692 give_suck v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01188961 give_thanks v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00893836 give_the_axe v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02407967 00354293 give_the_bounce v 1 1 @ 1 0 00354293 give_the_eye v 1 1 @ 1 0 02172319 give_the_gate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00354293 give_the_glad_eye v 1 1 @ 1 0 02168617 give_the_once_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02172319 give_the_sack v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02407967 give_tongue_to v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00942415 give_up v 12 3 @ ~ $ 12 12 02308311 02232523 01085437 02686624 02350643 02321284 02372031 02240011 01118003 00614907 02428446 01199057 give_vent v 1 1 @ 1 1 00946580 give_voice v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00982485 give_way v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 01852407 01993067 00436056 00435327 glaciate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01211328 00375046 gladden v 2 4 ! @ ~ > 2 0 01817466 01816917 glam_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00042809 glamorise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00533966 glamorize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00694938 00533966 glamour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00779033 glamourise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00694938 00533966 glamourize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00533966 glance v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02169748 01896993 glance_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02156708 glare v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00033196 02771048 02167103 glass v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 0 02340359 02157120 01590496 00188912 00125255 glass_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01590496 glass_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00125255 glaze v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 2 01272085 00125255 02340359 02200824 glaze_over v 2 1 @ 2 0 02162464 00125255 gleam v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02167378 02165209 00424528 glean v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01322669 glide v 3 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 3 1 01891569 01946206 01891894 glide-bomb v 1 1 @ 1 1 01135223 glide_by v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02076777 glimmer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02165209 glimpse v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02123935 glint v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02167378 02169748 glissade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01898907 glisten v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02167378 glitter v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02167378 gloat v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00885156 02171305 globalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00541819 globalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00541819 globe-trot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01849399 glom v 2 1 @ 2 1 02327226 02217289 glorify v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 00862284 00490235 00581589 00490432 glory v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00860023 gloss v 4 4 @ * ^ + 4 0 01686477 00963361 00962993 00838812 gloss_over v 2 1 @ 2 1 02521921 02152539 glow v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 02165374 02165960 02774832 01833984 01833689 glower v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00033196 00032974 glue v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01334887 00487786 glug v 1 1 @ 1 0 02182630 glut v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01195632 02361703 gluttonise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01171347 gluttonize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01171347 glycerolise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01991795 glycerolize v 1 4 ! @ + ; 1 1 01991795 gnarl v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01283411 00911172 gnash v 1 1 @ 1 1 00078331 gnaw v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01448216 00276052 gnaw_at v 1 1 @ 1 1 00276052 go v 30 7 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + 30 21 01839438 02377696 01852660 00149403 02659957 02727159 02691775 00342215 00360569 02624054 02180712 01528454 01195306 00540190 02624202 02623851 00359085 02743751 02735694 01868216 01079008 02706632 02706526 02706315 02692313 02665841 01321509 01195525 00678186 00435327 go_a_long_way v 1 1 @ 1 1 02676059 go_about v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02444146 go_after v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02005890 01320193 go_against v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02674312 02572443 02383942 go_ahead v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00783350 go_all_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02569035 go_along v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 3 02422308 02690747 02076777 go_around v 5 3 @ ~ $ 5 2 02744001 00971905 02089693 02048992 00812833 go_away v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 01852660 02013448 02160976 00427911 go_back v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02729826 00961746 00529419 go_back_on v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00801904 go_bad v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 00435327 00210685 go_ballistic v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 go_by v 4 2 @ ~ 4 3 02076777 02055618 01031401 00150797 go_deep v 1 1 @ 1 1 02739548 go_down v 8 4 @ ~ $ ; 8 6 01974840 01993887 00432779 02739681 01207951 01102277 01974660 00435872 go_down_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 02121653 go_dutch v 1 1 @ 1 0 02255275 go_far v 2 1 @ 2 2 02591952 02739548 go_for v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 3 02682599 00799359 00707813 01780389 01075218 go_for_broke v 1 1 @ 1 0 02550478 go_forth v 2 2 ~ $ 2 0 02013448 00530070 go_forward v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01999581 go_home v 1 1 @ 1 1 02009510 go_in v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02020375 go_into v 2 1 ~ 2 2 02020375 02742134 go_off v 6 3 ! @ ~ 6 3 02077642 00308077 01136664 01529580 00344552 00306627 go_off_at_half-cock v 1 1 @ 1 0 02608455 go_off_half-cocked v 1 1 @ 1 0 02608455 go_on v 5 4 ! @ ~ $ 5 5 02690747 00340744 01996535 00783045 01529393 go_out v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ ; 6 6 02019450 01846146 02015289 00353073 02673617 02491850 go_over v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 4 00698466 00344552 00663742 00031270 go_past v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02055618 02674870 go_steady v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02491850 go_through v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02114674 01164263 01199565 go_through_the_motions v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840465 go_through_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00486949 go_to v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 1 02618797 go_to_bed v 1 2 ! ~ 1 1 00017858 go_to_pieces v 1 1 @ 1 1 01833068 go_to_pot v 1 1 @ 1 0 00209099 go_to_sleep v 1 1 ~ 1 1 00017858 go_to_the_dogs v 1 1 @ 1 0 00209099 go_to_war v 1 1 @ 1 1 01095876 go_under v 3 4 @ ~ $ ; 3 1 01993887 01974660 01031401 go_up v 7 4 @ ~ * $ 7 6 01972576 00154951 02057865 01947808 01925957 00378022 01973223 go_with v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02722040 02666897 go_wrong v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02534046 goad v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01822802 01243637 01243499 00853413 gobble v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 2 01176230 01060298 gobble_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01176396 goffer v 1 1 @ 1 0 00039393 goggle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02168962 gold-plate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398745 gold_plate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398745 goldbrick v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02578034 02469127 goldplate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398745 golf v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01149259 gong v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02184596 goof v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02572142 goof-proof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166401 goofproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166401 google v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00650417 goose v 3 1 @ 3 0 01459708 01233625 01228431 goose_step v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01933086 gore v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01447854 01562012 gorge v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01195632 gormandise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 gormandize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 gossip v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01043826 01040538 gouge v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 3 01284214 02245889 01284385 gouge_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01283946 gourmandize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01195632 govern v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02517217 02447070 02592711 02634728 gown v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00106346 grab v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 3 01441809 02309628 02103517 02363216 01352965 00739481 grace v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01679858 02754802 gradate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01616983 00577575 grade v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00659723 01310269 00659399 00659221 graduate v 3 3 @ > + 3 2 02269205 02268987 00296478 graft v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01533466 01533219 grain v 4 3 @ > + 4 0 01533686 01365708 00143989 00141344 grandstand v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01718664 grant v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 5 02260270 02267085 00807711 02260076 02322074 02321629 02260750 granulate v 3 3 @ > + 3 0 00143989 00141344 00099128 graph v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01758945 01759135 grapple v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02593624 01577123 grasp v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01218568 00589616 grass v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 01139481 01605953 01583197 01211645 01207201 00843665 grass_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01211645 grate v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 0 02335579 01777746 01576908 01397118 01310820 gratify v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01820398 01184590 grave v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01554653 01324555 gravel v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 01791774 01606096 00624056 gravitate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02738023 02737871 01839222 gray v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00290441 00290154 graze v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 2 01578996 01611412 01579309 01243078 01177039 grease v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01271943 grease_one's_palms v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 02288941 green v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00522558 greet v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00898754 00898638 00720831 02202019 grey v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00290441 00290154 griddle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00326711 grieve v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 01801358 01801593 grill v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00327574 00790483 grimace v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00034281 grime v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01536935 grin v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00029018 grind v 7 5 @ ~ * ^ + 7 5 01597899 01397118 02424873 02052631 00331892 01627486 01627358 grind_away v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00607178 grind_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02593331 grind_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01757080 grind_to_a_halt v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01838838 grip v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01226565 01577123 01825070 gripe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00912926 grit v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01397592 01397369 grizzle v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01809351 00909883 groak v 1 1 @ 1 0 02169433 groan v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01047291 groin v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01659650 grok v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00589616 groom v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02392176 00045370 00040084 groove v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01460118 01279995 grope v 3 3 @ ^ + 3 2 01317398 02536602 01213827 grope_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 01317100 gross v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02296395 gross_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02199359 01787967 grouch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00911526 ground v 12 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 12 4 01307604 01505401 01505293 00832309 02026332 02026205 01409338 01409166 01409010 01368058 01295137 00638550 ground_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01404827 group v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00658247 01092289 grouse v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01145494 00912926 grout v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01369512 grovel v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02067699 grow v 10 8 @ ~ * > ^ $ + ; 10 9 00125649 00231172 00231983 00246343 00251067 02630344 01743695 00094214 00544490 00251425 grow_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00233086 grow_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02546044 growl v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01047591 grub v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02275249 01322133 grub_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01316868 grub_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01316868 grubstake v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02221014 grudge v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01777926 01777655 grumble v 4 2 @ + 4 3 00911526 00911172 01047591 02191766 grunt v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01045103 grunt-hoot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01044984 gruntle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01769244 guarantee v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 00891621 00892111 00891076 00893457 guard v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 02461453 01131763 01132302 02605875 guess v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00633399 00918880 00674352 00637723 guesstimate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00920717 guffaw v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00031533 guggle v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 02192368 02183020 01172846 guide v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 01935739 02003830 02444597 02163857 01214794 guide_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02163857 guillotine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01574369 gull v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02582434 00856586 gulp v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 01204688 01069024 gum v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01366722 01177521 00587464 00068937 gum_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01359991 gun v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 0 01139040 gun_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 01139390 gurgle v 4 3 @ $ + 4 0 02192368 02182420 01172846 00987366 gush v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02072341 00883741 01518922 gussy_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 gut v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01593933 01593668 gutter v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02775035 02089126 01312785 01207297 guttle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01199186 guy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00853615 00272319 guzzle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01173104 gybe v 1 1 @ 1 0 01950676 gyp v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02578494 gyrate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02053139 02050704 habilitate v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 00301770 00047662 habit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00048819 habituate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01167359 00274244 hack v 8 4 @ ~ + ; 8 1 01259737 02594436 01260381 01150665 01150567 00527521 00201982 00006100 hack_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00527521 hackle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01599893 had_best v 1 1 @ 1 0 02729439 haemagglutinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01224406 haggle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02264354 hail v 5 3 @ $ + 5 4 00863389 02749089 00902262 00902139 02765073 hale v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 0 02510211 01457421 halloo v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01233704 00916014 hallow v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00868366 hallucinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02122132 halt v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01863572 01864781 02565578 00355106 halter v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02491249 00237139 halve v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00644019 ham v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01754981 ham_it_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01754981 hammer v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01419193 01679140 hammer_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00607866 hammer_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01066173 hamper v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00237139 01087885 hamstring v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01803640 00091603 hand v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 1 02235554 02004165 hand-build v 1 1 @ 1 0 01667475 hand-dye v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00289435 hand-pick v 1 1 @ 1 0 00678633 hand-wash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01539713 hand_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 02235397 hand_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02206426 hand_over v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02298282 handbuild v 1 1 @ 1 0 01667475 handcolor v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00286616 handcolour v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00286616 handcraft v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01662901 handcuff v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01290804 handicap v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00091720 01088285 01087885 handle v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 5 02441196 02519853 01035399 01213301 01226979 01808381 handle_with_kid_gloves v 1 1 @ 1 0 02520370 handstamp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01276196 handwash v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01539713 handwrite v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01007254 hang v 15 5 @ ~ > $ + 15 9 01484705 01483990 02491069 01981976 01545450 02740827 02174871 01484587 01218895 02746878 02563616 01681611 01484449 01484277 00210536 hang_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02645159 hang_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 02062680 hang_by_a_hair v 1 1 @ 1 0 02670491 hang_by_a_thread v 1 1 @ 1 0 02670491 hang_glide v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01959667 hang_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00351115 hang_on v 3 4 @ ~ * ; 3 2 01331195 00351115 00792171 hang_out v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02395429 hang_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 02628114 hang_up v 3 4 @ ~ > $ 3 3 01311687 01483990 00363656 hanker v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01832347 hap v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 00340744 happen v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 00340744 00345297 02600068 00344828 02253273 happen_upon v 1 1 @ 1 1 02291532 harangue v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00992281 harass v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01793315 01123177 harbinger v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00976205 harbor v 4 2 @ + 4 4 01777051 02662285 02355061 02153034 harbour v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02662285 02355061 02153034 01777051 hard_surface v 1 1 @ 1 0 01270175 harden v 5 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 5 1 00444071 00444339 00303656 00295901 00273709 hare v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02089251 hark v 1 1 @ 1 0 02194034 hark_back v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00961556 harken v 1 1 @ 1 0 02194034 harlequin v 1 1 @ 1 0 00511657 harm v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00102340 harmonise v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 0 02705946 01711165 01710748 00484112 00483404 00483111 harmonize v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 0 02705946 01711165 01710748 00484112 00483404 00483111 harness v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 2 01494354 01165811 02447602 00235558 harp v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 1 00961399 01736594 harpoon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01142941 harrow v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01746296 harry v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01793315 00389754 harsh_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01074155 harshen v 1 1 @ 1 1 00546502 harvest v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01322669 00175817 hash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01259963 hash_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00815640 hash_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01011124 hasp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01351281 hassle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01793315 hasten v 4 2 @ ~ 4 4 00460453 02062918 02554590 01648064 hat v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00046889 02368127 hatch v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 2 00062866 01637684 01686129 01279157 00059956 hatchel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01599893 hate v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 01778057 haul v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01457421 01454866 haul_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01454276 haul_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01454276 haul_up v 1 3 @ $ ; 1 1 01867144 haunt v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02008023 01787033 01848373 have v 19 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 19 19 02208144 02636270 02112480 02209474 00120604 01159300 02383544 01737358 02209880 02746620 00120854 00065141 00772482 02240906 02214901 00065410 02360592 00056644 01429760 have_a_ball v 1 1 @ 1 0 01193765 have_a_bun_in_the_oven v 1 3 @ * $ 1 0 00058790 have_a_fit v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 have_a_go v 1 1 @ 1 0 02536436 have_a_go_at_it v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 have_a_good_time v 1 1 @ 1 0 01193765 have_a_look v 1 1 @ 1 1 02136242 have_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00597737 have_got v 1 2 ~ $ 1 1 02208144 have_in_mind v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00732037 have_intercourse v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 have_it_away v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 have_it_coming v 1 1 @ 1 0 02652685 have_it_off v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 have_kittens v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 have_on v 1 1 * 1 1 00052091 have_sex v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 have_the_best v 1 1 @ 1 0 01106429 have_the_distinction v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00663151 have_to_do_with v 1 2 ~ $ 1 0 02681865 have_words v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 have_young v 1 1 @ 1 0 00058651 haw v 1 1 @ 1 0 01063726 hawk v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02307797 01148078 00035082 hay v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586482 hazard v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00918880 02550969 02550045 haze v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02778160 02591814 haze_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02162161 head v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 5 01939092 02445109 02003455 02734898 01935739 02760338 02700129 02630209 01593836 head_for_the_hills v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 head_home v 1 1 @ 1 1 02009510 head_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02458770 head_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02734898 headbutt v 1 1 @ 1 0 01238573 headline v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00978256 02337441 headquarter v 1 1 @ 1 0 02371883 heal v 3 5 @ ~ * + ; 3 2 00271360 00098938 00081478 heap v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 2 02268596 01506036 00454379 heap_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01506930 hear v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 02174146 00600349 02506551 02111896 02175483 hear_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02174625 hearken v 1 1 @ 1 0 02194034 hearten v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 01821905 heat v 4 5 ! @ ~ > + 4 1 00371917 02338354 01764964 00373318 heat_up v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 1 00373318 00371917 00228093 heave v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 6 00988618 01510424 02045051 01458495 02092737 00005526 00357608 00077211 heave_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01458495 heckle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01599893 00909753 hectograph v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01698745 hector v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01785339 hedge v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00811316 01618094 01617924 00429020 hedge_in v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01617924 hedgehop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01959562 hee-haw v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01056425 heed v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02577816 heel v 5 4 @ $ + ; 5 0 02042636 01996146 01755353 01406641 00534751 heft v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 01458495 01458970 heft_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01458495 heighten v 6 3 @ ~ > 6 3 00433389 00433234 00230031 01979767 00393290 00227591 heist v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 02577426 heliograph v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01042272 helm v 1 1 @ 1 0 01936453 help v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 5 02553283 00081834 02741772 02732039 01183592 02561142 01196102 00207406 help_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 02732039 help_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02554119 hem v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01332414 01063821 hem_and_haw v 1 1 @ 1 0 01063903 hem_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01610620 01129837 hemagglutinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01224406 hemorrhage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00074587 hemstitch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01334200 hen-peck v 1 1 @ 1 0 00846620 henna v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00284424 herald v 3 2 @ + 3 2 00976205 00863389 00902139 herd v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02032568 02032462 02658253 hero-worship v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01781934 hesitate v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02646524 02647119 heterodyne v 1 1 @ 1 0 01464275 hew v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 0 01263249 01262992 hew_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01263249 hex v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00779033 hibachi v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00327820 hibernate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 00015939 02602001 hiccough v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00003826 hiccup v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00003826 hide v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 2 02149298 02150244 01585121 00314788 hide_out v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 02150244 hie v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 higgle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02264354 high-tail v 1 1 @ 1 1 02097174 highjack v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01474455 highlight v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00515150 00040937 hightail v 1 1 @ 1 0 02097174 hightail_it v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 hijack v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01474455 02279879 hike v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01979926 01924925 hike_up v 2 1 @ 2 1 01596055 01979926 hill v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01664534 hinder v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02456614 02563025 01087885 hinge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01299760 hinge_on v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02717862 hinge_upon v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02717862 hint v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00929401 hire v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02414542 02466042 02213319 hire_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02214281 hiss v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01055643 02072942 01056058 00863889 hit v 16 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 16 10 01407698 01238728 01402698 02024442 01211755 01139564 02211244 01114241 02113245 01126313 02488014 02108439 02010848 01212046 01154862 00783950 hit_home v 1 1 @ 1 0 01773141 hit_it_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01192810 hit_the_books v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00608509 hit_the_bottle v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01173463 hit_the_ceiling v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 hit_the_deck v 1 1 @ 1 1 01837659 hit_the_dirt v 1 1 @ 1 1 01837659 hit_the_hay v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017858 hit_the_jackpot v 1 1 @ 1 0 02530405 hit_the_roof v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 hit_the_sack v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017858 hitch v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 3 01330498 01921237 01888376 01960814 01617678 hitch_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01596055 hitchhike v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01960814 hive v 3 3 @ ^ + 3 0 02311067 02027697 01383909 hive_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02285938 hive_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 02473888 02316994 hive_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02310836 hoard v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02310836 02309962 hoax v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02583671 hob v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01406101 hobble v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01921237 02457671 01292236 hobnail v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02337784 hobnob v 1 1 @ 1 0 02395311 hock v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 02352216 00091956 hoe v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01746437 hog v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02309842 hog-tie v 1 1 @ 1 0 01290532 hoist v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01457813 01614263 01458383 hold v 36 7 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + 36 23 02687605 01219234 01737358 02208144 00695546 01777051 01304044 02288169 02307200 01219607 02706727 02738673 02689312 01604155 02654604 00685690 02752150 02707070 02503969 01132302 00886738 00738591 00608395 02712676 02682599 02649658 02516039 02456020 02446762 01863572 01337426 01207773 01154219 00824028 00807038 00004492 hold_back v 6 2 @ ~ 6 1 01133899 02731919 02647547 02288169 02151220 00233707 hold_close v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01222867 hold_dear v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01780135 hold_down v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02288453 00236613 hold_fast v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01359453 hold_firm v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00820824 hold_forth v 1 1 @ 1 0 00816283 hold_in v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02716988 02516039 02151220 hold_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01119743 02647547 hold_on v 5 5 @ ~ * $ ; 5 4 01218568 00363263 00351115 00792171 02207166 hold_one's_own v 2 1 @ 2 0 02746734 02438838 hold_open v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02288561 hold_out v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 4 00027698 01119003 02710992 02647825 02624202 hold_over v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 2 01785206 02207584 02688247 02649364 02648898 hold_still_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 00671017 hold_sway v 1 1 @ 1 1 02446971 hold_the_line v 2 3 @ * ; 2 0 02324926 00792171 hold_tight v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01222867 hold_up v 7 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 7 5 01219607 02146032 00460731 02282293 02624202 02712676 02624768 hold_water v 1 1 @ 1 0 02624768 hole v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01410807 01284626 hole_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01410807 hole_up v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 02150955 01115689 00015939 holiday v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02714581 holler v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00917376 00915018 00912926 holler_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00917376 hollo v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 00915838 00915748 00915018 hollow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01313320 01285148 hollow_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01285148 holystone v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01254079 home v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02465056 02009361 home-school v 1 1 @ 1 0 02393357 home_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01155473 homer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01103629 homestead v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00416156 homogenise v 3 4 ! @ $ + 3 0 00458524 00458282 00458055 homogenize v 3 4 ! @ $ + 3 1 00458055 00458524 00458282 homologise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00418407 homologize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02705625 00418407 hone v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01249745 00474503 honey v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02200298 honeycomb v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01755970 01232373 00534853 honeymoon v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02714797 honk v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02187621 01055367 01055211 00076153 honor v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02551772 02462665 02242413 honour v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02551772 02462665 02242413 hood v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01339774 hoodoo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02732592 hoodwink v 2 1 @ 2 0 02584320 00840873 hoof v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01910315 01713640 hoof_it v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01910315 hook v 12 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 12 4 01368252 02324030 01676385 01411831 02327226 02281711 01399444 01368412 01167606 01083276 00785089 00783699 hook_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00603507 hook_up v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01369129 hook_up_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02494483 hoop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01305783 hoot v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01044597 01055093 hoover v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01247417 hop v 6 4 @ ^ $ + 6 3 01970868 02099489 01844678 02099338 02099200 02099066 hop-skip v 1 1 @ 1 1 01970868 hop_on v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 01927367 hop_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01927685 hop_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00171010 hope v 3 3 ! @ + 3 3 01830665 01815408 00707813 hopple v 1 1 @ 1 0 01292236 horn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01447646 horn_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02173563 hornswoggle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02578034 horrify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01786469 horripilate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02121260 02121051 horse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01186591 horse-race v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01089376 horse-trade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00764934 horse_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 00855832 horseshoe v 1 1 @ 1 0 02345243 horsewhip v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01401426 hose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00228947 hose_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00228947 hospitalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02353923 hospitalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02353923 host v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01196951 hot-dog v 1 1 @ 1 0 01942696 hot-wire v 1 1 @ 1 0 01862153 hot-work v 1 1 @ 1 0 01672853 hot_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 00373318 00228093 00171010 hotfoot v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 hound v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02007615 house v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02707688 02464596 house-train v 1 1 @ 1 0 00605620 housebreak v 1 1 @ 1 0 00605620 houseclean v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01536230 housekeep v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02689139 hover v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 4 02711906 02646990 01947307 01948111 02749936 howl v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01048804 01049253 01047931 00029829 huckster v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02307797 02264354 huddle v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02031072 02067916 huddle_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 02031072 hue v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00288779 00288497 huff v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01202883 00006802 hug v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01427110 01399178 hugger_mugger v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02523709 hulk v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02702345 hull v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00180221 hum v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01057701 02712465 02191487 01058086 humanise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01805480 humanize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 01805480 humble v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01805679 01803805 humbug v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02599157 humidify v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00216226 humify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00115887 humiliate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01803805 humor v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00861268 humour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00861268 hump v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 0 02039404 01429048 hunch v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 02039404 hunch_forward v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02039404 hunch_over v 1 2 @ * 1 1 02039404 hunger v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02126423 01191018 01190677 hunker v 1 1 @ 1 0 01548096 hunker_down v 3 1 @ 3 1 01548096 02150807 00820996 hunt v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 2 01146304 02007615 02060615 02037992 01882369 01319061 01147123 hunt_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01146304 hurdle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01971212 hurl v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01509775 02066140 01069686 hurrah v 1 1 @ 1 0 00915935 hurry v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 3 02059573 00460453 00460251 hurt v 7 4 @ ~ > + 7 5 02126629 00064414 01796596 00261356 01797206 02125976 00064841 hurtle v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02096450 02066140 01509775 husband v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02273988 hush v 5 7 @ ~ > ^ $ + ; 5 2 00462309 00462448 02194634 00462189 00462012 hush_up v 2 4 @ ~ > $ 2 0 02152539 00462448 husk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00181403 hustle v 5 3 @ * + 5 2 02100590 02062115 02327592 02215278 00769064 hybridise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01432586 hybridize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01432586 hydrate v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 0 00214833 00214694 00214446 hydrogen-bomb v 1 1 @ 1 0 01135522 hydrogenate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00309316 hydrolise v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 0 00565377 hydrolize v 1 4 @ ~ > + 1 0 00565377 hydrolyse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00565228 hydrolyze v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00565228 hydroplane v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01947012 hygienise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01247616 hygienize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01247616 hymn v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01735599 00863087 hype v 1 1 @ 1 0 00956940 hype_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01767334 hyperbolise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00841513 hyperbolize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00841513 hyperextend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00028003 hypertrophy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00093907 hyperventilate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00003133 00002942 hyphen v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01704185 hyphenate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01704185 hypnotise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00020664 hypnotize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00020664 hypophysectomise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00181150 hypophysectomize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00181150 hypostatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00694484 hypostatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00694484 hypothecate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01064072 00635105 hypothesise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00635105 hypothesize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00635105 ice v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01519807 00376250 00371574 ice_over v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02764539 ice_skate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01941081 ice_up v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02764539 idealise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00694673 00626604 idealize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00694673 00626604 ideate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01639939 identify v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 6 00620568 01028104 00693710 00716436 00654017 00620141 idle v 2 3 ! ~ + 2 2 01529271 02422604 idolise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01781934 idolize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01781934 ignite v 4 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 4 3 02765572 02766580 01764964 00589392 ignore v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 4 01061436 00802592 02123706 00618547 00596900 ill-treat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02522260 ill-use v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02522260 illegalise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02486512 illegalize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02486512 illume v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00292635 illuminate v 3 5 @ ~ * + ; 3 2 00292635 00622730 01687653 illumine v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00292635 illustrate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 3 01023137 01691296 01672316 image v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02156033 01638974 imagine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01639939 00633399 imbed v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01531609 imbibe v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01541851 01542830 01172332 00603905 imbricate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02694988 02694850 imbrue v 1 1 @ 1 0 00499244 imbue v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01231635 00457106 00288497 imitate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01746767 02680690 01698158 immaterialise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00548882 immaterialize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00548882 immerse v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 2 01580466 00602438 01585330 00602773 immigrate v 3 4 ! @ * + 3 0 00416892 00414629 00414357 immingle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01465097 immix v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00395719 immobilise v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 0 02219646 01209769 01123926 00270775 00270309 00270026 immobilize v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 0 02219646 01209769 01123926 00270775 00270309 00270026 immolate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02330732 immortalise v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00613596 00554285 immortalize v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00613596 00554285 immunise v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01131204 00086587 immunize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01131204 00086587 immure v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02500005 impact v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01346164 00137133 impair v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00263767 00478872 impale v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01446945 01574834 impanel v 2 1 @ 2 0 02478126 00627600 impart v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02301114 02329474 02084180 impeach v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00869507 00846423 00844668 impede v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02456614 01479113 impel v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01653967 01514338 impend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02732759 imperil v 1 1 @ 1 1 02702962 impersonate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01727567 00851468 00838967 impinge v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02575705 01997384 impinge_on v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01238728 implant v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01531609 01293333 00736813 implement v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02414095 02565990 00486949 implicate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02683142 02640889 implode v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00306627 implore v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00761314 imply v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00931801 00932561 02641270 02643005 02642216 import v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 1 02351132 02237504 00934598 importune v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00779976 impose v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02566249 00750288 02311442 impound v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02278138 01304843 impoverish v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02322641 00172745 imprecate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00867622 00867051 impregnate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 00499380 00498786 00053058 00052876 impress v 7 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 7 4 01771801 01773823 00730355 01534530 01751753 01474177 00284565 imprint v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 02435769 01534530 imprison v 2 3 @ + ; 2 2 02500005 02501466 improve v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 2 00206293 00205454 improvise v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01732719 02594051 improvize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01732719 impugn v 1 1 @ 1 0 00869673 impulse-buy v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02358980 impute v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00728262 00728746 inactivate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01100617 00191849 inaugurate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02400924 02430184 00350246 incandesce v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00573263 00573098 incapacitate v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00513267 00091720 incarcerate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02500005 incarnadine v 1 1 @ 1 0 00286266 incarnate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 01648699 02704285 incase v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01488938 incense v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02131151 01790725 inch v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02076429 incinerate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00379032 00378713 incise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01558524 incite v 3 5 @ ~ > $ + 3 2 01653541 00852919 01233274 incline v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 02725274 02175766 02066946 02040935 01776093 00682760 inclose v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01589983 00187671 include v 4 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 4 4 02639021 00686739 00184024 02454712 incommode v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02513385 inconvenience v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02513385 inconvenience_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 02513113 incorporate v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 00467564 02635616 02452944 01543782 increase v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00156409 00153083 incriminate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02643005 00844668 incrust v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01519987 01264192 00255965 incubate v 2 4 @ * $ + 2 2 00255036 00059956 inculcate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00607995 inculpate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02643005 incur v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02726906 00523831 incurvate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02040184 01283248 indemnify v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02256055 02255433 indent v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 0 01749185 01282436 01282234 01279737 00887090 indenture v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00887090 index v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 02478240 02359108 00704200 indicate v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 5 00923271 00925764 00929986 00774685 00930203 indict v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02526950 indispose v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 00683044 00302119 00064660 indite v 1 4 @ ~ * ; 1 0 01702148 individualise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00653430 00388736 individualize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00653430 00388736 individuate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02704020 00141182 indoctrinate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00606481 indorse v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 02459338 02562643 02452658 00999839 induce v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 4 01647592 00772482 01648064 00638103 01741298 induct v 5 3 @ + ; 5 1 02389417 02395612 02389696 01741298 00831422 indue v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02479662 indulge v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02516942 01184590 01194178 02576182 indurate v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 0 00577461 00444339 00444071 00273709 industrialise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00578056 00501437 industrialize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00578056 00501437 indwell v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02623249 inebriate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01816291 01193027 01192810 infatuate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01764521 infect v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 2 00089502 00088465 02586322 00606893 infer v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 2 00638236 01024429 00946956 00637723 00594917 infest v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02024265 02660781 02660680 infiltrate v 4 2 @ + 4 2 01917700 02440481 01917525 01917356 infix v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01424276 01301131 inflame v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 00063495 02767643 02767330 01764964 00063328 inflate v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 00265272 00264920 00563959 00563600 00257003 inflect v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00984546 00984325 inflict v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00750288 influence v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02542223 00702806 00778568 inform v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00833312 00523693 00834860 infract v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02572443 infringe v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02573062 01997384 infuriate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01790725 infuscate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00312647 infuse v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 0 00607995 00499380 00328464 00328172 00086350 ingeminate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00960366 ingest v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01159300 00603650 ingraft v 1 1 @ 1 0 01533466 ingrain v 2 1 @ 2 0 01533686 00730355 ingratiate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01808562 ingurgitate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 inhabit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02655932 02660511 02761648 inhale v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01201417 00005041 inhere v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02659659 inhere_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02711395 inherit v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 02320505 02320918 02320739 inhibit v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 00463563 02456941 02428558 01794202 inhume v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02461925 initial v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00999352 initialise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00702662 00564629 initialize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00702662 00564629 initiate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 01631641 01645456 02395612 00966943 00540626 inject v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 2 00086072 00187413 01588444 01201851 01197734 00916722 injure v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00069650 01797206 00261356 ink v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00999065 00510181 00454635 inlay v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01685934 inmarry v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02494832 innervate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02231488 00504650 innovate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01645979 inoculate v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 0 00834278 00188584 00086587 00055835 00053234 inosculate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01294969 01294772 input v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01425193 inquire v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00899241 00731363 00787624 inscribe v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 1 01324555 02476750 01586265 01003053 00999178 00996121 00888846 inseminate v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01503986 00052265 insert v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01424276 00187671 01392430 01027611 inset v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00188798 insinuate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02083102 00929682 insist v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00820635 00779976 00718950 insolate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02117029 inspan v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 0 01493843 inspect v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02169987 01847990 00698828 inspire v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 01816687 01650224 00774006 00860463 00606705 00005041 inspirit v 1 1 @ 1 0 00193474 inspissate v 3 4 @ > $ + 3 0 00432563 00432280 00432070 instal v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01572394 02389183 01572936 install v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01572394 02389183 01572936 instance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01023137 instantiate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02160229 02159923 instigate v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 00852919 00774006 instil v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01425316 instill v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 0 02330038 01425316 00730355 00607995 00499380 institute v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01650771 01621566 institutionalise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02353564 institutionalize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02353564 instruct v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 2 00830768 00751969 00832735 instrument v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02345539 01711784 00993183 instrumentate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01711784 insufflate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02314781 00079382 00007193 insulate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00495974 00495205 insult v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00850100 insure v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 00664507 00892111 00892737 02255873 integrate v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 3 00467564 02487489 00468364 00644642 intend v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 00710367 00711208 00957180 00933814 intensify v 4 5 @ ~ > + ; 4 3 00291064 00227591 00226992 00575812 inter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02461925 interact v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02382049 interbreed v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01432586 intercalate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00190259 intercede v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00763001 intercept v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01442997 02193294 interchange v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02262575 02262178 00121734 00121486 intercommunicate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02628893 00742582 interconnect v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02629050 01358349 interdepend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02628114 interdict v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01624455 00797525 interest v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 01825361 02684248 02684473 interfere v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02457343 02544431 interiorise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00731766 interiorize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00731766 interject v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00916722 interlace v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01520294 01609657 interlard v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00189521 interleave v 3 1 @ 3 0 02340258 01379483 00189696 interlink v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02629050 01358349 interlock v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00406004 01609657 01608939 interlope v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02597892 interlude v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01717655 intermarry v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02495739 intermediate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00763001 intermingle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01465097 intermit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00781106 intermix v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01465097 intern v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02501036 02451684 internalise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00731766 internalize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00731766 internationalise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02446551 00410044 internationalize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02446551 00410044 interpellate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00786991 interpenetrate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01229799 01231635 interpolate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00644306 00201771 interpose v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02103242 02083298 00916722 02544431 interpret v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 6 00624823 00940278 01736053 01690027 00961859 00595247 interrelate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02730292 00715723 interrogate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00975562 00789846 interrupt v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00780320 00521099 00521437 00364717 intersect v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02027242 intersperse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01379285 00189521 interstratify v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00507908 intertwine v 3 5 @ ~ * $ ; 3 1 01520294 01678439 01677367 intervene v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02544431 02697331 00341638 interview v 3 3 @ * + 3 3 00810517 00810910 00811115 interweave v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01521557 intimate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00929682 00932768 intimidate v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 01784999 01823521 intonate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01052185 01051609 intone v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01068797 01051609 01052185 intoxicate v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 0 01815703 01193027 00088284 intransitivise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00421862 intransitivize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00421862 intrench v 1 1 @ 1 0 01533813 intrigue v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02684649 00709785 introduce v 10 4 @ ~ $ + 10 8 00902866 01645979 00187671 02082838 01621712 01424276 01067137 00708522 00903562 00350246 introject v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00555971 intromit v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 02508185 introspect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00633253 introvert v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01509444 00534977 intrude v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 2 02022376 02577166 02173563 00749763 intrude_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02023568 intrust v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02354208 intubate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01424826 intuit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00592156 intumesce v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01994960 00257393 intussuscept v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01509638 inunct v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00085379 inundate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01527311 00218126 inure v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00273709 invade v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01128786 02023568 02660781 01230052 invaginate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01584638 01509444 invalid v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02409926 00091720 invalidate v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 1 02483482 00802122 00669020 00449395 inveigh v 2 1 @ 2 1 00913214 00912317 inveigle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00770823 invent v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01635953 01637966 inventory v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02477918 invert v 3 3 @ + ; 3 1 00387824 00387636 00387386 invest v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 02275982 02479662 02391817 02391530 02389417 investigate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00790800 00787624 invigilate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02599510 invigorate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 01816687 00443018 00193180 00028355 invite v 8 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 8 7 01763987 02389828 01811496 00795242 02390082 01472399 01065717 01472854 invite_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02492311 invoice v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02325883 invoke v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01633150 01026873 00757492 involve v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 5 02682907 02683377 02642216 02634015 02639299 00602119 00402444 inweave v 1 1 @ 1 0 01521082 iodinate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00521961 iodise v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00185052 00079922 iodize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00185052 00079922 ionate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00522265 ionise v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00267927 00267684 ionize v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00267927 00267684 iridesce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02739803 irk v 1 1 @ 1 0 01790579 iron v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 01393487 iron_out v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 00208463 01393487 irradiate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00928903 00292519 00292206 irrigate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00228662 00079704 irritate v 3 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 01791774 00063062 00504796 irrupt v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02022376 00308567 00157431 islamise v 2 2 @ > 2 0 00386923 00386356 islamize v 2 2 @ > 2 0 00386923 00386356 island_hop v 1 1 @ 1 0 02100178 isolate v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 00495205 00497851 00496744 00657049 isomerise v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00576246 00576073 isomerize v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00576246 00576073 issue v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 5 00969657 02484912 01065071 00530070 01066821 issue_forth v 1 0 1 0 02749796 italicise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01752825 italicize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01752825 itch v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02124339 02125653 02125888 01829703 itemise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00948620 00948137 itemize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00948137 00948620 iterate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00960366 00344254 itinerate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02106525 jab v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01232540 01233119 01232914 jabber v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01053828 jack v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01222108 01147831 jack_off v 1 4 @ ~ * $ 1 0 01433266 jack_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01222108 jacket v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01337613 00048507 jackknife v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01967466 jacklight v 1 1 @ 1 0 01147831 jackrabbit v 1 1 @ 1 0 02101954 jactitate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01894785 jade v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 00075867 00074774 jag v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01258188 jail v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 02500005 jam v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 02068059 01997700 01495601 01058906 01527965 01527086 01479113 jampack v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01527086 jangle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02177127 japan v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01686841 jar v 5 2 @ + 5 2 02673757 01868851 01869037 01773011 01500503 jar_against v 1 1 @ 1 0 01242872 jaundice v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00478038 00106477 jaunt v 1 3 ~ > + 1 0 01846997 jaw v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01040538 01039370 01203727 00826456 jawbone v 1 1 @ 1 0 01041034 jaywalk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01919246 jazz v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01729611 01429048 jazz_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01886682 jazz_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00193003 jeer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00851872 jell v 1 1 @ 1 0 00443624 jellify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00508412 00508224 jelly v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00508224 jeopardise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02702962 jeopardize v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02702962 02550969 jerk v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 01594993 01895810 00009624 01888376 01594079 jerk_off v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 0 01433266 jest v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 1 00855315 00105308 jest_at v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00853615 jet v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01518922 01946093 jettison v 2 1 @ 2 0 02227918 01512714 jewel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01682580 jib v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02589630 01950676 jibe v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02663315 01950676 jig v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01902025 jiggle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01902275 jilt v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00614762 jimmy v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 01596175 jingle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02177127 jingle-jangle v 1 1 @ 1 0 02177127 jinx v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00779033 00704950 jitterbug v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01902174 jive v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01712401 job v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02578970 02466486 02425889 02276935 jockey v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01107035 01112554 01089485 jog v 6 3 @ + ; 6 1 02690276 01991662 01932343 01905440 01234092 00796195 joggle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01902275 01607507 join v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 5 02439823 01297878 02604762 01293672 02628315 join_battle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01093571 join_forces v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02421408 joint v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02666225 02359283 01607617 01560208 joke v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00855315 00105308 jollify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02497032 jolly v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00856977 jolly_along v 1 2 ~ > 1 0 00860989 jolly_up v 1 2 ~ > 1 0 00860989 jolt v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01868851 01766815 josh v 1 1 @ 1 0 00856977 jostle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01918446 01875673 jot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01008101 jot_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 01008101 jounce v 1 1 @ 1 0 01896601 journey v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01849662 01850858 joust v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01125162 joy v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 01817851 01817466 joyride v 1 4 @ $ + ; 1 0 01960567 jubilate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02496911 00859605 judder v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01895631 judge v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 00674196 00672179 00674352 00973682 02506927 jug v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02500005 00324872 juggle v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02584320 02583476 02443248 01607735 01605448 juice_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00193003 julienne v 1 1 @ 1 0 01259613 jumble v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 02745736 01660937 01475437 jump v 15 6 @ ~ * > ^ + 15 7 01967949 01914366 01123596 00155535 02680375 01085330 00155355 02109360 02015717 01972282 01969163 01863036 00618188 00561468 00121314 jump-start v 2 1 @ 2 0 01863036 00349877 jump_for_joy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01817635 jump_off v 2 1 @ 2 1 00347758 02109360 jump_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01927367 jump_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02680375 jumpstart v 2 1 @ 2 0 01863036 00349877 junk v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02228020 junket v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 01847306 01188741 01188514 junketeer v 1 1 @ 1 0 01847306 justify v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 00897737 00904407 00490635 jut v 1 2 ~ + 1 0 02719247 jut_out v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02719247 juxtapose v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01504599 kayak v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01951594 kayo v 1 1 @ 1 0 01416742 keel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01928835 keel_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 01980716 keen v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01806201 keep v 22 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 22 14 02687605 02690747 02207166 02455370 02584957 00734575 02207710 01067899 02657948 02415305 01187158 02740675 02584595 02738997 02658111 02288561 02208876 02208626 02207950 01304679 00233707 00212840 keep_abreast v 1 1 $ 1 1 00118572 keep_an_eye_on v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02460829 keep_apart v 1 1 @ 1 0 00496744 keep_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02456144 keep_back v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02288169 02218472 00233707 keep_company v 1 1 @ 1 1 02722642 keep_down v 3 2 ! @ 3 1 00236768 02428975 00077122 keep_going v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 02690077 02629427 00910574 keep_guard v 1 1 @ 1 1 02460581 keep_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02502037 keep_in_line v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01807900 keep_mum v 1 0 1 0 01042933 keep_note v 1 1 @ 1 1 00739198 keep_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 01192356 00813382 keep_on v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02415305 keep_one's_distance v 1 1 @ 1 0 02661794 keep_one's_eyes_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02661794 keep_one's_eyes_open v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02171654 keep_one's_eyes_peeled v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02171654 keep_one's_eyes_skinned v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02171654 keep_one's_hands_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02661794 keep_one's_mouth_shut v 1 0 1 0 00939649 keep_one's_nose_to_the_grindstone v 1 1 @ 1 0 02420703 keep_one's_shoulder_to_the_wheel v 1 1 @ 1 0 02420703 keep_open v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02288561 keep_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02454205 00118243 keep_pace v 1 1 @ 1 0 01116561 keep_quiet v 1 1 ! 1 0 00939649 keep_step v 1 1 @ 1 0 01116561 keep_tabs_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 02461283 keep_to_oneself v 2 1 @ 2 1 02376443 02218824 keep_track v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00596529 keep_up v 5 5 @ ~ * > $ 5 4 01116393 02685340 02284977 00118572 00020442 kennel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02465222 keratinise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00577937 00577761 keratinize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00577937 00577761 kern v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 02371104 02370935 key v 5 4 @ * + ; 5 1 00654017 02343223 01523288 00484587 00483680 key_out v 1 1 * 1 0 00654017 keynote v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00299969 00770310 kibbitz v 1 1 @ 1 0 01060867 kibitz v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01060867 kibosh v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02565578 kick v 8 6 @ ~ * ^ + ; 8 3 01374421 01940092 01373226 02052460 01374119 01199057 01115404 00909100 kick-start v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01862002 kick_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 02610312 kick_around v 3 1 @ 3 0 02610312 02522644 00815313 kick_back v 2 3 @ + ; 2 2 02360255 01374119 kick_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01589659 kick_downstairs v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02404473 kick_in v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02615474 02313721 01589659 kick_off v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02400924 kick_one's_heels v 1 1 @ 1 1 02644290 kick_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02507387 02406951 kick_the_bucket v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00359085 kick_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01374316 01650408 kick_upstairs v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02402779 kid v 2 1 @ 2 2 00852780 00856977 kidnap v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01473673 kill v 15 7 @ ~ > ^ $ + ; 15 3 01326622 02479111 00355692 02754370 02203333 01813584 01410030 01409889 01328456 01328218 01204994 00479761 00356178 00356019 00355831 kill_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01330264 kill_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 01148848 kindle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02767643 02767330 01763170 kink v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01226397 00362781 kink_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01226397 kip v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00014735 kip_down v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017858 kiss v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01433863 01434356 kit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02346196 kit_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02346196 kit_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02346196 kite v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02211095 02210922 01946419 01852132 kitten v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00057849 knap v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01416942 01262022 knead v 2 4 @ ~ * $ 2 1 01237919 01235302 kneecap v 1 1 @ 1 0 01139841 kneel v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01548431 knell v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 02186311 02185984 knife v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01234216 knight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02404327 knit v 3 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 3 2 01674934 01675909 01281420 knock v 6 5 @ ~ * ^ + 6 3 01241204 01417121 01242183 02189819 02183310 00828170 knock_about v 2 1 @ 2 1 01420359 02610312 knock_against v 1 1 @ 1 1 01242872 knock_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 02708534 knock_cold v 1 1 @ 1 0 01416742 knock_down v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01242426 01415000 00336968 knock_off v 5 3 @ ~ ; 5 2 01329983 02354593 02327226 01704514 00363763 knock_out v 5 2 @ + 5 3 00473357 01416742 00180747 01813947 00452108 knock_over v 1 3 @ > $ 1 1 01913971 knock_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00052876 knot v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 01677627 01302730 01523757 know v 11 5 ! @ ~ $ + 11 7 00596016 00597330 00597025 00595732 00598039 00594278 00597527 01429048 00610224 00610056 00609926 know_apart v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00651669 know_as v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01030757 00691692 know_the_score v 1 1 @ 1 1 00597879 know_what's_going_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00597879 know_what's_what v 1 1 @ 1 0 00597879 knuckle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01608212 01608090 knuckle_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02426299 knuckle_under v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00806138 kotow v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00882499 kowtow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02044554 00882499 kvetch v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00909100 label v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 01031885 01591414 00973682 00653151 00652603 labialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00982371 labialize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00982371 labor v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 2 02412046 02424873 00057220 labour v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 02424873 02412046 00057220 lace v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 1 01520294 01678612 01678270 01524236 00222561 lace_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245101 lace_up v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01524236 lacerate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01562122 01797598 lack v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 02638434 lacquer v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01686656 lactate v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 01188961 ladder v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00335613 lade v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01581670 01492646 laden v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01581670 01492646 ladle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01581842 01581670 lag v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 02001894 02500005 01515677 01341732 laicise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00535174 laicize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00535174 lallygag v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02645159 lam v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02079296 01418847 lam_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245101 lamb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00057988 lambast v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01414858 00826456 lambaste v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01414858 00826456 lame v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00091399 lament v 2 3 @ * + 2 1 01806201 00913303 laminate v 4 3 @ $ + 4 1 01628703 01394192 01367834 01234951 lampoon v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00854367 lance v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02089405 01607040 01606806 land v 7 5 @ ~ > + ; 7 5 01983915 01985050 00135665 02091423 02363526 01985450 01985293 land_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01480518 00353212 landscape v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01755644 01745102 languish v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00390663 01809651 00093345 lap v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 02698039 01434809 02192644 01173263 00218002 lap_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01173263 lapidate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01326182 01235118 lapidify v 1 1 @ 1 0 00508566 lapse v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 01976145 00352478 00204947 00093079 02308741 02076777 lard v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01683564 00958437 lark v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01887709 lark_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 01887709 larn v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00599310 larrup v 1 1 @ 1 0 01423582 lash v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 1 01413739 01881939 01400686 01306367 lash_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00864347 lash_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 01290140 lasso v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01607172 last v 2 4 @ ~ * $ 2 2 02710788 02624202 last_out v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02625202 latch v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01289380 latch_on v 3 1 @ 3 0 01218758 00603507 00591761 lateralize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02108059 lather v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 0 01413739 00513124 00109348 00036925 latinise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00997570 00387237 latinize v 3 1 @ 3 0 00997570 00963275 00387237 laud v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00862284 laugh v 1 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 1 1 00031813 laugh_at v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00853615 laugh_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00803798 laugh_loudly v 1 1 @ 1 0 00031533 laugh_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00803798 laugh_softly v 1 1 @ 1 1 00031656 launch v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 4 02431950 01517287 01518047 00348572 01517828 01255927 launder v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01538034 00189281 lave v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 00218002 00036355 00025027 lavish v 1 1 @ 1 1 02269409 lay v 5 5 @ ~ > ^ + 5 5 01496967 01547474 01655514 01547861 02312241 lay_aside v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02270824 lay_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02310836 lay_claim v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02280210 lay_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00667394 lay_eyes_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02134625 lay_hands_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01214588 lay_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02285938 lay_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245101 lay_off v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02686624 02408679 lay_on_the_line v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02551275 lay_out v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01476839 00408773 02371574 00775012 00712869 lay_over v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02659017 01471892 lay_to_rest v 1 1 @ 1 1 02461925 lay_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00513563 lay_waste_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00389306 layer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01264677 laze v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02422604 leach v 3 3 @ > + 3 0 02075765 02075555 00489553 lead v 14 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 14 13 02003830 02641740 02642040 02003455 00773677 02691775 02445109 02693227 02561616 01736802 02692313 02003250 02692467 00815452 lead_astray v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02586477 02004320 00856102 lead_by_the_nose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840873 lead_off v 2 4 @ ~ > $ 2 1 02586477 00349400 lead_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00786003 02581157 lead_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00540626 leaf v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02157453 02094104 00095501 league v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00369717 league_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 02434925 leak v 4 5 @ ~ * > + 4 1 00939053 00938201 00530839 00258995 leak_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00938201 lean v 5 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 5 4 02042202 01609495 02725274 00690162 02042858 lean_against v 1 1 @ 1 1 01592928 lean_back v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02043001 lean_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01592928 leap v 4 5 @ ~ > ^ + 4 2 01967949 00561468 02109360 01969163 leap_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 02680375 01970508 leapfrog v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01969918 00250074 learn v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 5 00599310 00600349 00605971 00601387 00830768 00922307 lease v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02465622 02466042 02213685 02213319 leash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01291758 leather v 1 1 @ 1 0 01401336 leave v 14 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 14 14 02013448 00615374 02735289 00136799 02019450 02727313 02641740 02388582 02361226 02233837 02736010 00360745 02301114 00614532 leave_alone v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00136799 leave_behind v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 1 02085825 00360745 00136799 leave_no_stone_unturned v 1 1 @ 1 0 01318869 leave_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 02689901 00617464 00573738 leave_office v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02387509 leave_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00617464 00616690 leaven v 1 3 @ > + 1 0 01979601 lech_after v 1 1 @ 1 0 01832198 lecture v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00832422 00826456 leech v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00085829 leech_onto v 1 1 @ 1 0 01359844 leer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02168719 leg_it v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01910315 legalise v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 02487025 legalize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 02487025 legislate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02472093 legitimate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02487025 00898327 00576436 legitimatise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02487025 legitimatize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02487025 legitimise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02487025 legitimize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02487025 lend v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 02329474 02329178 02742266 lend_oneself v 1 2 ! $ 1 1 02713289 lengthen v 2 4 ! @ ~ > 2 1 00318501 00317432 lenify v 1 1 @ 1 0 01769244 lessen v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 00151509 00442400 00233328 let v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 5 02427979 00773535 00803980 00120604 00497754 02213685 let_alone v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00136799 let_down v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 01977139 01802947 let_drive v 1 1 @ 1 1 01136801 let_fly v 1 1 @ 1 1 01136801 let_go v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01477180 02742938 let_go_of v 1 2 ! ~ 1 1 01477180 let_in v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02454712 02508185 let_it_go v 1 1 @ 1 1 02376330 let_loose v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00985856 01478166 let_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00895399 let_on v 1 4 @ ~ > $ 1 1 00935783 let_out v 4 5 ! @ ~ > $ 4 2 00985856 00935783 01477931 00304721 let_the_cat_out_of_the_bag v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00939238 let_up v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00245945 00156084 letter v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02295310 01696474 01696338 letter_bomb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01135914 levant v 1 1 @ 1 0 02078021 level v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 3 01155362 01665698 01309802 01154680 00966269 00357303 level_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00357303 lever v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01596175 leverage v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02364838 02364689 levitate v 2 4 @ * $ + 2 0 01948325 01948111 levy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02311442 01100863 lexicalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00964222 lexicalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00964222 liaise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00763001 libel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00849363 liberalise v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02472626 02472426 liberalize v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02472426 02472626 liberate v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 02503049 02426474 02502711 01761838 librate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02710477 01882559 licence v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 02449527 license v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 02449527 lick v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 3 01415566 01434809 00636568 01173263 lie v 7 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 7 7 02696550 01549783 02659476 02740213 00835938 02737265 01989043 lie_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645989 lie_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 02645989 lie_awake v 1 1 @ 1 1 01550707 lie_dormant v 1 0 1 1 02383421 lie_down v 1 4 ! @ ~ $ 1 1 01989043 lie_in v 2 2 @ * 2 1 02659476 00057124 lie_in_wait v 1 1 @ 1 1 01140630 lie_low v 2 1 @ 2 1 02151104 00590098 lie_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 lifehack v 1 1 @ 1 0 00589020 lift v 24 6 @ ~ > ^ + ; 24 11 01978076 01582002 01977773 01972576 00988106 00801460 02281711 01457813 00551059 00545629 00178766 02702643 02357177 02282906 02281983 01454668 01314268 00794583 00357852 00354849 00198998 00178887 00178616 00061704 lift_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02018405 lift_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01315031 lift_up v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 2 01980103 01815703 ligate v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01618258 00568561 00083087 light v 7 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 7 4 00292635 01202519 01982714 02765572 02234610 01962311 00589392 light_up v 5 3 @ ~ * 5 2 02767187 00292635 02777127 02770080 01202519 light_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 02291532 lighten v 6 4 ! @ ~ > 6 1 01818041 01490199 00861800 00313597 00281690 00199442 lighten_up v 4 3 @ ~ > 4 0 01818041 00861800 00313597 00281690 lighter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01958711 lignify v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586576 like v 5 5 ! @ ~ * + 5 5 01828678 01781131 01780873 00693431 01829904 liken v 1 1 @ 1 0 00655291 lilt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00952968 limber v 2 1 @ 2 0 01606541 00100891 limber_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01606541 00027057 lime v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02087484 01606653 limit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00234091 00236085 00949109 limn v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01693274 01692151 limp v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01921237 02000434 line v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 2 02709399 01273348 01585566 01278925 00455090 00223419 line_one's_pockets v 1 1 @ 1 0 02283572 line_up v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 4 02710073 02218118 02040600 00465234 02040495 01076346 linearise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00490081 linearize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00490081 linger v 5 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 5 4 02737117 02645159 02015412 02062514 02646990 linger_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02646310 link v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 00715072 01357376 02628315 01494709 link_up v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02628315 01357376 00715072 lionise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02404098 lionize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02404098 lip-read v 1 1 @ 1 0 00629632 lip-sync v 1 1 @ 1 0 01042792 lip-synch v 1 1 @ 1 0 01042792 lip_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00827437 lipread v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00629632 lipstick v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01693484 00041148 liquefy v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02763262 00445264 00444939 liquidate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01329983 02357015 02261397 02259303 liquidise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00445264 liquidize v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 0 02252366 00445264 liquify v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00445264 00444939 lisp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00984210 list v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 00947885 02477646 02042858 02042636 00948787 listen v 3 5 @ ~ * ^ + 3 3 02174335 02175483 02577816 listen_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02174748 02194160 literalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00625484 literalize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00625484 lithograph v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01753202 litigate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02588535 02588127 litter v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02741017 01381086 00058124 live v 7 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 7 6 02655932 02620422 02624202 02622766 02620216 00598039 02621023 live_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02621353 live_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01179611 live_it_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01194045 live_on v 1 3 ~ * $ 1 0 02624202 live_out v 2 2 ! @ 2 1 02625100 01179802 live_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00598611 live_together v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02657288 live_up_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02677669 live_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 00670723 liven v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00193180 liven_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00193180 load v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 2 01492646 01492993 02236692 01614988 00488684 load_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01485761 load_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01492646 loaf v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02645690 02645159 loan v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02329178 loathe v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01778347 lob v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01515922 lobby v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02464366 localise v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02701737 02698177 02515621 01715608 localize v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02701737 02698177 02515621 01715608 locate v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 4 02291049 02700775 02338685 00414801 lock v 9 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 9 7 01350856 01513459 00220201 01609657 01608939 01814287 01350360 02054789 01658890 lock_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01350360 lock_in v 2 1 @ 2 2 01350695 01350360 lock_out v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02454582 lock_up v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01351134 01350360 locomote v 1 3 ~ $ + 1 0 01839438 lodge v 4 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 4 3 02658589 01530857 00871595 02657519 lodge_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02654741 loft v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02287097 01607363 01606933 00713249 log v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 2 01004526 01261392 log-in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02253955 log_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02253955 log_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02254101 log_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 02253955 log_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02254101 log_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01004663 log_z's v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00014735 logroll v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02380993 loiter v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02645159 loll v 2 1 @ 2 0 02723576 02645690 loll_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 lollop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01904911 lollygag v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02645159 long v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01832347 look v 10 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 10 8 02134989 02137900 00033592 02158139 02699161 02555278 00931324 00721987 02664525 00714537 look_across v 1 1 @ 1 1 02727841 look_after v 1 1 @ 1 1 02171879 look_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 02136885 look_at v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00736077 02134765 look_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02136728 look_back v 2 1 @ 2 2 02136564 00698180 look_backward v 1 1 @ 1 0 02136564 look_down_on v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01832012 look_for v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01318273 01808928 look_forward v 1 1 @ 1 1 00722421 look_into v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00790800 00663742 look_like v 1 1 @ 1 1 02671694 look_on v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 2 02133118 00691692 look_out v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02156396 01131490 look_out_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02727841 look_out_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 02727841 look_sharp v 1 1 @ 1 0 00460453 look_to v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00722541 01808928 look_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00878614 look_up_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01831800 look_upon v 1 1 @ 1 1 00691692 loom v 4 2 @ ~ 4 3 02702803 02702345 02749936 01676279 loop v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 02048694 01677367 02048545 01526774 01288893 loose v 4 3 @ ~ > 4 2 02426474 01478166 00420328 00420090 loose_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01136801 loosen v 7 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 7 1 00420328 02607993 02607805 01466421 01287511 01278080 00420090 loosen_up v 5 3 @ ~ > 5 1 01482312 02608209 00027057 00026378 00025647 loot v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 02350284 02349564 lop v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01563513 01323662 lop_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01301854 lope v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01932683 lord v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02403996 lord_it_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02599707 lose v 10 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 10 8 02292634 01102003 01799093 02292463 02201537 02293733 02293000 02132318 00497220 00205234 lose_it v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01788114 lose_one's_temper v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 lose_sight_of v 1 0 1 0 02134482 lose_track v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00596701 lot v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02474388 02299397 louden v 2 3 ! @ $ 2 0 02194923 00462911 lounge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01531127 02645159 lounge_about v 1 1 @ 1 1 02645690 lounge_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 lour v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 00532569 00268741 00032974 louse_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02533317 love v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 01779085 01832678 01779456 01429048 low v 1 1 @ 1 0 01056890 lowball v 1 1 @ 1 0 00675685 lower v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 3 01977139 00532569 00268741 01577754 00032974 lower_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 02523493 lube v 1 1 @ 1 0 01487608 lubricate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02757472 01487608 00219438 luck_into v 1 1 @ 1 1 02217428 luck_it v 1 1 @ 1 0 02550634 luck_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02530405 luck_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 02550634 lucubrate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00957633 luff v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01932107 01906239 lug v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01456857 01481963 luge v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01943893 lull v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01767495 00559138 01768652 lumber v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01929501 01261392 luminesce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02772181 lump v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01388574 00658687 lunch v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01187837 01188008 lunge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02066140 lurch v 5 3 @ + ; 5 3 01928835 01868620 02101822 02645559 01106104 lure v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00784574 lurk v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02646137 02645159 01140630 lust v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01191018 lust_after v 1 1 @ 1 0 01832198 lustrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00477469 luxate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00466675 luxuriate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01207423 01194178 00311594 lynch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02489986 lyophilise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00212662 lyophilize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00212662 lyric v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01702775 lysogenize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00467928 macadamise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01606339 macadamize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01606339 macerate v 4 5 @ * > $ + 4 0 00399859 00399647 00399390 00390077 machicolate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02366810 machinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01654986 00708804 machine v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01627206 01627004 machine-wash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01539902 machine_gun v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 01139261 machine_wash v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01539902 macrame v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01674796 maculate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01540197 00493346 madden v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01791641 01791528 01791419 madder v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00286353 madrigal v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01735895 magnetise v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 00779567 00400694 magnetize v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 1 00400694 00779567 magnify v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 00435030 00841513 00241179 mail v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01440525 01033289 mail_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01440362 maim v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00090640 mainline v 1 1 @ 1 0 01202003 maintain v 10 3 @ ~ + 10 5 02687605 02284977 01187158 01018787 02209346 02207950 01067899 01019652 00898147 00734575 major v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00609022 make v 49 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 49 29 02566500 00120124 01620211 00772482 01649143 01624592 00732743 01649617 01643749 02294200 01622033 02627475 02026014 02680519 01657416 01759660 01658171 00557932 00012260 02401858 02360592 02024442 00667394 02589006 02604480 01737358 00276867 02080104 00073791 02754634 02754502 02751207 02671201 02627213 02138515 02054955 02025384 01759348 01668067 01431211 00892559 00840203 00700022 00699870 00563259 00563144 00547033 00107173 00071765 make_a_clean_breast_of v 1 1 @ 1 0 00819570 make_a_face v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00034281 make_a_motion v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00880877 make_a_point v 1 1 @ 1 0 02601231 make_a_stink v 1 1 @ 1 0 00912607 make_as_if v 1 1 @ 1 0 00107272 make_believe v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00840203 make_bold v 1 1 @ 1 1 02380015 make_clean v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01535377 make_do v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02593624 make_for v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 01632781 make_full v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 00453467 make_fun v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00853615 make_good v 1 1 @ 1 1 02585225 make_grow v 1 4 @ ~ > $ 1 0 00254647 make_happy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02497032 make_hay v 1 1 @ 1 0 01165513 make_headway v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01113439 make_it v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 2 02626004 02591952 02530710 make_love v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01429048 make_merry v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02497032 make_no_bones_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 00819413 make_noise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02177332 make_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02077642 make_out v 10 4 @ ~ * $ 10 5 02197640 01066821 00627937 02623620 02593624 01429048 01428804 01022740 00933047 00759101 make_over v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01673180 01622744 make_pass v 1 2 ~ > 1 0 02056400 make_peace v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 01095998 make_pure v 1 4 @ ~ $ ; 1 0 00476114 make_relaxed v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 00025647 make_sense v 1 1 @ 1 1 02625692 make_sure v 1 1 @ 1 1 02601231 make_unnecessary v 1 1 @ 1 0 00550632 make_up v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 6 02626667 01757273 02258264 02526396 01637966 00276867 02678329 00766947 00040659 make_up_one's_mind v 1 2 ~ * 1 1 00699355 make_vibrant_sounds v 1 1 @ 1 0 01054808 make_water v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 make_way v 1 1 @ 1 1 02102610 make_whoopie v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02497032 maledict v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00867622 malfunction v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 01528083 malign v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00849849 malinger v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02469555 malnourish v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01181573 malt v 4 3 @ $ + 4 0 00186146 00117686 00117565 00117432 maltreat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02522260 malversate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02297496 mambo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901482 man v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02426091 01090958 manacle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01290804 manage v 7 4 ! @ ~ + 7 5 02528530 02441196 02593624 02447914 02533097 02528887 01226979 mandate v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02400745 00753395 00753285 manducate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01203727 maneuver v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01935739 02374389 01112274 mangle v 4 3 @ * + 4 0 01393140 01234662 00549830 00293434 manhandle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01414743 manicure v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00042372 00042210 manifest v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00822637 01002923 00424028 manifold v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00248588 00248276 manipulate v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 02541995 01214263 02583006 02356235 01807900 00080682 manoeuver v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02374389 01935739 01112274 manoeuvre v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02374389 01935739 01112274 mantle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02089567 01608325 manufacture v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01656984 01637966 01762726 01762540 manumit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02502147 manure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02087334 map v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 2 01691771 00712435 02701551 01759993 01692009 00381369 map_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01759993 mapquest v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00650686 mar v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00478872 00090460 maraud v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02024089 marble v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01685387 marbleise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00524516 marbleize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00524516 marcel v 1 1 @ 1 0 00039098 march v 7 5 @ ~ > ^ + 7 5 02000767 02088627 01923384 02527482 01928665 02088834 01469607 march_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01996535 march_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02088170 marginalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02382611 marginalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02382611 marinade v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00213970 marinate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00213970 mark v 15 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 15 8 01591414 00923709 00653662 00614139 00509113 02513894 02122959 01553977 01278326 01064417 01006107 00802412 00664100 00659399 00190355 mark_down v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02325058 mark_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00235426 00664100 mark_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00235426 mark_up v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02324804 market v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 02303121 02331194 02303432 00471317 maroon v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02233137 00497570 marry v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02494483 02495105 marshal v 4 2 @ + 4 3 01992339 01362900 00271014 02004789 martyr v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01607942 00071399 martyrise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00071399 martyrize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00071399 marvel v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00927461 00927706 masculinise v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00567646 masculinize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00567972 00567646 mash v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01596858 01039782 00331892 mask v 5 6 ! @ ~ * + ; 5 2 02152033 01361031 02163017 01361558 01361440 masquerade v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02152392 00839296 mass v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02028014 mass-produce v 1 1 @ 1 0 01628928 massacre v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00480107 massage v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 01235302 00064258 master v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 3 00599029 01111038 02545000 00598780 mastermind v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00711834 masticate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01238231 01203727 masturbate v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 0 01433585 01433266 mat v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01465557 00566669 mat_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00566669 match v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 5 02663315 02337623 01295488 02677976 00457695 01295992 01083545 00457551 00417926 mate v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 01431486 01295488 01116893 materialise v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00344828 materialize v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00344828 matriculate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02476626 matt-up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00566669 matte v 1 1 @ 1 0 00566669 matte_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00566669 matter v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 1 02651923 matter_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02684473 maturate v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 00251067 00248912 00096520 mature v 6 6 @ ~ * > $ + 6 1 00251067 00928127 00579075 00250855 00248912 00096933 maul v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01234836 01234662 maunder v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01886074 01046405 01038676 max_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02011125 maximise v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00429823 00429536 maximize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 2 00429536 00429823 mean v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 6 00957180 02641270 00933814 00710367 02748357 00732037 00710669 meander v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01886807 measure v 4 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 4 4 00648747 00490773 02710209 00683348 measure_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00648747 measure_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02684822 mechanise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00481682 00481500 00480529 mechanize v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00481682 00481500 00480529 meddle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02544767 mediate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00763001 02697732 medicate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00084315 00083983 medicine v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 00083983 meditate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00632042 00706154 meet v 11 5 @ ~ * $ + 11 11 02026953 02492581 02716276 01185870 02433771 02602110 02026650 01081873 02745355 02114536 01208316 meet_up_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 02026823 melanise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00281547 00281302 melanize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00281547 00281302 meld v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00904761 00396747 00395719 meliorate v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 0 00206293 00205454 mellow v 3 4 @ > $ + 3 0 00255558 00255372 00255184 mellow_out v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00255372 melodise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01710615 melodize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01710615 melt v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 4 00445584 00376777 00255372 00396747 00225077 00224354 melt_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00445584 melt_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00045548 memorialise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00770107 00613596 memorialize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00770107 00613596 memorise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00605971 memorize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00605971 menace v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02702962 01069216 00012130 mend v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00261534 00271360 menstruate v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00061974 mensurate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00648747 mention v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01026199 01022014 01025080 mentor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00831608 meow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01054654 mercerise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00185843 mercerize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00185843 merchandise v 1 4 ~ * + ; 1 1 02265169 merge v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00368338 00395719 00244010 merit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02652462 mesh v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01513459 00406004 02463449 01465969 mesmerise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00779567 00020664 mesmerize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00779567 00020664 mess v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01178376 00277013 mess_about v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02645159 mess_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01475976 mess_up v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02533317 01390147 00277013 message v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 01073654 01073496 01073350 metabolise v 1 1 * 1 0 01200388 metabolize v 1 2 * + 1 1 01200388 metal v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01606224 metalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01618506 metallize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01618506 metamorphose v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00384726 00382272 metastasise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00104421 metastasize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00104421 mete_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02299397 meter v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00491522 01276538 metricate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00382002 metricise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00384435 00382002 metricize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00384435 00382002 metrify v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01706882 00382002 mew v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01054654 01062070 mewl v 1 1 @ 1 0 00065796 miaou v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00943751 miaow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00943751 micro-cook v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00322737 microcopy v 1 1 @ 1 0 01740404 microfilm v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01716309 microwave v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00322737 micturate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00071765 middle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01501137 miff v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01790439 migrate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01860612 01861079 mildew v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00211164 militarise v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01101280 00579193 militarize v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 01101280 00579193 militate v 1 1 @ 1 1 02435976 milk v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00194514 01167222 00194717 mill v 4 2 @ + 4 2 01906119 00332827 01460454 01394351 mill_about v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02645159 01906119 mill_around v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02645159 01906119 mime v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01747412 01728062 mimeo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01699152 mimeograph v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01699152 mimic v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01747412 mince v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01059908 01933880 01563365 mind v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 3 00850387 00726454 02442554 02577816 00726626 00611060 mine v 2 5 @ ~ * + ; 2 1 01165936 01128150 mineralize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00586782 00586683 mingle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01464634 02603092 02745736 miniate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01700788 01687852 miniaturise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00242382 miniaturize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00242382 minify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00442400 minimise v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 00842804 00428755 minimize v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 00428755 00842804 00866139 minister v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02555089 02451525 minor v 1 1 @ 1 0 00609193 minstrel v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01734097 mint v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01642647 mire v 4 4 @ > $ + 4 0 02684097 01839045 01838838 01537533 mirror v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02772883 00823605 misaddress v 1 1 @ 1 0 00993057 misadvise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00877635 misalign v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00467240 misally v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02435268 misapply v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01163606 misapprehend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00621541 misappropriate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02297496 misbehave v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 02522868 misbelieve v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00686426 miscalculate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00714218 00641140 miscall v 1 1 @ 1 0 00973356 miscarry v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 02534046 00059540 miscast v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01714932 miscegenate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02744996 misconceive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00621541 misconduct v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02522868 02443726 misconstrue v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00621541 miscount v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00950634 miscreate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00703342 misdate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00621175 misdeal v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02251690 misdeliver v 1 1 @ 1 0 01441222 misdemean v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02522868 misdirect v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02585532 02004320 00993057 misdo v 1 1 @ 1 0 02568929 misestimate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00714218 00641140 misfire v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01137079 misfunction v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01528083 misgauge v 1 1 @ 1 1 00675260 misgive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00735477 misgovern v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02593071 misguide v 2 1 @ 2 0 02004320 00877635 mishandle v 2 1 @ 2 0 02533317 02443726 misidentify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00619957 misinform v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00835688 misinterpret v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00941213 00626438 00621541 misjudge v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00673109 mislay v 1 1 @ 1 1 01505740 mislead v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02004320 00835688 mismanage v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02443726 mismarry v 1 1 @ 1 0 02495012 mismatch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01296629 mismate v 1 1 @ 1 0 01296151 misname v 1 1 @ 1 1 00973356 misperceive v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02122323 misplace v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01505740 01504432 misplay v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01653237 01077437 misprint v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01750647 mispronounce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00953633 misquote v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01025790 misread v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00629355 00626438 misremember v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00619295 misrepresent v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00838384 02583006 miss v 9 5 ! @ ~ * + 9 8 02132318 01809490 02619707 00616690 02026505 02638434 01240465 02638919 00812219 misspeak v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953633 misspell v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00940177 misspend v 2 1 @ 2 0 02714161 02271522 misstate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00800905 mist v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00362148 02162161 01375968 mist_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00362148 mistake v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00619957 00619438 mistime v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00492249 mistranslate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00962485 mistreat v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02522260 mistrust v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00689827 misunderstand v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00621541 misuse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01163606 00203575 miter v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01587120 02268766 01294310 mitigate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00907990 00199225 mix v 6 4 @ ~ ^ + 6 4 00395719 02487489 00557270 00184262 01464634 01421321 mix_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00396941 00184262 mix_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01660937 00622051 mizzle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02763433 moan v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01047291 mob v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02068059 mobilise v 4 4 ! @ > + 4 0 01100371 01090792 00271014 00270891 mobilize v 4 4 ! @ > + 4 2 00271014 01100371 01090792 00270891 mock v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00850760 00851012 mock_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01701301 model v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 2 01747665 01700922 02147248 02147099 01726857 01701301 moderate v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 00815452 00199085 02516039 01059908 00935528 00295646 modernise v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 0 00411945 00262962 modernize v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 2 00262962 00411945 modify v 3 5 @ ~ > + ; 3 2 00169614 00171140 00126072 modulate v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 01733021 00984325 00300122 00171471 00123702 moil v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02424873 01889423 00218640 moisten v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00218382 01378747 moisturise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00216226 moisturize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00216226 mold v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 2 01700922 00211164 01666666 01663142 01223969 00702806 molder v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00210263 molest v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02575410 01793315 mollify v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01769244 00295646 00256913 mollycoddle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02576182 molt v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00009140 monetise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02486820 monetize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02486820 monger v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02307797 mongrelise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01432296 mongrelize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01432296 monish v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00872857 00872241 monitor v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02167732 02168057 monkey v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01588939 01475976 monkey_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01475976 monologuise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00966510 monologuize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00966510 monopolise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02447411 02209024 monopolize v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02447411 02209024 monumentalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00613981 monumentalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00613981 moo v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01056890 mooch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02275249 moon v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02423305 02423008 02146313 moon_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 01809214 moon_around v 2 1 @ 2 0 02423008 01809214 moon_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02423008 moonlight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02425706 moonshine v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00229284 moor v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01308202 01308021 01307759 moot v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00814706 mop v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01395993 00034751 mop_up v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01395993 01105408 00485823 mope v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01922662 01809214 mope_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01922662 moralise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00940652 00830035 00385718 moralize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00940652 00830035 00385718 morph v 2 2 @ > 2 0 00470100 00469943 mortar v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01364994 mortgage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02356733 mortice v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01296385 01296247 mortify v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 0 01806052 01805829 01803805 00097148 mortise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01296385 01296247 mosey v 1 1 @ 1 0 01922176 mosh v 1 1 @ 1 0 01901878 mothball v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02286486 mother v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02556213 00054345 mothproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 01157291 motion v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00994073 motivate v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 01653541 motley v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00437832 00285429 motor v 1 5 @ * $ + ; 1 1 01934070 motorbike v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01939907 motorboat v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01949136 motorcycle v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01939907 motorise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00481682 motorize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02230954 02230795 00481682 mottle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01700030 00511445 mould v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 1 01700922 01666666 01663142 moulder v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00210263 moult v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00009140 mound v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01664280 mound_over v 2 1 @ 2 1 01610775 01664441 mount v 8 4 @ ~ + ; 8 6 01345886 00434185 00408558 01652666 01927367 01925957 01652793 01431955 mount_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01927367 mountaineer v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01926888 mourn v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01801062 01801215 mouse v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01915881 01214679 mousse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00039663 mouth v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 2 00944022 01042579 01435107 mouth_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01053828 move v 16 8 ! @ ~ * > ^ $ + 16 13 01839438 01854282 01835473 01859592 02377696 00014542 00124250 02372362 01771801 01653541 01775311 02360955 00540190 02604860 01079008 00880877 move_around v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01913805 02106280 move_back v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01998474 move_back_and_forth v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01880523 move_in v 3 3 ! @ $ 3 1 01860082 02019236 01859968 move_in_on v 2 1 @ 2 1 02023027 02445779 move_into v 1 2 ~ ^ 1 1 02020375 move_involuntarily v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00010047 move_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01996535 move_out v 2 4 ! @ ~ > 2 0 02410046 01860197 move_over v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 01852407 move_reflexively v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00010047 move_through v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01919358 move_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01973786 01972576 mow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01322222 00034751 mow_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00480107 muck v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00178494 02087334 01537533 muck_about v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01475976 muck_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01475976 muck_up v 2 1 @ 2 1 02533317 01537533 muckrake v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00936776 mud v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01537533 01364587 mud-wrestle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01507542 muddle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01422521 00622204 muddy v 3 1 @ 3 0 01255439 00622598 00544998 muddy_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01255439 mudwrestle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01507542 muff v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02535562 02533317 muffle v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01571411 02195757 mug v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02282508 mug_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00607178 mulch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01236943 mulct v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02578034 02312392 mull v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00632042 02200986 mull_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00632042 multiply v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 3 00643334 00248276 00056076 00054856 mumble v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01046405 01177521 mummify v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02686168 02231909 00243091 munch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01204331 munition v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02339752 murder v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02488014 00549830 murk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00312842 murmur v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01045986 00911172 muscle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02023283 muscle_into v 1 1 @ 1 1 01877410 muse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00632042 mush v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01943537 01943265 mushroom v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01385091 00231871 muss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01476516 mussitate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01046405 muster v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01384203 00794933 muster_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01099911 muster_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01100154 muster_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01384203 mutate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00119681 mute v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02195757 mutilate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00293434 00549830 00090460 mutiny v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02590043 mutter v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01046405 00911172 muzzle v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 02345893 02195389 01287286 mystify v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00624056 00519733 mythicise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00625328 00134821 mythicize v 2 1 @ 2 0 00625328 00134821 mythologise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01638276 00134821 mythologize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01638276 00134821 nab v 3 2 @ ; 3 2 01603680 01217701 01215837 nag v 3 2 @ + 3 2 00846620 01770490 00612482 nail v 7 4 @ ^ + ; 7 3 01360534 01217701 01404426 02530563 02528247 02292225 01119902 nail_down v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02530563 00717446 00482872 name v 9 5 @ ~ * $ + 9 7 01030757 01028104 02401858 02401347 00949471 01026199 00654017 00947885 00647205 namedrop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01027098 nap v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00015491 narcotise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00085259 narcotize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00085259 nark v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01791774 00938943 narrate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00956303 00955248 narrow v 4 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 4 4 00305890 00717446 00438402 00305203 narrow_down v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00717446 00438402 nasale v 1 1 @ 1 1 00987625 nasalise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00953431 00953238 nasalize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00953431 00953238 nationalise v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 00579372 00412472 nationalize v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00412472 00579372 natter v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01040538 naturalise v 4 4 @ * + ; 4 0 00413918 00413621 00413217 00303245 naturalize v 5 5 ! @ * + ; 5 1 00413217 00941788 00413918 00413621 00303245 nauseate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02199637 01812341 navigate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01850262 01937276 01936675 nazify v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00503166 near v 1 4 @ ~ * $ 1 1 02057865 neaten v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00276642 00040084 necessitate v 2 5 ! @ ~ $ + 2 2 02634015 02641628 neck v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01428804 necrose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00097148 need v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02634015 01191258 01191646 needle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00853413 01333709 negate v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 0 02669219 00825097 00668804 00471015 negative v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 02478854 neglect v 4 3 ! ~ + 4 4 00616690 02534950 00617843 00618547 negociate v 6 3 @ ~ ; 6 0 02528530 02226110 02225960 02054612 00764523 00763758 negotiate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00763758 02054612 neigh v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01061615 neighbor v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02614211 02614039 neighbour v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02614211 02614039 nerve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01810238 nest v 4 3 @ $ + 4 2 02661042 01532554 01427599 01386047 nestle v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 01427599 02697196 01427999 net v 4 3 @ $ + 4 1 02296219 02296509 01676063 01368648 net_fish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01145876 netmail v 1 4 @ ~ * ; 1 0 01034323 nett v 1 1 @ 1 0 01368648 nettle v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02125180 01791774 network v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01034712 neuter v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00060248 neutralise v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01329983 01120349 00471015 00470835 neutralize v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 02541562 00471015 02549571 01329983 01120349 00470835 nibble v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01449348 01449039 01176591 nick v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01261705 01261569 00512399 00054252 nickel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398317 nickel-and-dime v 2 1 @ 2 0 02271629 01387667 nicker v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01061615 nickname v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01030649 nictate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00007739 nictitate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00007739 niggle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01797944 00776101 nip v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01459400 01449188 01459092 nip_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01459092 nitpick v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00847897 nitrate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00185248 nitrify v 3 4 ! @ * + 3 0 00505982 00505757 00503559 nitrogenise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00505757 nitrogenize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00505757 nix v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00797525 nobble v 4 3 @ ~ ; 4 0 02578034 02281711 01473673 00513721 nock v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01278326 nod v 5 2 @ + 5 3 00900197 00899973 00016695 01881778 00016566 nod_off v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017275 noise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02177332 nol.pros. v 1 1 @ 1 0 00363921 nolle_pros v 1 1 @ 1 0 00363921 nolle_prosequi v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00363921 nominate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00881061 02406665 02401858 02401347 nonplus v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00624056 noose v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01677525 01344806 normalise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00469496 00469149 normalize v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00469496 00469149 00303837 nose v 6 3 @ ^ + 6 2 02173563 01998160 02129688 01877044 01427004 01112055 nose_out v 1 1 * 1 0 02129925 nosedive v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01971641 nosh v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01175702 notarise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00823762 notarize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00823762 notate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00997331 notch v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01279534 01006595 note v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 4 01022014 02122959 02123398 01022943 notice v 4 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 4 3 02158938 02122959 01060446 01060995 notify v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00875364 nourish v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01205348 01206811 novate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00578407 novelise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00116427 novelize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00116427 nucleate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02632355 nudge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01233816 00768334 nuke v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01135714 01135406 00322737 nullify v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02483482 00669020 00471015 numb v 1 1 @ 1 0 02119756 number v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 3 02651091 00950885 00948787 02737507 00950103 00236768 numerate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00950103 00628405 nurse v 5 4 @ $ + ; 5 2 00080458 01777051 02556395 02520860 01188961 nurture v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 1 00910304 02545454 01205348 nut v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01385374 nutate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01880304 nutrify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01206811 nuzzle v 3 2 @ $ 3 1 01427599 01427004 01316983 o.d. v 1 1 @ 1 0 00085106 o.k. v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00808164 obey v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02548492 obfuscate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00942245 object v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00809123 02759740 objectify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00533687 00388967 objurgate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00865823 00825981 obligate v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 0 02512195 02353178 00886738 oblige v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 2 02512195 00886738 00887446 obliterate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 00479761 00314788 00312120 00473161 obnubilate v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02162161 00622345 obscure v 5 4 @ ~ $ ; 5 3 02162161 00622345 00314513 00588561 00314788 observe v 9 5 @ ~ * $ + 9 8 02158938 01022014 02123398 02173796 02462665 02584595 02460829 00734575 02584957 obsess v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01787033 01835085 obsolesce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00568852 obstinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00351543 obstipate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00074483 obstruct v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 2 02563025 01479113 02149973 obtain v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02242867 00523831 02654604 obtrude v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01877150 00749763 obtrude_upon v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02023568 obtund v 1 1 @ 1 0 00192688 obturate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01479113 obviate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02635337 02458770 occasion v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01650070 occidentalise v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00524725 occidentalize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00524725 occlude v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01479113 occult v 3 1 @ 3 0 02162770 02154041 02149859 occupy v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 7 02420961 02654741 02655144 02684248 01128786 02272834 00601765 02399325 occur v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 00340744 00725311 02618403 odorize v 1 5 ! @ ~ > + 1 0 02130106 odourise v 1 5 ! @ ~ > + 1 0 02130106 off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02488014 offend v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 1 01793089 02572443 01814414 01797206 offer v 13 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 13 8 02301687 02302103 02429959 00708386 02302703 02302370 02303593 02161791 02619522 02381380 02302909 00881285 00873286 offer_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02619522 officer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00754341 officialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00524384 officialize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00524384 officiate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02387229 01098908 offload v 2 1 @ 2 0 02237863 01490749 offsaddle v 1 1 @ 1 1 01495233 offset v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 02723890 02723706 02236826 01750893 01750748 ogle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02168498 oil v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01271135 00085379 oink v 1 1 @ 1 0 01056566 okay v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00808164 omen v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00873606 omit v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00617464 00616690 one-step v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901670 ooh v 1 1 @ 1 0 00867440 ooze v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02075902 00067770 ooze_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00067770 ooze_through v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01608458 opacify v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00578766 00578577 opalesce v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02771189 02740015 opalise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00117038 00116893 opalize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00117038 00116893 open v 11 7 ! @ ~ > ^ + ; 11 9 01348685 02431018 01349486 02430309 01582662 00541016 00541181 02750526 01080280 02363033 02145103 open_fire v 1 1 @ 1 1 01138209 open_up v 7 4 ! @ ~ > 7 4 01348685 00541181 00541016 01648963 02431018 01349486 01043170 operate v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 4 02448714 01528454 01227308 01112274 01513459 00083562 operate_on v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 00083562 opine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01029677 00633399 oppose v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 00777876 01093838 02672590 01083545 02383714 00778104 oppress v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02429499 02591574 oppugn v 1 1 @ 1 0 00869073 opsonize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00578916 opt v 1 3 ~ * + 1 0 00681308 opt_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00681634 optimise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00172518 00124034 00011845 optimize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00172518 00124034 00011845 orate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00830562 orb v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02047875 orbit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02047875 orchestrate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01711596 00711834 ordain v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02432763 02391154 02432573 00748070 order v 9 4 ! @ ~ + 9 6 00748704 00747485 00749139 02517217 00278429 00277653 02391154 00737576 00659723 ordinate v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02391154 00466966 organise v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 1 00405549 02453050 02439085 02437377 01654986 00711834 organize v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 6 02453050 02437377 00711834 00405549 01654986 02439085 orient v 5 4 ! @ ~ > 5 3 02719059 02163627 02718789 00876201 00302443 orientalise v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00524975 orientalize v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00524975 orientate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02163627 originate v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 2 02630344 01631641 02749218 originate_in v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02633747 ornament v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01679858 02755122 orphan v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02320257 oscillate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02711906 01882056 osculate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02758306 02756930 01433863 ossify v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00268135 00419035 00268251 ostentate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02146446 ostracise v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02509666 02471081 ostracize v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 02509666 02471081 oust v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02406951 02411579 out v 3 1 @ 3 0 00937488 00937296 00937173 out-herod v 1 1 @ 1 0 01110116 out_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02021151 outbalance v 1 1 @ 1 0 02651681 outbid v 2 3 ! @ ; 2 0 02305961 02304762 outbrave v 2 1 @ 2 0 01119637 01110036 outcall v 1 1 @ 1 0 02305695 outclass v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 00661044 outcrop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00425452 outcry v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01107597 00914001 outdistance v 1 1 @ 1 1 02086042 outdo v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01108050 01111670 outdraw v 1 1 @ 1 1 01107937 outface v 1 1 @ 1 1 02137454 outfight v 1 1 @ 1 1 01111842 outfit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02344409 outflank v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02089693 01111670 outfox v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01110217 01107263 outgeneral v 1 1 @ 1 1 01112184 outgo v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01108050 outgrow v 2 1 @ 2 1 00544825 01107508 outguess v 1 1 @ 1 0 00919622 outlast v 1 1 * 1 0 02625819 outlaw v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02486512 outline v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01008466 01705493 01693274 outlive v 1 1 * 1 1 02625819 outmaneuver v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01112658 outmanoeuvre v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01112658 outmarch v 1 1 @ 1 0 01113291 outmatch v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01108050 outmode v 1 1 @ 1 1 00560831 outnumber v 1 1 @ 1 1 02650989 outpace v 1 1 @ 1 0 01109081 outperform v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01108050 outplay v 1 1 @ 1 1 01157423 outpoint v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01950138 01103514 output v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01625832 outrage v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01814414 02573980 02573434 outrange v 1 1 @ 1 0 01109850 outrank v 1 1 @ 1 0 02679633 outride v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 02625202 01962137 outrival v 1 1 @ 1 0 01125056 outroar v 1 1 @ 1 0 01107707 outrun v 1 1 @ 1 1 01931561 outsail v 1 1 @ 1 0 01107796 outscore v 1 1 @ 1 0 01103514 outsell v 2 1 @ 2 0 01108915 01108788 outshine v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02769124 01109665 outshout v 1 1 @ 1 0 01107597 outsmart v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01107263 01112658 outsource v 1 1 @ 1 0 02366099 outspan v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 0 01494174 outstare v 1 1 @ 1 0 02137454 outstay v 2 1 @ 2 0 02643550 02625371 outstrip v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01108050 02086042 outvie v 1 1 @ 1 0 01125056 outvote v 1 1 @ 1 0 02468420 outwear v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 0 02711163 00074774 outweigh v 2 1 @ 2 2 01109955 02651681 outwit v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01107263 oven_broil v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 00329180 ovenbake v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00320922 over-correct v 1 1 @ 1 0 02526026 over-refine v 1 1 @ 1 0 00475239 overachieve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02568150 overact v 1 4 ! @ + ; 1 0 01754981 overarch v 2 1 @ 2 0 02650855 02039160 overawe v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01783720 overbalance v 2 1 @ 2 0 02651681 02269898 overbear v 3 1 @ 3 0 02653268 01656194 01391840 overbid v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 02306112 02304513 overboil v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00375939 00323520 overburden v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00752848 01490344 overcapitalise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00733385 00673778 00162158 overcapitalize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00733385 00673778 00162158 overcast v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 02776675 01332951 01332775 overcharge v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 0 02324030 01491184 overclothe v 1 1 @ 1 0 00049026 overcloud v 2 1 @ 2 0 02776978 00314513 overcome v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01110559 01111038 01813288 01106429 overcompensate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02678648 02526026 overcook v 1 1 @ 1 0 00324372 overcrop v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01745573 overcrowd v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02032027 02031772 overcultivate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01745573 overdo v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02574914 overdose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00085106 overdramatise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00990724 overdramatize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00990724 overdraw v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02317166 00841513 overdress v 2 4 ! @ ~ $ 2 0 00049026 00043880 overdrive v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02413660 01164011 overeat v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01195632 overemphasise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00842288 overemphasize v 1 1 @ 1 1 00842288 overestimate v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00673936 00697241 overexert v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02377066 overexert_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 01148848 overexploit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01166884 overexpose v 2 5 ! @ ~ + ; 2 1 02118105 02117537 overextend v 1 1 @ 1 0 01168214 overfatigue v 1 1 @ 1 0 00075751 overfeed v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01181827 overfill v 1 1 @ 1 1 00454509 overflow v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 02076087 01766953 overfly v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01844034 overgeneralise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01024266 overgeneralize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01024266 overgorge v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 overgrow v 3 1 @ 3 0 02675498 00233215 00233086 overhang v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02719623 02703277 overhaul v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02053645 00262962 overhear v 1 3 @ * $ 1 1 02193614 overheat v 2 3 @ > + 2 1 00370916 00373154 overindulge v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01195632 overjoy v 1 1 @ 1 0 01817195 overlap v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02666709 02694636 overlay v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01339317 01329572 overleap v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02575311 01970175 00616690 overlie v 2 1 @ 2 0 01550579 01329572 overload v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01491476 00182182 01491184 overlook v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02170805 02727841 00616690 02701971 02170692 overmaster v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01112928 overpay v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02254885 overplay v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01754981 overpopulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02657109 overpower v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01112928 01813288 overpraise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00859089 overprice v 1 1 @ 1 0 02356374 overprint v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01752081 overproduce v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01744349 01628243 overprotect v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02556213 01131325 overrate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00673936 overreach v 2 2 @ $ 2 2 02531534 01107263 overreact v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00720041 overrefine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00475239 override v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 00718035 02650706 02549888 01961854 overrule v 1 1 @ 1 0 00718035 overrun v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 1 02024265 02660781 02076087 01105870 00707690 oversee v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02447914 oversew v 1 1 @ 1 0 01333124 overshadow v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02750155 02702148 02162626 overshoot v 2 5 ! @ ~ * + 2 2 01137645 00707544 oversimplify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02575150 00401647 oversleep v 1 1 * 1 0 00015706 overspecialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00438931 overspecialize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00438931 overspend v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 02272572 02271162 overspread v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02695141 overstate v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00841513 overstay v 1 1 @ 1 0 02643550 overstep v 2 1 @ 2 1 02023426 02674870 overstock v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02328600 overstrain v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01168214 overstress v 1 1 @ 1 0 00842288 overstretch v 1 1 @ 1 0 00071556 overstuff v 1 1 @ 1 0 01527854 oversupply v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02361703 overtake v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 2 01157556 02053645 01813288 overtax v 1 1 @ 1 0 02313255 overthrow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02407551 00718035 overtire v 1 1 @ 1 0 00075751 overtop v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02701971 overtrump v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01080819 overturn v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 3 01913390 01913971 00718035 02407551 00801460 00125441 overuse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01164011 overvalue v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00697241 overweary v 1 1 @ 1 0 00075751 overwhelm v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 01813288 00753137 01341976 01112928 overwinter v 1 1 @ 1 0 02715447 overwork v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01673069 02414278 overwrite v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01001124 ovulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00062168 owe v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 02258963 02737689 02258764 own v 1 3 ~ $ + 1 1 02209474 own_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00819570 oxidate v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 00240207 00239753 oxidise v 2 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 00239753 00240207 oxidize v 2 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 00240207 00239753 oxygenate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00185610 oxygenise v 3 1 @ 3 0 00309557 00309051 00185610 oxygenize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00309557 00309051 00185610 oyster v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01386165 ozonise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586882 ozonize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586882 pace v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01933207 02095432 00491658 00704367 pacify v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01769244 01651409 pack v 13 8 ! @ ~ * > $ + ; 13 5 01485079 02091230 01486416 01453787 02401678 02722977 02068059 01929984 01577402 01487510 01486664 01485761 00108713 pack_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00106914 pack_together v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01391983 package v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01487784 pad v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00958437 01925197 01529744 00322287 paddle v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 1 01951746 02424713 01965866 01922796 01423582 01422027 padlock v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01344694 paganise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00572815 paganize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00572815 page v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00756605 02417643 00951125 paginate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00951125 pain v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 00070587 01796596 paint v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 01688794 01365439 01688558 01366185 paint_a_picture v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00932330 paint_the_lily v 2 1 @ 2 0 01681137 00183386 pair v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 02496079 01295488 01467994 01467847 01431486 pair_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02496079 pal v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02595027 pal_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02595027 palatalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953101 palatalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953101 palaver v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01038676 00770823 00765305 pale v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00103373 palisade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01133033 pall v 8 4 @ ~ > + 8 1 00539279 01789567 01338270 01196465 00539534 00539403 00392844 00075867 palliate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00907990 00063866 palm v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01213301 palm_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 02249208 palpate v 1 4 @ $ + ; 1 0 01212916 palpebrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00008055 palpitate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01893385 01893122 01883921 palsy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00269566 palter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00837185 pamper v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02576182 pan v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02002334 01539296 00848023 pan-broil v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00329389 pan-fry v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00326850 pan_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01539296 pan_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 02531651 01539296 pan_roast v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00325886 pander v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01184590 01183272 panel v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01682414 00627600 panhandle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02275823 panic v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 2 01786037 01785802 pant v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00005526 00988205 pant-hoot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01044867 pantomime v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01728062 paper v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01271021 01270676 par v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01086742 parachute v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 0 01972282 parade v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01928665 01928458 paragraph v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02474866 01703559 01703398 parallel v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02665300 00526361 02665436 parallel-park v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01938701 parallelize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01501254 paralyse v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00269682 00269363 paralyze v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00269682 00269363 paraphrase v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00963768 parboil v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00323360 parcel v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02474508 01339016 01286349 parcel_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02299397 parch v 1 1 @ 1 1 00218756 pardon v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00907805 00907352 pare v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00233461 01555001 01265500 01265128 pare_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 00233461 parent v 1 3 ~ > + 1 0 02545454 parget v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01364264 park v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 01496037 01938286 parlay v 1 1 @ 1 1 01142049 parley v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00765054 parody v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01727840 00851619 parole v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02598049 parrot v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00960206 parry v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01149526 00811316 parse v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00645572 part v 5 5 @ ~ > ^ + 5 2 02034003 02436167 02018017 01560556 01559703 part_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02350643 partake v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02742535 02300169 01174998 partake_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02455282 02300169 parti-color v 1 1 @ 1 0 00285429 participate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02455121 01084999 particularise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01023982 particularize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01023982 partition v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01566505 00333645 partition_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01566505 partner v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02337082 02376775 partner_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02496079 party v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02497500 pass v 25 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 25 19 02054081 02055618 02472093 02076777 02235554 02691775 02053645 00340744 02529017 02714280 01214794 00744289 00422644 02530710 02674870 02529619 02428309 02226417 01976145 02236255 02234332 02056400 00804987 00359085 00072742 pass_across v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01919358 pass_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00744289 pass_around v 2 4 @ ~ > $ 2 0 02047080 00970243 pass_away v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00359085 00352230 pass_by v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02055618 pass_judgment v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00672179 pass_off v 6 2 @ ~ 6 2 02138957 00803184 02056889 00422644 00340744 00105087 pass_on v 7 3 @ ~ $ 7 4 02235554 02301114 01996535 02235029 02595169 02047080 00744289 pass_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00023639 02206426 00023861 pass_over v 5 5 @ ~ ^ $ ; 5 4 00618188 01919358 01916152 01844034 01394891 pass_through v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 3 01919358 02057114 01917356 pass_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02242120 02123818 pass_water v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00071765 pass_with_flying_colors v 1 1 @ 1 0 02528247 paste v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01334887 01415298 01335281 pasteurise v 1 3 @ > + 1 0 00365282 pasteurize v 1 3 @ > + 1 0 00365282 pasture v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 01579309 01578996 pat v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01246225 01235591 patch v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 2 01593092 02362692 00263589 00262591 patch_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00263589 00766947 patent v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02244474 02450221 00569560 patinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01268063 patinise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01268063 patinize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01268063 patrol v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02460361 patronage v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01187544 00910574 patronise v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 0 02471557 02224722 00910930 00910574 patronize v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 02224722 02471557 00910930 00910574 patter v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02763786 02189633 pattern v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01747665 02718118 pattern-bomb v 1 1 @ 1 0 01135620 pauperise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02322950 pauperize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02322950 pause v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02647119 00781106 pave v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01269662 paw v 2 3 @ * + 2 2 01214019 01213662 pawn v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02352216 pay v 11 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 11 9 02256551 01062366 02257739 02296669 02258264 00734247 02738167 02493705 00739889 02349239 02257962 pay_back v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02349377 01156413 pay_cash v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02322528 pay_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 02390082 pay_heed v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02174871 pay_off v 6 4 @ ~ $ ; 6 4 02296965 02357015 02261661 02258264 02289648 01156413 pay_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02306463 pay_up v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02257739 peach v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00939238 peak v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 02012080 peal v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02185848 02185344 pearl v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01386454 peck v 5 2 @ + 5 2 01246038 01176110 01434512 01175953 00846620 peck_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 01175953 peculate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02297496 pedal v 2 5 @ ~ * + ; 2 0 01939335 01731931 peddle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02307797 pedicure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00042667 pee v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00071765 pee-pee v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 peek v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02169748 peel v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01265500 01262515 00049617 peel_off v 5 3 @ ~ ; 5 2 01265779 00050032 02037548 01262515 00009485 peep v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 02169590 02142057 01054173 00917964 00423717 peer v 1 1 @ 1 1 02173409 peer_review v 1 1 @ 1 0 00857476 peeve v 1 1 @ 1 0 01792751 peg v 4 3 @ ^ + 4 0 02530563 01444822 01342965 00272000 peg_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02420703 peg_down v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01342965 00717446 pelt v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 01510546 01123738 02763991 pelt_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 pen v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 1 01702148 pen_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01348559 penalise v 1 3 ~ * + 1 0 02505278 penalize v 1 3 ~ * + 1 1 02505278 pencil v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01692499 penetrate v 7 4 @ ~ > + 7 3 01230239 00730916 00593150 02440481 01997063 01424657 01231635 penny-pinch v 1 1 @ 1 1 02271629 pension v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02267409 pension_off v 2 2 @ > 2 0 02385713 02267409 people v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00452416 02656935 pep_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00860463 00193003 pepper v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 2 02200527 01123738 peptise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00331719 peptize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00331719 perambulate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02170198 01914958 perceive v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02110960 00592914 perch v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01546513 01982714 01614144 percolate v 6 4 @ ~ > + 6 0 02075555 02064365 01461093 01460857 01460583 00023466 percuss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01250587 peregrinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02085253 perennate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02624957 perfect v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00474503 perforate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01445398 01230239 perform v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 4 01716563 02379855 01718067 02567910 perfume v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02130847 00043211 perfuse v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00455430 00455206 peril v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02702962 01038191 perish v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00359085 perjure v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00836424 perk v 1 1 @ 1 0 00023466 perk_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00023466 00022679 perm v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00039537 permeate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01231635 01460583 01229799 permit v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 2 00803980 02427979 00804608 permute v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00381095 perorate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01053570 01053445 peroxide v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00280431 perpetrate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02588700 perpetuate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02654355 perplex v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00624056 00403446 persecute v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02591574 perseverate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00960855 persevere v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00351115 persist v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02653599 00351115 02736899 persist_in v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02753797 personalise v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00388736 personalize v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00388736 personate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00838967 00729535 personify v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02704786 02703567 00729535 perspire v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00067316 persuade v 2 5 ! @ ~ $ + 2 2 02592213 00768463 pertain v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02681865 02659801 perturb v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01768023 02069580 02069257 00277400 peruse v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02157242 pervade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01231635 pervaporate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00368069 00367894 pervert v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02585532 00934760 00203575 pester v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01807344 pestle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00332652 pet v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01428543 01229164 peter_out v 2 1 @ 2 1 02689494 00099271 petition v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00756776 petrify v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00192803 00508566 00419035 pettifog v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776101 phase v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01652436 00395287 phase_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01646259 phase_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01646362 philander v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02597066 01039782 philosophise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00631688 philosophize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00631688 phlebotomise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00085829 phlebotomize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00085829 phonate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00747173 phone v 1 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 1 1 00791110 phosphoresce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02638116 photocopy v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01740180 photograph v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 2 01005294 02740528 photosensitise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02119213 photosensitize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02119213 photostat v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01740550 phrase v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00982485 00963146 pick v 12 5 @ ~ * ^ + 12 6 00678369 01384737 00844451 01650673 00178216 00177724 02326628 02292054 01455157 01445197 01246038 01176591 pick_apart v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00828170 pick_at v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01612019 01175953 00847588 pick_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 02490464 01595377 pick_out v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 2 00676526 02197640 pick_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00679463 pick_up v 16 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 16 13 01980103 01210022 01960966 02310566 00600349 02360406 01217701 02291886 02111702 00514838 02492152 01815703 00206006 02122438 01176110 00023466 pick_up_the_gauntlet v 1 1 @ 1 0 00952238 picket v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02527819 01291629 pickle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00213649 picnic v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01170593 picture v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 2 01638974 01690851 piddle v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02713983 00071765 piddle_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02713983 piece v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 01593092 01660471 01297595 01176591 00262591 piece-dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00289709 pierce v 5 3 @ ~ * 5 2 01444980 01773614 02139952 01444129 01443719 piffle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01038676 00106597 pig v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02621792 01199186 00058386 pig_it v 1 1 @ 1 0 02621792 pig_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 pigeonhole v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01500273 00657963 piggyback v 5 1 @ 5 0 01961262 01605112 01605017 01604855 00587538 pigment v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00288152 00288018 pile v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 2 01506036 02068059 01437455 pile_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 00158612 01506930 02309962 pilfer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02281711 pillage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02349564 pillory v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02489530 02489417 00825488 pillow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01505585 pilot v 2 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 2 2 01944952 01937276 pimp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01183272 pin v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 2 01209769 01370967 01447342 01124039 pin_down v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00717446 02501834 01342831 pin_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01063353 pin_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01342831 pinch v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01459400 01459835 02281711 01324169 00505100 pine v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01809651 pine_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00390663 ping v 5 3 @ + ; 5 1 01239359 02183310 02183153 00745897 00745678 pinion v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01303151 00513830 pink v 3 1 @ 3 0 02189819 02183310 01258072 pinkify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00286174 pinnacle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02700644 01979251 pinpoint v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02292225 pioneer v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01648963 01645456 00651410 pip v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 0 02490159 01139564 01105408 pip_out v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00360460 pipe v 4 6 @ ~ * ^ + ; 4 1 00916373 01954154 01731563 01674540 pipe-clay v 1 1 @ 1 0 01536112 pipe_down v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02194634 pipe_in v 2 1 @ 2 1 01439024 02084899 pipe_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01052437 00916373 pique v 1 3 @ > + 1 0 01793089 pirate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02282742 01474455 pirouette v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02052333 piss v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00071765 pistol-whip v 1 1 @ 1 1 01400599 pit v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 1 01083545 01553977 00179712 pitch v 12 4 @ ~ + ; 12 4 01515257 01868620 01982450 00299201 02307797 02040935 01888570 01516758 01511711 01405291 01152334 00299025 pitch_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01175354 pitch_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245101 pitchfork v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01582189 pith v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02371240 pitter-patter v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02763786 02189633 pity v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01825946 pivot v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02050521 placard v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01594756 00993932 placate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01769244 place v 16 3 @ ~ + 16 11 01496967 02397904 00659723 02338685 00747956 00661447 01153025 00620568 02543626 01715608 00675367 02701737 02275982 01091334 01089102 01051148 place-kick v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01373709 01115262 place_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01503011 place_upright v 1 3 @ > $ 1 0 01549550 plagiarise v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 02282906 plagiarize v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 02282906 plague v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02777278 01793315 plain v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00909100 plait v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01678612 01390310 plan v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00706993 00706456 01641910 01643256 plane v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01252054 01946577 01310049 plank v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01338841 01503211 01182998 plank_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01982083 plank_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01338841 plant v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 3 01570056 01531609 01650771 02327806 01373866 00736813 plash v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01521292 01376685 plaster v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 1 01365133 01615868 01615722 01365271 01363602 00082682 plaster_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 01365133 plasticise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00570818 00570633 plasticize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00570818 00570633 plastinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02285492 plat v 1 1 @ 1 1 00712751 plate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01397703 platinize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01618599 platitudinize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953801 play v 35 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 35 21 01075360 02375741 01728928 01723161 02423786 01728336 01730049 00013608 01907378 01141337 02423521 01725954 01721295 01720478 01151936 00013321 02603598 01721028 01589199 01165671 00713761 02728324 02442312 01907555 01723780 01720741 01632781 01379904 01158581 01158153 01083084 01082457 01082266 01081873 00075628 play_a_joke_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02583671 02581808 play_a_trick_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02581808 play_along v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02422308 01732234 play_around v 2 1 @ 2 1 02604639 02421160 play_back v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01742228 play_down v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00514573 play_false v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840873 play_hooky v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02620058 play_it_by_ear v 1 1 @ 1 0 02375524 play_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01083545 play_out v 4 3 @ $ ; 4 0 02285714 01719044 01084045 00573865 play_possum v 1 1 @ 1 1 00840674 play_tricks v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02581808 play_up v 2 2 ! @ 2 1 00515150 01808720 playact v 1 5 @ ~ $ + ; 1 0 01723780 plea-bargain v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00766571 pleach v 2 1 @ 2 0 01522202 01521292 plead v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 4 00761546 00895886 00762621 01018325 please v 3 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 3 2 01819595 01828900 01820021 pleat v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01389955 01220344 pledge v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 1 00886061 02304230 01177764 00887802 00886467 plicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01220344 plight v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00888123 00886061 plod v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01925197 plonk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01503211 plonk_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01982083 plop v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01981435 01981280 01503211 plot v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00709957 01697348 00712751 01642367 plough v 2 5 @ ~ * + ; 2 0 02101131 01745745 plough_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01997581 plow v 3 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 3 3 01745745 01035399 02101131 plow_ahead v 1 1 @ 1 1 00783350 pluck v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 1 01595377 02327592 02324030 01455157 01386929 01384737 pluck_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 01612019 plug v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 2 01425540 00351920 01417939 00978519 00188458 00188343 00188206 plug_away v 2 1 @ 2 0 02420703 00351920 plug_in v 1 3 ! @ * 1 1 01423776 plug_into v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01423776 plumb v 4 2 @ + 4 1 00732632 01490456 00648095 00466547 plume v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 0 02324030 01776419 01684027 01394734 00144364 00043414 plummet v 1 1 @ 1 1 01982213 plump v 4 3 @ * + 4 0 01982213 01503211 01197471 00678186 plump_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 01982083 01503211 plump_for v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02459338 plump_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02021268 plump_out v 2 2 @ * 2 0 02021402 01197471 plump_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01394600 plunder v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 1 02350284 02350044 02349564 01568253 plunge v 8 5 @ ~ > $ + 8 5 01580466 01971380 01837995 00348572 00602773 01981094 01579924 00602438 plunk v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 02189411 01503211 01971380 01455157 plunk_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01503211 plunk_for v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02459338 pluralise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01073938 pluralize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01073938 ply v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 1 01185006 02601380 01868024 01294420 01227217 01163122 poach v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01145732 00545484 pock v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 0 01553977 pocket v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02283437 02297393 pockmark v 1 1 @ 1 0 01554312 pod v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00198432 00095624 podcast v 1 1 @ 1 0 00970994 poetise v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01706373 poetize v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01706373 point v 14 5 @ ~ $ + ; 14 5 00925764 02719059 01154680 01935739 00923271 01932107 01592284 01592145 01591977 01155136 01153025 00926226 00393662 00262843 point_jam v 1 1 @ 1 0 01059430 point_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 01060446 00926583 01015239 point_the_way v 1 1 @ 1 1 00751800 point_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01016195 poise v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 3 01947430 01810076 01605586 01605239 poison v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 02586763 01326002 00533509 01326457 00088091 poke v 5 2 @ + 5 2 01232540 02173563 01426874 01417280 01232805 poke_at v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01233816 poke_fun v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00853615 poke_into v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01231317 01229439 poke_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02695935 polarise v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 00488490 00488286 00488118 polarize v 3 3 @ + ; 3 3 00488490 00488286 00488118 pole v 3 4 @ * + ; 3 1 01374854 01221216 00240859 poleax v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01261206 poleaxe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01261206 polemicise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776977 polemicize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776977 polemise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00776977 polemize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776977 police v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02460361 polish v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 01248201 00474948 00474730 polish_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00485823 02488014 01199335 polish_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00474730 politicise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00535302 politicize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00535302 politick v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02380839 polka v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901576 poll v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02459761 02468721 02460257 01323329 pollard v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01323329 pollenate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00053776 pollinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00053776 pollute v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00493642 polychrome v 1 1 @ 1 0 00285573 polychromise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00285573 polychromize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00285573 polymerise v 2 5 @ ~ > + ; 2 0 00267472 00267083 polymerize v 2 5 @ ~ > + ; 2 0 00267472 00267083 pomade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00039815 pommel v 1 1 @ 1 1 01418674 pompadour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00038980 ponder v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00632042 poniard v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01234442 pontificate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02437242 00830415 pony_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02204855 pooch v 1 1 @ 1 1 00145843 pooch_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00145843 pooh-pooh v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01066084 00798638 pool v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02300803 01092518 poop_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00099271 pop v 13 5 @ ~ $ + ; 13 4 02086193 01407567 02190434 01136497 02190638 02161949 01502149 01477610 01403659 01204994 01202125 00310574 00310364 pop_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01924323 pop_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 02013137 00359085 pop_out v 4 2 ! @ 4 1 00427109 02086193 01924450 00530491 pop_the_question v 1 1 @ 1 0 00881285 pop_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02161949 popularise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00972247 00579585 popularize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00972247 00579585 populate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02655932 00452234 porcelainize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01618693 pore v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00724156 port v 8 3 @ $ + 8 0 02095121 02091739 01983099 01912197 01453403 01241766 01173958 00588439 portend v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00873606 porter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01453572 portion v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02233480 portion_out v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02299140 portray v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 00990922 01692151 01727567 01692666 pose v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 3 02728538 02147248 00838967 02524849 01496967 00624056 posit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01578506 00879667 00718663 position v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01991174 01496967 possess v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02638248 02209474 02653395 post v 12 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 12 5 01594542 00993715 02390776 01091334 01001760 02478754 02237977 01963964 01594397 01573231 01033289 01033142 postdate v 2 3 ! @ $ 2 0 02718647 00278024 postmark v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01276668 postpone v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 02648898 postpose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01250769 postulate v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00758943 00718663 02634015 posture v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02524849 02147248 pot v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01532279 potentiate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00230227 pother v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01824015 01823849 potter v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01475976 02420524 01475806 potter_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01475806 pouch v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01488676 01440820 00264117 poultice v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00082682 pounce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02068286 pound v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 4 01417280 01577977 01929501 01884106 01566777 01305025 01304843 00332324 pound_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01566777 pound_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01305025 pour v 6 4 @ ~ > ^ 6 5 02073479 02032212 02074224 02073176 02360802 02763991 pour_cold_water_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01823710 pour_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01204994 pour_forth v 1 1 @ 1 1 01544585 pour_out v 4 1 @ 4 4 00943597 02074224 02074078 02073716 pout v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02724891 00034751 powder v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00332964 00041904 powderise v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00333255 00332964 powderize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00333255 00332964 power v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01183856 power-dive v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01967662 powerwash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01538703 powwow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00765181 practice v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 4 02574587 00607488 01727101 02567247 02380559 practice_bundling v 1 1 @ 1 0 00015156 practise v 3 4 @ ~ * ; 3 1 01727101 02574587 00607488 praise v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00858506 prance v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 1 01920627 01963040 01962881 01962727 prang v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01565408 prang_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00052876 prank v 2 1 @ 2 0 01681753 00043643 prate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01038676 prattle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01038676 prawn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01385260 pray v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00761989 00761314 preach v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00829664 00829391 preachify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00830035 preamble v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00903907 prearrange v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01652332 preassemble v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01743144 precede v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 4 02718318 02698528 02412896 02003250 00903562 precess v 1 1 @ 1 0 02105748 precipitate v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 2 01647881 00475925 02762779 01975764 01510228 precis v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01010464 preclude v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02458316 02635471 preconceive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01637553 precondition v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00408253 precook v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01669731 predate v 4 3 ! @ + 4 0 02718318 02698528 01206120 00277856 predecease v 1 1 @ 1 0 00361458 predestinate v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00705076 predestine v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 00748228 00705076 00704735 predetermine v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00704539 00682265 predicate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01019231 01019010 00933194 predict v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00919743 00873606 predigest v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01200508 predispose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00682611 predominate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02650318 02702345 preempt v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 02307434 02411141 02307632 02306282 preen v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 01394734 00885368 00043414 preexist v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02610107 prefabricate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01743144 01625482 preface v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00903562 prefer v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 3 01830440 00681308 02405179 02405393 prefigure v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01640535 00873606 prefix v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01300547 preform v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01664146 01663976 preheat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00373053 prehend v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01215136 preisolate v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 00498037 prejudge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00683200 prejudice v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02519408 00682064 prelude v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02677287 01729492 premeditate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00705839 00632906 premier v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01722190 01722044 premiere v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01722190 01722044 premise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01003512 00903562 00719132 premiss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00719132 preoccupy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01787213 02277928 preordain v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00704735 prepare v 8 5 @ ~ $ + ; 8 6 00407168 01668067 01758079 01654986 02392176 00604693 02184359 00604200 prepare_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 00274056 prepay v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02255148 preponderate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02651681 prepose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01250969 prepossess v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02209794 01787565 01774017 00682064 prerecord v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01001474 presage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00873606 prescribe v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 00749139 01074513 01074284 present v 13 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 13 10 02153218 00775012 01715304 02267560 02728538 02266695 02205200 00991634 00902866 01692666 01068455 00903414 00901719 preserve v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 4 02685709 02284977 02230274 00212840 02738997 02688596 preside v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02448474 press v 14 5 @ ~ * $ + 14 7 01449876 00767694 02652148 01393270 01390440 02028213 01757913 02728657 02595732 01666509 01450251 01393487 01152836 00761702 press_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01577597 press_down_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01600017 press_home v 1 1 @ 1 0 01016371 press_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01997581 press_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00479613 01666509 01354457 pressure v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 02510211 02587158 pressure-cook v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00329489 pressure-wash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01538703 pressurise v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 00404516 00404308 00404056 pressurize v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 00404516 00404308 00404056 presume v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00633898 02380015 01017686 00011544 presuppose v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00718436 00718250 pretend v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 2 00839722 01725433 02280644 00918880 00840203 00758694 pretermit v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00618983 00616690 prettify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00293903 pretty_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00042809 prevail v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 02650318 02654604 02653599 01104145 00779838 prevaricate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00837185 prevent v 2 4 ! ~ $ + 2 2 02458316 02455370 preview v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02156246 previse v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00872604 00722732 prey v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01206335 01206120 price v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02356006 00723813 prick v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 4 01443420 02127889 01987020 01243499 02127763 01764789 01448026 prick_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01987020 prickle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02127763 02127448 01443420 pride v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01776419 pride_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 01832935 prim v 3 1 @ 3 0 00526244 00145592 00044876 prim_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00044876 prim_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00044876 prime v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00409549 01368058 00454973 primp v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00043414 prink v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 00045263 00043880 print v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01749530 01750523 01752992 01751753 print_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01752081 prioritise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00662052 prioritize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00662052 prise v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 1 01596175 01634445 00695834 privatise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00412973 privatize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00412973 privilege v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02459141 prize v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 1 02260917 01596175 00695834 prizefight v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01423105 probate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02649956 02470720 probe v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00790226 01229439 proceed v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 5 00783045 01999581 02377696 00342215 02690747 process v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 00516235 02443400 00640499 02588127 02000767 01672498 01441318 proclaim v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00980205 00979368 01019010 00862284 procrastinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02648322 02648694 procreate v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 00054856 proctor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02599510 procure v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02243552 01183272 prod v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01233816 01233274 01232540 produce v 7 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 7 6 01756303 01624592 01756692 02145619 01743695 02161530 00094214 profane v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02585532 02573980 profess v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 00821417 00762780 00820214 01012717 00890178 00889847 00758694 professionalise v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00584600 00584319 professionalize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00584600 00584319 proffer v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02302103 profile v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01703205 01684808 profit v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 02295422 02283675 profiteer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02284460 prognosticate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00919743 00873606 program v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 00796926 01751525 programme v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01751525 00796926 progress v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 2 00249545 01996535 00253876 progress_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 02026014 prohibit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00797525 project v 12 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 12 8 00745209 02719247 01438648 02142548 02185193 01694867 01641910 00708009 01638974 01636439 01518423 00731627 prolapse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01837848 proliferate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00311417 00248716 prologise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00904052 prologize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00904052 prologuize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00904052 prolong v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00318689 02685340 promenade v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01928458 01923219 promise v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00885532 00885838 00919743 02746427 promote v 5 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 5 3 02560630 02402779 00978685 01082916 01082628 prompt v 3 3 @ $ + 3 2 01653541 00774006 00879379 promulgate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00979368 00863224 pronate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02085657 pronk v 1 1 @ 1 0 01873458 pronounce v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 00980581 00973682 proof v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 0 01756124 01238122 00629964 00535625 00165779 proofread v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00629964 prop v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01221568 prop_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01221568 propagandise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00972905 00972764 propagandize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00972905 00972764 propagate v 8 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 8 0 02235229 02089820 01438772 01382787 01381921 00970243 00055613 00055281 propel v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01514338 01653541 prophesy v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00928673 00829664 propitiate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00767258 proportion v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00484397 00151099 propose v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 00876925 00708009 00710809 02406665 00881285 proposition v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00877482 propound v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00877863 prorate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00640993 00640810 prorogue v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02648898 02433618 proscribe v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00797525 prosecute v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 02587985 02587562 02380222 proselytise v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00771879 proselytize v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00771879 prospect v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02158610 00649724 prosper v 1 1 @ 1 1 02347796 prostitute v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02559774 prostrate v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02067538 00559296 01500644 protect v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 01130619 01132136 protest v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00912088 02527076 01013569 protract v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00318689 protrude v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02719247 02086193 00264117 protuberate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02720606 02720416 prove v 9 5 ! @ ~ > ; 9 4 02639962 00666706 01017253 00667548 02537291 01987148 01979601 01748860 00667689 prove_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 1 00667153 provide v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 02332196 01185006 01065210 02381380 02727313 02224224 00407888 provision v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02343971 provoke v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 01763170 01650408 00795741 01793315 prowl v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01922297 02645559 prune v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01323662 00474253 pry v 4 3 @ * + 4 3 01596175 00786536 02173563 01634445 psalm v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01733940 psych_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01767334 psychoanalyse v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00644859 psychoanalyze v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00644859 ptyalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00101710 ptyalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00101710 pub-crawl v 1 1 @ 1 0 01174238 publicise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00977934 00956640 publicize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00956640 00977934 publish v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01749530 00969657 01748492 pucker v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 01281420 01333504 01281618 puddle v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 0 01920464 01627780 01532080 01486904 01476359 01422521 01377130 00622204 00071765 puff v 8 3 @ * + 8 3 01201254 01201647 00005526 01816164 01067294 00798965 00264568 00006802 puff_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00264568 puff_up v 4 1 @ 4 2 00265464 00264568 02602905 01067294 puke v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00076153 pule v 1 1 @ 1 0 00065796 pull v 17 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 17 8 01450719 01507886 02061423 01612191 02588700 01999243 02061261 00071556 02107440 01951106 01862559 01576107 01409713 01386929 01353852 01151176 00572673 pull_a_face v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00034281 pull_a_fast_one_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02581808 pull_ahead v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01113439 pull_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01456329 pull_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 01612019 pull_away v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01998474 pull_back v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 01998474 01612677 01451646 01245862 00801045 pull_down v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01665698 01242426 pull_in v 4 4 ! @ ~ $ 4 1 01507886 02294200 02019236 01387093 pull_in_one's_horns v 1 1 $ 1 0 00801045 pull_off v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 01595377 02409609 02528530 01595695 pull_one's_weight v 1 1 @ 1 0 02419402 pull_out v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 02019020 01999243 01353852 02386122 pull_out_all_the_stops v 1 1 @ 1 0 01162509 pull_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01845533 pull_round v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02626004 pull_someone's_leg v 1 1 @ 1 0 02583671 pull_strings v 1 1 @ 1 0 02541995 pull_the_leg_of v 1 1 @ 1 1 00852780 pull_the_plug v 1 1 @ 1 0 02515886 pull_the_wool_over_someone's_eyes v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840873 pull_through v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 02626004 02557529 pull_together v 1 1 ~ 1 1 01383303 pull_up v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 2 01867144 01986700 01867396 01353852 pull_up_short v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01865216 pull_up_stakes v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02388582 pull_wires v 1 1 @ 1 0 02541995 pullulate v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 0 02720849 02032212 00357986 00247816 00056303 pullulate_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 02721798 pulp v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01354976 00332523 pulsate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 01883244 01883572 01626064 pulse v 3 4 @ > $ + 3 2 01883244 01626064 01883770 pulverise v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01660001 00333255 00332964 pulverize v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 00332964 01660001 00333255 pumice v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01252807 pummel v 1 1 @ 1 1 01418674 pump v 8 4 @ ~ * + 8 3 01228248 01157773 01857296 02361109 02072252 01857178 01857055 00789719 pun v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01706190 punch v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01417939 01578367 01445398 punch_in v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00968362 punch_out v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00968672 punctuate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00190355 01015376 00365131 puncture v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 01277535 01277746 00857916 00404705 00310772 punish v 1 3 ~ * + 1 1 02505278 punt v 3 5 @ ~ * + ; 3 1 01375073 01374854 01141530 pup v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00058239 pupate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00096274 purchase v 1 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 1 1 02211988 puree v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01253038 purge v 7 5 ! @ ~ > + 7 1 02571005 00907236 00476750 00476578 00456484 00076153 00073566 purify v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 00476114 00476750 00477064 purl v 5 4 @ $ + ; 5 3 02051599 01048687 01675228 01672173 01672039 purl_stitch v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01675780 purloin v 1 1 @ 1 1 02281711 purple v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00290059 00285848 purport v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00759237 00710809 purpose v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00710809 00701392 purpurate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00285848 purr v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02193033 01054808 purse v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00145722 01281908 pursue v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 02380222 02004900 01320193 02381520 purvey v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02343971 push v 10 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 10 6 01875972 00768022 00978685 02412046 01876638 02058788 02595732 02250337 01876870 01450251 push_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01785339 push_aside v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01877287 00802592 push_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 01877287 push_back v 1 3 @ $ + 1 1 01508789 push_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01242426 push_forward v 1 1 @ 1 0 02000606 push_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01997581 push_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01877150 push_through v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00549346 push_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01877523 02719727 pussyfoot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01915881 put v 9 4 @ ~ ^ ; 9 6 01496967 01496398 00983308 01162686 02275982 00675367 02115982 01710234 00737576 put_across v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00744289 put_aside v 2 1 @ 2 0 01618895 00780930 put_away v 7 4 @ ~ * ; 7 2 01350360 02227100 02500005 01618895 01329815 01175505 00780930 put_back v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01311041 02708534 put_behind_bars v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02500005 put_down v 8 6 @ ~ > ^ + ; 8 3 01503011 01547474 01985050 01804404 01492094 01329210 01022365 01002259 put_forward v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 1 00879667 02378876 01633150 00881061 put_in v 6 2 @ ~ 6 5 00187671 02285938 00782236 01572394 01075052 00916722 put_off v 5 5 @ ~ * $ + 5 2 02648898 01812593 01823354 01794768 00811316 put_on v 9 4 @ ~ + ; 9 5 00050369 00184656 01669080 01653351 00184931 01652793 01366351 00856586 00045868 put_on_airs v 1 1 @ 1 0 02599707 put_on_the_line v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02551275 put_one_across v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00856586 put_one_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00856586 put_out v 10 5 @ ~ * + ; 10 4 02513385 01628569 01571845 00027698 02766453 02761327 01618361 01156848 00969657 00021058 put_out_feelers v 1 1 @ 1 1 00647788 put_over v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 00746890 02648898 put_right v 1 1 @ 1 0 00208463 put_through v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00486949 01358609 put_to_death v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02488856 put_to_sleep v 2 1 @ 2 1 01496835 01329815 put_to_work v 1 4 @ ~ > $ 1 1 02413117 put_together v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01660471 put_under v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00021058 put_up v 9 4 @ ~ $ ; 9 6 01573231 02381380 01665137 00670017 02302532 00214220 02464596 02242564 00881061 putrefy v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00400459 putt v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01406194 01406439 putter v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02420524 01475976 01475806 putter_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 01475806 putty v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01367436 puzzle v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 1 00624056 01835250 puzzle_out v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 1 00636568 puzzle_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 00623325 pyramid v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 02295717 02251082 01468676 00157902 quack v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01054970 00011975 quadruple v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00247934 quadruplicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01739828 quaff v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01204688 quail v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02064997 quail_at v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01786251 quake v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01893122 01892777 qualify v 7 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 7 4 02684822 00974223 00199684 00301542 01020937 00958719 00171140 quantify v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00493031 00490773 quantise v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00675014 00639856 quantize v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00675014 00639856 quarantine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00497347 quarrel v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00777201 quarry v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01166163 quarter v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02659254 02489153 01566356 00644160 quarterback v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01078763 quash v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02428975 02483482 quaver v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01052990 01052768 queen v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02599946 01974005 queen_it_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02599707 queer v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02563998 01038191 quell v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00464147 01196647 quench v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 1 01206641 02767855 02427763 00464147 00430716 00371426 query v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00786670 quest v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 0 02245663 02006623 01049823 00784475 00754770 quest_after v 1 1 @ 1 0 01320193 quest_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 01320193 question v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 00869073 00789846 00786670 00810517 00927081 quetch v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00909100 queue v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02040600 queue_up v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02040600 quibble v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00812047 00776101 quick-freeze v 1 1 @ 1 0 00376361 quicken v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 00439133 02122017 00443018 00052752 00024272 quickstep v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01903151 quiesce v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 02194634 quiet v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02194634 01768652 quiet_down v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02194634 quieten v 3 5 ! @ ~ > $ 3 0 02194634 01768652 00462448 quilt v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01671344 01671199 quintuple v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00248120 quip v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00855640 quirk v 1 1 @ 1 1 01225394 quit v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02686624 02387509 02012411 02232269 01085437 quiver v 3 3 @ $ + 3 2 01893122 01882712 01883572 quiz v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00788120 quote v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01025268 01025934 01025583 01006448 rabbet v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01298496 01284103 rabbit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01145227 rabbit_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01053828 race v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02062918 01088514 02374947 02063390 rachet_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02076601 rack v 11 5 @ ~ * + ; 11 2 01964350 01802689 02413852 02245889 01949997 01944641 01859044 01806671 01673314 01215912 00071300 rack_up v 4 3 @ ~ * 4 1 01114241 01502488 01105408 00453349 racket v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02497032 02176452 01411287 racketeer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02450653 raddle v 2 1 @ 2 0 01521185 00509925 radiate v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 2 02773074 00291925 02692794 02165960 02164982 01833689 00530662 00437621 radicalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00535449 radio v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01009522 radiolocate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02701362 raffle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02206757 raffle_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02206757 raft v 3 4 @ $ + ; 3 0 01953825 01846450 01657699 rafter v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02342866 rag v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 0 01806967 01791774 01729763 00852181 00826456 00339546 rage v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02728891 02728777 01800044 raid v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02500499 02023879 02279997 01320741 rail v 10 3 @ + ; 10 1 00913214 02717418 02335403 02035275 01958418 01940396 01505900 01143697 00849550 00843446 rail_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02717418 rail_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02035275 railroad v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02511830 02336915 01954516 raiment v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00047662 rain v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02762516 rain_buckets v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02763991 rain_cats_and_dogs v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02763991 rain_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02762516 rain_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02600830 raise v 27 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 27 13 00158311 01978076 00943197 02311261 01743695 02545454 01633150 01977773 01665137 01763170 01759495 00545629 00230031 02402779 01979601 01158872 01158757 01100863 01027255 00952814 00853305 00746056 00643591 00558614 00551059 00354849 00098271 raise_a_stink v 1 1 @ 1 0 00912607 raise_hell v 1 1 @ 1 1 00912607 raise_the_roof v 1 1 @ 1 1 01791288 raise_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01422127 rake v 6 5 @ ~ * ^ + 6 2 02103947 01309680 02694369 02156708 01309513 01243078 rake_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02294934 rake_off v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02289507 rake_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00723679 rally v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 01388297 01100371 01384203 00529688 00852181 ram v 4 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 4 3 01577977 01519166 01564601 01527086 ram_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 01577977 00607866 ram_home v 1 1 @ 1 0 01016371 ramble v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02690276 01885173 ramble_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02690276 ramify v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 00402279 00330054 00329612 ramp v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 02728891 02339591 02147597 01926747 01549295 ramp_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00254163 rampage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02590991 ranch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02425530 randomise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00279669 randomize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00279669 range v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 5 02732914 01885173 02747024 02696226 01476839 01578996 01207059 00659723 range_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01155473 rank v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00661773 00659723 02679633 rankle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01777746 ransack v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02349564 01321853 ransom v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02261806 rant v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01053828 rap v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 01416942 02189819 01719856 01044304 rape v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02573434 01568253 rappel v 1 3 @ * ; 1 0 01927051 rarefy v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 00571460 00553215 00226805 rarify v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00401789 rase v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01665698 rasp v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01389560 00983846 rasterize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00114289 rat v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 0 02590560 02418270 02418069 01529923 01483271 00843665 ratchet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02076601 ratchet_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02076601 rate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00659723 02652311 00662642 ratify v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 02470289 ratiocinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00634927 ration v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02239770 02239585 ration_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02239585 rationalise v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 0 02274330 00896259 00630919 00569956 00474253 rationalise_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00631154 rationalize v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 2 00896259 00474253 02274330 00630919 00569956 rationalize_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 00631154 rattle v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 2 02179501 01894619 rattle_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00947680 rattle_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00947680 rattle_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01039370 ravage v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00389754 00389306 rave v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02497703 01053828 00883741 ravel v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 01524000 01523757 ravel_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01524000 raven v 4 1 @ 4 0 01216472 01206120 01199186 01180154 ravish v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02573434 01821281 ray v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02774389 02692794 00292206 raze v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01665698 razor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00037673 razz v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00852181 re-address v 1 1 @ 1 0 00993296 re-afforest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01570926 re-argue v 1 1 @ 1 1 00774533 re-arm v 1 1 @ 1 0 01089970 re-assume v 1 1 @ 1 1 00526107 re-create v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01622373 01697776 00738804 re-emerge v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00427254 re-emphasise v 1 1 @ 1 1 00842488 re-emphasize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00842488 re-enter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01856878 re-equip v 1 1 @ 1 0 02346487 re-examine v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00790633 re-explain v 1 1 @ 1 0 00940930 re-explore v 1 1 @ 1 1 00650898 re-incorporate v 1 1 @ 1 1 00468259 re-introduce v 1 1 @ 1 0 00903227 re-start v 2 1 @ 2 0 01862672 00350758 reabsorb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01542701 reach v 9 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 9 8 02024442 02010848 01442758 00745330 02531751 02691488 02026014 02235554 01148517 reach_into v 1 1 @ 1 1 02696141 reach_one's_nostrils v 1 1 * 1 0 02129097 reach_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01442758 02695935 00746558 react v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 00719282 02383714 00447840 reactivate v 1 1 @ 1 1 00192272 read v 11 5 @ ~ $ + ; 11 8 00626756 02736688 00628065 00629157 00628728 00626148 00601387 00924838 01722614 00621911 00595247 read_between_the_lines v 1 1 @ 1 0 00623176 readapt v 2 1 @ 2 1 00151394 00150934 readjust v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00150934 00298450 readmit v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02508861 02395928 ready v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01668067 00407168 reaffirm v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01013950 realign v 1 1 @ 1 1 00466058 realine v 1 1 @ 1 0 00466058 realise v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 0 02294200 02249385 01711354 01648288 00730579 00592510 realize v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 4 00730579 00592510 01648288 02294200 02249385 01711354 reallocate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02239333 reallot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02233683 ream v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01354713 00542631 00542497 reanimate v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00024272 reap v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01322669 02298109 reappear v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00427254 reapportion v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02239333 reappraise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00684511 rear v 5 5 @ ~ > + ; 5 3 01985637 02545454 02702643 01986880 01665137 rear-end v 1 1 @ 1 0 01239652 rear_back v 2 1 @ 2 1 01985805 01985947 rearm v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02340074 01089970 rearrange v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00279050 reason v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00636134 00774234 00634289 reason_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00636134 reassail v 1 1 @ 1 1 01123470 reassemble v 1 1 @ 1 1 01661207 reassert v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01014100 reassess v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00684700 reassign v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02398228 reassure v 2 3 ! @ + 2 2 01770259 01021817 reattribute v 1 1 @ 1 0 00729267 reave v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02349564 reawaken v 1 1 @ 1 1 00019175 rebate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02325180 01557975 01297737 rebel v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02589224 02589464 rebind v 1 1 @ 1 0 01338689 reboot v 1 1 @ 1 0 00098100 rebound v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01896097 00529688 rebroadcast v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00975920 rebuff v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00800201 01133623 rebuild v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01659445 rebuke v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00826456 rebury v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02462283 rebut v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00816512 00669665 recalcitrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01094255 recalculate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00641355 recall v 7 4 ! @ ~ + 7 5 00609334 00961556 02681269 00793168 00724810 02485805 02317458 recant v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00800379 recap v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01010930 recapitulate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01010930 01739025 01731369 recapture v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01776284 01690722 02308993 01442223 recast v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 01714793 01667100 01662480 recede v 3 5 ! @ ~ $ + 3 1 01998474 01116231 00571771 receipt v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00894219 00664403 receive v 13 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 13 9 02214901 00523831 02111702 02112480 01472854 00688780 00902346 00117154 02745355 02499160 02113108 01175135 00618785 recess v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01501511 01279869 00364950 recharge v 2 1 @ 2 0 01493229 00519368 recidivate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00093079 reciprocate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02377417 01879813 recite v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 2 01053236 00947287 01707313 00955248 00948137 reckon v 6 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 6 4 00633399 00713964 00692380 00638921 00714537 00714385 reclaim v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 1 02281167 02231615 00385291 00384542 00302911 reclassify v 1 1 @ 1 1 00657463 recline v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 02043001 01550423 01550172 recode v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00279284 recognise v 8 3 @ ~ * 8 0 02552164 02480958 02197640 00898754 00893988 00730579 00611928 00594278 recognize v 9 4 @ ~ * + 9 7 00594278 00730579 02197640 00611928 02480958 00898754 00893988 02760033 02552164 recoil v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02064997 02384041 01896097 01374119 recollect v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 00609334 recombine v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00567101 00566935 00194298 recommence v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00350070 00347191 recommend v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00876672 00884469 00579810 recommit v 3 1 @ 3 0 02589126 02353053 01957050 recompense v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02255433 02254549 reconcile v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00483824 00483404 00766947 00734417 recondition v 1 1 @ 1 1 00207996 reconfirm v 1 1 @ 1 0 01014914 reconnoiter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02172015 reconnoitre v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02172015 reconquer v 1 1 @ 1 0 02277783 reconsecrate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00868617 reconsider v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 1 00655686 00655929 reconstitute v 1 1 @ 1 0 00405308 reconstruct v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 3 00635752 01659445 00151268 02558146 00199854 reconvene v 1 1 @ 1 1 02028562 reconvert v 1 1 @ 1 1 00117306 reconvict v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00908590 recopy v 1 1 @ 1 1 01699038 record v 4 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 4 3 01002259 01000444 00924838 02110264 recount v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00955248 00803017 recoup v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02254399 02254246 02219783 recover v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 3 02252785 00092442 00529419 02254246 02231615 01339223 recreate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00024272 02423521 01821905 01741498 recriminate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00846232 recrudesce v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00340274 00309856 recruit v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02476750 02245101 01100863 rectify v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 0 00921800 00475423 00385291 00200276 00200023 00161539 recumb v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01550172 recuperate v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 0 02254246 00529419 00092915 00092442 recur v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00343988 00961746 02596228 recurve v 1 1 @ 1 0 02038728 recuse v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00974899 00688150 recycle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02056801 01164741 red-eye v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01844447 red-ink v 1 1 @ 1 0 00510309 redact v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00983308 00200761 redden v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00103071 00535917 00289793 rede v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00940278 00874568 redecorate v 1 1 @ 1 1 01682302 rededicate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00889671 redeem v 6 3 @ + ; 6 1 02557299 02557198 02262040 02261806 02261661 02261540 redefine v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02617862 00959581 redeploy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01382469 redeposit v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02316115 01578832 redesign v 1 1 @ 1 0 01643649 redetermine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00921931 redevelop v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02143834 00928281 00172271 redirect v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01957193 rediscover v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02160814 redispose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02360105 redistribute v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01382630 redline v 1 1 @ 1 0 02518332 redo v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01622744 00199854 redouble v 3 1 @ 3 1 00291343 00247361 00227468 redound v 3 1 @ 3 0 02141485 00155835 00138037 redress v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02525657 reduce v 20 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 20 11 00430013 00243282 02405030 02263098 01804889 00238590 00241924 02322816 00241017 00238763 00233575 02428975 01561364 01501776 00588693 00244786 00238145 00237885 00226497 00045548 reduplicate v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 01739437 01738383 reecho v 3 1 @ 3 1 02188840 02188711 00960110 reef v 3 1 @ 3 0 01977650 00437138 00242285 reek v 4 2 @ + 4 3 02199169 02128571 00068398 02774078 reel v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01928835 02050704 01525893 reel_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 01526308 00947680 reelect v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02406438 reenact v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01726692 02433049 01726324 reenforce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00222898 reestablish v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02431646 reevaluate v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00684700 reeve v 3 1 @ 3 0 02057545 02057305 01344579 reexamine v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00697955 reface v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01274703 01274342 refashion v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01622744 refer v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 6 01026199 02681865 00657226 01956757 00878614 00933429 01030303 referee v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01087648 00857476 reference v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01709116 refill v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00454758 refinance v 1 1 @ 1 1 02223328 refine v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 00474948 00401789 00475693 00475423 00402812 00402594 refinish v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01267810 refit v 1 1 @ 1 0 02346588 reflate v 4 3 @ $ + 4 0 00564437 00564177 00265171 00257169 reflect v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 4 02141357 00632042 02140736 02771882 02141219 00823426 00823241 reflectorise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02365701 reflectorize v 1 1 @ 1 0 02365701 refloat v 1 1 @ 1 0 01879029 refocus v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02166592 00734114 00315406 reforest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01571127 reforge v 1 1 @ 1 0 01662480 reform v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 1 00266272 00385291 00266967 00266827 00266559 00167742 reformulate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00928281 refract v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02116321 00922900 refracture v 1 1 @ 1 0 00107925 refrain v 2 2 ! ~ 2 1 02731589 01198570 refresh v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 0 00698618 00164252 00024807 00024642 refreshen v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00024807 00024642 refrigerate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00372608 00371704 refuel v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02343725 02241670 refund v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02289796 refurbish v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00163249 refurnish v 1 1 @ 1 0 02341803 refuse v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 4 00799092 02242120 02713660 02217607 02760892 02508565 refute v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00816512 00669665 regain v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02252785 02290474 regale v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01178529 regard v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00692380 02137650 02682907 regard_as v 1 1 @ 1 1 00691692 regenerate v 9 4 @ ~ $ + 9 0 01634614 00385860 00385291 00168396 00168201 00167632 00167343 00097695 00097375 regift v 1 1 @ 1 0 02205670 regiment v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02447237 02453751 02398103 register v 10 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 10 6 02477113 01003902 02476510 02110264 00924838 02477456 02144213 01730482 01034198 00730186 regorge v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076153 regress v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 0 00492392 00387981 00250199 00093079 regret v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 01800593 01800935 00913714 00913515 regroup v 2 1 @ 2 1 02438228 00658496 regrow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00094766 regularise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02517217 00276406 regularize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02517217 00276406 regulate v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 3 00300122 02517217 00702806 00235689 regurgitate v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02073324 01180632 00961210 00076153 rehabilitate v 3 3 ! @ + 3 1 02557860 02571187 02558526 reharmonise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01710987 reharmonize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01710987 rehash v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01164945 01011124 rehear v 1 1 @ 1 0 02506808 rehearse v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01727101 reheat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00545360 reheel v 1 1 @ 1 0 00534751 rehouse v 1 1 @ 1 0 02464955 reify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00694346 reign v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02593467 02650318 reignite v 1 1 @ 1 0 02766302 reimburse v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02290050 02254399 reimpose v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02312120 rein v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 02447602 01866076 01862348 00235558 rein_in v 3 3 @ ~ ; 3 1 01866076 02447602 01862348 reincarnate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02704568 00167460 reinforce v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00222898 00789322 reinstall v 1 1 @ 1 1 01573086 reinstate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02558959 02431646 reinsure v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02256317 00893255 00893062 reintegrate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00399255 reinterpret v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00940930 00625812 reintroduce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00903227 reinvent v 2 1 @ 2 0 01741804 01741659 reinvigorate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00028355 reissue v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01739979 02485290 reiterate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00960366 reject v 7 5 ! @ ~ $ + 7 4 00687584 02242120 00808840 00798638 02760892 02508565 00687320 rejig v 1 1 @ 1 0 02346487 rejoice v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01817851 00859605 01827320 rejoin v 2 1 @ 2 2 02440399 00818014 rejuvenate v 5 5 ! @ ~ + ; 5 0 00796045 00579939 00251763 00168396 00097535 rekindle v 2 1 @ 2 0 02767552 01764396 relace v 1 1 @ 1 1 01524446 relapse v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00269051 00093079 relate v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 5 00715072 02681865 00955090 02730292 02463535 relativise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00693600 relativize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00693600 relax v 8 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 8 4 00026378 00420638 00420090 00025647 02608209 02607993 02607805 00442167 relay v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00745068 01228140 relearn v 1 1 @ 1 1 00599673 release v 10 4 @ ~ + ; 10 7 01477180 02426474 01439155 00969657 00104622 00069066 02499696 02321284 01761838 00270568 relegate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02595169 02404473 02509452 00741667 relent v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02709149 relieve v 11 4 @ ~ + ; 11 7 00063866 02417305 02570061 01819152 02556565 00938680 00082316 02317976 02317862 00895399 00199442 relieve_oneself v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00071765 reline v 2 1 @ 2 0 01273628 00510430 relinquish v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02321284 02539728 02232269 01477180 relish v 1 3 ~ * + 1 1 01824240 relive v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00598611 reload v 2 1 @ 2 1 01493229 01493347 relocate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00415552 00415334 rely v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00714537 rely_on v 2 0 2 0 02670095 02669926 rely_upon v 1 0 1 0 02670095 relyric v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01702918 remain v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00117793 02733337 02643676 02736899 remain_down v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01127635 remain_firm v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 02707980 remainder v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02248243 remake v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01622744 remand v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00952006 02500005 remark v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01022014 01060446 remarry v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02495896 remediate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00200276 remedy v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 00200276 00082316 remember v 8 4 ! @ ~ + 8 4 00609334 00611237 00612810 02361566 00884323 00884044 00613356 00613035 remember_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 0 02603965 remilitarise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01101631 remilitarize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01101631 remind v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 2 00612092 00879379 reminisce v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00612609 remit v 7 5 @ ~ * > + 7 1 02259889 02648898 01020809 00952006 00905900 00422078 00269200 remodel v 2 1 @ 2 1 00199854 01662480 remold v 3 1 @ 3 0 01667100 01664764 00163880 remonstrate v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00912508 01015239 00826456 remould v 2 1 @ 2 0 01667100 00163880 remount v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01927583 01346054 01186728 remove v 8 4 @ ~ > + 8 6 00173351 02409366 02228837 02410046 02090707 00422488 02488014 00572138 remunerate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02254549 rename v 2 1 @ 2 1 01031245 02402123 rend v 1 1 @ 1 1 01576107 render v 13 5 @ ~ $ + ; 13 5 00120483 02332196 01736053 01632192 01064275 02315308 02314987 02298282 01690851 01363943 01062618 00961859 00445930 render-set v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01364090 rendezvous v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02492875 renegade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02589464 renege v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00801904 renege_on v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00801904 renegociate v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 00764374 00764088 renegotiate v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 00764374 00764088 renegue_on v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00801904 renew v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01634614 00167460 renormalise v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00469149 renormalize v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00469149 renounce v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02384340 02372031 02232269 00759589 renovate v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 00164009 00163249 00024272 rent v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 3 02465622 02213685 02213319 02466042 rent_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02214281 reopen v 1 1 @ 1 1 01349375 reorder v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00660783 00747796 reorganise v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02438228 02437970 reorganize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02437970 02438228 reorient v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02164024 01912536 00469704 reorientate v 1 1 @ 1 0 02164024 repaint v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01689692 01365877 repair v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 1 00261534 02255433 01847439 00200276 00024272 repatriate v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 02509282 02508036 repay v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02289796 02349056 02349377 00818014 repeal v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00801460 repeat v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 5 00960366 01738383 00343988 00959711 02601659 01731369 repel v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 4 01508789 01812736 01133623 00800201 02199359 repent v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01800811 01800593 repercuss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00137760 rephrase v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00963768 repine v 1 1 @ 1 0 00912844 replace v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 00162496 02410532 01311041 02262575 replant v 1 1 @ 1 1 01571270 replay v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01742228 01729407 01083394 01078276 replenish v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00454758 replete v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01196254 replicate v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02040343 01738810 01738383 reply v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00817348 repoint v 1 1 @ 1 0 00262843 report v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 6 00967067 00968841 00967719 00967422 00969130 00967574 report_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00880733 repose v 6 6 @ ~ > ^ $ + 6 1 01162961 02670742 01550854 01550172 01547474 01500805 repose_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02669721 reposit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02286596 reposition v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01887337 01501645 repossess v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02281167 02210669 repot v 1 1 @ 1 0 01532412 reprehend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00827862 represent v 15 5 @ ~ $ + ; 15 10 02705339 00837915 02547618 02547206 00990060 02729608 02626667 02587760 01690027 01723161 01715304 00989377 00827108 00775012 00381369 repress v 5 3 @ + ; 5 1 02428975 02457192 01571411 00614373 00587675 reprieve v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02650119 02557087 reprimand v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00825330 00826456 reprint v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01739979 reprise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01731369 reprize v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01731369 reproach v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00827636 reprobate v 3 4 ! @ + ; 3 1 00689082 01073177 00865823 reprocess v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01164741 reproduce v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 01740703 00054856 01741022 00961210 reproof v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00825727 reprove v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00825727 republish v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01749953 00168984 repudiate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 00759589 00687940 00913870 00818489 repugn v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00871260 repulse v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 01133623 01812736 01508789 repurchase v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02212672 repute v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00691692 request v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00754770 00755473 01071831 require v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 02634015 00757790 00753573 01191258 requisition v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 00756475 02280845 requite v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02349056 reread v 1 1 @ 1 1 00627360 rerun v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 00975920 01653024 01096950 00518764 rescale v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00320562 reschedule v 1 1 @ 1 1 00797137 rescind v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00801460 rescue v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02556841 02211702 reseal v 1 1 @ 1 1 01356988 research v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00878858 00649877 reseat v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 02339454 02339169 01547340 resect v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01257621 reseed v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01504214 01187681 resell v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02248412 resemble v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02671359 resent v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01777267 01829067 reserve v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 3 02219267 00726112 00797294 02503969 reset v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00949623 00299554 00298450 resettle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00416753 resew v 1 1 @ 1 0 01332557 reshape v 2 1 @ 2 1 00703831 01664764 reship v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01499780 reshoot v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01005786 reshuffle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01421613 00279480 reside v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02656647 02654741 02670742 resift v 1 1 @ 1 1 01463341 resign v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02372031 02387509 02321284 00734417 resile v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02386369 01896097 00800379 00388351 resinate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02196829 resist v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 4 02713660 01119003 02527076 01118334 02760892 02589630 resize v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00320430 resmudge v 1 1 @ 1 1 01254694 resole v 1 1 @ 1 0 00534483 resolve v 7 5 @ ~ > + ; 7 6 00700621 01023429 00701392 00637185 02198058 00735067 00448264 resonate v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 0 02180402 00593432 resorb v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01542701 resort v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02596228 01847439 resound v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02188233 02177332 respect v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 00695834 02462665 respire v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 00002573 00002325 00001740 respite v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02650119 resplend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02739328 respond v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00719282 00817348 00720661 rest v 11 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 11 10 01548665 00781405 00781646 02737265 00014398 00117793 02670742 01613005 01546513 01505585 02601837 rest_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01592928 02669721 restart v 2 1 @ 2 0 01862672 00350758 restate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00960366 restitute v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02315462 00164009 restock v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 02327920 restore v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 02558146 00168396 02315462 00261534 02431646 restrain v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01304044 01303637 02456292 00233707 restrengthen v 1 1 @ 1 0 00222033 restrict v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 3 00237442 02514936 00234091 02455890 restructure v 1 1 @ 1 0 00405308 resublime v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00367394 resubmit v 1 1 @ 1 0 02315137 result v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02640346 02641740 00341496 resume v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 00350758 00350937 02387093 01009951 resurface v 3 1 @ 3 0 01994862 01268213 00426644 resurge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02630887 resurrect v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00098271 00168718 00098524 resuscitate v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 0 00097837 00024040 resuspend v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00148787 ret v 1 1 @ 1 0 00217417 retail v 2 5 ! @ $ + ; 2 1 02734445 02251810 retain v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 02707488 02415305 02288169 00611564 retake v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02308993 01442223 01005633 retaliate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01155952 01155631 retard v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00439707 02758442 00441241 00440913 retch v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00076153 00077211 retell v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01707313 01638718 00960366 rethink v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00690510 retick v 1 1 @ 1 0 01334371 reticulate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02631740 02485442 01588063 retie v 1 1 @ 1 1 01287889 retire v 11 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 11 7 02384895 02385151 01998474 02486037 02433334 02385393 02230124 01770804 01618361 01156641 00017858 retool v 2 1 @ 2 0 02438396 02343105 retort v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00818014 retouch v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 00289325 00230988 retrace v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02008366 00635752 retract v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 00800379 02065294 01612677 01509215 retrain v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00605217 00604574 retranslate v 1 1 @ 1 1 00962401 retransmit v 1 1 @ 1 0 02085171 retread v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01673180 00163880 retreat v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01998474 02096743 01998878 00801045 retrench v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02274612 00431052 retrieve v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 02252785 01436624 01436442 00609334 retrofit v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 02366328 01572724 00263234 retroflex v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02040343 00981443 retrograde v 5 2 @ ~ 5 0 01999129 01998992 01998878 01011124 00250199 retrogress v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00250199 00093079 retrospect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00698180 retrovert v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00387981 retry v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02506808 return v 16 5 @ ~ $ + ; 16 11 02008888 02314987 00387981 00961556 02082541 02362071 01435792 00818014 00549233 02289796 01064275 02406438 02234332 02009631 01632192 00880549 reunify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02476316 reunite v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02492471 02476316 reuse v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01164741 rev v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00440653 rev_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 00440804 00440653 revalue v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00316996 00316611 revamp v 2 1 @ 2 1 00163723 00534607 reveal v 3 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 3 2 02147756 00935783 02148706 revel v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01193481 02497032 revenge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01155952 reverberate v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 1 02188233 02654020 02140998 02140736 01896097 00517222 revere v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01781934 01782485 reverence v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01782485 reverse v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00138328 00387386 00718035 00801460 00387636 revert v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00387981 00120025 revet v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01274222 01274018 review v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00697955 00857194 00698466 00698618 00698180 revile v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00849550 revise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00998147 02438396 revisit v 1 1 @ 1 0 01848261 revitalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00164466 revitalize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00097375 00164466 revive v 5 5 @ ~ > $ + 5 4 00097837 00024272 00169106 00168718 00024040 revivify v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00024272 revoke v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01076750 00801460 revolt v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02589865 02199359 01812341 revolutionise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00606705 00125441 revolutionize v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00125441 02407837 00606705 revolve v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 2 02048992 02047875 01870596 revolve_about v 1 1 @ 1 1 02682306 revolve_around v 2 1 @ 2 1 02682306 02086602 reward v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02551772 00789322 02349377 rewind v 1 1 @ 1 0 01524927 rewire v 1 1 @ 1 0 02359732 reword v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00963768 rework v 1 1 @ 1 0 01673180 rewrite v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00997883 01704793 rhapsodise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00956169 00918736 rhapsodize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00956169 00918736 rhumba v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901772 rhyme v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 01705717 02756307 rib v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01675650 00853615 rice v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01463037 rick v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01506368 00090876 ricochet v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01896097 rid v 1 3 ~ ^ + 1 1 02355171 rid_of v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02635337 riddle v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 01277865 00624678 01463414 01231635 00744020 00637376 ride v 14 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 14 5 01961388 01959843 02690467 01843480 00852181 02756029 02748107 02717862 02697931 02106676 02099823 01851618 01513766 01431955 ride_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02015154 ride_herd v 1 1 @ 1 1 01961962 ride_horseback v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01962474 ride_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02015154 ride_out v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02625202 ride_roughshod v 1 1 @ 1 0 02521249 ride_the_bench v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 02423129 ridge v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 02695572 01746125 01512565 01313077 00144266 ridicule v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00853615 riff v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02157453 01653147 riffle v 4 4 @ * + ; 4 1 01594278 02157453 02043899 01421814 rifle v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02349564 01321509 rig v 4 2 @ + 4 3 02579184 02356235 01288754 00409010 rig_out v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00043880 rig_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01665549 right v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 0 02525657 01988748 01988588 00200023 rigidify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00419333 00419035 rile v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01791774 01422383 rim v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02693438 02334995 01870483 rime v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02756307 01705717 ring v 6 8 @ ~ * > ^ $ + ; 6 4 02185344 02188233 02185984 00791110 01469999 01299987 ring_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02180305 ring_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01002103 rinse v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01538956 01272763 00037131 rinse_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01538956 riot v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02590746 02498909 rip v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 01576107 02102319 01604068 02326737 00864941 rip_off v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 02579332 02326737 00179012 rip_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01353852 00932156 rip_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01576722 ripen v 2 3 @ > + 2 2 00250855 00250738 riposte v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02066431 00818014 ripple v 2 4 @ * $ + 2 2 02043899 02192368 rise v 17 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 17 16 01972576 00154951 01987278 02702643 01994295 02630344 01973786 00434185 00433389 00018151 00155355 01822083 01158011 02589224 01987148 01974362 00098524 rise_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01994295 02589224 01985637 risk v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02551275 02550045 ritualise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00526526 ritualize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00526526 rival v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02677976 01124620 rive v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01576107 01559354 rivet v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00724156 01369969 00724637 roach v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01302148 01302059 roam v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01885173 roar v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 5 01047931 00917558 01048804 02000220 01050590 00029829 roar_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02018585 roast v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00325361 00853615 rob v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02326371 02324030 robe v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00051760 01619938 rock v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01879288 01880021 rocket v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01947945 01244317 roil v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01889423 01422383 roister v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02498909 roleplay v 1 5 @ ~ $ + ; 1 1 01723780 roll v 18 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 18 9 01870178 01891013 02693093 01393934 02202528 01525056 01528927 00143024 00100164 02327592 01905776 01885173 01879677 01870596 01057850 00325228 00125097 00124886 roll_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 00344696 roll_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01970713 roll_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00585681 roll_in_the_hay v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 roll_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00947680 roll_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01393934 01489811 roll_over v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01871802 02276512 02276335 roll_up v 7 4 ! @ ~ $ 7 1 00436806 02309962 02010467 01489634 01348271 00436641 00124886 roller_skate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01941393 rollerblade v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01941851 rollick v 1 1 @ 1 0 01887709 romance v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02540158 01779703 01039782 00836236 romanise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00997570 romanize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00997570 romanticise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00694938 00535760 romanticize v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00694938 00535760 00012847 romp v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01887709 01930831 01102978 roneo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01699354 roof v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01236557 rook v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02578034 room v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02662859 roost v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01546513 00416560 root v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 1 00358789 02629812 02562263 01531982 01285016 00416323 00358968 root_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 01151176 root_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00860463 root_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01569697 01666012 rootle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01285016 rope v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 0 01607172 01291758 rope_down v 1 3 @ * ; 1 0 01927051 rope_in v 2 1 @ 2 0 01591218 00770675 rope_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01591218 rope_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01291933 rosin v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01253240 rot v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00210263 00093529 rotate v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 3 02048992 02399036 01098716 02049739 02049364 00246799 rouge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00041285 rough v 1 1 @ 1 1 01758260 rough-dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00219314 rough-hew v 1 1 @ 1 0 01263414 rough-house v 1 1 @ 1 0 02521494 rough-sand v 1 1 @ 1 0 01389265 rough_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01758260 rough_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01758260 rough_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01400977 roughcast v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01664666 01364482 01263414 roughen v 1 3 ! @ * 1 1 01256185 roughhouse v 1 1 @ 1 0 00605742 round v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 2 01862896 00144967 00982371 00864347 00474730 00145443 00046099 round_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00145443 round_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00144967 00474730 00145443 round_out v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 00486205 00172394 00145443 00144967 round_up v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01384567 rouse v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 02088053 02060390 01766380 00018806 rout v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01111362 01285016 01284385 01106659 rout_out v 3 4 @ ~ * $ 3 2 02297226 02060390 01111362 rout_up v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02297226 route v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01959223 01956609 01956423 rove v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01885173 row v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01950855 rub v 3 5 @ ~ * ^ + 3 2 01252288 01253472 02124339 rub_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02594620 rub_down v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 01256577 01235302 rub_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01256577 rub_out v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01551500 rubber v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00136062 rubberise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00136062 rubberize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00136062 rubberneck v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02155170 rubberstamp v 2 1 @ 2 0 01276196 00676436 rubbish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01064187 rubify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00536440 rubric v 1 1 @ 1 0 00536561 rubricate v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02552407 01760719 01687852 00998855 ruck v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01281618 ruck_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01281618 ruckle v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 02179727 01280991 ruddle v 2 1 @ 2 0 01521185 00536650 rue v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01800593 ruff v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01080628 ruffle v 9 4 @ ~ * + 9 2 02043899 01792866 01920627 01794567 01594278 01421321 01394460 01390147 01389955 ruffle_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01390147 ruggedise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00165052 ruggedize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00165052 ruin v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 01566925 02564777 02323145 01569271 01431014 00580070 rule v 7 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 7 4 02592711 00717773 02650318 00974031 02722870 01693915 00235558 rule_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 01150028 rule_out v 3 1 @ 3 3 02635471 01150028 00687320 rumba v 1 1 @ 1 0 01901772 rumble v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02191766 01047591 ruminate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01176852 00632042 rummage v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01321709 rumor v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01044100 rumour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01044100 rumple v 3 2 @ $ 3 0 01390147 01281420 00565934 rumpus v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02591344 run v 41 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 41 29 01930264 02079296 02691775 02448714 02727159 02070867 01528454 02732914 01096497 01721028 02104107 02725274 01529078 00550143 00518609 02726779 02653599 02618269 02569242 01750167 01645087 01214794 02692467 02530978 02247038 02096576 02064720 01931856 01918940 02654212 02427021 01931700 01931400 01930937 01868024 01146304 01088514 00540190 00445584 00335613 00333482 run_a_risk v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02550045 run_across v 1 2 ~ $ 1 1 02026953 run_afoul v 1 1 @ 1 0 02573062 run_aground v 2 2 @ > 2 0 02026332 02026205 run_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02709399 run_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 01887709 run_away v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02079296 02104754 run_bases v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01931164 run_by v 1 1 @ 1 1 02056150 run_down v 7 2 @ $ 7 5 02381924 02072151 00106714 00099271 02156708 02285714 02008241 run_dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 02777714 run_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 02654212 run_into v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 3 02736201 01242872 01238728 02026953 run_low v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01195306 run_off v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 3 02077642 02014892 02006752 02078114 02071817 01740180 01083898 run_on v 2 2 @ $ 2 1 00965904 02690077 run_out v 8 3 @ ~ $ 8 4 00562648 02075385 02014892 02690607 02073816 00562791 00561324 00099271 run_over v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 2 00106714 02076087 run_roughshod v 1 1 @ 1 1 02521249 run_short v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01195306 run_through v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01164263 01159815 run_up v 5 3 @ ~ * 5 3 00159361 01458383 01331921 02326225 01670499 rupture v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01576346 rush v 7 5 ! @ ~ > + 7 4 02062918 01122368 00460251 00460453 02063698 02063390 01648064 rush_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 rush_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02063603 rush_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02063603 rush_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01970508 rust v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00274762 00275082 00240500 rusticate v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02622595 02510065 02507881 01558108 00536749 rustle v 3 3 @ + ; 3 2 02187108 02281983 02274935 rut v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02730580 01279995 saber v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01557404 01329412 sabotage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02549304 sabre v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01557404 01329412 saccharify v 2 1 @ 2 0 02200397 00565591 sack v 4 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 4 1 02350044 02407967 02296219 01488777 sack_out v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00017858 sack_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02296219 sacrifice v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 02348591 01328775 02348957 02330554 sadden v 2 4 ! @ ~ > 2 1 01817020 01817360 saddle v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 01495079 01493471 00752538 safeguard v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01140528 02030173 sag v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01989538 01989771 sag_down v 1 1 @ 1 1 01989771 sail v 4 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 4 3 01850600 01873556 01949375 01850262 sail_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 02528247 sailplane v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01946818 saint v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01780304 00824790 salaam v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00901610 salinate v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00532849 salivate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00102545 01831367 sallow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00282550 sally_forth v 1 1 @ 1 0 02018883 sally_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 02018883 01970508 salt v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 02200660 01377785 00561199 00213779 salt_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02285938 saltate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01969661 01969471 salute v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 3 01177764 00901360 00858952 02128966 00901977 00901719 salvage v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02556565 01384022 salve v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02556565 00085659 samba v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900874 sample v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01197832 sanctify v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00868366 00476750 sanction v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00808164 02484743 00808553 sand v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01389087 sand_cast v 1 1 @ 1 0 01667234 sandbag v 5 3 @ * + 5 0 02522778 02511830 01412733 00843073 00222390 sandblast v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01389395 sandpaper v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01389087 sandwich v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01668976 01532694 sanitate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02366980 sanitise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01247616 00555545 sanitize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01247616 00555545 sap v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 02285714 01313215 saponify v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00539932 00539651 sashay v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01873189 01920627 01899020 sass v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00817805 sate v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01196254 satellite v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00971169 satiate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01196254 01195632 satirise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00854367 satirize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00854367 satisfice v 1 1 @ 1 0 02374122 satisfise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02374122 satisfy v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 02677669 01820398 01185870 saturate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00457312 00498786 sauce v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02524622 01367060 00536924 saunter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01921973 saute v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00327420 savage v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01123318 00825488 save v 11 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 11 10 02556565 02230274 02557529 02271765 02270824 00550632 02557299 02470006 02362227 02288561 01000931 save_up v 1 1 ~ 1 0 02270824 savor v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 3 01824240 02198732 02198420 02198584 savour v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 0 02198732 02198584 02198420 01824240 savvy v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00589616 saw v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01562372 saw_logs v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00017024 saw_wood v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00017024 say v 11 5 @ ~ * $ + 11 8 01011267 01018011 00919271 02736688 00748704 00980581 00930921 00981902 01011848 00947531 00925168 say_farewell v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 00902724 scab v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00098717 02418069 scaffold v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01220181 scald v 4 2 @ + 4 0 00865570 00372476 00372370 00197133 scale v 8 2 @ + 8 2 02734263 01747963 02211818 02003114 01926459 01266712 00491364 00320207 scale_down v 2 3 ! @ * 2 0 00429200 00241017 scale_up v 1 3 ! @ * 1 0 00429371 scallop v 5 2 @ + 5 0 01683001 01668742 01284515 01142741 00145119 scalp v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02246693 00198852 scam v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02578034 scamp v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01717842 scamper v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01906398 scan v 7 4 @ ~ + ; 7 3 02156934 02156708 01321319 02667220 01859433 01053700 00629157 scandalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01814414 scandalize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01814414 scant v 3 1 @ 3 0 02522103 02515522 02230521 scar v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 0 01553977 scare v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 2 01783082 01789567 scare_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01789567 scare_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01789567 scarf v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01433765 01297492 00050777 scarf_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01195632 scarify v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01277309 01278222 01277991 scarper v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 scat v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 scatter v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 5 02034269 02032840 01378910 01504315 00331375 02086937 scavenge v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 01536831 01384022 01180270 00180982 scend v 1 1 @ 1 0 01889232 scent v 3 5 @ ~ > ^ + 3 0 02130106 02129688 00043211 scent_out v 1 1 * 1 0 02129925 schedule v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00680201 00796643 schematise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00569311 schematize v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01635645 00569311 scheme v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00709785 00710205 schlep v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01456329 schmoose v 1 1 @ 1 0 01041034 schmooze v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01041034 schnorr v 1 1 @ 1 0 02275010 school v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02393052 02393545 01965341 schuss v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01942801 scintillate v 5 4 @ $ + ; 5 0 02773718 02772348 02770723 02165760 00473934 scissor v 1 1 @ 1 0 01251514 sclaff v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01419911 01413600 scoff v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00851872 00803444 scold v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00826456 00911526 scollop v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01284515 01142741 00145119 scoop v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01315031 01111670 scoop_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01284897 01315031 scoop_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01315031 scoot v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02065423 scorch v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 1 00378386 00583820 00583604 00380111 00220023 score v 7 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 7 3 01114241 01278326 01006107 01710347 01431211 01114789 00659399 score_out v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01551500 scorn v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 01778720 00798638 scotch v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02563998 01278644 scotch_tape v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01334670 scour v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01319936 01253792 01254215 00456484 scourge v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02506424 01401097 00389306 scout v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02172015 scowl v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00033845 scrabble v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01317100 01008284 scrag v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01574575 01573572 scram v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014716 scramble v 5 5 ! @ ~ + ; 5 2 01890327 01925765 01475437 01420833 00538396 scranch v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01060096 scrap v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02228020 00777201 00570947 scrape v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 3 01310820 01753964 01311803 02044554 01387406 01312138 scrape_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02594620 scrape_by v 1 1 @ 1 0 02594620 scrape_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01387406 scratch v 7 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 7 3 01253472 01311803 02124339 02483178 01552202 01387406 01324555 scratch_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02594620 scratch_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01704514 scratch_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01552501 scratch_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01311803 scraunch v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01060096 scrawl v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01751011 screak v 2 1 @ 2 0 02176108 01050811 scream v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00915018 00914786 02177780 screech v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02176108 01050811 screen v 7 4 @ ~ * + 7 2 02538775 00699185 02405520 02144356 01480168 01463414 01132595 screen_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00334236 screen_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02405520 screw v 5 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 5 0 01429048 01355872 01355699 01355509 01107035 screw_up v 4 2 @ + 4 1 00228093 02533317 01356014 00034627 scribble v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01008284 01751011 scribe v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01278756 scrimmage v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01727456 scrimp v 1 1 @ 1 0 02350494 scrimshank v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02469413 script v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01760563 scroll v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00124662 scrounge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02274739 02275010 scrub v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 01253792 00036773 02483178 scrub_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00036773 scrunch v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 02189243 01548096 01280991 scrunch_up v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 0 01548096 01280991 scruple v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02647382 01798206 00927343 scrutinise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02157817 00698828 scrutinize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02157817 00698828 scry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00629057 scud v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 02065423 01949997 scuff v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01921838 01373104 01373001 01372910 scuffle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01921542 01507112 scull v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01951211 sculpt v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01688232 01554653 sculpture v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 1 01688232 01554653 scum v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02371350 scupper v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01140630 01038191 scurry v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01906398 scuttle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01906398 scythe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01322545 seal v 6 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 6 3 01356709 01356108 00700498 01359285 01271572 01145964 seal_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01350695 seal_off v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 01356709 01129272 seam v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01298602 seaplane v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01947012 sear v 4 3 @ ~ ; 4 1 00378386 00583820 00380111 00218756 search v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 01318273 02158139 00649877 01320383 season v 3 5 @ ~ > + ; 3 0 02196212 00295901 00295646 seat v 7 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 7 3 01546780 02707822 02389417 02339298 02338975 01619805 01547067 secede v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02541123 secern v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00652006 secernate v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 00652006 seclude v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00496934 second v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02562643 02398446 second-guess v 2 1 @ 2 0 00919622 00919508 secrete v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00069066 02149701 section v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01565786 sectionalise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02473684 sectionalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02473684 secularise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00135852 secularize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00135852 02226576 secure v 6 6 @ ~ * > $ + 6 4 02243552 01343121 02354702 00892111 01425540 01309085 sedate v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 00022309 sediment v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 01992769 01992659 seduce v 2 4 @ * $ + 2 0 01431211 00785293 see v 24 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 24 18 02133754 00592510 02133338 01638974 00692380 00600349 02155378 02026953 00922307 00664507 02493953 02494137 02498679 02555278 01473299 02491850 02134174 00705474 02160655 02135744 02114674 02029932 01159034 00624823 see_double v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02137044 see_eye_to_eye v 1 1 @ 1 1 00807572 see_red v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01790925 see_the_light v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00167742 see_through v 3 1 @ 3 0 02224514 02203487 00486078 see_to_it v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00664507 seed v 8 5 @ ~ $ + ; 8 1 01544838 02222328 01655971 01503512 00660584 00517505 00188707 00179863 seek v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02245263 01318273 02535833 01843112 01072011 seek_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01320084 seel v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02173154 seem v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 02137900 02139137 02751757 02202748 seep v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02075902 seesaw v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01996407 01996283 01885027 seethe v 4 2 @ ~ 4 0 02712465 01771464 00520831 00325228 segment v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01565786 01561222 segregate v 3 3 ! @ + 3 1 02487728 01561000 00495549 segue v 1 1 @ 1 0 00783538 seine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01142610 seize v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 4 01215136 01216178 02277394 02278138 02279327 01368542 00739661 00739481 seize_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 00603507 seize_with_teeth v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01448551 select v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00676526 self-destroy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01623473 self-destruct v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01623473 sell v 8 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 8 5 02247246 02733758 00769680 02249738 02240448 02754230 02754081 02543073 sell_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02249030 sell_out v 2 4 @ * + ; 2 1 02252366 00615215 sell_short v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02247968 00673572 sell_someone_out v 1 2 @ * 1 0 00938795 sell_up v 1 3 @ * ; 1 0 02252366 sellotape v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01334670 semaphore v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01042150 01042030 semi-automatise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00481327 semi-automatize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00481327 send v 8 6 @ ~ > ^ + ; 8 8 01955339 01439891 01033289 01954657 01091334 01064577 02353564 00975088 send_a_message v 1 1 @ 1 0 00744851 send_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02047394 send_away v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 02471362 02407967 send_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 00952006 send_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02507881 send_for v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00794133 send_in v 2 2 @ * 2 1 01440234 02493817 send_off v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01958986 01518423 01064577 send_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01959367 send_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01439891 send_packing v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02471362 send_word v 1 1 @ 1 1 00875364 senesce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00248912 sense v 4 3 @ $ + 4 1 02110460 02159678 00590864 00590704 sensibilise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00273190 sensibilize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00273190 sensify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00273190 sensitise v 4 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 4 0 02120261 00575009 00574748 00273190 sensitize v 4 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 4 1 00273190 02120261 00575009 00574748 sensualise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00133786 sensualize v 3 1 @ 3 0 01684368 00728974 00133786 sentence v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 1 00908688 sentimentalise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00580182 00534265 00012937 sentimentalize v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00534265 00580182 00012937 sentimentise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00012937 sentimentize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00012937 separate v 13 6 @ ~ * > $ + 13 10 02627934 01559703 00652006 02473085 01461602 00656296 02035003 02436167 02034003 00334996 02517971 01560556 00329612 separate_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00334236 separate_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01461293 sequence v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00662242 00922096 sequester v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 0 02278767 02278138 00580444 00496934 00496744 sequestrate v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 00496934 00496744 serenade v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01707716 serialise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00279845 serialize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00279845 sermonise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00830035 sermonize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00830035 serrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01258371 serve v 15 5 @ ~ $ + ; 15 11 02676679 01097629 02676187 02546948 01183592 01182648 02599263 02676367 02714981 02546367 01441318 02675578 02416751 01430644 01079961 serve_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01182648 serve_well v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02676367 service v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02546948 00457892 01430644 set v 25 7 ! @ ~ ^ $ + ; 25 14 01496967 00701581 00949109 01064417 00299677 01610349 00407168 00299337 01715608 01974660 01709988 01570056 01632091 00443624 01748696 01616143 01533061 01249886 01117424 00675367 00409010 00408773 00296959 00055930 00038562 set_ablaze v 1 2 @ * 1 1 02766097 set_about v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 2 02444146 01654835 00346415 set_afire v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02766097 set_aflame v 1 2 @ * 1 0 02766097 set_ahead v 1 1 @ 1 0 01998320 set_apart v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00679602 00496744 set_ashore v 1 1 @ 1 0 01985450 set_aside v 3 2 @ ; 3 2 00726112 00543748 02483910 set_back v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 02648898 02457523 02708534 set_down v 6 2 @ ~ 6 4 01022365 01983915 01504761 01503011 01983255 01492094 set_forth v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01003339 02018017 set_free v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02502711 set_in v 3 1 @ 3 1 02615474 02775600 00416668 set_in_motion v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01517828 set_off v 7 3 @ ~ > 7 6 01647199 02018017 00515544 00307505 02723706 00350439 00852919 set_on v 1 1 ~ 1 0 01122487 set_on_fire v 1 2 @ * 1 1 02766097 set_out v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 3 00346415 01476839 02018017 set_to_music v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01709873 set_up v 15 5 @ ~ > + ; 15 10 02431950 01660471 01665137 00408773 01466592 01665366 02584093 01646466 01572394 01572936 02579184 01516758 00737576 00409010 00407168 set_upon v 1 1 @ 1 0 01129126 settle v 22 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 22 13 01992472 00700621 00765444 00414801 00766947 01993887 00416323 00559750 00540418 01991072 01468550 00799753 00766077 02259066 01990729 01990565 01990199 01496276 01094539 00482872 00415969 00342819 settle_down v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 01992472 00416323 01767681 settle_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00487639 sever v 2 3 @ $ + 2 2 01563766 01563513 severalise v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 00663398 00652006 severalize v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 00663398 00652006 sew v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01331921 01670222 sew_together v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01331921 sex v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01766135 00653301 sex_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00587318 sexualise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00569048 sexualize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00569048 shack v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02656647 02063844 shack_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02657288 shackle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01303151 01290655 shade v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 3 02774660 01699462 01480334 00113413 00113228 shade_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02774660 shadow v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02005493 02774660 02702148 shadowbox v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01423270 shaft v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02367600 01107035 shag v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900112 shake v 9 5 @ ~ $ + ; 9 8 01893603 00014027 01895631 01879288 00167193 01765558 02077473 00560633 00994550 shake_hands v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00899782 shake_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02077473 01516062 shake_up v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 1 01869037 02437970 01894344 01765558 01422127 01394600 shallow v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00537223 00537068 sham v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01725631 00839722 shamanise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02574799 shamanize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02574799 shamble v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01921542 shame v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02552922 02513727 01796316 01110464 shampoo v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00041748 shanghai v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01474177 shank v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01405101 shape v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00702806 01663142 00142011 shape_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00249545 share v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 5 02724184 02300511 02300169 02299140 01065952 shark v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02579088 01146080 sharpen v 8 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 8 4 01249165 00393128 00393016 00315073 02195232 00394100 00393662 00393290 sharpshoot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01137927 shatter v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00334568 00334860 00334717 shave v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 2 00037291 01251346 02354593 01252054 01251711 01251161 she-bop v 1 4 @ ~ * $ 1 0 01433266 shear v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 01323173 01563151 01323476 00588295 sheathe v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 01584484 01584211 01581563 shed v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 01516062 01544585 01544361 00009140 shed_blood v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01619055 00074587 shed_light_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00622730 sheer v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02037140 01845413 sheet v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02764220 01341183 shell v 8 5 @ ~ * $ + 8 1 01138348 01762865 01516342 01408849 01319473 01104324 00198119 00181403 shell_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02299397 shell_stitch v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01676902 shellac v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01273153 shellack v 1 1 @ 1 0 01273153 shelter v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02662486 02276662 shelve v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 02648898 01500389 shepherd v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02555865 02555741 shew v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00666706 shield v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01132595 02153034 shift v 13 5 @ ~ $ + ; 13 7 00380830 01887337 02016196 01897981 00556524 00556731 00549993 01888967 01868620 01007094 00585487 00552142 00551194 shill v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02581611 shillyshally v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02712246 02648322 shimmer v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02769408 02712338 shimmy v 2 3 @ + ; 2 2 01875539 01759233 shin v 1 1 @ 1 0 01925765 shine v 10 5 @ ~ * > + 10 6 02771882 02769698 02167378 02739209 02662054 02165960 02769241 02618011 01833689 01248201 shine_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02680258 shine_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01808720 shingle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01236787 shinny v 1 1 @ 1 0 01925765 ship v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 01954657 02414968 01983476 01851524 01499617 shipwreck v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02565439 02534828 02116108 01568819 shirk v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02469127 00813543 shirr v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00323196 shirt v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00048724 shit v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00843665 00073791 shiver v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01892939 00014194 shlep v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01914866 01456329 shmoose v 1 1 @ 1 0 01041034 shmooze v 1 1 @ 1 0 01041034 shnorr v 1 1 @ 1 0 02275010 shoal v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00537223 00537068 shock v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 2 01813031 01814414 01786841 01564495 01388962 00090138 00089938 shoe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00049487 shoehorn v 1 1 @ 1 0 00302325 shoetree v 1 1 @ 1 0 00319912 shoo v 1 1 @ 1 0 02007494 shoo_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02007494 shoo_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02007494 shoot v 20 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 20 9 01139564 02490159 01137207 01004785 02100325 02065423 02059191 01600207 01005294 02774217 02127640 01588444 01521817 01439781 01198337 01086877 00987251 00649161 00357986 00086072 shoot_a_line v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00884747 shoot_craps v 1 1 @ 1 0 01141248 shoot_down v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 2 02059191 01985293 02479111 shoot_for v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00707283 shoot_one's_mouth_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00827437 shoot_the_breeze v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01040538 shoot_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00433525 shop v 4 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 4 2 02330964 02471557 02331351 00843665 shop_at v 1 1 @ 1 1 02471557 shoplift v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02282148 shore v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02716855 01985450 01221568 shore_up v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01221568 short v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02578724 01621903 short-change v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02578724 02578034 short-circuit v 3 1 @ 3 0 02564637 01621903 00812833 shorten v 5 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 5 2 00317569 00244786 00561970 00317295 00201398 shortlist v 1 1 @ 1 0 00660469 shoulder v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01241923 01241471 01241618 shoulder_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 01878064 shout v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 00914426 00915018 00914001 00846978 shout_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01813751 shout_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 00915018 00917218 shove v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01875673 01587622 02098847 shove_along v 1 1 @ 1 1 01852996 shove_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01852996 shovel v 1 3 @ ^ + 1 1 01315470 shovel_in v 2 1 @ 2 0 02294934 01176396 show v 12 7 ! @ ~ > ^ + ; 12 11 02153218 00666706 01017253 02141597 01690851 00945869 00925764 02144017 00924838 00925278 02004579 01088960 show_off v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02146446 show_the_door v 1 1 @ 1 0 01471577 show_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00424655 02144017 shower v 5 2 @ + 5 3 02269409 01375659 00035252 02763609 01186866 shower_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02763609 shred v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01576722 shriek v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00916373 shrill v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00916373 shrimp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01144496 shrine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01485588 shrink v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 4 00242575 02064997 00241924 00241457 00152378 shrink_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 02065294 shrink_from v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02469127 shrinkwrap v 1 1 @ 1 0 01286605 shrive v 1 1 @ 1 0 00905665 shrivel v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00242575 00152378 shrivel_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00242575 shroud v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01585121 02755643 01303023 shrug v 1 3 @ ^ + 1 1 00033948 shrug_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00744118 shuck v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00198331 00180104 shudder v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00014194 01892939 shuffle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01921542 02016825 01421321 shun v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00813811 02509666 shunt v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02016079 02069813 shush v 1 1 @ 1 0 00391412 shut v 3 6 @ ~ > ^ $ + 3 3 01347791 01349660 02454205 shut_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01350360 shut_down v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 02431242 shut_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01589983 shut_off v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 02686341 02035671 01480024 shut_one's_mouth v 1 0 1 0 00939649 shut_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02454205 shut_up v 3 4 @ ~ > $ 3 3 01042933 01350360 00462448 shutter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01245560 shuttle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02066009 shuttlecock v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01149898 shy v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01914673 01512124 shy_away_from v 1 1 @ 1 1 00813657 sibilate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 01057276 01056271 01056058 01055643 sic v 1 1 @ 1 0 01117424 sick v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00076153 sicken v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 01812341 00087206 02199637 00087961 side v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01151427 side-slip v 1 1 @ 1 0 01875035 sideline v 1 1 @ 1 0 02404821 sidestep v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00811316 sideswipe v 1 1 @ 1 0 01276818 sidetrack v 1 1 @ 1 0 02070232 sidle v 2 1 @ 2 2 01873292 01873189 sidle_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01808720 sieve v 4 4 @ ~ ^ + 4 0 02405520 01463223 01462658 00677687 sieve_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00679463 sift v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02103105 01462658 01463223 00677687 sigh v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00004032 00987832 sight v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02168177 02203821 sight-read v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 01719384 sight-sing v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01719643 sightread v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01719384 sightsee v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01847846 sightsing v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01719643 sign v 8 5 @ ~ * ^ + 8 5 00998530 02470289 00890750 02415071 01041202 01500958 00931122 00868895 sign_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02348812 sign_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00968184 sign_off v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00976063 sign_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02415071 sign_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02348812 sign_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02415071 01099720 signal v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01041202 00923271 signalise v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02301945 01041202 00926583 00924409 signalize v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02301945 01041202 00926583 00924409 signify v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00933814 00934286 01041726 signpost v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00924291 silence v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 1 00462448 00463920 silhouette v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02142756 01684516 silkscreen v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01753362 silt v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01482175 silt_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01482175 silver v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01398147 00290294 00283412 silver-plate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398982 silverplate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01398982 simmer v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 00325032 simmer_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01767681 simonise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01248054 simonize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01248054 simper v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00029329 simplify v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00401333 simulate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01746767 01726857 01725631 sin v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02571602 02572142 sing v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 5 01734912 01733312 01069838 01045759 00939238 sing_along v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01732492 singe v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00379192 00583820 single v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01412028 single-foot v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01964350 single_crochet v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01677200 single_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00681158 02517971 single_stitch v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01677200 singsong v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01052037 02099974 singularise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00924612 singularize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00924612 sink v 9 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 9 9 01989937 01990883 01976145 01993887 01975943 02043524 00433792 01992900 01532886 sink_in v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 1 00593150 01460583 sinter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01664990 sip v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01172967 siphon v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01857528 01616295 siphon_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01857528 sire v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00054345 siss v 2 1 @ 2 0 01056058 01055643 sit v 10 9 ! @ ~ * > ^ $ + ; 10 6 01545905 02698724 01988916 02028720 02147248 01961388 02697056 02461692 01546780 01097992 sit_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02698724 sit_back v 2 1 @ 2 2 00026934 02379190 sit_by v 1 1 @ 1 1 02379190 sit_down v 3 6 ! @ ~ * > $ 3 3 01988916 01546780 01545905 sit_in v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02619175 02549179 sit_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 1 02732418 00672097 sit_tight v 1 1 @ 1 0 00118730 sit_up v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00020252 02102958 site v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02338685 situate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02700775 01578506 size v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 0 01613182 00657658 00320015 size_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02157817 sizz v 2 1 @ 2 0 01056058 01055643 sizzle v 3 1 @ 3 1 00864255 01771670 00378577 skank v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02052535 skate v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01940612 skate_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 02521921 skateboard v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01941654 skedaddle v 1 1 @ 1 1 02080011 sketch v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 01701523 01008466 skew v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00467397 skewer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01447182 ski v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01942285 ski_jump v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01969338 skid v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01874860 01979135 01875210 01874268 skim v 7 4 @ ~ ^ + 7 2 01946577 01250114 02156708 01518556 01263827 01263582 00629486 skim_off v 2 1 @ 2 1 01263582 00679364 skim_over v 2 1 @ 2 1 00629486 01250114 skimcoat v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01364839 skimp v 4 2 @ ^ 4 0 02522103 02515522 02350494 02230521 skimp_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02521921 skin v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 01925765 01312138 01266348 01265500 skin-dive v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01967137 skin_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00098843 skin_pop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01202299 skinny-dip v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01966505 skip v 6 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 6 3 00618188 02619895 01970868 02014550 01896727 01518556 skip-bomb v 1 1 @ 1 0 01135306 skip_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00618188 skip_town v 1 1 @ 1 0 00428511 skipper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02451866 skirl v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02182290 01730639 skirmish v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01126191 skirt v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 00811316 02056014 02709571 01469999 skitter v 4 2 @ ~ 4 0 01906398 01892041 01518556 01451510 skittle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01149163 skive v 1 1 @ 1 0 01251610 skreak v 2 1 @ 2 0 02176108 01050811 skreigh v 1 1 @ 1 0 01050811 skulk v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02646137 02469555 01922514 skunk v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01106104 sky v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01515257 sky_dive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01972052 skydive v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01972052 skyjack v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01474881 skylark v 1 1 @ 1 1 01887709 skyrocket v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01947945 slabber v 1 1 @ 1 0 00102728 slack v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 0 02469765 00618051 00537615 00442167 00441535 00246175 00245945 00215050 slack_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00245945 slack_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00442167 slacken v 4 5 @ ~ > ^ + 4 2 00441535 00442167 00422361 00422078 slacken_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00156293 slag v 1 1 @ 1 0 00586984 slake v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 0 01206641 00246175 00215050 slalom v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01942896 slam v 4 2 @ + 4 2 01245396 01244955 01901878 01245253 slam-dunk v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02608682 01600753 slam_dance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01901878 slam_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 01367700 slander v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00848188 slang v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 00966142 00856586 00847337 slant v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02698400 00682404 02042202 01888570 slap v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01419525 slap_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01367700 slap_together v 1 1 @ 1 0 01626402 slash v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 01325339 01413739 01325173 00431214 01894785 slat v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02341680 01223092 slate v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00711673 02402248 01341050 slather v 1 1 @ 1 0 01382114 slaughter v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 01325518 00480107 slave v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02426299 slaver v 1 1 @ 1 1 00102728 slay v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02488014 sled v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01943033 sledge v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01958600 01850041 01419386 sledgehammer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01419386 sleek v 1 1 @ 1 0 01248550 sleek_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00038400 sleek_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02152539 sleep v 2 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 2 1 00014735 02707305 sleep_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02099668 sleep_in v 2 1 @ 2 1 00015799 01179611 sleep_late v 1 1 @ 1 0 00015799 sleep_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02292887 sleep_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01179802 sleep_over v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02658824 sleep_together v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01429048 sleep_with v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01429048 sleepwalk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01920953 sleet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02765212 sleigh v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01943033 slenderise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00326971 slenderize v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00326971 00045548 sleuth v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00787352 slew v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02037140 01874268 slice v 4 3 @ + ; 4 4 01561837 01411612 01257041 01126815 slice_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01920026 slice_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 01920026 slice_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01257041 slick v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01248550 00038400 slick_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00038400 slick_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 00294739 00043009 slide v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 3 01874268 01890481 02095257 slide_by v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02076777 slide_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01992900 slight v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00619103 slim v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00045548 slim_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00045548 slime v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01255294 sling v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01516980 02109731 02109618 01604468 slink v 1 1 @ 1 1 01921116 slip v 11 5 @ ~ > ^ + 11 6 01892288 00190001 01874268 00204753 02080527 00619438 02236110 02109827 02080748 00610532 00466675 slip_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02080274 02076777 slip_by v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02076777 slip_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01027611 slip_off v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00051087 slip_on v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00050887 slip_one's_mind v 1 1 @ 1 0 00610532 slip_up v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00619747 slit v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01561837 01561665 slither v 1 1 @ 1 0 01890481 sliver v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02474697 00338713 00144134 slobber v 1 3 @ ^ + 1 0 00102728 slobber_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 01831687 slog v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02420703 01925197 01418239 sloganeer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01702029 slop v 4 3 @ $ + 4 2 01544989 01925584 01582337 01180517 slope v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02040935 slosh v 3 1 @ 3 0 02191314 01925584 01377252 slosh_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01377252 slot v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00681031 slouch v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01993734 01933777 slough v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00009140 slough_off v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 02227628 01257476 slow v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00440913 00441535 00441741 slow_down v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00440913 00441535 00441741 00439450 00026378 slow_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00441535 00441741 00440913 slue v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02037140 01874268 slug v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01418239 02422604 sluice v 4 2 @ + 4 2 02764357 00456323 01857987 01857868 sluice_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02764357 slum v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02498343 slumber v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00014735 slump v 4 3 @ $ + 4 3 01993734 01992900 00433792 01975617 slur v 4 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 4 0 01731745 01046763 01046683 00311895 slur_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02521921 slurp v 1 1 @ 1 1 01171608 slush v 2 1 @ 2 0 02191314 01377252 slush_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01377252 smack v 5 2 @ + 5 2 01417570 02199169 02198941 01434512 01199846 smart v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02126629 smarten_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 00294739 00043009 smash v 10 4 @ ~ $ + 10 2 01404426 00336733 02323145 02108651 01804206 01569486 01564365 01564190 01085987 00335459 smash_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01569486 smatter v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02421160 01039522 00965993 smear v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 01254989 01254492 01235951 00848188 smell v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 3 02129213 02128137 02128797 02199169 00590864 smell_out v 2 2 @ * 2 0 02129925 00590864 smell_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02130487 smelt v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01685808 smile v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00028558 01069534 smirch v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01255165 00848188 smirk v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00029329 smite v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01399298 01773334 00260813 smock v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01681404 smoke v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 01200739 02773880 smoke_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02060778 smolder v 2 1 @ 2 1 00378240 01776620 smooch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01428360 smooth v 3 6 ! @ ~ * ^ + 3 2 01255535 01248201 02318078 smooth_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02318078 smooth_over v 1 1 @ 1 1 02521921 smoothen v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 0 01255535 01248201 00548301 smother v 5 4 @ * $ + 5 3 01571714 01572009 01571411 02755508 01571845 smoulder v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01776620 00378240 smudge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01254492 smuggle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 02350852 smut v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 00584836 00287558 00210907 00088906 smutch v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01254492 snack v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01175702 snaffle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02309628 01303391 snafu v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00403923 snag v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01330894 02358084 01263157 snail v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01385571 snake v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01892158 02744851 01887203 snap v 13 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 13 10 00918227 01576346 00337875 01897764 00356324 02187297 02093216 01442364 01405526 01244772 01788114 01448920 01005294 snap_at v 1 1 @ 1 1 01448375 snap_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 00092772 snap_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01301517 snap_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02309628 snare v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 01483400 00785089 snarf v 1 1 @ 1 0 02281711 snarl v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 2 00918227 00918473 01465557 00403738 snarl_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00403738 snatch v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 01442364 01215710 01473673 snatch_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01442364 sneak v 4 3 @ ^ + 4 2 01915881 02603446 02281711 02236110 sneak_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02080274 sneak_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01231430 01027611 sneak_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02080274 sneak_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02080274 sneak_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01997244 sneer v 2 3 @ $ + 2 2 00032771 00032532 sneeze v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00004819 snick v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01411143 01261705 snicker v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00030003 sniff v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 2 02129497 00007549 sniff_out v 1 1 * 1 0 02129925 sniffle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00067045 00007549 snigger v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00030003 snip v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01459092 01323662 snip_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01459092 snipe v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01138109 01137927 00864347 snitch v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02327226 00843665 snivel v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 01044403 00101533 00067045 snog v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01433863 snooker v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02584469 01076599 snoop v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 00787352 snooze v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00015296 snore v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 00017024 snorkel v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01967802 snort v 4 3 @ * + 4 3 01046945 00006523 01202883 01202393 snow v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02764935 00840873 snow-blind v 1 1 @ 1 0 02173274 snowball v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00158192 01510798 snowboard v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02109138 snowmobile v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01961132 snowshoe v 1 1 @ 1 0 02107729 snub v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01061436 00800201 snuff v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02130617 00109067 snuff_it v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00359085 snuff_out v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00479148 02767855 snuffle v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02130617 00101533 00067045 snuggle v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 01427599 01427999 soak v 9 5 @ ~ * + ; 9 3 01581362 02324030 00216642 02352216 01400524 01193027 01192810 00457106 00372810 soak_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 01608613 soak_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 0 01541851 00602438 soap v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 00036925 soar v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 4 01947577 01959667 01947197 00155214 01946818 soar_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01947577 soar_upwards v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01947577 sob v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00066900 sober v 3 2 @ * 3 0 00149289 00149116 00148938 sober_up v 2 2 @ * 2 1 00148938 00149116 socialise v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02394092 02391987 00406978 00406778 socialize v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02394092 02391987 00406978 00406778 sock v 1 1 @ 1 1 01399742 sod v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01338393 sodomise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02574487 02574307 sodomize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02574487 02574307 soft-pedal v 1 1 @ 1 0 00841943 soft-soap v 2 1 @ 2 0 00771498 00771400 soft-solder v 1 1 @ 1 0 01598526 soften v 7 5 ! @ ~ > + 7 2 02195078 00390886 02709149 01579748 01059908 00256275 00255753 soil v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01536935 sojourn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02715296 solace v 1 2 ~ + 1 1 01818782 solarise v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 0 02118916 02118539 02118333 02117029 solarize v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 0 02118916 02118539 02118333 02117029 solder v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01598181 soldier v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01099442 sole v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00534483 solemnise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02585332 02495397 00580642 solemnize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02585332 02495397 00580642 solicit v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 00784104 02540158 00783699 00773178 00755779 solidify v 2 5 @ ~ > + ; 2 0 00446422 00446124 soliloquise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00966510 soliloquize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00966510 solmizate v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01735234 01734265 solo v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01945846 01718899 solvate v 2 4 @ > + ; 2 0 00447650 00447469 solve v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00636568 00735067 00763499 somersault v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01871683 somnambulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01920953 sonnet v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01707589 01707472 soot v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01265034 soothe v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 2 01818782 00063687 sop v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02289274 01608613 01580344 00216642 sop_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01541851 01200618 sophisticate v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02393906 00934760 00489366 00403296 sorb v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 01543237 sorcerise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00383946 sorcerize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00383946 sorrow v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01801358 sort v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02405520 00656296 sort_out v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 2 00656296 00622730 02559125 sough v 1 1 @ 1 0 01048687 sound v 7 5 @ ~ > ^ + 7 5 02139392 02180712 02139513 02184975 00954214 02183962 00492625 sound_off v 3 3 @ ~ ; 3 1 01029677 01654652 00909100 sound_out v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 00980581 00810733 soundproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00496441 soup v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00084999 soup_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00171010 sour v 2 4 ! @ $ + 2 2 00459426 02201136 source v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02243318 00668640 souse v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 1 00216642 01579924 01192810 00322602 sovietise v 2 1 @ 2 0 02438966 01748147 sovietize v 2 1 @ 2 0 02438966 01748147 sow v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 2 01503512 00971402 01503986 sow_in v 1 3 @ $ ; 1 0 01503986 sow_one's_oats v 1 1 @ 1 1 01194712 sow_one's_wild_oats v 1 1 @ 1 0 01194712 space v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01992094 spacewalk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01910195 spade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01312909 spam v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01034587 span v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02691213 spang v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01239505 spangle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02167614 01673801 spank v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01423582 spar v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02367699 01422958 01422848 00775967 spare v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02470006 02570589 02350643 01160800 sparge v 2 1 @ 2 0 01894216 00229081 spark v 2 3 @ > + 2 2 01647199 02772645 spark_off v 1 2 @ > 1 0 01647199 sparkle v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02772348 00473934 02772645 00520443 spat v 7 4 @ ~ * + 7 0 02763140 01541573 01240625 00863593 00776862 00056543 00034108 spatchcock v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01669227 01643134 spatter v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01376685 02763786 01541417 spawn v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01652566 00056397 spay v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00060248 speak v 5 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 5 5 00944022 00964479 00965602 00991233 02140072 speak_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 02547838 speak_in_tongues v 1 1 @ 1 0 00935201 speak_of_the_devil v 1 1 @ 1 0 00884203 speak_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01029677 speak_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01029677 00918076 spear v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01447506 02720075 spear_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02720075 spearhead v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02445473 specialise v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 0 02451029 01023982 00438687 00438402 00119074 specialize v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 3 00438402 01023982 00438687 02451029 00119074 speciate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00119074 specify v 7 5 ! @ ~ $ + 7 5 01020937 00949109 02617665 01023982 00717446 00711208 00679602 speck v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01275970 speckle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01541257 01541098 spectate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02156130 speculate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00635105 00929020 00632042 02276935 speech-read v 1 1 @ 1 0 00629632 speechify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00992040 speed v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 5 02062918 00439133 02059573 02059899 00440298 speed_skate v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 0 01942147 speed_up v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00439133 00440298 spell v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 3 00939909 00934598 01703755 02417496 01066582 00121195 spell_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01007949 01704008 00939909 spellbind v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01825070 00779567 00020919 spelunk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00651540 spend v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02714280 02271905 02272374 spend_a_penny v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 spew v 3 2 @ + 3 0 00101710 00076824 00076153 spew_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076824 sphacelate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00097148 spice v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 00560996 02197016 spice_up v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 1 02197016 00560996 spiel v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01728336 00965187 spiel_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00947680 spiff_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00294739 spike v 6 4 @ ~ + ; 6 0 02563916 01446945 01308835 00295480 00222561 00157027 spike_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00295480 spill v 6 5 @ ~ $ + ; 6 3 01544989 02073816 01544361 01544585 00954873 00430595 spill_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02074078 spill_over v 2 1 @ 2 1 01766953 02074078 spill_the_beans v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00939238 spin v 8 4 @ ~ * + 8 2 02050704 02071990 02052000 01643042 01642906 01521405 00955732 00319507 spin-dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00215789 spin_around v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02050704 spin_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00345838 spin_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00319507 spiral v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02053139 02744419 02053510 spirit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00193474 spirit_away v 2 1 @ 2 0 01437633 01435547 spirit_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01437633 spirit_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00193474 spiritise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01232195 spiritize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01232195 spiritualise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00625619 00477244 spiritualize v 3 3 ! @ + 3 0 00625619 00581589 00477244 spirt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02072341 01888119 spit v 4 3 @ ^ + 4 2 00101710 01047190 02763786 01447182 spit_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 00102057 01047190 00006238 spit_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02204855 00006238 spite v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01797206 splash v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 4 01377432 01925584 01376685 01339546 02191314 01537397 01377960 splash_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02424713 splat v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 02177957 00465086 00464546 splatter v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01544989 01376685 splay v 3 1 @ 3 0 02049604 02049364 00466675 splice v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01562966 02495105 01562816 01562650 splint v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00083414 splinter v 3 2 @ + 3 3 02541123 02474697 00338713 split v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 5 02473085 01559354 02436167 02034003 00310092 split_up v 4 4 @ ~ * $ 4 0 02496283 02473085 02436167 00334996 splosh v 4 2 @ ~ 4 0 02191314 01925584 01377432 01376685 splotch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01535117 splurge v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02273848 02146886 splutter v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00988929 00102057 spoil v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 3 02533317 00210685 00203443 02576182 02563998 01829703 01568253 00478872 spondaise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01707054 spondaize v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01707054 sponge v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 01395317 02275249 01551839 01396265 01386300 sponge_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 01253359 00036678 sponge_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 01253359 sponge_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01367577 sponge_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01542275 sponsor v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02224722 02224930 02471557 spoof v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00851619 spook v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01834907 spool v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 02238315 01525666 spoon v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01582471 01428360 spoonfeed v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01181935 00789538 sport v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02637740 01887709 sportscast v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00971292 sporulate v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01756536 00116304 spot v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 1 02158742 02197640 01540949 01534786 00511039 00510688 spot-check v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00666029 spot-weld v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01598977 spot_jam v 1 1 @ 1 0 01059581 spot_promote v 1 1 @ 1 1 02403456 spotlight v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00515150 00293130 spotweld v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01598977 spout v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02072341 01053828 sprain v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00090876 sprawl v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01546208 02036072 spray v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01376509 01375347 01376216 spray-dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00216087 spread v 10 7 ! @ ~ > ^ $ + 10 8 01381221 01382787 02695141 01582662 00970243 00971905 02086937 02064069 01614805 01614650 spread-eagle v 5 2 @ ; 5 1 00027563 02696419 01940926 01546408 01106659 spread_out v 7 2 @ ~ 7 2 02064069 01363418 02086937 02081395 02049364 02032840 01582662 spread_over v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01210571 spreadeagle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01106659 spree v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01184856 spring v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 01967949 02629987 01896097 00095025 00937859 spring-clean v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01536639 spring_to_mind v 1 1 @ 1 0 00610906 spring_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02630344 sprinkle v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01378910 01377432 02763786 00229081 sprint v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01932532 spritz v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01316440 01316252 sprout v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00357986 00095131 spruce v 2 1 @ 2 0 00294739 00043009 spruce_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 00294739 00043009 spud v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01446109 00357986 spue v 2 1 @ 2 0 00101710 00076153 spume v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00512936 spur v 5 3 @ * + 5 4 02560355 01822802 01244054 01243817 01243943 spurn v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00798638 spurt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02072341 01888119 sputter v 5 2 @ + 5 2 02190806 00557078 01925765 00988929 00102057 spy v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 2 02158742 00787352 02168177 00787132 squabble v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00776101 squall v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01049135 00915018 02775977 squander v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02273196 01160479 square v 8 4 @ ~ + ; 8 4 00145268 00641798 02665734 01991507 02665619 02258149 01127390 01127254 square_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00276642 square_dance v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01902886 square_off v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00765444 square_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00145268 01991662 00765444 squash v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01596858 squat v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01548096 02731437 02655814 squawk v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01050811 00912926 squeak v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02176108 squeak_by v 2 1 @ 2 0 02594620 01250248 squeak_through v 1 1 @ 1 0 01250248 squeal v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01056566 00821169 squeegee v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01395444 squeeze v 9 5 @ ~ > ^ + 9 3 01596858 01450487 01530059 02510211 02245889 02098847 01459400 01427110 01390440 squeeze_by v 1 1 @ 1 0 02594620 squeeze_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 02511717 squeeze_out v 6 3 @ ~ * 6 3 02409218 02244779 01352000 02244628 01679675 01378302 squelch v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00464147 02183723 01925584 01596858 squinch v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02067153 02064997 00008595 squint v 3 2 @ + 3 1 00008595 02172514 00008792 squire v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02030049 squirm v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01872363 squirrel_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02310836 squirt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01378302 01316071 squish v 2 1 @ 2 0 01925584 01616493 stab v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01234216 01232914 01232540 stabilise v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 0 01222557 00272745 00271625 stabilize v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 00271625 01222557 00272745 stable v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 02465338 stack v 3 4 @ ~ ^ + 3 1 01506584 01506036 01467410 stack_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02285938 stack_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 01506930 staff v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01091160 01098150 stag v 3 3 @ ~ * 3 0 02602272 00843665 00787352 stage v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 01715304 01651668 stage_direct v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01715195 stagger v 4 2 @ + 4 3 01928835 01929123 01506762 01814093 stagnate v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02731161 02730942 02730710 02422604 stain v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 00286768 00287365 01540197 00284175 stake v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 3 02550969 01141530 01594397 01594861 01574834 stale v 1 1 @ 1 0 00072650 stalemate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01079596 stalinise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00570164 stalinize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00570164 stalk v 3 2 @ + 3 2 01928101 02008023 02005284 stall v 7 4 @ ~ + ; 7 3 02648322 01866326 00461510 02465493 01866762 01866626 01866482 stammer v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00983576 stamp v 9 3 @ ~ + 9 6 01929291 01275580 02149107 01276378 00657963 00479419 01627605 01597283 01534053 stamp_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00463047 stamp_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00355692 stampede v 4 4 @ * > + 4 1 02091072 02600625 02600446 02060224 stanch v 1 1 @ 1 0 00355106 stand v 12 9 ! @ ~ * > ^ $ + ; 12 11 01548893 02617408 02740363 02707980 00670017 00672910 02712985 02708878 02708228 01549550 01118334 01430836 stand_back v 2 1 @ 2 2 02661794 01549415 stand_by v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02732260 02644528 02644714 stand_fast v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00820824 stand_firm v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01119003 00820824 stand_for v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 4 00837915 00933814 02705339 00671017 stand_guard v 1 1 @ 1 1 02460581 stand_in v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02263424 stand_out v 4 3 @ ~ ; 4 3 02680375 02679754 01936805 01119398 stand_pat v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00820824 stand_sentinel v 1 1 @ 1 1 02460581 stand_still v 1 3 ! ~ + 1 1 01838427 stand_up v 7 5 @ ~ * > $ 7 5 01987278 01119504 01549550 01548893 00897237 02624768 01987611 stand_watch v 1 1 @ 1 1 02460581 standardise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00684355 00468630 standardize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00468630 00684355 staple v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01369772 star v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 02637430 01724857 00511950 starboard v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01936922 starch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00418781 stare v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02137210 00033399 stare_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02137454 stargaze v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02137762 01641175 start v 14 7 ! @ ~ > $ + ; 14 11 00346415 00349400 02018017 02614382 01631641 01654152 01914366 01861703 01868216 02384670 01077557 02614858 02606945 02086193 start_out v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 00346415 02018017 start_up v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 1 01861703 01654152 startle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01825572 01914366 starve v 5 5 ! @ > $ + 5 3 01190677 01190070 01190273 01191018 01190481 stash v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02310836 stash_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02285938 state v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 01011267 00879667 01063503 station v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01091334 staunch v 1 1 @ 1 0 00355106 stave v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02367797 00311056 stave_in v 2 1 @ 2 0 00336507 00311056 stave_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02458770 stay v 11 5 ! @ ~ + ; 11 6 00117793 01861378 02643286 02733337 02013215 00461855 02736899 02625202 02565847 01347325 01196647 stay_at v 1 1 @ 1 1 02655702 stay_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02661794 stay_fresh v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02740675 stay_in_place v 1 2 ! ~ 1 1 01852297 stay_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00813382 stay_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02733337 stay_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02658824 stay_put v 1 1 @ 1 1 01861378 stay_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 02493017 stay_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00020252 steady v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00417496 01222557 steady_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00416323 steal v 3 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 3 3 02326737 01892288 01113883 steal_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02080274 steam v 6 3 @ + ; 6 2 01948835 02774537 01974286 01791138 01247889 00327955 steam-heat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02338595 steam_clean v 1 1 @ 1 0 01247889 steamer v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01948835 steamroll v 4 3 @ $ + 4 0 02511456 02378669 01113072 00464919 steamroller v 5 3 @ $ + 5 0 02511456 02378669 01597435 01113072 00464919 steel v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01810238 01617811 steel_oneself_against v 1 1 @ 1 0 00274056 steel_onself_for v 1 1 @ 1 0 00274056 steep v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 00602438 00328172 steepen v 2 1 @ 2 0 00537887 00537758 steer v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 3 01935739 01938963 02444597 stem v 4 2 @ + 4 1 02633834 02718940 00355106 00176147 stencil v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01753468 stenograph v 1 1 @ 1 0 01695401 step v 10 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 10 2 01932791 02095677 02569531 02522260 02335243 02096152 02095956 01259051 00491658 00124467 step_down v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02387509 00291502 step_forward v 1 1 @ 1 1 02093441 step_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02544431 02399804 step_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02096306 step_on_it v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02062918 step_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02020253 step_to_the_fore v 1 1 @ 1 1 02093441 step_up v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00291064 00440804 02093441 stereotype v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00657963 sterilise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00062353 00061366 sterilize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00062353 00061366 stet v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 02607677 01072990 stew v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01809351 01777926 00324657 stick v 16 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 16 3 01530857 01861378 01359453 02759907 02653900 02644929 02644714 01671864 01617485 01617330 01617139 01444612 01444412 01223449 00750090 00624056 stick_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 02644528 stick_around v 2 1 @ 2 0 02644528 01861378 stick_by v 1 1 @ 1 0 02644714 stick_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01027611 00187671 stick_on v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 0 01365133 01359073 stick_out v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 02719247 02680375 00670017 stick_to v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 01359453 00352060 stick_together v 1 1 @ 1 1 02493017 stick_up v 2 5 @ ~ * + ; 2 0 02282293 00897237 stick_with v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00352060 stickle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00775831 stiffen v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 2 00419488 00418521 00419690 stifle v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 2 01571411 00391513 01478810 00360165 stigmatise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02513894 00509726 stigmatize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02513894 00509726 still v 4 5 @ ~ > $ + 4 2 01768652 00462448 01819152 00584982 still-fish v 1 1 @ 1 0 01147934 still-hunt v 1 1 @ 1 0 01144629 stimulate v 7 4 ! @ ~ + 7 6 00504245 00772482 01765558 00022679 01648064 02120601 00795741 sting v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 02124916 01448026 00750090 02127889 01797753 stink v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 1 02679962 02128571 stink_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02130487 stink_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 02130487 stint v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02350494 02230521 stipple v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 01754110 01699668 01685107 01541257 stipulate v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 1 01020937 01021481 00890547 stir v 8 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 8 6 01898313 01897981 02120601 01765558 01774723 01633150 01898157 01544249 stir_fry v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 00327260 stir_up v 4 3 @ ~ > 4 3 02591135 01764964 01422127 00852919 stitch v 1 4 @ ~ * + 1 1 01331921 stock v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 1 02290237 02334879 02334729 02334574 02328282 02328055 00095131 stock-take v 1 1 @ 1 0 02477918 stock_up v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 02328282 stockade v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01133356 stockpile v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02290237 stoke v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02444021 stomach v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01200264 00670017 stomp v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01929291 stone v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01326182 00179712 stone-wash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01539564 stonewall v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01036804 00461087 stonewash v 1 1 @ 1 0 01539564 stooge v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01849047 01724350 00013851 stool v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 00785906 00720569 00095349 00073791 stoop v 5 5 @ ~ * ^ + 5 1 02066560 02523493 02068540 02041528 01604606 stoop_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 00911087 stop v 11 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 11 9 01864781 02686624 02565578 01866904 01863207 00363001 01133899 01442997 02615799 01480632 00363263 stop_dead v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01838672 stop_over v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02659017 01866904 stop_up v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 01425540 stopper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01223200 stopple v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01223200 store v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02285938 02287351 storm v 5 3 @ * + 5 2 02728891 01589521 02776128 02775858 01128477 stow v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01495891 stow_away v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02150605 straddle v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02711773 02696226 02711692 strafe v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01138568 straggle v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02070232 02036072 straighten v 6 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 6 4 02039626 01371262 01986058 00276642 01489811 00278705 straighten_out v 6 3 @ ~ $ 6 3 00208463 01466149 00167742 01371262 00622730 00276642 straighten_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01986700 strain v 9 6 ! @ ~ > + ; 9 5 01148517 01802463 01167895 01462658 00025196 01575559 01461293 01253038 00477675 straiten v 2 1 @ 2 0 02609431 01391225 strand v 3 2 @ > 3 1 02233137 02091644 02026332 strangle v 6 5 @ ~ * > + 6 1 01573763 01571411 00360059 00237139 00077703 00077451 strangulate v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 0 01573763 01391307 00305609 strap v 4 5 ! @ ~ + ; 4 1 01292095 01413739 00393562 00083276 stratify v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 2 02518474 00508033 02518714 01311341 00052562 straw v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01611244 01380788 stray v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 01885173 01929647 00782620 streak v 3 2 @ + 3 1 02091872 01931283 01700030 stream v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02074607 00068783 02032212 02763991 02074394 streamline v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01693794 street-walk v 1 1 @ 1 0 02559943 streetwalk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02559943 strengthen v 3 5 ! @ ~ > + 3 2 00221295 00220887 00101031 stress v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01015376 00985365 01802463 stretch v 11 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 11 8 02613865 00027261 02058913 00241696 00319617 01989285 01452184 00542826 00488684 00153949 00101188 stretch_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02613865 stretch_forth v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00027698 stretch_out v 5 3 @ ~ $ 5 3 02058913 01989285 00027698 00101188 00028160 strew v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01380788 01211516 striate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00510014 strickle v 2 2 @ * 2 0 01588311 01310668 stride v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01923704 01916702 stridulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02176740 strike v 22 7 @ ~ * > ^ $ + 22 14 01412877 01771801 01238728 01126313 00925593 01211755 02417777 02618011 02532477 01212046 00143360 02291532 01678968 01552202 02113245 02108439 01986409 01661889 01642647 01310668 01230799 00637566 strike_a_blow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00137611 strike_a_chord v 3 1 @ 3 1 00593581 01773141 01763770 strike_a_note v 1 1 @ 1 0 01773141 strike_back v 1 1 @ 1 0 01155631 strike_down v 3 3 @ ~ > 3 0 02482757 01328616 01260866 strike_dumb v 1 1 @ 1 0 01772685 strike_hard v 1 1 @ 1 0 01241204 strike_home v 1 1 @ 1 1 01773141 strike_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00802412 strike_out v 6 5 @ ~ > + ; 6 2 00802412 01511912 02534499 01940220 01156641 00347368 strike_up v 2 2 @ ; 2 1 01654652 01645853 string v 7 6 ! @ ~ ^ $ + 7 2 01362135 00190721 01997837 01363274 01363126 01363019 01361848 string_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 01997837 string_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01363418 string_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02491069 00190721 strip v 13 5 @ ~ $ + ; 13 5 02319255 00049617 01266043 00489553 00195256 02349564 01611610 01266223 00195156 00195040 00194878 00194423 00177253 strip-search v 1 1 @ 1 0 01321130 strip_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00049617 strip_mine v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01166397 stripe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01275827 strive v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02536865 01148517 stroke v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01228534 01127034 01127148 00882179 stroll v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01921973 strong-arm v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02521109 01785339 01400361 strop v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01249523 structure v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00405129 struggle v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 4 02412468 01507690 01925765 01092746 strum v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02184806 strut v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01920627 stub v 4 1 @ 4 0 01569964 01213186 00314155 00102174 stub_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00479613 stucco v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01682174 01263935 stud v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 02695724 01360726 study v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 6 00646245 00608800 02170904 00601387 00608509 00706154 stuff v 7 7 ! @ ~ * $ + ; 7 2 01527659 02098847 01481963 01195632 00498636 00321949 00321482 stultify v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01805062 00855127 00226258 stumble v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 3 01905126 01904401 02211244 00619747 stump v 4 2 @ + 4 1 00622051 01929291 01096795 00195565 stun v 3 2 @ + 3 2 00269854 01412733 02119913 stunt v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 1 02457844 01717207 stupefy v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02120101 00624056 00269854 stutter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00983576 style v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 01030475 01670789 00995653 stylise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01691464 stylize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01691464 stymie v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02563025 stymy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02563025 sub v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02263424 subcontract v 2 3 @ * + 2 1 02466486 02466306 subdivide v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00334087 00333876 subdue v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 2 02428975 00463047 01805829 01111038 00580789 00202809 subedit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00629787 subject v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 3 02115410 01120710 02502465 subjoin v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01331708 subjugate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02428975 02502465 sublease v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02214043 sublet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02214043 sublimate v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 0 01957386 00553215 00476114 00366673 00366463 sublime v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 1 00366463 00366673 subluxate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00091265 submarine v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 01874667 01515553 01242752 01227921 01122221 submerge v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01995486 01341976 01581103 00218126 submerse v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01995486 01581103 submit v 10 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 10 8 00880167 00879667 01120499 02267560 02595169 00879879 00671680 01075052 02315308 00734417 subordinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00661206 00580789 suborn v 3 4 @ > $ + 3 0 02587361 00836837 00836622 subpoena v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00795080 subrogate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02365881 subscribe v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 3 02304071 00998530 00807976 02304230 02214527 subscribe_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 02214527 subserve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02554285 subside v 4 2 @ + 4 1 00233328 01990381 01990199 01975943 subsidise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02221793 02221492 subsidize v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02221492 02221793 subsist v 1 3 ~ $ + 1 1 02622766 substantiate v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 00667804 02704285 01648288 00221839 substitute v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02262575 02263424 02399804 subsume v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02640748 00687125 subtend v 1 1 @ 1 1 02699684 subtilise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00393460 subtilize v 3 1 @ 3 0 00651886 00553215 00393460 subtitle v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 02337307 subtract v 2 5 ! @ ~ + ; 2 1 00642914 00588144 suburbanise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00122826 00122661 suburbanize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00122826 00122661 subvent v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00891261 subvention v 1 1 @ 1 0 00891261 subvert v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02407551 02585532 02549304 01567809 subvocalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00981699 subvocalize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00981699 succeed v 2 4 ! ~ * + 2 2 02529837 02411715 succor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02554407 succour v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02554407 succumb v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 1 00806138 02626546 succuss v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01894344 suck v 7 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 7 2 01171984 01858874 02771650 02680129 02121653 01541851 01188961 suck_in v 3 2 @ $ 3 3 01200618 02771650 01284745 suck_out v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01543481 suck_up v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 01541851 01808720 00882499 suckle v 2 3 @ * $ 2 0 01189918 01188961 suction v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 01858665 00073337 sudate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00067316 suds v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01538864 00512936 sue v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02588127 suffer v 11 5 ! @ ~ $ + 11 8 02113644 00065410 01798679 00670017 00205112 00064841 02125976 00078154 02725682 02114536 00205234 suffice v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02675578 suffix v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 01300709 suffocate v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 1 01572009 01478810 00391905 00391723 00360165 00106166 00077451 suffuse v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00455206 00455606 sugar v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02200397 sugarcoat v 2 1 @ 2 0 02200824 01035814 suggest v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00876925 00929401 00932768 00932330 suit v 4 2 @ ~ 4 3 02708690 02741157 02705783 02730133 sulfate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00587063 sulfur v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00517827 sulfurette v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01464514 sulk v 1 3 ~ * + 1 0 02724891 sully v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01540747 01540197 00848188 sulphur v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00517827 sulphurette v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01464514 sum v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02758570 00951320 sum_up v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 01009951 02758570 00951320 summarise v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02758570 01009951 summarize v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01009951 02758570 summate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00951320 02383274 summer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02715648 summerise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00409373 summerize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00409373 summit v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02025001 summon v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 00792796 01043634 01633724 01384203 00271014 summons v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00792796 sun v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00103901 02117029 sunbathe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00103901 sunburn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00104053 sunder v 1 1 @ 1 1 00336624 suntan v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00103780 sup v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01208079 superannuate v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02385560 00819796 00538130 00538001 supercharge v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00498142 00404516 superfetate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00067621 superimpose v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01471892 superinfect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00088724 superintend v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02447914 superordinate v 1 1 @ 1 0 00660290 superpose v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01472074 01471892 superscribe v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01695991 01695822 supersede v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02410532 supervene v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00342077 supervene_upon v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02410532 supervise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02447914 02167732 supinate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02094510 supplant v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 02410532 supple v 1 1 @ 1 0 00583994 supplement v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 1 02347128 02758806 01331387 supplicate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 1 00760672 00761132 00760932 supply v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 02332196 02484912 01185006 01029183 support v 11 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 11 8 02561834 02223876 02459338 01219607 00667804 00807976 02669418 00896689 01724650 00910574 00670017 suppose v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 3 00919271 00633399 00635105 00718436 00718250 suppress v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 3 00463047 02429499 02428558 00614373 00153784 suppurate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00096933 00096520 surcharge v 7 4 @ ~ * + 7 0 02325753 02324030 02031880 01752270 01491343 01491184 00925452 surf v 3 5 @ ~ $ + ; 3 0 01951936 01317993 00552688 surface v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01994295 01266847 00424655 surface-mine v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01166397 surface_mine v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01166397 surfboard v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01951936 surfeit v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02338221 01194371 surge v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 4 02045051 01947577 01907749 01889232 00168025 surmise v 2 2 @ + 2 2 00690947 00923043 surmount v 4 2 @ ~ 4 2 01111038 02700390 02003114 01108050 surpass v 4 2 @ ~ 4 3 02679754 01108050 02055618 02675266 surprise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 00727236 02602490 01128477 surrender v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 2 01118003 02240011 surround v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 01469999 01571714 01129837 01133033 surtax v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02313095 surveil v 1 1 $ 1 0 02203116 survey v 6 5 @ ~ * $ + 6 2 00648195 02154758 02203116 00698466 00649582 00648391 survive v 4 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 4 3 02624202 02626004 02622766 02625819 suspect v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00923043 00689827 00926844 suspend v 6 5 @ ~ * + ; 6 5 01483784 00148583 02507686 00364146 00543748 02649824 suspire v 2 5 @ ~ * $ + 2 0 00004032 00001740 suss_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00663742 sustain v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 6 02685340 00065410 01205348 01187158 01219607 00820083 00667804 susurrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01046249 suture v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01298740 swab v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01246742 01235758 swaddle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01302857 swag v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01989538 01928835 01880427 swage v 1 1 @ 1 0 01258938 swagger v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01920627 01037071 00012427 swallow v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 3 01204494 01086180 01585330 00943068 00800738 00739357 00670723 00603054 swallow_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01585330 swamp v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02777522 01527311 swan v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 1 01013058 01885173 01873886 swank v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02146446 swap v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02263812 01842972 swarm v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02720849 02032212 swash v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02093349 01376685 00884747 00012427 swat v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01399591 swathe v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01302857 swatter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01378123 sway v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 01879288 01881348 02592213 01880021 swear v 5 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 5 4 00867051 01013058 00891468 01015049 00714537 swear_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 01019510 swear_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00886335 swear_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01441318 sweat v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 1 00067316 sweat_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00045739 sweep v 9 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 9 7 01874036 01873556 01396368 02683607 02691213 01396650 01103363 02694245 01596684 sweep_away v 2 1 @ 2 2 01624256 01774291 sweep_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01774291 sweep_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01813288 sweep_through v 1 1 @ 1 1 02528247 sweep_under_the_rug v 1 1 @ 1 1 02376560 sweep_up v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02683607 00603217 sweet-talk v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00770823 sweeten v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 0 02199916 00520934 swell v 6 4 @ ~ > + 6 5 00556161 02602905 00257393 02632486 01995218 00258536 swell_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00257393 swelter v 2 1 @ 2 0 00078069 00069518 swerve v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02037140 swig v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01418239 01204688 swill v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01180517 01171713 swill_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01171713 swim v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 01964770 01908286 02761938 02761786 01908642 swindle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02578034 swing v 13 4 @ ~ + ; 13 9 02092012 01881348 01881613 02542904 01596684 02723347 01154506 00558293 02621193 02758152 02394957 01729252 01430116 swing_about v 1 1 @ 1 0 01882942 swing_around v 1 1 @ 1 1 01882942 swing_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01596684 swing_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02542904 swinge v 1 1 @ 1 0 00379192 swipe v 2 3 @ ^ + 2 1 01396854 02281711 swirl v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02052840 02051599 swish v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02192644 switch v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 4 00140571 02263812 00551194 00380830 01512805 01414284 00121486 switch-hit v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01416373 switch_off v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 01513208 switch_on v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01513031 switch_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 00140571 swivel v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02050521 swob v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01246742 01235758 swoon v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00023639 swoop v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02068286 02068687 01442629 swoop_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01442629 swoosh v 1 1 @ 1 0 02192644 swop v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02263812 swosh v 1 1 @ 1 0 02192644 swot v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00607178 swot_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00607178 syllabicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01566117 syllabify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01566117 syllabise v 2 1 @ 2 0 01566117 00982020 syllabize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01566117 00982020 syllogise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00655120 syllogize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00655120 symbolise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00989629 00837915 symbolize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00837915 00989629 symmetrise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00553696 symmetrize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00553696 sympathise v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01826674 01826198 00595453 sympathize v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01826674 00595453 01826198 sympathize_with v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01825946 symphonise v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01730929 symphonize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01730929 sync v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00394859 synchronise v 6 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 6 0 02745129 00962766 00737871 00465909 00465741 00394859 synchronize v 6 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 6 1 00394859 02745129 00962766 00737871 00465909 00465741 syncopate v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 00317887 00170308 syncretise v 2 1 @ 2 0 00554693 00369175 syncretize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00554693 00369175 syndicate v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02454048 02453876 02248540 synthesise v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00645728 synthesize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 00645728 00646092 syphon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01857528 syringe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01376087 systematise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00481900 systematize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00481900 systemise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00481900 systemize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00481900 table v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 02648898 01749344 taboo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02514626 tabularise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01749344 tabularize v 1 1 @ 1 0 01749344 tabulate v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01749344 00142787 tack v 6 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 6 2 01360132 01950267 01660471 01334030 01331195 00121486 tack_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01331195 tack_together v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01660471 tackle v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 1 02575545 01494354 01152630 tag v 5 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 5 3 01591414 01603521 01031793 02005890 01705892 tag_along v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02030876 tag_on v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01331195 tail v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02005890 01558960 01324456 tailgate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02002157 tailor v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 00302443 01670612 01670222 tailor-make v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01670222 01626526 taint v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01540747 00088465 take v 42 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 42 36 02605633 02272834 02003830 01216829 00525762 00626148 02081903 02210054 01846632 00676526 02240906 02399325 00736077 02634015 02113499 01004785 00173351 01159300 00671680 02214718 02211401 01986409 02241406 00524175 00601387 00758121 02080104 01153576 00558481 02722977 02213319 02214527 02212900 02205920 01429760 00760378 02747421 02707070 02596409 01934453 01103241 00087488 take_a_bow v 2 1 @ 2 0 00900967 00900804 take_a_breath v 1 3 ~ * $ 1 1 00001740 take_a_breather v 1 1 @ 1 1 00781405 take_a_chance v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02550045 take_a_crap v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00073791 take_a_dare v 2 1 @ 2 0 00952369 00952238 take_a_dive v 1 1 @ 1 0 00840764 take_a_firm_stand v 1 1 ~ 1 0 00820635 take_a_hit v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01202393 take_a_hop v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01896097 take_a_joke v 1 1 @ 1 0 00671548 take_a_leak v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 take_a_look v 1 1 @ 1 1 02136242 take_a_powder v 1 1 @ 1 0 00428511 take_a_shit v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00073791 take_aback v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01813031 take_account v 1 1 @ 1 1 00593736 take_advantage v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02284617 02575977 take_after v 2 1 @ 2 0 02672014 01748331 take_aim v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01153576 take_apart v 3 2 @ ~ 3 2 01661660 01575341 00645135 take_arms v 1 1 @ 1 0 01095876 take_away v 7 5 ! @ ~ * + 7 4 01436911 00173351 00179456 02210501 01169274 00572138 00533195 take_back v 6 1 @ 6 2 02082541 02210669 02463837 01856558 00800738 00612324 take_care v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 02597753 02442554 02555278 take_chances v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02550045 take_charge v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02445635 take_control v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02445635 take_down v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 1 01977139 01804404 01665698 01022943 take_effect v 1 1 @ 1 0 00523362 take_exception v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 1 00809824 take_fire v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 02766580 take_five v 1 1 @ 1 0 00781953 take_flight v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079709 take_for v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00695546 take_for_granted v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00633898 take_form v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02629987 take_heart v 1 1 @ 1 1 01810374 take_heed v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02175483 take_hold v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02445635 01219234 take_hold_of v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01441809 take_home v 1 1 @ 1 0 02294759 take_in v 17 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 17 9 02663091 00856586 02771422 02498233 02222955 02155378 01472854 01217350 00603650 02294200 02193614 01543626 01541851 01200618 01159300 00414120 00304881 take_in_charge v 1 1 @ 1 0 02545352 take_in_vain v 1 1 @ 1 0 01164146 take_in_water v 1 1 @ 1 0 00258833 take_into_account v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00725507 take_issue v 1 1 ~ 1 1 00806464 take_it_easy v 1 1 @ 1 1 00026934 take_it_on_the_chin v 1 1 @ 1 0 00671446 take_kindly_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 02725121 take_leave v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02012411 take_lying_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 00671284 take_note v 1 1 * 1 1 02123398 take_notice v 1 1 @ 1 1 02123258 take_off v 9 4 @ ~ + ; 9 6 02018017 00179205 02018405 02417080 01747194 00050171 01868424 01329005 00642914 take_office v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 02388984 take_on v 5 4 @ ~ * $ 5 5 00525762 02386868 02575545 02241406 01081873 take_one's_lumps v 1 1 @ 1 0 00740164 take_orders v 2 1 @ 2 0 02548720 02391408 take_out v 14 5 @ ~ > $ + 14 6 02410046 01488139 00179456 02244043 02492311 01355093 02331951 02316367 01999243 01858118 01353852 01169274 00678940 00617464 take_over v 8 3 @ ~ + 8 7 02279327 02386868 02417305 02306786 02279144 02601659 02351720 02221342 take_pains v 1 1 @ 1 1 02536754 take_part v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02455121 take_place v 1 1 ~ 1 1 00340744 take_pride v 1 1 @ 1 0 01832935 take_root v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00416323 take_shape v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02629987 take_sides_with v 1 1 @ 1 0 00897044 take_someone's_side v 1 1 @ 1 0 00897044 take_stage v 1 0 1 0 02541026 take_stock v 2 1 @ 2 1 02157817 02477918 take_ten v 1 1 @ 1 0 00782097 take_the_air v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01886163 take_the_bull_by_the_horns v 1 1 @ 1 0 01081732 take_the_cake v 1 1 @ 1 0 01110306 take_the_count v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01127635 take_the_field v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 01096197 01157020 take_the_fifth v 1 1 @ 1 0 00896020 take_the_fifth_amendment v 1 1 @ 1 0 00896020 take_the_floor v 2 2 @ * 2 1 01987522 00991522 take_the_road v 1 1 @ 1 0 01849529 take_the_stage v 1 0 1 0 02541026 take_the_stand v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 1 01016830 take_the_veil v 1 1 @ 1 0 00890040 take_time_by_the_forelock v 1 1 @ 1 0 02407413 take_time_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 02417080 take_to v 2 2 @ * 2 2 01780389 02606776 take_to_be v 1 1 @ 1 1 00691692 take_to_heart v 1 1 @ 1 1 00618360 take_to_task v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00826456 take_to_the_woods v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 take_turns v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00121022 take_up v 13 4 @ ~ $ ; 13 9 00349076 00603507 02597327 02655595 02384670 02351720 01986409 01543237 01315031 01543626 01541851 01200618 00350937 take_up_arms v 1 1 @ 1 1 01095876 take_water v 1 1 @ 1 0 02021515 talc v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00042095 talk v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 5 00964479 00944022 00965602 00954873 00939238 00832422 talk_about v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 01036184 00945595 talk_down v 3 1 @ 3 1 00866478 00965047 00751590 talk_into v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 00770557 talk_of v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00945595 talk_out_of v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00770434 talk_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00815640 talk_shop v 1 1 @ 1 1 01036638 talk_terms v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00763758 talk_through_one's_hat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00841205 talk_turkey v 1 1 @ 1 0 00966397 tally v 4 5 @ ~ * $ + 4 0 02663315 01114241 00951873 00951320 tame v 5 5 @ ~ $ + ; 5 1 00202809 00935528 00303245 00302911 00302637 tamp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01577402 tamp_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01577402 tamper v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01588939 02544767 tampon v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01425821 tan v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00512511 00103629 tangle v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02683607 01523757 01476664 01465557 tangle_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 02642894 tango v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900000 tank v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02286927 01173860 00185493 tantalise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00852181 tantalize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00852181 tap v 12 4 @ ~ $ + 12 5 01405968 02317298 01250368 01166589 02193294 02365273 02189819 01905014 01899750 01858505 01616636 00784104 tap_dance v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01713907 tap_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01884553 tapdance v 1 1 @ 1 0 01899750 tape v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 0 01334500 01005094 01000444 tape_record v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01001315 taper v 2 4 @ ~ ^ + 2 1 00152582 00393662 taper_off v 2 1 @ 2 1 02689494 00306198 tar v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01275021 tar-and-feather v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01275146 target v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01153025 tariff v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02312973 tarmac v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01606339 tarnish v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01540197 tarry v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02645159 02015412 tart_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01682035 00043768 task v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02397742 01168553 taste v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 3 02198732 02195992 01197832 02198941 02197438 00598456 tat v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 1 01678439 tattle v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01038676 00939238 tattoo v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 01685228 taunt v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00852181 tauten v 2 1 @ 2 0 00421502 00421387 tax v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 02312527 02313369 01168553 00845840 taxi v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01952731 01952866 teach v 2 4 @ ~ > + 2 2 00830768 00274533 team v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01091696 team_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01091696 tear v 5 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 5 4 01576346 01559128 02059191 01386929 00066748 tear_apart v 1 1 @ 1 1 00848023 tear_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 00179012 tear_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01665698 tear_into v 1 1 @ 1 0 01245101 tear_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00179012 tear_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 01353852 tear_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01576722 teargas v 1 1 @ 1 0 01127984 tease v 9 4 @ ~ * + 9 2 01807344 00852181 01807605 01575217 01534423 01466421 01358959 00854188 00039919 tease_apart v 1 1 @ 1 0 01466421 tee v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01502331 01358513 tee_off v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01086581 tee_up v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01652226 01502331 teem v 2 3 @ ~ ^ 2 1 02720849 02032212 teem_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02721798 teeter v 1 1 @ 1 1 01885027 teeter-totter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01996407 teetertotter v 1 1 @ 1 0 01996407 teethe v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00095744 teetotal v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01198897 telecast v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 00971538 telecommunicate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00792365 telefax v 1 1 @ 1 0 01009703 telegraph v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01009249 telepathise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00994836 telepathize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00994836 telephone v 1 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 1 1 00791110 teleport v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02108968 telescope v 2 1 @ 2 1 01597703 00245809 televise v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 00971538 telex v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00792627 tell v 8 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 8 8 01011267 00954556 00955248 00748704 00722885 01021652 00956454 00652006 tell_apart v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 02197640 00652006 tell_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 00827309 tell_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00843665 00137889 temper v 5 2 @ + 5 0 00303837 00303656 00296035 00295646 00203298 temporise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00319285 temporize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00319285 tempt v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 4 00795447 00784574 01811496 00778568 01811737 00786231 tenant v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02465906 tend v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 02725274 02555544 02443912 tender v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 1 02301576 02303593 02301456 00515952 tenderise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00515952 tenderize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00515952 tense v 4 5 ! @ ~ > + 4 0 01575559 00537384 00026146 00025196 tense_up v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 0 00026146 00025196 tent v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02660091 tenure v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02402602 tergiversate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00837185 00759901 term v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01031675 terminate v 4 4 @ ~ > + 4 2 00353480 02615799 02741293 02407967 terrace v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02231162 00141569 terrasse v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02231162 terrify v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01784760 territorialise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02437822 00581029 00541704 territorialize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02437822 00581029 00541704 terrorise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02512010 01784760 terrorize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02512010 01784760 tessellate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02666092 01341560 test v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 3 02537291 02538775 00788120 02751588 01115009 00922749 00671888 test_drive v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01935346 test_fly v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01945996 testify v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 2 01016830 01017253 tether v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01292612 thank v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00893836 thatch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01236402 thaw v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00376777 theme v 1 1 @ 1 0 02368596 theologise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01035990 00633060 theologize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01035990 00633060 theorise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00635105 theorize v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 1 00635105 00634756 00634593 thermostat v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02517090 thicken v 3 5 ! @ > $ + 3 2 00432280 00432070 00432563 thieve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02327226 thin v 4 5 ! @ ~ > + 4 1 00431952 00431578 00226497 00045548 thin_out v 3 2 @ ~ 3 1 00431323 00431447 00226497 think v 13 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 13 7 00691086 00633399 00630153 00609334 01640708 00725018 00710367 00741345 00741087 00691551 00631400 00610362 00562964 think_about v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00736371 00713544 think_back v 1 1 ~ 1 1 00612810 think_of v 6 2 @ ~ 6 5 00611237 00713544 00691692 00732037 01637684 00725184 think_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 00631551 think_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00632042 think_the_world_of v 1 1 @ 1 1 00696274 think_twice v 1 1 @ 1 1 01068314 think_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01637684 thirst v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02126525 01191018 thoriate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00498472 thrash v 7 5 @ ~ $ + ; 7 2 01418847 01894785 01901878 01884383 01842802 01419018 01415566 thrash_about v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01894785 thrash_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01066173 thread v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 01886807 01524545 01362620 01362506 01362135 threaten v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 02702962 00873067 00873444 thresh v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 01894785 02098198 01419018 01418847 thresh_about v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01894785 thrill v 4 2 @ + 4 2 02121816 01800357 01892939 01816291 thrive v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00311168 02347796 throb v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02127130 01883244 01892939 thrombose v 1 1 @ 1 0 00522828 throne v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02570461 02396335 throng v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02068059 throttle v 3 4 @ ~ * + 3 2 00234091 01573763 00173172 throw v 15 4 @ ~ $ + 15 11 01511000 02101482 01516062 01501904 01062189 01512805 01636439 02101619 01795261 01069686 01737358 01667338 01530542 01439648 00623406 throw_a_fit v 1 1 @ 1 0 01799439 throw_away v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02227100 01516062 throw_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 01515777 throw_cold_water_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01823710 throw_in v 3 1 @ 3 3 02361973 01085437 00916722 throw_in_the_towel v 1 0 1 1 01085437 throw_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01516062 02077473 throw_out v 5 2 @ ~ 5 5 02507387 02227100 02406951 00877337 00803288 throw_out_of_kilter v 1 1 @ 1 0 00277400 throw_overboard v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02308311 01512456 throw_together v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01743556 01475437 throw_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00076153 thrum v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02191487 02184806 02179274 thrust v 8 6 @ ~ ^ $ + ; 8 5 01903255 02098847 02066140 00749422 01444129 02719932 02719727 01501904 thrust_ahead v 1 1 @ 1 0 02000606 thrust_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 01877150 thud v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02189056 01240768 02189243 thumb v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01960814 02157453 01212517 thumbtack v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01360359 thump v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 01884106 02189056 01417280 thump_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 01884553 thunder v 4 3 @ * + 4 2 02093059 00917558 02776493 01048459 thurify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02131151 thwack v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01417570 thwart v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02563998 tick v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 02190110 02180022 01334371 00664100 tick_off v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00664100 tick_over v 1 0 1 0 01529271 ticket v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02504365 02334409 tickle v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02124605 01800357 01434620 tickle_pink v 1 1 @ 1 0 01816291 ticktack v 1 1 @ 1 0 02180022 ticktock v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02180022 tide v 3 5 ! @ > ^ + 3 0 01907749 01878417 01878313 tide_over v 1 1 @ 1 0 02629427 tidy v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00276642 tidy_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00276642 tie v 9 7 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + 9 5 01288043 01117608 00234918 01357376 00141452 02543752 02495105 01662338 01358114 tie-dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00289153 tie_down v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 0 01289516 00887289 tie_in v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02741981 00715072 tie_up v 5 5 @ ~ * + ; 5 1 01289516 02276768 01479644 01308202 01288641 tighten v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00421085 00420903 00419690 00233575 tighten_one's_belt v 1 1 @ 1 0 02273549 tighten_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00419690 tile v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01341345 till v 1 5 @ ~ * + ; 1 0 01744489 tiller v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00095349 tilt v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 02042202 01888570 01888967 01125332 time v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 00491904 00680466 00703992 00298687 00297754 tin v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01398036 00214220 00213460 tinct v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00287688 tincture v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00499380 00288320 ting v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02184706 02140484 tinge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00838605 00287688 tingle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02127448 tink v 1 1 @ 1 0 02190952 tinker v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01475976 02416659 00262200 tinkle v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02190952 tinsel v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02330401 01681884 01522079 tint v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00287688 tintinnabulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02185727 tip v 9 4 @ ~ ^ + 9 2 02043389 00512259 02206915 02101325 02042202 01927976 01250368 00875151 00176031 tip_off v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00875151 tip_over v 2 4 @ ~ > $ 2 0 01913971 01913390 tipple v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01174411 tippytoe v 1 1 @ 1 0 01927976 tiptoe v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01927976 tire v 4 5 ! @ ~ > $ 4 2 00075867 00074774 02285714 01825834 tire_out v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 1 00074774 tissue v 1 3 @ ~ ; 1 0 01677786 tithe v 4 3 @ $ + 4 0 02311988 02311849 02257563 02257350 titillate v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 02124605 01820186 titivate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00294739 title v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01031533 01030475 titrate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00492846 titter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00030135 tittivate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00294739 tittle-tattle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01038676 tittup v 1 1 @ 1 0 01920627 toady v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00882499 toast v 2 5 @ ~ * + ; 2 2 00322952 01177764 toboggan v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01943893 toddle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01922796 toe v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 01910518 01519497 01406792 01404959 01209664 toe_the_line v 1 1 @ 1 1 02548403 toenail v 1 1 @ 1 0 01519497 tog v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00047662 tog_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 tog_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 toggle v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02362560 01610908 01477705 toil v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02424873 toilet-train v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00605844 tolerate v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 00670017 02463017 02113858 00804608 toll v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02186419 02311708 tomahawk v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01557301 01329106 tone v 5 2 @ + 5 0 01068797 00984325 00290894 00290736 00101031 tone_down v 2 1 @ 2 0 02195757 00935528 tone_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00101031 tongue v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01738181 01434986 tongue-tie v 1 1 @ 1 0 02318522 tonsure v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00037772 tool v 4 4 @ $ + ; 4 2 02104619 01960567 02342999 01673442 tool_around v 1 3 @ $ ; 1 1 01960567 toot v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02187621 tootle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02187888 top v 10 4 @ ~ * + 10 2 02674870 02085425 02697564 02693227 02365496 02025228 01409551 01324169 00486822 00485643 top_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 00485643 00454249 top_out v 3 4 ! @ ~ * 3 0 02387884 02365496 02012080 topdress v 1 1 @ 1 0 00504139 tope v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 01174572 topicalize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01015865 topple v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01980502 02101325 torch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00379951 torment v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01806671 01806967 00070949 torpedo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01140409 torture v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01806671 00070949 toss v 6 4 @ ~ * + 6 6 01515257 01897072 01517157 01894785 02227100 01421190 toss_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02227100 toss_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 01515777 toss_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 01029370 toss_off v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01704514 01204994 toss_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02227100 tot v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00951320 tot_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00951320 total v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 02651091 00951320 00260268 totalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00194134 totalize v 1 1 @ 1 0 00194134 tote v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01456857 tote_up v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00951320 totter v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01923035 01922796 01885027 touch v 15 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 15 13 01208838 02131823 01774723 02681865 01208316 00137133 02605322 01209469 02691488 02677976 01210147 01028737 00592037 01174998 00287688 touch-type v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01007827 touch_a_chord v 1 1 @ 1 0 01763770 touch_base v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 02394488 touch_down v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 01983716 touch_off v 1 2 @ > 1 1 01647199 touch_on v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 2 01026772 02681865 00261534 00137133 touch_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 00230988 toughen v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00304090 tour v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01849171 tourney v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01125585 tousle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01476664 tout v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00973492 00884747 tow v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01457042 towel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01396989 tower v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02702345 toy v 3 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 3 0 02442312 01589199 00013321 toy_with v 1 1 @ 1 1 00713544 trace v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 4 00731071 01585566 02008366 02007615 02160493 01999981 01698271 00627767 track v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 02082700 02202143 02005890 01916152 01621487 track_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 01146304 trade v 5 6 @ ~ * $ + ; 5 4 02265169 02264892 02734659 02263812 02249738 trade_in v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 02264892 trademark v 2 1 @ 2 0 01591797 01004206 traduce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00849849 traffic v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02265930 02265577 trail v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 02062680 02005890 02063844 01545624 01456580 train v 11 4 @ ~ $ + 11 8 00604693 00604200 02559394 02392176 02393545 01153576 00835381 00099798 02515254 01940396 01456580 traipse v 1 1 @ 1 0 01914866 tram v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01949042 trammel v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01483400 00234091 tramp v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 01924691 01925197 01885950 01885173 tramp_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01871490 trample v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 01933420 00070210 01871490 trance v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01810472 tranquilize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01768652 00022309 tranquillise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01768652 00022309 tranquillize v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01768652 00022309 transact v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 1 02250547 transaminate v 2 4 @ $ + ; 2 0 00581422 00581219 transcend v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02675266 02674870 transcribe v 5 4 @ ~ + ; 5 2 00997148 00996727 01711972 00996940 00557466 transduce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00162357 transect v 1 1 @ 1 0 01553731 transfer v 9 6 @ ~ * > $ + 9 7 02398228 02236972 01859141 02016196 02225243 02092508 01438013 02090707 00556317 transfigure v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00581589 00384726 transfix v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 01825070 01446945 transform v 7 4 @ ~ + ; 7 3 00545091 00383306 00382272 00384213 00382927 00382681 00382521 transfuse v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 0 02330038 01857426 00087042 00081120 transgress v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 02572443 02695371 02571602 02023426 transistorise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02345732 transistorize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02345732 transit v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 01919358 01871058 01870858 01857682 transition v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 00551900 00551623 transitivise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00421669 transitivize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00421669 translate v 10 5 @ ~ $ + ; 10 5 00961859 00384213 00595247 01438923 00523521 02758975 02734017 02108203 00963979 00921579 transliterate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00996727 translocate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02367322 02367129 transmigrate v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 0 02704568 01860612 transmit v 4 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 4 4 02236443 02084180 00975088 01438013 transmogrify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00384726 transmute v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 2 00382272 00383306 00383164 transpirate v 1 1 @ 1 1 02070685 transpire v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02070685 00368216 00343834 00341832 00068511 transplant v 4 4 @ * $ + 4 1 01859141 02759130 01533219 00556317 transport v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 01957669 01452567 01821281 01954657 01438013 transpose v 7 4 @ ~ + ; 7 3 00381095 00556317 00121734 01871289 01710490 00554484 00381543 transship v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02017015 transubstantiate v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 00383764 00383306 transude v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00067770 trap v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 3 02501834 01483400 01609852 01209769 trash v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02228020 00848023 traumatise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00089938 traumatize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00089938 travail v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02424873 travel v 6 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 6 5 01839438 01849662 01846997 01850858 01845021 02106280 travel_along v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01995963 travel_by v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02055618 travel_purposefully v 1 1 @ 1 0 01879137 travel_rapidly v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02059573 travel_to v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01847631 traverse v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 01916152 02691213 01070402 travesty v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01727960 trawl v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01146179 tread v 6 3 @ ~ + 6 4 02095677 01933420 01597585 01222431 02314493 01430540 tread_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01871490 tread_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 02096306 treadle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01933641 01228025 treasure v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02260917 01780135 treat v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 5 02519853 00516235 00078513 01035399 02266449 01178529 00764765 00652816 treble v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01053143 00247632 tree v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01938064 01619197 01147629 00319912 trek v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01851334 01851162 trellis v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02515407 tremble v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01892504 tremor v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01892777 trench v 6 2 @ + 6 0 02575705 01609344 01558819 01500097 01314556 01314382 trend v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 02037140 trepan v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01446490 trephine v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00061838 trespass v 5 4 @ ~ ^ + 5 1 02577166 02575977 02573337 02571602 02023426 triangulate v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02474041 00649282 00648565 tribulate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01802000 trice v 2 1 @ 2 0 01458268 01458135 trice_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01458268 01458135 trick v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02581808 trick_out v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00043880 trick_up v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00043880 trickle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02074802 trifle v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 02713983 02599051 00713761 trifle_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02271267 trifurcate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00330813 trigger v 2 4 @ * > + 2 2 01647199 01137797 trigger_off v 1 2 @ > 1 0 01647199 trill v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01057138 01052768 trim v 9 5 @ ~ $ + ; 9 3 01265128 01683701 00430013 02757982 02757827 01683328 01323662 01251346 00297974 trim_back v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00430013 trim_down v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 00430013 trip v 5 5 @ ~ * > + 5 1 01904401 01904753 01846997 01647199 01203572 trip_out v 1 0 1 0 01203572 trip_the_light_fantastic v 1 4 @ ~ $ ; 1 0 01712535 trip_the_light_fantastic_toe v 1 4 @ ~ $ ; 1 0 01712535 trip_up v 3 3 @ > + 3 1 00601230 01904753 00619747 triple v 2 3 @ + ; 2 2 00247632 01412296 triple-space v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01007699 triple-tongue v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01738012 triplicate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01739680 trisect v 1 1 @ 1 0 01553874 triumph v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 1 01104145 01827320 00885156 00859605 trivialise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00842092 trivialize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00842092 troat v 1 1 @ 1 0 00987955 troll v 7 3 @ + ; 7 0 02048452 01891447 01735458 01144189 01051245 00829262 00747369 troop v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01928458 01923891 trot v 3 3 @ + ; 3 2 01905440 01964638 01905653 trot_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02148369 trouble v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 01774422 02513385 01768023 02513113 00070587 trouble-shoot v 1 1 @ 1 0 00263435 trouble_oneself v 1 1 @ 1 1 02513113 troubleshoot v 1 1 @ 1 0 00263435 trounce v 3 5 @ ~ * $ + 3 0 01413739 01104324 00826456 trowel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01315773 truck v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01958200 truckle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02709292 00882499 trudge v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01925197 true v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00466204 true_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00466204 trump v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 0 02183598 01111670 01080628 00977234 trump_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00977234 trump_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 01638598 trumpet v 3 4 @ * + ; 3 1 00979903 01737710 00859466 truncate v 3 4 @ * + ; 3 0 02263294 00742295 00318042 trundle v 1 1 @ 1 1 01872125 truss v 3 5 @ ~ * + ; 3 0 01290400 01289516 01221961 trust v 6 5 ! @ ~ + ; 6 5 00690278 02487408 00723022 01830665 02354208 02270534 try v 9 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 9 4 02535833 02537291 02506927 01197832 02506551 01802793 01802463 00445930 00047034 try_for v 1 1 @ 1 1 01075218 try_on v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00047034 try_out v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 02537291 02538552 01722394 01197832 tsk v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953943 tube v 4 2 @ + 4 0 02334288 02083772 01844871 01583777 tuck v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01392430 01392981 01333504 tuck_away v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01175505 tuck_in v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01175505 tucker v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00075174 tucker_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00075174 tug v 7 4 @ ~ $ + 7 1 01455529 02412046 01457247 01456857 01455867 01455720 01093709 tumble v 11 3 @ ~ + 11 5 01980502 02101325 01871983 02051806 02045722 01475650 00591761 00434022 00212068 00204643 00099989 tumble_dry v 1 1 @ 1 0 00215917 tumefy v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00258723 00257393 tumesce v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00257393 tump_over v 2 4 @ ~ > $ 2 0 01913971 01913390 tune v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00296747 00296127 tune_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02175958 tune_up v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00296747 00296127 tunnel v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02045912 01446656 turf v 1 1 @ 1 0 01237064 turf_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01471205 turn v 26 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 26 15 01911251 00145958 02632685 02094251 00138328 01913805 00125649 01439155 02100445 02093687 01956067 01745745 01587371 00283283 00090876 02633015 02568340 02216730 02094702 01955796 01282617 01227779 01154355 00796302 00459426 00249273 turn_a_blind_eye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00803639 turn_a_loss v 1 0 1 0 02293733 turn_a_nice_dime v 1 1 @ 1 0 02283958 turn_a_nice_dollar v 1 1 @ 1 0 02283958 turn_a_nice_penny v 1 1 @ 1 0 02283958 turn_a_profit v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02283675 turn_a_trick v 1 1 @ 1 0 02469904 turn_around v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01882942 00207205 00206006 turn_away v 4 2 @ $ 4 4 01912802 02038145 02508565 02038356 turn_back v 5 3 @ ~ $ 5 4 02008542 00387981 02006752 01133899 00387386 turn_down v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 02242120 02508565 00798638 00574017 00268741 turn_in v 4 3 ! @ ~ 4 3 02021627 02298282 01653351 00017858 turn_off v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 01513208 01912651 01812593 turn_on v 7 3 @ ~ + 7 4 01513031 02717862 02145887 00549559 01766380 01766135 01203572 turn_on_a_dime v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01865913 turn_one's_stomach v 1 1 @ 1 0 02199637 turn_out v 12 4 ! @ ~ + 12 7 02639962 02640214 01626829 02616880 00426475 01655681 01471205 02434322 02345356 02049364 01513208 00018151 turn_over v 9 6 @ ~ > $ + ; 9 4 02235554 01913971 01870178 01312361 02266063 02093687 01913390 01225522 00814706 turn_tail v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02079296 turn_the_tables v 1 1 @ 1 1 00138980 turn_the_tide v 1 1 @ 1 0 00138980 turn_thumbs_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 02467453 turn_to v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 00899077 00550851 turn_turtle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01897306 turn_up v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 00424655 01280538 02291049 02639962 01316583 turn_up_the_heat v 1 1 @ 1 0 02510790 turn_up_the_pressure v 1 1 @ 1 0 02510790 turtle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01897306 01144789 tusk v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01447646 00198588 tussle v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01507112 01476516 tut v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953943 tut-tut v 1 1 @ 1 0 00953943 tutor v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00831849 02598823 twaddle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01038676 twang v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02178411 02178282 02127360 01455394 00747064 tweak v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 0 01595590 01595377 00303544 tweedle v 3 2 @ ; 3 0 01734544 01731107 00786127 tweet v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02182105 01459400 tweeze v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01595932 twiddle v 2 2 @ + 2 1 02052840 01226775 twig v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00330464 00591761 twill v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01678833 twin v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 02665436 01295488 00247011 00057379 twine v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 1 01520294 01525056 01520680 01225746 twinge v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02127889 02126310 01459400 twinkle v 2 5 @ ~ $ + ; 2 1 02164320 02770723 twirl v 2 2 @ + 2 2 02052840 02052000 twirp v 1 1 @ 1 0 02182105 twist v 10 4 ! @ ~ + 10 5 01872363 01282617 01225209 01225746 00143734 02744576 01899512 01352175 00934760 00090876 twist_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 00934760 twit v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00852181 twitch v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 00009624 01895810 01897594 01459400 01451371 twitter v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01055495 two-step v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01900988 two-time v 1 1 @ 1 0 02582875 type v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01006737 00620372 typecast v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01715070 00620372 typeset v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01748696 typewrite v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01006737 typify v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02704983 00837915 tyrannise v 2 1 @ 2 0 02593331 01785576 tyrannize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02593331 01785576 uglify v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00294191 ulcerate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00538233 00019975 ultracentrifuge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02051449 ululate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01048804 umpire v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01087648 unarm v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01090416 unbalance v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 02679419 01768438 unbar v 1 3 ! @ * 1 0 01345761 unbelt v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01368902 unbend v 6 3 ! @ ~ 6 0 02039626 01347219 01283672 00420638 00026378 00025978 unbind v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01306857 unblock v 3 3 ! @ ; 3 0 01619364 01078005 00270568 unbolt v 1 3 ! @ * 1 0 01351669 unbosom v 1 1 @ 1 0 00938680 unbox v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01488019 unbrace v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 01287064 00420819 00226006 unbraid v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01522490 unbridle v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02371450 unbuckle v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01551229 unburden v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 02365170 01490553 unbutton v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01370704 uncase v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00049617 unchain v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 01291411 01291157 unchurch v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01032430 unclasp v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01225049 unclip v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01370463 uncloak v 2 1 @ 2 0 00937663 00179372 unclog v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01481768 unclothe v 3 3 @ ~ $ 3 0 02319926 01342585 00049617 unclutter v 1 3 ! @ $ 1 0 00181809 uncoil v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01526987 uncompress v 1 1 @ 1 0 01392261 uncork v 2 2 ! @ 2 1 01478367 01426447 uncouple v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01300399 uncover v 3 5 ! @ ~ > $ 3 1 01342187 02142175 00935783 uncrate v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01489496 uncross v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01918785 uncurl v 1 1 @ 1 1 02067414 undeceive v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00856470 underachieve v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02568500 underact v 1 3 ! @ ; 1 0 01755197 underbid v 3 3 ! @ ; 3 0 02305827 02304885 02304648 undercharge v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02324270 undercoat v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01368058 undercut v 5 3 @ * + 5 0 02356463 01557100 01556947 01405771 01260185 underdevelop v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 02143536 underdress v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 00049200 00045077 underestimate v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 3 00697527 00675685 00673254 underexpose v 2 4 ! @ + ; 2 0 02118711 02117736 undergird v 2 1 @ 2 0 02562555 00222144 undergo v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02112831 undergrow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00232402 underlay v 3 3 @ + ; 3 0 01978930 01499931 01185721 underlie v 2 1 @ 2 1 02670653 02698930 underline v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01016618 01006280 undermine v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02549304 01285636 undernourish v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01181573 underpay v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 02255024 underperform v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02568500 01719216 underpin v 2 1 @ 2 1 01221482 02669418 underplay v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01755197 01141922 underprice v 1 1 @ 1 0 02355874 underproduce v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01625632 underquote v 2 1 @ 2 0 02356612 01026075 underrate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00673254 underrun v 2 1 @ 2 0 02762433 01620096 underscore v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01016618 01006280 undersell v 1 3 @ * + 1 0 02356463 undershoot v 2 3 ! @ * 2 0 01984490 01154998 undersign v 1 1 @ 1 0 00998964 underspend v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 02272696 02271402 understand v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 5 00590283 00592510 00595247 00594917 00595453 understate v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00842804 understock v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02328710 understudy v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00606325 undertake v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 01654835 02575545 00891076 00890307 02545352 undervalue v 3 4 ! @ $ + 3 0 00697527 00696632 00315821 underwrite v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 00891261 00892737 undo v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01522610 01622250 02565025 01287511 01286874 undock v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 02090218 01308707 undrape v 1 1 @ 1 0 01342494 undress v 2 5 ! @ ~ $ + 2 1 00049617 00177253 undulate v 4 4 @ ~ * + 4 1 02043899 02693093 01905776 00582432 unearth v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 02291395 02148002 unfasten v 2 5 ! @ ~ > + 2 1 01346975 01346822 unfit v 1 1 @ 1 0 00302119 unfold v 4 5 ! @ ~ $ + 4 3 00294522 02148564 02058913 01582662 unfreeze v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 00376777 00270568 unfrock v 1 1 @ 1 0 02482154 unfurl v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 00436434 unhallow v 1 1 @ 1 0 00868726 unhand v 1 1 @ 1 0 01477847 unharness v 1 4 ! @ ~ ; 1 0 01494543 unhinge v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 01768023 00179997 unhitch v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 01331022 unhook v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01369024 unhorse v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01962311 unicycle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01939705 uniform v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02336782 uniformise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00553535 uniformize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00553535 unify v 5 4 ! @ ~ + 5 2 00368338 01464634 02609063 02475258 00244010 unionise v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 02440714 02439085 unionize v 2 3 @ > + 2 0 02440714 02439085 unite v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 2 02475258 00368338 02637244 02628315 02609063 00244010 unitise v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02474216 01388112 00368762 unitize v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02474216 01388112 00368762 universalise v 1 1 @ 1 0 01024749 universalize v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01024749 unknot v 1 3 ! @ * 1 0 01523477 unlace v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01287064 unlade v 1 1 @ 1 0 01490749 unlash v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01306614 unlax v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 00025647 unlearn v 2 1 @ 2 0 00600024 00599897 unleash v 3 2 @ ~ 3 3 01478045 01478458 01478166 unlive v 1 1 @ 1 0 02621353 unload v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01492094 01490749 unlock v 3 2 ! @ 3 3 01351387 01513921 00220389 unloose v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02426474 01287762 unloosen v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02426474 01287762 unmake v 1 2 ! ~ 1 0 01622250 unman v 1 1 @ 1 0 01787844 unmask v 2 3 ! @ + 2 1 00937663 01361276 unmuzzle v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02346082 unnerve v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01787700 unpack v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 1 01488139 unpick v 2 2 @ * 2 0 01523477 01332669 unpin v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01371139 unplug v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01424071 unravel v 3 5 ! @ * $ + 3 1 01523477 01524000 00333482 unreel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01526308 unroll v 2 1 @ 2 0 01526442 00436434 unsaddle v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01495233 unsanctify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00581797 unsay v 1 1 @ 1 0 00800738 unscramble v 2 3 ! @ * 2 1 00538574 01523477 unscrew v 2 3 ! @ * 2 2 01355231 01355383 unseal v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01356576 unseat v 2 1 @ 2 0 02396792 01547227 unsettle v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01787700 unsex v 3 2 @ ~ 3 0 02320155 00538712 00061366 unsheathe v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01584334 unsnarl v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 01466149 unsolder v 1 1 @ 1 1 01302253 unspell v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01066718 unstaple v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01370159 unstrain v 1 4 ! @ ~ > 1 0 00025647 unstrap v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01292474 unstring v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01362006 unstuff v 1 3 ! @ ~ 1 0 01482312 unsubstantialise v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00548882 unsubstantialize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00548882 untangle v 2 3 @ * + 2 0 01588680 01523477 unteach v 2 2 @ > 2 1 00832009 00832159 unthaw v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00376777 untie v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 01287064 01287511 untune v 2 3 ! @ ~ 2 0 01793821 00296344 untwine v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01520836 untwist v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01226072 unveil v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 1 01486108 02147756 01486292 unweave v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01521954 unwind v 4 4 ! @ ~ > 4 1 01526442 01526611 00026378 00025647 unwire v 1 2 ! @ 1 1 01602146 unwrap v 2 5 ! @ ~ > $ 2 0 01286874 00935783 unyoke v 1 4 ! @ ~ ; 1 0 01494017 unzip v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01344906 up v 1 1 @ 1 1 00154774 upbraid v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00827636 upchuck v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076153 update v 3 3 @ + ; 3 2 00170503 00835207 00170701 upend v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01913672 01520147 upgrade v 5 5 ! @ ~ $ + 5 2 00662522 00207592 02402779 00585297 00585068 upheave v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01458717 uphold v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 02685709 00897613 00898147 upholster v 1 3 @ + ; 1 1 02346812 uplift v 3 4 @ ~ > + 3 1 01815703 01973608 01877659 upload v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 02238680 upraise v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00098271 uprise v 8 4 @ ~ $ ; 8 0 02630344 01994576 01987611 01987278 01974362 01972576 00098524 00018151 uproot v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02544219 01666012 01569697 upset v 6 5 @ ~ > $ + 6 3 00522376 01793821 01774422 01913971 01258938 01111498 upstage v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02521393 02090349 01109435 urbanise v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00501136 00500893 urbanize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00500893 00501136 urge v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00767694 00876672 00860463 urge_on v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00860463 00767694 urinate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 00072339 00071765 urticate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 02125377 02125180 use v 6 7 @ ~ * > ^ $ + 6 3 01161188 01167359 01160888 02606487 02567247 02375130 use_up v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 1 01159815 02272834 usher v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02004579 usher_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 00350246 usher_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00902491 usurp v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02279327 02411417 utilise v 1 4 ~ > $ + 1 0 01161188 utilize v 2 5 @ ~ > $ + 2 1 01161188 00161680 utter v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 3 00942415 00985856 00944022 02047744 vacate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02372031 02080923 00801460 vacation v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 02714581 vaccinate v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00086587 vacillate v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 02711906 01880900 vacuum v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01247417 vacuum-clean v 1 1 @ 1 0 01247417 vagabond v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 01885173 valet v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02546835 validate v 4 4 ! @ ~ + 4 2 02484290 00669142 01014570 00449245 valuate v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 0 00683348 value v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 3 00696992 02260917 00695834 00683348 00662642 vamoose v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014550 vamp v 4 2 @ + 4 0 01743426 01593310 01040410 00534607 vamp_up v 2 1 @ 2 0 01743426 01593310 vandalise v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01523087 vandalize v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01523087 vanish v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 00427911 02160976 02076993 00428350 00152881 vanquish v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 1 01104324 vaporise v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 00577047 00576797 00443222 00367511 vaporize v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 0 01327970 00443222 00367511 00152881 variegate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00582586 00437832 varnish v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01271572 vary v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 4 00122978 02667330 02668375 00437832 vascularise v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00582748 00121905 vascularize v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00582748 00121905 vasectomise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00061172 vasectomize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00061172 vaticinate v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 00928673 00920283 vault v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01970175 01969813 vaunt v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00884747 veer v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 02037140 00561841 vege_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00026727 vegetate v 7 3 @ + ; 7 0 02621633 00232932 00232796 00232651 00231714 00055451 00026727 veil v 2 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 2 1 01485877 00314788 vein v 1 1 @ 1 1 01700245 velcro v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01346455 vellicate v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02124605 00505100 vend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02307797 veneer v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01271788 venerate v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01782485 venesect v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00083860 vent v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00946580 00489706 ventilate v 5 2 @ + 5 1 00489706 02116828 02046562 00946580 00582968 venture v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02378427 00918880 02550969 verbalise v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 00945313 00944022 00942415 00116011 verbalize v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 00945313 00944022 00942415 00116011 verbify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00555806 verdigris v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00286074 verge v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02709650 verify v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 2 00666401 02526663 01014404 01013058 vermiculate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01681282 vermilion v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00536228 verse v 2 4 @ ~ + ; 2 0 01706373 00876378 versify v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 01706373 vesicate v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00380445 vesiculate v 2 3 @ $ + 2 0 00582115 00581942 vest v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 02391530 02367915 02226961 00051970 00051760 vesture v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00048914 vet v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02451369 02170561 00080342 00080209 veto v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 02478854 00797525 vex v 5 5 @ ~ > $ + 5 1 01791774 01769760 01422127 00814544 00624056 vibrate v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 2 01895242 01882056 02711906 02180402 01800357 victimise v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02580280 02506268 victimize v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 2 02580280 02506268 02578034 victual v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02337995 02286330 01169522 videotape v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01005094 vie v 1 1 ~ 1 1 01074673 view v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 3 00692380 02134765 02155378 view_as v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 00695546 vilify v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00849550 vilipend v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00857615 vindicate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 00897737 00906643 00906447 vinify v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00460069 violate v 6 4 ! @ ~ + 6 3 02674312 02572443 01210308 02573980 02573434 01568253 virilise v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00567646 virilize v 1 3 @ $ + 1 0 00567646 visa v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01000227 00808721 visit v 8 4 @ ~ $ + 8 6 02498679 01847631 02493222 01847990 00750288 01040538 02625504 00261028 visualise v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 0 02155824 01639550 01638974 00582282 visualize v 4 5 @ ~ $ + ; 4 1 01638974 02155824 01639550 00582282 vitalise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00164911 00164624 vitalize v 2 3 ! @ + 2 0 00164911 00164624 vitaminise v 1 1 @ 1 0 02347418 vitaminize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02347418 vitiate v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02585532 00478872 00449395 vitrify v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00538972 00538839 vitriol v 2 1 @ 2 0 02115854 00864838 vituperate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00849550 vivify v 2 3 @ $ + 2 1 00024272 00583222 vivisect v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01553185 vocalise v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 0 01708095 00985667 00980401 00954214 00747173 vocalize v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 1 00954214 01708095 00985667 00980401 00747173 vociferate v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00917218 voice v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00935365 00954214 void v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 0 02483482 00451258 00449395 00073096 volatilise v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00553330 volatilize v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 00553330 volley v 5 4 @ $ + ; 5 0 02033337 01601176 01380236 01077891 00988343 volunteer v 3 2 @ + 3 3 00881623 02429959 02429831 vomit v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00076153 vomit_up v 1 1 @ 1 0 00076153 voodoo v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00779436 vote v 5 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 5 3 02466737 02468003 02467809 02479313 02467624 vote_down v 2 1 @ 2 1 02479111 02467453 vote_in v 1 1 @ 1 1 02405779 vote_out v 1 1 @ 1 0 02479111 vouch v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 1 01017113 00891621 00793827 00223676 vouchsafe v 1 1 @ 1 1 02260523 vow v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00888280 00888499 vowelise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00985667 vowelize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00985667 voyage v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01850262 vroom v 1 1 @ 1 0 01048229 vulcanise v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00539123 00518012 vulcanize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00539123 00518012 vulgarise v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00972247 00583395 00011691 vulgarize v 3 3 @ $ + 3 0 00972247 00583395 00011691 wad v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 01486416 01527086 waddle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01922796 wade v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01920207 waffle v 1 3 ~ * + 1 0 02646524 waft v 2 1 @ 2 1 01878171 02775741 wag v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01902585 wage v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02381180 wager v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 0 01158153 00920551 waggle v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01902585 01875314 wail v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01048804 00065796 wait v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 4 02644022 02647547 00721987 02418420 wait_on v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02546367 waitress v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02418420 waive v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02539728 02308311 wake v 5 5 ! @ ~ * + 5 2 00020126 00018519 01764964 00874429 00018806 wake_up v 2 4 ! @ ~ * 2 2 00018806 00018519 waken v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 00018806 00018519 walk v 10 8 ! @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 10 5 01908923 01911069 01115898 01916886 01143080 02524505 02475941 01963635 01910816 01886163 walk_about v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01914958 walk_around v 4 1 @ 4 2 01914958 01915225 02524291 02424538 walk_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 02014079 walk_in v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02021001 walk_off v 2 1 @ 2 1 02327429 02014079 walk_on_air v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01817635 walk_out v 3 2 @ + 3 2 02417777 02014252 00616355 walk_out_of v 1 1 @ 1 1 02012878 walk_over v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01105078 walk_through v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01727314 wall v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 0 01133033 wall_in v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01392596 wall_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01392596 wallop v 2 2 @ + 2 2 01418461 01105591 wallow v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 3 01194507 01870016 02045267 01827320 01193936 wallpaper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01270676 waltz v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01899605 waltz_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 01899605 wamble v 1 1 @ 1 0 01875314 wan v 1 1 @ 1 0 00087405 wander v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 2 01885173 02582588 02107118 01886807 00782620 wane v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 00432779 00434886 00434731 wangle v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02533097 02583006 wank v 1 5 @ ~ * $ + 1 0 01433266 want v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 01829179 01191258 01319724 00711034 02638648 wanton v 6 2 @ + 6 0 02713983 02621504 02271267 01207423 01040306 00012746 wanton_away v 2 1 @ 2 0 02713983 02271267 war v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 0 01095583 warble v 2 2 @ + 2 1 01052768 01052523 ward v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01131763 ward_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 02458770 01132017 ware v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01160479 warehouse v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02287210 warm v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00373903 00373611 warm_the_bench v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 02423129 warm_to v 1 1 @ 1 1 01809080 warm_up v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 5 02449262 00373765 00373903 00100659 00027057 warn v 4 4 @ ~ $ + 4 2 00871877 00872241 00834732 00834568 warp v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 00837582 00357608 warrant v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00898453 00893457 wash v 13 6 @ ~ * ^ $ + 13 4 01272763 00036355 01538034 02102457 02748717 02709013 01539132 01272408 00558763 00275741 00218382 00218002 00036171 wash_away v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 00572350 00558763 wash_down v 2 1 @ 2 2 01169624 00456034 wash_off v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 00558763 wash_one's_hands v 1 1 @ 1 0 00904608 wash_out v 7 3 @ $ + 7 2 02600830 01538530 01608772 00558763 00543613 00283103 00280882 wash_up v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 1 00025027 02084729 01535954 00424210 00075174 wassail v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 0 02497032 01177764 waste v 10 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 10 2 02273196 01163403 02228261 02071817 01329983 01160479 00390663 00390077 00389306 00093529 waste_one's_time v 1 1 @ 1 0 02645690 watch v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 5 02154940 02460829 02155378 02133118 02156396 02136428 00922307 watch_out v 1 1 ~ 1 1 02156396 watch_over v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 1 02460829 water v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00228662 02362872 00069341 00453053 water-wash v 1 1 @ 1 1 01272680 water_down v 2 1 @ 2 1 00489237 00489111 water_ski v 1 4 @ * + ; 1 1 01944107 watercolor v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01700330 watercolour v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01700330 waterproof v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01357108 wattle v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 01659182 01520976 waul v 1 1 @ 1 0 01049135 wave v 5 4 @ ~ * + 5 3 01043287 01449520 01905776 01226180 00039201 wave_off v 1 1 @ 1 1 00515017 waver v 7 5 @ ~ * $ + 7 4 02646524 02746079 01905282 01880900 01882712 01872244 01052990 wawl v 1 1 @ 1 0 01049135 wax v 3 4 ! @ ~ + 3 2 01271290 00434185 00434478 waylay v 1 1 @ 1 1 01140630 weaken v 5 5 ! @ ~ > + 5 4 00225327 00223926 02549304 00291502 00390886 wean v 2 3 @ * + 2 1 01189491 01828195 weaponize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00586031 wear v 9 7 @ ~ * > ^ $ + 9 6 00052091 00047462 02745909 00470295 00047327 02710992 01372011 00074774 00050369 wear_away v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 01555172 01256888 00276052 wear_down v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 1 00074774 00470295 wear_off v 2 2 @ ~ 2 1 00470295 01256888 wear_on v 1 1 @ 1 1 00433129 wear_out v 3 4 @ ~ > $ 3 3 00074774 01372011 00470295 wear_round v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01950267 wear_ship v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01950519 wear_the_trousers v 1 1 @ 1 0 02607268 wear_thin v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 00470295 wear_upon v 1 3 @ ~ > 1 0 00074774 weary v 2 3 @ ~ > 2 1 00074774 00075867 weather v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 02713111 02042123 01932236 00275887 weatherproof v 1 1 @ 1 0 00166653 weatherstrip v 1 1 @ 1 1 00496272 weave v 4 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 4 3 01521557 01677786 01872244 01886807 web v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01676063 wed v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 1 02494483 02495105 wedel v 1 1 @ 1 0 01942598 wedge v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01530857 01530059 wee v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 wee-wee v 1 3 @ ~ $ 1 0 00071765 weed v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00313972 weed_out v 1 1 @ 1 1 02228412 weekend v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02713847 weep v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 00065962 weigh v 5 4 @ ~ $ + 5 4 02710678 00952463 02710477 02651923 02652148 weigh_anchor v 1 1 @ 1 1 01458828 weigh_down v 2 2 ! @ 2 0 01818233 01600017 weigh_on v 1 1 @ 1 0 01818233 weigh_the_anchor v 1 1 @ 1 0 01458828 weight v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 01489937 00682404 weight-lift v 1 1 @ 1 0 01152836 weight_down v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01489937 weightlift v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01152836 welch v 1 1 @ 1 0 02580147 welcome v 3 3 ! @ + 3 3 02241988 00902346 01472727 weld v 2 4 @ ~ * + 2 2 01598751 00243862 well v 1 1 @ 1 1 01995218 well_out v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 02074394 well_over v 1 3 @ ~ * 1 0 02076087 well_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02632486 welsh v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02580147 welt v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 01413739 00187560 welter v 3 1 @ 3 0 02090509 01870016 00602976 wench v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01430439 wend v 1 1 @ 1 1 01845289 westernise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00524725 westernize v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00524725 wet v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00215377 00072483 wet-nurse v 1 2 @ $ 1 0 01188961 whack v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01418461 whale v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01144364 wham v 1 1 @ 1 0 01418461 whang v 3 2 @ + 3 0 01415202 01405666 00865097 whap v 1 1 @ 1 0 01399742 wharf v 5 2 @ + 5 0 02336171 02286805 01492391 01308021 01307901 wheedle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00770823 wheel v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 02050024 02050390 01891013 01939335 wheel_around v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 02050390 02050024 wheelbarrow v 1 1 @ 1 0 01953438 wheeze v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00006697 whelk v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01145613 whelm v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01813288 whelp v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00058239 whet v 2 1 @ 2 1 02122017 01249638 whicker v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01061615 whiff v 5 3 @ + ; 5 0 02129497 02105139 01412542 01201254 00945468 while_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 02715151 whimper v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00065796 whine v 4 3 @ $ + 4 2 01843222 01044403 02176108 00909883 whinny v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01061615 whip v 6 5 @ ~ ^ + ; 6 4 01413739 01105408 01895085 01400686 01420522 00865570 whip_through v 1 1 @ 1 1 02379373 whip_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01669897 whipsaw v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02580033 01562549 whir v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02193033 whirl v 5 3 @ ~ + 5 4 02052840 02052000 02051599 02050704 02051806 whirl_around v 1 1 @ 1 0 02051806 whirligig v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02051097 whirlpool v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02051599 whirr v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02193033 01054434 whish v 2 1 @ 2 0 02182928 01838302 whisk v 4 3 @ + ; 4 1 02083926 02084065 01437887 01420522 whisk_away v 1 1 @ 1 1 01437761 whisk_by v 1 1 @ 1 1 02057753 whisk_off v 2 1 @ 2 0 01437887 01437761 whisker v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02337169 whisper v 1 3 ! @ + 1 1 00917783 whistle v 6 2 @ + 6 5 02188072 02097366 01045313 02097512 01045759 01045484 whistlestop v 1 1 @ 1 0 01097494 white v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00281071 white-out v 1 1 @ 1 0 00547478 white_out v 2 2 @ ; 2 0 01338004 00304587 whiten v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 00281071 whiteout v 2 1 @ 2 0 01338004 00547478 whitewash v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02152539 01272266 00906831 whittle v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01555001 whittle_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01555172 whittle_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01555172 whiz v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02193033 whizz v 2 1 @ 2 0 02193033 02059445 whizz_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02059445 wholesale v 1 4 ! @ + ; 1 0 02252008 whomp v 2 1 @ 2 0 01419816 01106014 whomp_up v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01669897 whoop v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00916168 00006100 whoop_it_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02497032 whoosh v 3 1 @ 3 0 02073048 02072942 02072805 whop v 2 1 @ 2 0 01418461 01399742 whore v 3 2 @ + 3 0 02586662 01430328 01037919 widen v 4 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 4 3 00304246 00304721 00304442 00541315 widow v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00360990 wield v 2 2 @ ~ 2 2 02209346 01226979 wiggle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01902275 wigwag v 2 1 @ 2 0 01449743 01041903 will v 3 4 @ ~ $ + 3 2 00748352 00700164 02233837 wilt v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00470725 00470550 win v 5 5 ! @ ~ * + 5 3 01102556 02293158 01113439 02529837 02295101 win_back v 1 1 @ 1 1 01113995 win_over v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 00771598 wince v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02064997 00008970 winch v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01595227 wind v 7 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 7 3 01886807 02744576 01525056 02129688 01524685 01519597 01457813 wind_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 01526442 wind_up v 4 5 @ ~ * + ; 4 3 00353212 02092246 01766135 01524685 window-dress v 1 1 @ 1 0 00294290 window-shop v 1 1 @ 1 0 02332070 windsurf v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01952309 wine v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01193373 01178864 wine_and_dine v 2 2 @ * 2 0 01197310 01197194 wing v 1 4 @ ~ $ + 1 1 01944262 wink v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 3 00008299 02164320 00007739 00008435 wink_at v 1 1 @ 1 0 02422489 winkle v 3 4 @ ~ $ ; 3 0 02770723 02164320 01354857 winkle_out v 2 1 @ 2 0 02409764 01354857 winnow v 4 2 @ + 4 1 01463566 01889701 00679122 00177994 winnow_out v 1 0 1 0 00687320 winter v 1 2 @ + 1 1 02715447 winterise v 1 1 @ 1 0 00409197 winterize v 1 3 ! @ + 1 0 00409197 wipe v 1 4 @ ~ ^ + 1 1 01394891 wipe_away v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01395572 wipe_off v 2 3 @ ~ * 2 1 01395572 01551500 wipe_out v 6 4 @ ~ $ + 6 2 01159815 00471632 01624256 00480322 00479761 00472127 wipe_up v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01395993 wire v 5 5 ! @ ~ + ; 5 3 02359532 01009249 01601973 01602246 00506883 wiretap v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02193294 wise_up v 2 1 @ 2 1 00601008 00601115 wisecrack v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01060752 wish v 6 5 ! @ ~ $ + 6 6 01828281 01828678 00905166 01828474 00905052 00904886 wish_well v 1 1 @ 1 0 01828474 witch v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 00779033 withdraw v 12 6 ! @ ~ * $ + 12 6 01998474 02385151 01514012 02317458 00800738 00496934 02433334 02385902 02316367 01770804 00801045 00173351 wither v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00242575 00422870 withhold v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02218472 02219783 withstand v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 02712676 01119003 witness v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 02132751 02133338 wive v 3 1 @ 3 0 02495653 02495565 02337887 wobble v 3 2 @ + 3 1 01872996 01888967 01875539 wolf v 1 1 @ 1 0 01171485 wolf-whistle v 1 1 @ 1 0 01045640 wolf_down v 1 1 @ 1 0 01171485 womanise v 1 2 @ + 1 0 02597066 womanize v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02597066 00567399 wonder v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 3 00731363 00927081 00927461 woo v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 2 02540602 02540158 woolgather v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01641175 woosh v 1 1 @ 1 0 02073048 word v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 00982485 work v 27 8 ! @ ~ * > $ + ; 27 13 02418610 02415985 02531113 01528454 01672498 00100305 02054955 02600976 02378106 01856435 01632781 02413117 01745327 02757146 02542223 02449024 02441810 02121463 01821541 01663142 01544013 01237919 01165070 00636568 00459709 00459426 00149916 work_at v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 02420169 work_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 00183651 work_off v 1 1 @ 1 0 02228640 work_on v 2 3 @ ~ $ 2 2 02420169 01672498 work_out v 8 7 @ ~ * > $ + ; 8 4 00252156 02617141 00252349 00099475 00640247 00638921 00636568 00100305 work_over v 1 2 ~ * 1 0 01399864 work_through v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01164263 work_up v 4 2 @ $ 4 2 00253876 00096402 00254163 00252156 worm v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01872363 worry v 6 6 ! @ ~ > $ + 6 3 01771015 01770600 01769760 02684248 01562255 01253673 worsen v 2 4 ! @ ~ + 2 1 00204228 00208618 worship v 3 4 @ ~ + ; 3 3 01781934 01782907 02619310 worst v 1 1 @ 1 0 01105408 wound v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 00069650 01797206 wow v 1 1 @ 1 0 01774173 wrack v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01568966 wrangle v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00776389 02658471 wrap v 4 5 ! @ ~ ^ + 4 3 01285811 01525056 01583316 01565259 wrap_up v 4 3 @ ~ $ 4 1 01285811 00485823 00436641 00048350 wrawl v 1 1 @ 1 0 01049253 wreak v 1 2 @ $ 1 1 01632781 wreathe v 3 1 @ 3 1 01872892 01519687 01519597 wreck v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01568966 wrench v 4 3 @ $ + 4 2 01352175 01872773 01351812 00090876 wrest v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01216562 wrestle v 4 3 @ ~ + 4 2 01095392 00815157 01872363 01507331 wrick v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00090876 wriggle v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 1 01872363 wring v 4 5 @ ~ ^ $ + 4 2 01353381 01351812 02245889 01353653 wring_from v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01634293 wring_out v 1 2 @ * 1 0 01352000 wrinkle v 4 4 @ ~ + ; 4 2 01281908 01280991 01280348 00565934 write v 8 7 @ ~ * ^ $ + ; 8 7 01702148 00995046 01009072 01709353 01694952 01000931 01703755 01696729 write_about v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01703031 write_copy v 1 2 @ ; 1 0 01705011 write_down v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01022365 00316757 write_in v 2 2 @ + 2 0 02467230 00995498 write_in_code v 1 1 @ 1 0 00996121 write_of v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01703031 write_off v 4 2 @ + 4 2 00594758 01704399 02483078 00316757 write_on v 1 2 @ ; 1 1 01703031 write_out v 2 3 @ ~ ; 2 1 01758384 01066821 write_up v 2 3 @ + ; 2 1 01070156 01758384 writhe v 1 2 @ ~ 1 1 01872363 wrong v 1 4 ! @ ~ + 1 1 02519655 x-ray v 2 3 @ + ; 2 0 02154216 01005930 xerox v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01740180 yacht v 1 3 @ + ; 1 0 01949240 yack v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01039370 yack_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01039370 yak v 1 1 @ 1 0 00743542 yammer v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01049253 00909883 yank v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01594993 yap v 1 1 @ 1 1 01050043 yap_away v 1 1 @ 1 0 01039370 yarn v 1 2 @ + 1 0 00956070 yarn-dye v 1 1 @ 1 0 00284565 yaup v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01048804 yaw v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 0 02724625 02069956 02037849 yawl v 1 2 @ ~ 1 0 01048804 yawn v 2 2 @ + 2 1 00007328 02724625 yawp v 2 2 @ $ 2 0 01048352 00909883 yearn v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 01832347 01809651 01781522 yell v 2 4 @ ~ $ + 2 2 00915018 00914786 yellow v 1 2 @ + 1 1 00290602 yelp v 1 2 @ + 1 1 01050043 yen v 1 3 @ ~ + 1 0 01809651 yield v 13 6 ! @ ~ $ + ; 13 8 02344167 00436056 01632192 02321629 02709149 01852407 01632595 00807711 02626546 02296669 01452389 01118865 00806138 yield_up v 1 1 @ 1 1 02240331 yip v 1 1 @ 1 0 01050043 yodel v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01052523 yoke v 3 5 ! @ ~ + ; 3 0 01494940 01494709 01493615 yowl v 2 2 @ + 2 0 01049253 00916587 zap v 4 3 @ + ; 4 0 01772856 01327970 01135714 00322737 zero v 2 2 @ + 2 0 00298288 00298114 zero_in v 2 1 @ 2 1 01155473 00298114 zest v 1 4 @ ~ + ; 1 0 02197016 zigzag v 1 3 @ * + 1 1 01995776 zinc v 1 1 @ 1 0 01618810 zip v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 1 01356373 02059573 zip_by v 1 1 @ 1 0 02057753 zip_up v 1 2 ! @ 1 0 01356373 zipper v 1 2 @ + 1 0 01356373 zone v 2 3 @ ~ + 2 0 02517816 00333645 zonk_out v 2 2 @ ~ 2 0 00023861 00016848 zoom v 3 3 @ ~ + 3 1 02059445 02060133 01947577 zoom_along v 1 1 @ 1 0 02059445 zoom_in v 1 1 @ 1 0 02157683